The False Narrative: Democratic Political Operative Slashed To Death By Black Assailant on Washington Metro

Democratic political strategist slaughtered on Washington Metro

By Hunter Wallace

Here’s an example of the bullshit that Kevin Sutherland was spouting on his Facebook page on June 18 about Dylann Roof’s shooting spree in Charleston:


Did you hear that? According to Kevin Sutherland, the American flag represents a “more perfect Union,” and it was institutionalized racism that “cultivated” Dylann Roof. Sutherland was obviously a progressive who bought into the SPLC’s notion that the C of CC has spread a “false narrative of a victimized white majority under siege by allegedly violent people of color in the United States.”

Two weeks later, Kevin Sutherland was probably in a festive mood when he fatefully boarded the Washington Metro on July 4th in his beloved Washington, DC, along with one of those “allegedly violent people of color,” Jasper Spires:

“Jasper Spires boarded the Red Line Metro train at Rhode Island Avenue shortly before 1 p.m. on Saturday, joining fellow passengers from the District and elsewhere headed to various July 4 festivities, among them the Foo Fighters concert at RFK Stadium.

As the train rumbled toward its next stop at NoMa-Gallaudet, a three-minute ride, D.C. police said the 18-year-old Spires — who might have been high on synthetic drugs — tried to grab a cellphone tucked into the waistband of a recent American University graduate headed to a gathering with friends.

Police and a witness interviewed said passengers trapped in the moving train huddled at both ends of the car and watched in horror as Spires allegedly punched 24-year-old Kevin Joseph Sutherland until he fell to floor, then stabbed him until he was dead. Court documents say the victim was cut or stabbed 30 or 40 times in the chest, abdomen, back, side and arms. Police said the assailant then threw the victim’s cellphone and returned to stomp on Sutherland’s body.”

Here’s what Kevin Sutherland had to say about gun control on his own personal website:

“Since I am in politics, there is one phrase coined by our Founding Fathers that really strikes me. When they founded this nation, they set out to create a “more perfect Union.” The important distinction in this phrase is that our Union is not perfect. More than 225 years later, despite so much change, this is still true. It is likely that we will never achieve absolute perfection, but I believe that the heart of American exceptionalism is that we never stop trying. If history is any guide, the forces for progress always succeed eventually, no matter how formidable their opposition is. Our fight is not merely for new gun control measures or even new mental health programs. It is for the creation of an even more perfect Union.

That is why I am a liberal and that is why I am in Newtown.”

As he was stabbed to death almost forty times by a black career criminal, one has to wonder whether in his last seconds on earth that it ever occurred to Kevin Sutherland that segregation or a gun may have saved his life, or that he would end up being featured on this website as a victim of black-on-white crime.

RIP Kevin Sutherland, martyr for “an even more perfect Union.” Gone, but not forgotten.

Note: The video below comes from his YouTube account.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. karma’s a bitch is it not …. the only 1 i feel truly sorry for right now is his parent’s

  2. Sutherland is usually a name of Scottish derivation.

    Sadly, this dead man was totally Judaized in his mind, to believe the lies of multiculturalism and other Talmudic rationales for the genocide of the White Race.

    He is now just a statistic.
    May God have mercy on this White Man’s soul.
    He’s gonna need it, if his liberalism was his religion, which it appears to have been.

    Serve God, and Him only shall you fear.

  3. I am not a man of faith. But things like this make me think that perhaps there really is a man upstairs who dispenses cosmic justice.

  4. Couldn’t have happened to a better person. His holier than thou attitude got him exactly what he deserved. Instead of facing reality and being diligent and aware of his surroundings, this sheep blindly following the liberal teachings got himself killed. And over what? To Coexist?
    The only ones Who would get my sympathy in this incident would be his parents for looking their son.

  5. I do not have sympathy for his parents. They created him, and he followed in their lead. Go into the link in Comments, provided by one of the other posters. There is a picture of his parents, advocating FOR “gun control” in CT. The father appears to be White but the mother – NO WAY.

    Kevin was punished by Fate for the sins of the Father – and Mother.

  6. “If I would have been sitting next to Kevin, he’d probably still be alive. But considering his policies and anti-White rhetoric, I’m not so sure that would be a good thing.”

    If you see an adult getting attacked by blacks you should ask if they voted for Obama before you wade in. If they say yes you can ask them if they know what schadenfreude is and say “not all blacks are like that” “dieversecity is strength”

    For people saying he looks Hispanic remember blacks consider everyone smarter than them to be white including Asians.

  7. The Kike’s Washington Post > Public Safety

    Horrified passengers witnessed brutal July 4 slaying aboard Metro car

    Jasper Spires boarded the Red Line Metro train at Rhode Island Avenue shortly before 1 p.m. Saturday, joining passengers from the District and elsewhere headed to various Fourth of July festivities, among them the Foo Fighters concert at RFK Stadium.

    As the train rumbled toward its next stop, at NoMa-Gallaudet, a three-minute ride, D.C. police said, the 18-year-old Spires — who may have been high on synthetic drugs — tried to grab a cellphone tucked into the waistband of a recent American University graduate headed to a gathering with friends.

    The two struggled, police said, and the terror began.

    Police and a witness interviewed said passengers trapped in the moving train huddled at both ends of the car and watched in horror as Spires punched 24-year-old Kevin Joseph Sutherland until he fell to the floor, then stabbed him until he was dead. Court documents say the victim was cut or stabbed 30 or 40 times, in the chest, abdomen, back, side and arms. Police said the assailant then threw the victim’s cellphone and returned to stomp on Sutherland’s body.

    “We were in a moving train,” said a 52-year-old woman, who spoke on the condition that she not be named because she is both a victim and a witness to a crime. “You’re not really sure what you need to do. .?.?. This man is holding a bloody knife. I don’t think anyone was going to try and stop him.”

    [Court documents have revealed that recent American University graduate Kevin Joseph Sutherland was stabbed 30-40 during an attack on a Red Line Metro train on July 4. The suspect in the attack, Jasper Spires, was arrested Monday and charged him with first-degree murder while armed. (WUSA9)]

    When the frenzy was over, the woman, who is from Texas and was headed to the concert with her 76-year-old father, said the attacker turned his bloody knife on them. A police report said he told her father, who lives in the District, “Give me what you got,” took $60 and threw the man’s wallet on the floor. The man’s daughter then handed over an additional $160 “to keep him from hurting her father,” a police report said. The attacker also robbed other passengers, police said.

    The witness’s account and a police affidavit filed in D.C. Superior Court on Tuesday describe a harrowing incident aboard train car No. 3045 on a patriotic holiday that attracts tens of thousands of tourists to the nation’s capital for concerts, fireworks and other activities

    [Read the affidavit: Suspect charged with first-degree murder while armed ]

    Witnesses said and surveillance footage shows that the assailant was the first person off the downtown-bound train car when it reached the NoMa station after the killing — and that he took off his camouflage pants before jumping a turnstile. The arrest affidavit says that after clearing the fare meter, he dropped the pants and a black book bag, which a bystander picked up and held for police.

    In the bag, according to the affidavit, was a washcloth with what was suspected to be blood and an AmeriHealth insurance card with Spires’s name printed on it. Police said they also found a small, black folding knife in a trash can.

    D.C. police arrested Spires on Monday morning after a citywide manhunt and charged him with first-degree murder while armed. A D.C. Superior Court judge ordered him detained during an initial court appearance Tuesday. In the arrest affidavit, a police officer described past encounters with Spires, saying that “he acted as if he was under the influence and would talk to himself.”

    Spires, who had attended a private college in North Carolina but was no longer enrolled, was previously arrested most recently on Thursday when police said he accosted a man on Wisconsin Avenue in Friendship Heights and later kicked two officers as they tried to handcuff him. Police had forwarded to prosecutors charges that included felony robbery, but because nothing was taken from the man, the U.S. attorney’s office said there was insufficient evidence to support the charge. Prosecutors instead charged Spires with misdemeanor assault, and he was freed from custody Friday.

    The police affidavit says that on Saturday morning, Spires went to a police station in Northwest Washington and retrieved personal items that had been seized when he was arrested. One was a black book bag that police said is the same one left behind at the Metro station.

    There was no guarantee that a felony charge would have resulted in Spires being detained. Until that time, his run-ins with police were minor — involving allegations of failing to pay a Metro fare and loitering. But his release angered Sutherland’s uncle and raised questions from D.C. Police Cathy L. Lanier.

    Police said Spires was seen on surveillance video entering the Metro station at Rhode Island Avenue at 12:38 p.m. wearing a red bandanna, gold Ray-Ban aviator sunglasses and high-top sneakers. Aboard the train, he confronted Sutherland, police said.

    “I watched [the attacker] drop-kick him in the head several times, like he wanted to kick his head off,” said the woman who was on her way to the concert with her father. “We saw the perpetrator kicking the man. He had him on the ground, punching him, kicking him and stabbing him.”

    The woman said Sutherland was “moaning a lot. .?.?. Never in my life have I seen anything like this. I saw [the attacker] bent over him. I did see the bloody knife in his hand.”

    The woman, who said she was among about 10 passengers on the car, pulled out her phone and called 911. Another passenger, she said, moved forward on the train to get help. Police said Spires robbed other people on the car, although the timing was not immediately clear. He has not been charged in those robberies.

    The arrest affidavit says Spires walked through the car and asked people, “What y’all got?” and then rifled through a man’s pants, taking a fare card and a wallet. Police said he took $65 and threw the wallet and the fare card to the ground.

    The 52-year-old woman said she was terrified. “I would have to say that my instinct was to stay put and try to become as small as possible,” she said. “I’m looking, but I don’t want to be noticed by him.”

    During the robbery, she said, “I really thought when he had my dad stand up and he was standing up close to him that he was going to knife him. I didn’t know what he would do after he got money off my father.”

    She said her father’s shirt, pants and wallet were stained with blood.

    The woman said she and the other passengers told one another that it was too dangerous to intervene. “I think we were all trying to stay away from him considering he had a knife,” she said. “People who were in front of us were saying, ‘Don’t do that.’?”

    The woman told the attacker that she was not looking at his face, even though she had already gotten a good look at him.

    “I did not want him to think that he had to hurt us because we would identify him. I wanted him to think that he could walk away from this, and that’s what he did.”

  8. This kike memorial in a federal cemetery will have to be torn down:

    “The Confederate Memorial is a memorial in Arlington National Cemetery, that commemorates members of the armed forces of the Confederate States of America who died during the American Civil War. Former Confederate States Army sergeant and sculptor Moses Jacob Ezekiel was commissioned by the United Daughters of the Confederacy to design the memorial. It was unveiled by President Woodrow Wilson on June 4, 1914.”

  9. Knowing his political affiliations, I assumed he was queer the instant I saw that ridiculous smirk. I’ll go one further and bet he’s at least part Jewish.

  10. This libtard got what he deserved. Just like the other libtard in California who was murdered on a hiking trail by two black thugs.

  11. I am surprised that there is a lot of hullabaloo about KNIVES! Well, more people die from Knives than guns. Next it will be Forks and Spoons because of Obesity. We can can’t stop making Cars or (Heaven Forbid, PICK UP Trucks, because that’s RACISM in the first Degree, “MOST” WHITE MEN DRIVE Pick Up Trucks) because there are more Deaths caused by Vehicle Accidents.

    Gee, Living is the main cause of DEATHS! Everyone is going to DIE! Maybe we should all stop having Children from here on out. Stop it all. No Racism (Which is probably more Prevalent in the Black Community than the White), then we stop all Medical Procedures, that will cure all the CRAP, won’t it?

  12. I’d kind of hoped he’d survived and come out the hospital a changed person, but, oft, there are reports from here and there where these victims forgive the assailant….for reasons that are incredibly baffling. So, let’s hope others got the message: A barking dog can and will bite!

  13. Sutherland failed to understand the double speak of his ideology. A “limousine liberal” actually travels in a limousine, not a subway car. Subway cars are full of dangerous blacks who like to stab white people. Diversity and integration must be pushed on working and middle class whites, not on the liberal elite. Liberal elites are immune from diversity; they are allowed to keep their safety and privacy. Sutherland should have palled around with some subhuman democrat politician, riding in limos, living in someone’s pool cabana, etc. He stupidly wanted to interact with his “bros” in the hood, which ended in his brutal murder. One of the democrats he worked for should have explained to him about double speak and liberal privilege.

  14. I knew it. These anti white “whites” either get attacked by diversity, or they will be dealt with by those “evil racist white supremacists” they hate so much.

  15. I am tremendously sorry for this young man’s death. Naive and misguided views do not warrant such a grisly end.
    Nevertheless, this murder is not the first of its kind, and it is where diversity and gun contribute have brought us. If Kevin had been armed, he would still be alive.

  16. Johnny Cash and his family barely escaped being killed by negroes in Jamaica. Being clueless White Christians they didn’t learn a thing and continued in their altruistic philantrophic ways.

    “But peaceful coexistence wasn’t the case for a few native Jamaicans who decided to invade Cinnamon Hill right before Christmas in 1981 and steal everything they could from the famous American country star.

    Armed with a pistol, a knife, and a hatchet, the three men ordered everyone in the house to lie face down on the floor, “They held the gun to every head,” recalled Johnny Cash’s brother-in-law Chuck Hussey. “They took each person that was there, one at a time, and went from room to room looking for valuables. They pushed and shoved and had the gun constantly exposed, asking all the time, ‘Do you want to die, mon? Keep your head down, mon.’”

    As the siege continued, Johnny Cash slowly began to devise a plan with his brother-in-law to take a chair and rush the robber with the hatchet if the opportunity presented itself. But it never did. Eventually the robbers locked everyone from the house in a cellar, including Johnny, June Carter, their son John Carter, his friend Doug Caldwell, Johnny’s sister Reba Hancock, her husband Chuck Hussey, and the housekeeper of the estate, Edith Montague, who had been reciting the grace when the robbers busted through the dining room door.

    Then the robbers loaded all the valuables into June Carter’s Land Rover, and drove off. Luckily, nobody was injured in the incident. Reba Hancock later said she was happy the opportunity to rush the intruders never came. “Had we resisted, I think they would have killed us all.” (snip)

    The investigation later found that the three men were part of a terrorist group whose leader had been killed the week before. Two of them were caught at the Montego Bay airport trying to take a flight to Miami to apparently fence the stolen goods.

    The men were arrested, and eventually died while in police custody. Information about the incident and the handling of the suspects was very sketchy at the time, because Jamaican police did not want to make more of a public scene over the robbery than they had to, especially since it involved a famous American.

    Cash said of the incident in his Autobiography: ‘How do I feel about it? What’s my emotional response to the fact (or at least the distinct possibility) that the desperate junkie boys who threatened and traumatized my family and might easily have killed us all (perhaps never intending any such thing) were executed for their act—or murdered, or shot down like dogs, have it how you will?

    I’m out of answers. My only certainties are that I grieve for desperate young men and the societies that produce and suffer so many of them, and I felt that I knew those boys. We had a kinship, they and I: I knew how they thought, I knew how they needed. They were like me.’

    No, Johnny. They were NOT like you in any way. Your beliefs and lack of critical thinking blinded you to that fact.

  17. Protectors of our fathers rights, guardian of primordial light. One day we will rise and reclaim our domain from the war and deceit that infests our world. We are all around you watching and waiting in the shadows.

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