By Hunter Wallace
Consumed with the 2015 League of the South National Conference, I haven’t even had the time yet to properly digest the news of what happened to Hulk Hogan, and now this:
“ESPN dropped the radio host Colin Cowherd on Friday, hours after he had clumsily tried to explain comments he made on his show Thursday that seemed to denigrate the intelligence of Dominicans in baseball.
The abrupt end to Cowherd’s career at ESPN came as he was preparing to leave for a television job at Fox Sports 1. He was negotiating to leave on July 31 under a deal that would have given him an early release from a contract that expires on Dec. 31 and would have absolved ESPN from paying him any further, two people briefed on the talks said. He is expected to begin at Fox by the start of the N.F.L. season…”
Cowherd, too?
The WWE’s purge of Hulk Hogan was a topic that was heavily discussed around the water cooler at the League conference this weekend. It comes two years after The Food Network memorably fired Paula Deen during the 2013 national conference.
There is certainly an element of truth to the enemy’s charge that we are a “hate group.” I can honestly say that I despise SJWs and craven corporations that cater to their every ridiculous whim and Twitter witch hunt. I really and truly do hate our oversensitive culture and America’s spoiled brats and PC social justice point scoring crybabies who are perpetually offended by everything.
Note: BTW, Caitlyn Jenner’s New Kardashian reality television show “I am Cait!” debuts on the E! Network tonight at 7:00 PM. In 2014 and 2015, Michael Sam and Caitlyn Jenner won ESPN’s Espy award for courage. In addition to trashing Donald Trump, who is surging in the polls for having the backbone to stand up to these people, that’s something to chew on when college football resumes in the fall.
ESPN and sportswriters are among the worst PC leftists
Yeah, I haven’t even checked to see what Cowherd had to say about the Confederate flag.
Cowherd happens to be right about DRians in baseball. Here is a very good even if grammatically and orthographically challenged AR comment from several years ago which I saved in my personal AR comment hall of fame:
My son flew to a Dominica Republic for baseball camp for 7 days in summer 2008. My son told me that young dominicans played so real good as he impressed and wondered how they take serious to have practice lots time. The director of baseball camp told my son that young dominicans take three classes in high school ( spanish, math and reading/writing ) that all about 3 hours in school. My son say oh sh1t…. no wonder why they play more hours than in school. DOMINICA REPUBLIC is hispanic nation….
Sports media is a white minstrel show, completely unwatchable or listenable to me.
I have no sympathy for Colin Cowherd. He has many times expressed his dislike for Southerners, and often makes jokes about the intelligence of white Southerners. He’s as PC as it gets. Anything bad that happens to Cowherd couldn’t happen to a better person. He’s a typical SJW POS. Sayonara, a$$hole!
Karma caught up with him.
I like how his colleagues are rushing at the chance to consume his carcass. Check out this lousy article by one of his peers: http://www.sportsgrid.com/mlb/colin-cowherd-stumbles-into-weird-racist-grey-area/
Todd // July 28, 2015 at 4:19 am //
‘I have no sympathy for Colin Cowherd. He’s as PC as it gets.’
Colin Cuckherd gets his due, finally.
The new design looks great!