By Hunter Wallace
H/T Harold Crews
As the parents of a young child, we are already starting to look ahead and think about our son’s education. Sending him to an American public school is out of the question because the public school system has been hijacked by leftist radicals who are instructing young, impressionable students in subjects like how to use the internet to find gay sex orgies:
“There were only two sessions (among the more than 20) that had anything to do with bullying. It’s a conference teaching kids how to: how to be confidently homosexual, how to pleasure their gay partners – one session even taught transsexual girls how to sew fake testicles into their underwear in order to pass themselves off as boys,” one attendee told The Family Leader .
The conference revolved around the narrative that it’s normal to be homosexual, and speakers shared their personal stories about their trials as gay students and the experience of coming out.
Speakers included one person who wore a dress made of condoms that could be “used as needed,” and another who shared their experience of finding an orgy online. One session focused on binding girls’ breasts and using hormone treatments to delay puberty, The Family Leader reports. …
When she got there, it wasn’t really on bullying; it was basically a sexual education class for same-sex couples,” he said. “It was crude. One presenter told students who asked whether anal sex hurt that, as a lesbian, it really depended on how big the device is that their partner straps on.” …
The performance ended with advice to students that if they see a bumper sticker that reads “It’s Adam and Eve for a purpose,” they should “Reach down inside yourself and give them a blessing … then slash their tires!” …
“My daughter went to listen to the comedian, Sam Killermann, thinking it would at least be funny,” he said. “But instead, Killermann explained how pleasurable it is for gay couples to eat each other’s behinds and how to use different flavors of [oils] to make it taste better.”
Humboldt, Iowa is a small Midwestern town, population 4,690, 95 percent White. It really doesn’t get more “Middle America” than that.
Cultural Marxists always target children.
More like Cultural Termites.
The parents need to take direct action.
Cultural Marxists always target Goy children. Surpesses the White birt rates + turns White boys into sissies.
I’ve said it here before, Mr. W., and I’ll say it again: The U.S. Constitution is a nullity, which does nothing–nothing–to protect race or property. All of the energy, time, and chatter that went into the drafting of it–all of the Revolutionary War chatter that had preceded it, chatter about “taxation without representation” etc.–amounts to nothing. Yes, sending your child to American public schools is out of the question–but you still have to pay for those schools. Everybody’s wallet is up for a vote, for virtually everything–not just for the police, the military, the courts, none of which involve exchange between private parties–but for EVERYTHING. And what do your fellow, fair-minded Americans blithely say if you don’t want to send your children to a public school? “Well, then, send them to a private school; it’s a free country.” Right–it’s a free country, in which you can do whatever you want, with whatever’s left in your wallet after your fellow Americans have voted what they want out of it.
American is meaningless and has been meaningless always–from its beginning. It has no more meaning than astrology.
Imagine what would happen if they tried this in one of our children’s schools. There would be some school officials in the hospital.
@John Bonaccorsi
To them you are nothing more than a crop to be harvested, or a sheep to be clipped of its wool. That is why they would not let the South leave the Union. They think of you and your land as their personal property.
“But but but, drop the social issues.”
About a quarter of race realists.
Why aren’t the clergy of this small town, banding together with bricks and bats, to deny entry of this degeneracy into the town, let alone the minds of the most impressionable years of a child’s growing awareness of who he or she is?
What is WRONG that we are afraid to stand up and FIGHT for NORMALCY?
The governor who is sponsoring this, Terry Branstad, is a Jew. Tells you everything you need to know.
Homeschool. Filthy perverted demonic Jews.
The Founding Fathers devised that the Northwest Territory, OH, IN , IL, MI, WI, MN, would be the first experimental model of the new United States and based on the Pennsylvania model of diversity. Thomas Jefferson devised it this way with his Land Ordinance of 1784 complete with the square land survey system, etc. The Northwest Ordinance passed in 1787 was one of the last major bills passed by the Confederation Congress.
A major feature of these lands was that everything would be made available by public sale. Anyone with the money could buy land. The exception being Ohio, where a large portion of land was owned by Virginia for its Continental Army Vets and the Connecticut Western Reserve, set aside for Connecticut including its Firelands, named so because of the British burning peoples homes and entire towns.
The result of this was that this land ended up being settled by people from everywhere thus giving the region no real true culture. Germans, Yankees, Virginians, Scots-Irish, and everything just mixed together and the end result was a mess. This same pattern was used in Iowa, Kansas, Nebraska and after the War imposed on Missouri as plantations were broken up and sold at public auction.
Dixie on the other hand, although there is no ONE SOUTHERN CULTURE there is a Southern cultural continuum in which certain things are held in common by all. There were subcultures such as the French towns in AL, MS, LA and the remnant Spanish families in Florida but they were assimilated in time into the continuum. Texas was only about 1/8th settled in 1861 as was Florida and although Texas developed its own culture, it was still part of the Southern cultural continuum and its diverse groups of Germans and Bohemians around San Antonio assimilated into it.
Maryland and Florida were the two states below the Mason Dixon that were partly colonized by Yankees, Maryland because of Washington DC and old time settlement patterns.
As for Florida No Southron wanted to live much below Orlando as the swamps and malaria made it too unhealthy before 1860, but technological changes after 1870 in construction and swamp draining opened up Florida. South Florida was settled because of the Yankee Henry Flagler who built his Florida East Coast Railway. This practically made South Florida another state and it should probably have been split off to keep the poison out of Florida proper but wasn’t. Although Florida remained largely Southern for years, the undertow continued to grow until it was large enough to be an entirely seperate culture.
What you see in the Midwest is an area which founded by consensus by so many different Protestant faiths, learned to go along to get along and as such you will never find any Midwesterner that is truly remarkable. This was the true meaning of Americanism, bland, cultureless, blown like chaff in the wind and mallable for those in control.
Teaching kids dangerous sexual activities. How many will succumb to substance abuse and depression over the years? Many.
What a disgrace; and, indeed, how far we have devolved to countenance such a thing.
Why, if anyone had dared attempt such a thing, just a few decades ago, there would have been a national uproar.
Where is that uproar?
And Iowa, no less?!? Hard to believe, but, as it comes from Mr. Crews, there is no choice but to lend it credence.
In 2000, McCain’s adopted nonwhite child was a major negative. Today, Jeb’s Mexican family is not a negative. And Rubio of course doesn’t look entirely white – not a problem today. The transformation is rapid.
Mr. Weaver – I am a half breed, too; and, when the subject of being ‘multi-cultural’ comes up, I tell people about the pain of that, and how ill-advised my parents were to mix (my deep gratitude and love for both of them notwithstanding) with each other.
Further, while we have emphsaized the need for our daughter to be polite & considerate to everything on two legs, we forbad her to have any social contact with negroes & latins, and she has honoured that.
More than that, I cannot do.
I suppose everyone just has to live the best they can with the life they’re given by God. It sounds like you’re doing a good job.
With genetic engineering on the horizon, I fear the new divide will be human vs. designer baby. I fear everything I value will be outdated in another 100 years or so.
Conservatives are so pleasantly negative people, and I’m like the ultimate negative person. Anyway, you sound like a very impressive person. I’m against such amalgamation, but I deeply respect that you strive to do what’s right, and are also so humble. If more were like you, the world would be a wonderful place. You seem to have a good soul.
Mr. Weaver, I am very humbled by the kindness and generosity of your words. to the extent that I am a good man, it is because of The Holy Ghost, and because of all the very very kind people who have contributed to my being, without asking anything in return.
I, too, have plenty of negativity, Mr. Weaver, but, then again – how can you be human without it? It’s a part of what makes us real, and it can be, if carefully focused, a driving motivation to im prove ourselves, and the lives of everyone around us.
Christianity is baset on negativity – the very foundational thought being : ‘I am a sinner, forgive me Lord.’ And, from that, comes many many positive things.
I share your fear and abomination at the coming centuries. (The new slaves will be some sort of clone babies – raised to be the sex slaves of the porn-addicted secular humanitarians)
I always joke to my wife that I am a 17th century man, whom God has jokingly placed in this time, and the results are often comick, as I hate GPS systems, won’t have a cell-phone near me, and refuse processt food. That said – I do adore the internet, for it’s capacity to be a social club and a library – so, I am not completely out of sync:)
Again, thank you for your very gracious affirmation of me. It says a lot about you to do such a thing, as most people don’t realize that we are here to affirm and acknowledge others, as much as ourselves.
The best to you & yours.
Marcus Epstein is half Jewish half Korean. I assume he’s a libertarian who wants fewer immigrants (had written for VDARE), but he associated himself closely with Pat Buchanan (obviously there’s overlap there). As a result, Epstein was condemned as a “white nationalist”.
And I believe he has disappeared from public life as a result. You’re European, so it’s a different thing. But anyway that story comes to mind. I tend to think Epstein was trying to do what he saw as right – and condemned for it.
Well, Mr. Weaver, the blog, ‘Red State’, recently poket fun at the Obama administration’s latest classifications for intellectually dangerous people.
I fell into two classifications : ‘White Supremacist Extremist’ & ‘Sovereign Rights Extremist’.
Now, what I take it that they mean by these things is that I acknowledge the beauty and translucent achievement of White Western Culture, cherish my own Southern culture, and, though I will always listen to advice and criticisms from any stranger, will not grant anyone the right to tell us what we ought be, or to govern us; and, having those positions makes them uncomfortable about me being on my ancestors’ lands, as they regard those as their’s
:::sigh:::we got so much work to do …..
Hey kids, butt sex tends to put one in diapers around middle age. The bigger the implement, the more stretch. Simple physics. Diapers by middle age. If not by then, then old age. Normally, most old people don’t have to deal with diapers, but it happens. Unless you’re into anal. It is a fate you can avoid. And yes boys and girls, men and women, gays and trannies, you will be old one day. Unless you die of any number of butt sex diseases first. I am not kidding. I just recently learned of this. Something they don’t tell you in school, or TV and the movies, or porn sites, about the wonderful world of anal sex. I’m not trying to be judgemental, or scaremonger. I am only imparting additional information that is new to me. I’ve always considered myself pretty liberal and open minded, when it came to closed door activities between consenting adults. But now I am so glad I never tried hetero butt sex myself. One less unintended consequence to worry about; diapers.