Cuckservatives: George Will Warns Trumpmania Could End In Holocaust

By Hunter Wallace

H/T @Cuckfederate

Ae many have predicted, the Trump is Hitler season has officially begun:

“It has come to this: The GOP, formerly the party of Lincoln and ostensibly the party of liberty and limited government, is being defined by clamors for a mass roundup and deportation of millions of human beings. To will an end is to will the means for the end, so the Republican clamors are also for the requisite expansion of government’s size and coercive powers. …

The big costs, in decades and dollars (hundreds of billions), of Trump’s project could be reduced if, say, the targets were required to sew yellow patches on their clothing to advertise their coming expulsion. There is precedent.”

Pretty funny. This is coming from the same newspaper which advocates a 1.66 to 1 vote ratio for blacks to non-blacks.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. So, according to the boring and sanctimonious George Will, Trump is Hitler. And he promotes big government, unlike the scumbags running the GOP for years…

    He adds that Trump’s rhetoric will turn off Hispanics and cost the Republicans the 2016 elections. Hmmmm. Since Mexico says that Mexico is wherever there are Mexicans, and Mexicans who become naturalized US citizens keep their Mexican citizenship and voting rights, they get to vote in the presidential elections of two countries. Divided loyalties? No, the primary one is to Mexico.

    Since the Post suggests additional votes (5/3) for negroes, why not go farther for “oppressed minorities” and suggest that US immigration policy be set by Mexicans? Oh, wait– it already is, de facto if not de jure.

    The Republican elite cannot fall soon enough for me.

  2. Trump needs to address the Jew homeland’s nuclear arsenal, reported to contain between 300 to 500 nuclear weapons, and the reactors to make more. What are the Jews planning on doing with all of those nukes? Also, isn’t Israel in violation of the Symington Amendment?

  3. Enforce laws and stop the gravy train: You’ll have no need to round up people because they’ll mass migrate elsewhere.

  4. I’d rather goosestep for Donald, than be a cucksocker for Will.

    Get the hell off the road, Will. Your day is done. Move over for the Victors.
    And I say that as a Christian Priest. The death of my civilization, my race, is FAR, FAR MORE IMPORTANT than raising up the specter of a man and a POV that would have saved the West from 70-plus years of Bolshevism… but cuckservingjew Will seems to prefer slavery to Hymie from Hymietown, than the freedom of a White Man in his own Free Land.

  5. If George Will and other Republicans think that endless mentions of Lincoln (Kemp was especially fond of mentioning him, quoting Lincoln as often as CPSU members quoted Lenin) endears them to me…

  6. Yep: it’s people like him that are paving the way to another shoah.
    Hitler’s reincarnation will come back to power any day now.

    “You’re going to need a bigger oven!”
    — Jews (1975)

  7. Will obviously buys into the donor-driven Beltway political pseudo-science that Hispanic voters are that numerous and are that crucial and have that much political leverage and are singularly focused on immigration. All of those contentions have been refuted. But that doesn’t matter to the cheap labor lobby, because they’re inventing and peddling this political pseudo-science for their own benefit.

  8. You unwashed and ignorant rednecks need to get with the program and vote for responsible candidates like ¡Jeb! or Rubio. That would make Krauthammer happy.

    But not you — but who cares??

  9. No one outside of DC listens to or likes George Will. He is there to police the Right and make Democrats feel better about Republicans. Bur I think he mostly talks to hear himself talk.

  10. I had no idea George Will was still alive , much less a Conservative leading intellectual.

    This guy was old and sort of out of it in the first Reagan term.

  11. I hope people, and not just people that read this space, are paying attention. I hope they’re noting the sources of a lot of anti-Trump invective, and I’m not talking about just the usual mehe on the kook left.

    These groups of people have been shooting at Trump with all four barrels:

    * Beltway Republicans
    * Neo-conservatives
    * Right-libertarian cultists
    * The Republican oriented consultant class, the barnacle industry

  12. This was inevitable. Any candidate with such a large appeal to White people has to be the incarnation of Hitler. Cuckservatives and the Beltway crowd are scared of this guy. They don’t want an honest discussion about immigration so the name calling and slander starts. As long as Trump doesn’t back down and start apologizing they won’t stop him.

    Will cried six million tears after he wrote that article.

  13. What if, after Hitler/Nazi week this week, Trump is still leading in the polls?

    What will the other side have left? Because the Hitler card is the one they play from the bottom of the deck.

  14. George Will should be reminded that Republican President Eisenhauer rounded up and deported hundreds of thousands of illegals, when the Federal Gov was tiny compared to today. Was “Ike” a Hitler, or was he merely discharging his oath to protect the people from invasion?

  15. Good point from Harry Black. Ike began Operation Wetback which, if I recall correctly, was run by a WWII general and established quotas for removal of illegals.

    I have not read Trump’s immigration paper but it seems that no new laws are necessary. Federal law already requires deportation of illegals and they did pass a border-fence law a few years ago– they just didn’t bother to do it. (Rubio says his program can’t get through Congress. It’s already on the books!)
    Trump is just returning to the rule of law, nearly dead in this country.

    Countenance points out those attacking Trump from the “right.” They seem more
    shrill to me than the ethno-communists.

  16. I wonder how the Repubs apportion convention delegates. Dems had super-delegates in 2008 not chosen by primaries and caucuses. Do you think they could allow Trump to win scores of primaries and drag this out, but at the last minute deny him the nomination too late to start a third-party run?
    I wouldn’t put it past those creeps.

  17. George Will’s young trophy wife works for Scott Walker’s campaign so that explains the desperation. What’s the rule that says whoever calls their opponent a Nazi first loses the debate?

  18. “What’s the rule that says whoever calls their opponent a Nazi first loses the debate?”

    Calling uppity whites “Nazi” has always worked in the past, so why not try the same trick again?

  19. One of the main, dishonest argumentative fallacies is the “ad hominem” attack.

    Instead of addressing a person’s logic , his positions – the other side attacks the person , insists the person’s positions are wrong because the person is supposedly such a terrible a guy:



    YOU’RE AN A&$&&&& etc.

    A very common ad hominem attack is the Ad HITLOREM attack

    The person’s positions are wrong because that person is supposedly ADOLF HITLER or like Hitler.

    This was done repeatedly in the Neo Conservative propaganda for the US invasions of Iraq – that SADDAM Hussein supposedly was Hitler . As all the other justifications for the Iraq war got exposed as lies – weapons of mass destructruction etc, this “SADDAM is Hitler and must be stopped” line got repeated over and over. When SADDAM Hussein was captured and killed and the wars and extreme violence and Islamic barbarism and slavery went on and on the SADDAM is Hitler argument sort of lost its power.

    Now Donald Trump is supposedly Hitler.

  20. This is the best comment I have read on this and summarizes the disconnect between the elites and common people on the subject of immigration.

    Will lives in a $2 million-plus home in the trendy Maryland suburbs. Take a walk down his street on any day and you will not ever see an illegal alien, unless one is working on his yard. Otherwise, Will and his neighbors would be calling the police to remove the illegal immediately.

    Will wakes up every morning with little concern that his carpenter job has been taken over by a $10/hr illegal hired to work off-the-books. His kids did not have to go to a school where Spanish is the common language. Nor did they wait for hours crying in the emergency room while the illegal aliens queue up for free medical services for common colds.

    Will’s wife, one of those non-productive, highly-paid political strategists, doesn’t endure the catcalls and obscene gestures when she stops by the local 7-11 where the day-laborers congregate. Nor is she concerned that her vote is cancelled out by that of an illegal alien, duly registered and absentee-voted by the SEIU or Casa de Maryland.

    Will’s limo that whisks him off to his latest rantings on Fox News through tony neighborhoods where it need not worry about being t-boned by a drunk illegal whom police have already arrested and released eight times.

    No, will is concerned with none of that. That is something for the common trash to worry about, not his one-percenters. Will will live out his days in comfortable luxury, unconcerned that the great land so once loved by average Americans is being turned into a Third World cesspool, paid for and defended by those same Americans who now see at least one person is on their side, and who wants to make America great again.

    Will needs a hat like Trump.
    Except Will’s will say Hasta la Vista, America.

  21. Jeff can you do a little research and post George Will ‘s exact physical street address?

    And then yes, George Will and his family should experience the day laborer camp outs, or better yet, Mugabe style land invasions. Why should this rich old cuckservatives have this huge place all to himself?

    Blacklivesmatter can get in to the act, most will think George Will is on the enemy side , yet he will try to insist to the howling BLM mobs that he really is on their side against the evil racist Hitler Donald Trump.

    We have to start using the very effective tactics of the Left – make it personal. George Will was one of Instauration magazine’s White traitors of the year. Rand Paul received this dubious dishonor when American Renaissance resumed this year end tradition.

    It is important to personally punish our traitors.

    George Will and his kind have been living the soft easy life for way too long.

    So where does this &$&@$) traitor George Will live?

  22. How can someone who doesn’t understand the simple basics of fallacious argumentation be considered a “pundit”? The “thinking” class is every bit as dumbed down as the proles.

  23. Boot licking poodle GW ‘conspiracy of demographic change to oblivion marches on throughout the west aided by internationalists corporates elites.

  24. We have to start using the very effective tactics of the Left – make it personal. George Will was one of Instauration magazine’s White traitors of the year. Rand Paul received this dubious dishonor when American Renaissance resumed this year end tradition.

    It is important to personally punish our traitors.

    There ya go, Jack! Bravo! Keep that up and you might find yourself a cozy cabinet position in my new administration.

    Much of the Intelligentsia force-feeding us their religion of Diversity are neither an elected body, nor are they even a decent representation of the rhetoric they espouse. I find nothing really radical about forcing those that push multiculturalism and push blacks and illegals onto the rest of society to be held to a higher standard when it comes to feeding off their own rhetoric and policies. Why are the White people that push anti-White policies and rhetoric almost always the ones to be the furthest removed from the non-Whites they force us to accept? Why is it good for us, but bad for them?

    It’s like a very large and toxic oil spill where the executives of Oil Company X try to convince the locals that there’s really nothing at all to worry about. But those executives don’t dare drink the water. They don’t dare eat crops grown in the area. They don’t dare allow their kids to play anywhere near where the oil spill occurred. They are, in fact, usually the absolute furthest away from any possible effects of the oil spill.

    But unlike an oil spill where at least the executives and locals can both agree that an oil spill is a bad thing, the executives of Diversity Inc. try to convince us of the glorious future awaiting us if we just do as they say. It’s not a bad thing, it’s a GREAT THING! But they don’t drink the water, don’t eat the food, don’t allow their kids in the area, and personally stay insulated and far away from the “strengths” of society. But it’s all okay for us.

    Fuck them. They are going to drink the water until they puke, and then they’ll drink some more. Their kids will be swimming in it, living in it, and know no future outside of it. Retribution won’t be an irrational and violent culling. It will be one of mandates and quotas where the purveyors of unchecked diversity and racial suicide will be allowed(by force if necessary) to finally practice what they preached. Technically, it’s not even punishment if they get what they claimed to wanted so badly.

  25. George Will claims Operation Wetback is the moral equivalent of the Holocaust. Eisenhower = Hitler.

    We’ve reached Peak Cuckservative.

  26. Right. Going over to Chevy Chase and harassing some rich people, like the whining Negroes that you are. That oughta save the white race. If, in your school days, you’d spent more time learning how to prosper than you spent figuring out how to obtain liquor with fake ID, maybe you yourselves would be living in Chevy Chase and have some political might. Sometimes I wonder why I even bother trying to save you people.

    • Harass? It’s called free speech, a protected constitutional right. Only a drunkard would decry counterattacking with words and free speech, free speech that has enslaved White People to the uber rich who live in Chevy Chase. Johnny, who the fuck are? You are the God Damn coward. You are the fucking whiner. Those with political might got it through fraud and corruption not by honesty and hard work, you fucking piece of shit. It’s my impression you are here fishing for intel. Nothing more.

  27. This reminds me of the recent story whereby the suffering of the Holocaust has changed the DNA of its survivors and they now past on that trait to their descendants. I wondered what would happen when all the Holocaust survivors died and Shoah was in danger of coming to an end, now it wont! And then there is conspiracy theorist Joseph Farrell who believes a secret Nazi SS elite riles the world! If they do they are doing a piss pour job of it by allowing Europe to turn in Eurabia and American into an Afro-Latino socialist collective.

  28. 9 Kirke Street
    Chevy Chase, MD 20815
    Find on map >>
    Show street view
    Total land value: $853,130
    Total value for property: $2,062,936
    Total assessed value for property: $2,062,936
    Base area of building: 3,746 square feet
    Number of stories: 2
    Date of current assessment: 10/2007
    Year property was built: 1879
    Add information or comment about the property at 9 Kirke Street
    Upload photo of this property and win $500

    Read more:

    Matthews lives in a larger older home than Arnold C. Ratner, MD but both men live at 9 Kirke Street, one at West Kirke Street and one at East Kirke Street and all neighbors of Georgie Porgie Puddin’ Pie. So very accessible for demonstrations once you’ve reviewed the city’s ordinances in regard to civil protest. And no need to stand on private property. Just stand in front of the home on the sidewalk or the street curb. But an excellent opportunity to engage those who run their mouths at our expense by speaking back to them (in front of their homes.),+Chevy+Chase,+MD+20815/@38.970564,-77.078747,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m2!3m1!1s0x89b7c9a031d7ee0d:0xfa4e2e5c85d12013,+Chevy+Chase,+MD+20815/@38.9705609,-77.075689,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m2!3m1!1s0x89b7c9a0ef00b72f:0xbfbeb231b9160dcf @realDonaldTrump @georgefwill @hardball_chris Trump supporters plan protests in front of your homes. Ur reaction?

  29. Don’t forget that Vladimir Putin is also the new Hitler. DemReps from Hillary Clinton to Ted Cruz and the neocons have told us so. Putin is a nationalist, a patriot, and a Christian. He not long ago rounded up illegals and put them in a camp on the outskirts of Moscow. They lie about him too–
    The “anti-gay” law (making it illegal to subject kids to homosexual propaganda and instruct them in homosexuality, that’s all) and that he “invaded” Ukraine (Russian troops already in Crimea by treaty secured the Russian population and allowed for a plebiscite returning Crimea back to Russia, which had been given to Ukraine by the Soviet leader Khrushchev only in 1954).

    These comparisons to Hitler are always absurd, but they might have a benefit– showing just who is getting under the skin of the Rulers.

  30. Re: Chevy Chase resident Chris Matthews.

    I watched a Jeopardy show on which he appeared. He is incredibly ignorant! Doesn’t know anything. An real embarrassment. The funniest part was when he chose “The Beltway” as a topic, clearly thinking it was about politics. But it dealt with astronomy! No clue there. Haha!

  31. Protest? I’d rather rent a couple of buses and give some dindus a little spare change and tell them to check out the neighborhood.

  32. Hahaha!

    I’d bet Chevy Chase and Chappaqua, NY are not on the list of “non-diverse” communities to be destroyed by Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing.

  33. Better yet, point out to BLM that this is where the people who keep them down live. Let them “protest”.

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