Trump’s Mobile Rally

By Hunter Wallace

I didn’t find out until around 3 PM this afternoon that I wasn’t going to get to go. Something unexpected came up at the last minute that derailed my plans – yet again – for this weekend.

As for the speech, there was nothing really noteworthy about it. I’ve already seen Trump make the same pitch several times now. I was watching the live broadcast on CNN when I swear that I heard someone shout out “White Power” which made me wonder if Jim Giles had made it from Jackson. The Washington Post is reporting that Olaf Childress was there handing out literature.

The most interesting part of this event can be summed up in two photos:


A small plane, the kind you would see at the beach, tows a banner that reads: TRUMP 4 HIGHER TAXES. JEB 4 PREZ.


Trump’s Boeing 757 circles Ladd-Peebles Stadium twice, tilts its wing toward the side, as a crowd of 30,000 people roar their approval.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. You might want to check the comments in your previous post, Mr. W.–the post headed “Cuckservatives: Are Republicans for Freedom or White Identity Politics?” There, you’ll see that I and another of your commenters, Marc Bahn, discussed Trump’s prospects, post-Mobile. I expressed the view that Trump is finished, that the Mobile rally was a bust; Marc doesn’t see it that way.

    Interestingly, the Washington Post has posted a story headed “For once, Donald Trump drops the mic.” If I’ve understood it, Trump apparently ducked out after the rally; that is, he didn’t show up for an apparently-scheduled post-rally meeting with reporters. Naturally, that makes me wonder whether he, too, thinks the rally was a failure. The Washington Post article is at

  2. Hunter Wallace
    ‘30,000 people showing up at a political event in Alabama is something I can’t ever remember happening.’


    When Paul Ryan and Romney held a rally two months before the Presidential election in Waukesha Wi, right after Ryan was named running mate and emotions were sky high, 10,000 showed up at the Expo Center which is not far from my home and that is why I remember.

    Absolutely everyone was wowed by the size of the crowd.

    But when a brash talking Yankee from New York City (whaaaat?) draws 30,000+ in Mobile freaking Alabama more than a year away from the election it ain’t a big deal?


  3. The success of a rally is measured not by the number of persons who attend it but by the number of persons who attend the rally after it.

  4. The election here.

    No one ever comes to Alabama. It is usually not an important primary or general election state. Again, I can’t recall 30,000 people here ever turning out for a political rally. I will check to be sure on that but I have never seen anything like it.

    My guess would be you would have to go back to the Wallace campaigns.

  5. At the height of the 2012 cycle, Rick Santorum drew a crowd of 150 people in Montgomery on the eve of the election. He won Alabama.

    That’s disappointing then. It suggests a low correlation between rally attendance and electoral success.

  6. If, as I wondered in my original comment, above, Trump considered the rally a bust, then he’d better do at least three things.

    1 — Sack his campaign manager. Trump’s appeal, I, as a layman, would say, is the glamour of success, meaning the apparent ability to make big things happen the way he wants them to. With respect to a political rally, success = predicting a turnout of X and then having an actual turnout of more-than-X. Failure = just the opposite, which is what seems to have occurred. From one or two news articles I’ve looked at, I know the 30,000 post-rally crowd-estimate was by the City of Mobile itself, which wanted the rally to be a big event and whose spokesman added something like, “That’s just an estimate.” The 30,000 to 40,000 prediction, in other words, should never have been made, especially since Trump didn’t clearly reach even the low end of that.

    2 — Stop pandering. I’m sure you’re right, Mr. W., that Alabama is not a big stop in presidential campaigns, but the crowd that turned out seems nevertheless to have been sophisticated enough to realize Trump was pandering to them when, in his speech’s opening moments, he praised Billy Graham.

    3 — Take a crash course in public speaking. Formless anecdotes delivered one after another, with a faux-wiseguy New York intonation, do not exciting political theater make. Trump should determine the few things he wants to say–and then say them, in, like, ten minutes tops. During the few minutes I watched, I could feel the sympathetic attendees straining not to shift in their seats.

  7. Hunter, I was too busy in the early days to know what a talented writer you are. MI Spooks and Alex, et al. always showed you more respect than I did. But what I see you producing here is the best that I know of. Keep it up.

    Trump’s speech and rally? As compared to who?

    I agree his Mobile rally was a complete bust if you compare him to Hitler. Otherwise, get fucking real.

    Lots to be discerned from the Mobile rally. As I watched a Fox Internet stream I saw two niggers in the sea of white faces and that was it. Trump’s comment about how he was a big fan of genes is a racial comment. His comment about Ferguson and Baltimore was lame as was condemning Obama as a divider. But Trump wants to win and he is not beholden to puppet masters. The rally was a missed opportunity to promote our flag and demand respect from the would be King. Trump says he likes leverage. Me too. Trump needs to understand he will lose the Southern vote if he does anything but salute our flag and the majority who praise it. After drawing so many enthusiastic voters in Dixie he will undoubtedly be holding more. Note: THE technique for displaying our standard at such events was demonstrated by those holding the U.S. flag which Fox seemed to cling to, i.e., two men holding the flag, one on each corner (No stick or pole, just the flag).

    Ultimately Trump does not understand the South or our history or the pieces of human shit who rule over us but he is learning and he’s trying to get a grip on it. Hopefully every last word he hears is not coming from a stinking Jew. Question: How did Trump come to know factually and accurately that most illegal aliens are “rapists?” Similarly I wonder how well he truly knows the nigger? I’ve noticed that many urban whites (even in the South but esp. in the North) are clueless about nigger genes.

    And if Mr. Trump is reading this post, you need our votes more than you need the two nigger votes who showed up at your rally. Do the math. The Cuckservatives you are running against care more about those two niggers than all the Whites who showed up at your rally x 1,000. In short, you cannot win without us flag toting racists. Talk sweet to us and make us the exception to your rule of being nice. Be nice to us because our shit rulers have not been nice to us for a very long time. And we will stay at home on Election Day if you utter ANYTHING but a salute to our flag and praise for the vast majority of us who celebrate it.

    P.S. You are running for president of the U.S. not Israel. Your love of Israel is pathetic. And hopefully with more practice you can pick up some cadence and a feel for an applause line and how to deliver one. And lose the hat and the hair. Get a short hair cut and dress like a working man. Put on some boots and jeans. Feel our pain and anger. (BTW, the crowd was not sophisticated. They are Elvis loving football shit for brains fans. But they are smart enough to know when a new candidate is not spitting and shitting on them. IOW, the bar is set very low for a billionaire who can actually get his message out and over jewish urinalists and contrast himself with Cuckservatives, formerly known as pussies.)

  8. Trump needs to talk about the hundreds of nuclear weapons the Jew homeland Israel has in their arsenal. That would be a courageous move by Trump, and give Americans a real sense of balance in dealing with Middle East and the Moslem World.

  9. Appealing to non whites for their votes = Responsible campaigning attuned to the demands of social justice. Righting the racist wrongs of whites for the past gazillion years to present. Recognizing that Diversity is our greatest strength.

    Appealing to Whites for their votes = Irresponsible campaigning, pandering to racists and white supremacists. White people have no need or right to implicit or explicit representation. Only a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews would think otherwise.

  10. The Trump rally was an outstanding event. I was in the endzone blechers and could see the entire crowd. It was easily 20,000 -25,000 people given the crowd seating and the yard lines on the football field. It would really be interesting to get a full and accurate estimate of the TV and online viewers.

    This was not an academic lecture and he does not need a teleprompter to give a speech. He did a great job reading the audience and adjusting his topics to keep it. He got his message(s) across.

    The stadium was filled with generations of Southern families Great-Grand Parents, Grand Parents, Parents, college kids, high school teenagers, elementary school, babies in parents arms, in facts lots of babies. The audience was orderly and everyone was patient. There where no punks, sports jerseys or thugs.

    Trump may not be perfect in everyone’s eyes but he is the best we have to work with right now. If he get’s elected president I think he will make BO look as bad as Reagan made Carter look.

  11. Also wanted to mention that there was no mic drop by the Trump organization. This was carried live and all the local and national press heard it. It would have been completely redundant to hold a press conf immediately afterwards.

    The event was on the front page of the Drudge Report on Saturday.

    Mr. Olaf Childress was there handing out copies of the July issue of “The First Freedom”, which featured a front page article by our own Hunter Wallace.

  12. Trumpeters are starting to get the chosen ones very nervous.

    Washington Post propaganda specialist.

    Alan Abramowitz @AlanIAbramowitz
    Trump’s supporters are “passionate,” like Hitler’s brown shirts:

  13. At this point, I, as a naïve person, who understands America only very little, despite my having been born in it and having lived in it more than six decades, wonder just how popular the Confederate flag actually is in the South. Before I began visiting Occidental Dissent, I was almost completely unaware of Dixie-ism, as I sometimes call it; now, I wonder whether Occidental Dissent has skewed my perception in the other direction, i.e., toward an overestimation of the size of Southern Nationalism, for lack of a better term. The other day, Mr. W., when you posted your blog entry headed “The Triumph of Trump,” about the then-impending Mobile rally, I remarked that Trump might face at the rally “a sea of 40,000 Confederate battle flags.” That’s certainly a possibility that would never have occurred to me before I began visiting Occidental Dissent; and maybe you’ll recall that another of your commenters replied to that remark of mine as follows:

    “Stadium full of rebel flags? Shows how ignorant you are. You’re the racist.”

    I had virtually no idea what that reply meant. My best guess was that the commenter was suggesting I was stereotyping Southerners and that he himself (the commenter) was of the view that the Confederate flag did not have the importance, in the South, that my comment had suggested it has.

    Anything you can say to clarify these things for me, Mr. W., will be appreciated–by me, that is.

  14. What, in your view, did the commenter mean when, to me, he said, as I’ll present again:

    “Stadium full of rebel flags? Shows how ignorant you are. You’re the racist.”

  15. A good analysis and good commentary about the TRUMP phenomenon. One expects no less from this site and its proprietor.

    I especially enjoyed the comment about how 20-25,000 WHITES came together with minimal police presence and didn’t try to shoot anyone or burn anything down. No wonder MUDS go to white communities for a “better life” instead of to their own lands or their own neighborhoods. WHITES are better and the premise of the Civil Rights movement, that MUDS have a “right” to the compelled physical presence of captive white people, whether in a public school (al la Brown v. Bd. of Ed) or on a public bus (al la Rosa Parks ) confirms this fact.

    Although nominally racially neutral, TRUMP has ignited the flame of WHITE anger and WHITE power and dismissing this as “controlled opposition” grossly underestimates the long term consequences of framing the immigration phenomenon issue as an invasion. Not since the 1950’s have the issues of MEXICAN criminality and destruction of the social fabric been so openly discussed. Now we’re even seeing intelligent, academic challenges to the “birthright citizenship” doctrine from Mark Levin, Laura Ingraham and John Eastman on conservative media and widespread public sentiment supports their arguments. Ted Cruz, Scott Walker and Ben Carson have come out against birthright citizenship. Their pollsters are telling them something. Sufficient popular opposition to this poisonous doctrine can sweep over the constitutional niceties and harden the public heart against the invaders and their use of children as human shields. I never thought this most sacred of all cows could be challenged, but it is being challenged. Seriously challenged.

    I was active in the So Cal anti-immigration movement for almost 20 years and I almost gave up hoping that immigration would ever be discussed in its true light: An invasion of this country and part of the socially engineered dispossession and ethnic cleansing of WHITE people, as the permanent replacement of American citizens and voters with low IQ MUDS. Now people are openly understanding and discussing immigration in this context. doing so.

    Thank God for Donald TRUMP. Regardless of his personal political fortunes, he’s opened Pandora’s Box and it will not easily be closed. He’s said “screw you” to the arbiters of political correctness and we owe him for that as well. By defending his own right to speak honestly about important issues he’s defended our right to speak honestly as well. That’s worth a lot.

  16. John, you’re post interests me in the respect that I too knew very little about the issues discussed. I thank Brad and other contributors for helping me gain an understanding. I agree with Jim’s assessment of Brad being a very good writer and I appreciate his knowledge and research concerning all things Southern.

    However, I too am mystified about the flag situation and how many zealous supporters there are.

    I don’t think Nascar has suffered from banning flags. I just could not understand why Southern pols like the Governor of Alabama and so many others would cave so readily to the anti- flag crowd.

    Yes, the pressure would be intense but if they felt they had the masses behind them would they capitulate like scared rabbits?

    Is the support not quite as deep or committed as hoped for?

    Except for a relatively few brave souls demonstrating, there does not seem to be the revolt (so to speak) I was expecting and quite frankly hoping to witness.

  17. “P.S. You are running for president of the U.S. not Israel. Your love of Israel is pathetic” (above). If some evangelical Israel lover hadn’t shouted it out from the crowd my hunch is he wouldn’t have mentioned Israel. Nevertheless there are jews all around Trump and will be if he gets elected. There will be jews around any of them. He can’t be Hitler. Hitler got defeated by jews yet he pandered to them too in the sense he made “deals” with the zionists. His reward was a destroyed country. I think the Alabama crowd loved Trump. He talks to the crowd rather than oratorically preach to a crowd. Can he change this? Should he? Somehow if he wants the southern vote he has to declare his respect for the Flag. How he avoids doing this and taking the South, I don’t know.

    • “If some evangelical Israel lover hadn’t shouted it out from the crowd my hunch is he wouldn’t have mentioned Israel. Nevertheless there are jews all around Trump and will be if he gets elected. There will be jews around any of them. He can’t be Hitler. Hitler got defeated by jews yet he pandered to them too in the sense he made ‘deals’ with the zionists. His reward was a destroyed country. I think the Alabama crowd loved Trump. He talks to the crowd rather than oratorically preach to a crowd. Can he change this? Should he? Somehow if he wants the southern vote he has to declare his respect for the Flag. How he avoids doing this and taking the South, I don’t know.”

      I have notified Mr. Trump per the following email:

      “I would take it down, yes,”

      Mr. Trump,

      You have two weeks to apologize for disrespecting me and mine or you will lose my support, gain my opposition and most importantly lose your Mojo.

      Yours Truly,

      Jim Giles

    • “Trump does care about the flag he supports putting it in a museum. And southerns will still support him.”

      ‘Southerners’ who voted for Romney and McCain will support him.

      Rebels will not support him. Rebels will stay at home or vote for his opponent on Election Day once they are informed of his position on their identity.

  18. Just watched the rally, it was top notch. No other candidate is generating this level of passion, even ((((Bernie Sanders)))).

    The trouble with ((((Bernie)))) is that to the mottled masses he is appealing to he is just another old white guy.

  19. “salute our flag”- Jim G, you mean the Confederate flag?

    They’re already comparing him to Hitler. The nigs and spics and Hebes are already throwing shit at him as if he were evil incarnate.

    One step at a time. Let the momentum build. Let the left wear itself out, let Trump be the 21st Century ‘Teflon President’ and go from strength to strength. After all, any victory he obtains is by our hands, and his billions. Once he’s in, THEN WE ORGANIZE.

    Don’t demand lockstep adherence to a specific agenda, when we’re more than a year away from the vote!

    • “‘salute our flag’- Jim G, you mean the Confederate flag?

      They’re already comparing him to Hitler. The nigs and spics and Hebes are already throwing shit at him as if he were evil incarnate.

      One step at a time. Let the momentum build. Let the left wear itself out, let Trump be the 21st Century ‘Teflon President’ and go from strength to strength. After all, any victory he obtains is by our hands, and his billions. Once he’s in, THEN WE ORGANIZE.

      Don’t demand lockstep adherence to a specific agenda, when we’re more than a year away from the vote!”

      Yes, I mean the Confederate flag.

      I’ve accepted the fact he’s got Jews coming out his ass and he can’t say enough about Israel which distracts from his stated position for making America great again.

      Trump supports our flag or he loses the Rebel vote and the presidency. Period.

  20. Jim, I liked your previous post much more than this recent one. Is Trump our ideal candidate? Of course not. But don’t discount as worthless the fact that the regime’s minions are pulling their hair out because they can’t control him. That all by itself is worth supporting.

    Sure, I wish he would defend our flag. I wish he would threaten Israel with extinction. You can’t expect everything you want from such a character. But you know what you’ll get with the alternatives, Yeb! & HRC. Nothing at all that you want! Everything you don’t want. In fact, they want you dead.

    Still a year to go. Patience.

  21. I like when this board is more active. We don’t agree with each other and sometimes claw back and forth but it can be stimulating and very educational.

    Anyhoo, I was perplexed by the lack of confederate flags displayed at the Trump rally in Alabama.

    The red, white and blue flags were flying and Toby Keith was singing his murrika anthem over the speakers. ( I think it was Keith)

    Except for the Lynard Skinner tune, Jeff Sessions and a couple local politicians you couldn’t be blamed for thinking the event was held anywhere in the country.

    This might help to explain.

    Percent of military Recruits by Region

    region 2007 2008
    Northeast 12.4 12.2
    Midwest 21.7 20.1
    South 45.8 46.4
    West 20.2 21.3

  22. Jim, I liked your previous post much more than this recent one. Is Trump our ideal candidate? Of course not. But don’t discount as worthless the fact that the regime’s minions are pulling their hair out because they can’t control him. That all by itself is worth supporting.

    Sure, I wish he would defend our flag. I wish he would threaten Israel with extinction. You can’t expect everything you want from such a character. But you know what you’ll get with the alternatives, Yeb! & HRC. Nothing at all that you want! Everything you don’t want. In fact, they want you dead.

    Still a year to go. Patience.”

    Trump keeps telling people how smart he is. We’ll see how smart he is in deciding whether to respect Southern White Identity or not.

    In my book, it’s pretty fucking stupid to spit in the faces of so very many people who were ready to go to battle for him especially me.

  23. He should know by now that his non-pc statements get the biggest applause. Why wouldn’t he come out on that stage and ask for a rebel yell and give a statement supporting the rebel flag. You can’t get much more un-pc than that.

    • “He should know by now that his non-pc statements get the biggest applause. Why wouldn’t he come out on that stage and ask for a rebel yell and give a statement supporting the rebel flag. You can’t get much more un-pc than that.”

      Exactly right. Only pussies would make a deal and compromise our flag when there is so much more on the table for our taking if we only demand it. And demand it we will.

  24. John Bonaccorsi said,”…Sack his campaign manager. Trump’s appeal, I, as a layman, would say, is the glamour of success…”.

    Not me and I bet not to a lot of others. If you’ve read my comments on Trump they are mostly closely parsing what he says. Personally I hate his attitude and loud bragging. I’ve hung around with Yankees and I think they are much more impressed with “mouth” and “show” than Southerner’s are. I don’t mean this as an insult I just believe it’s much more a part of Yankee culture to talk big. For myself though what excites me is the little things he says offhand. Where he doesn’t back down about illegal immigration. Fights political correctness. Wants trade to be run on a Nationalist basis. Not for the Oligarchs only. His immigration platform says that immigration should benefit the present owners of the country first. For someone who’s been bitching about the exact same issues he’s standing by over and over it’s exciting to hear someone proclaim they are Trump’s issues too.

    The rest…well what do you expect. The Jews have been running the culture since before I was born.

    He hired and is a friend of a guy who’s a conspiracy theorist. I used to not be a conspiracy theorist until 9-11 and now I see, maybe, too many of them. I expect most people when they see one that can’t be disputed at least look into others. He may be just keeping his powder dry. If he gets elected he can look into some these matters that have so perplexed some of us and get answers.

    As for the Confederate flag at the rally. I don’t know if his organizers asked people at the door to not bring them in. A much more likely reason you didn’t see any was that Southerners are surely smart enough to know that it’s controversial. If they support Trump why put him on the spot? The confederate flag has a lot to do with us regionally but nothing to do with National elections. If everyone had one he would be stuck saying yeah or nay. Now he can just ignore the whole thing until the Northern primaries finish. Hopefully.

    • I agree that politeness would cause Southerners to not bring Confederate flags but no one at that rally knew Trump has condemned our flag and identity. The Confederate flag has everything to do with national elections as the South constitutes a large block of like minded votes. It has often been said that you can’t win the presidency without winning the South and all winning presidential campaigns demand a Southern Strategy.

      “Indeed, (Reagan) deliberately and calculatedly chose the Neshoba Fair to kick off his presidential campaign.

      When Reagan took the stage, with dozens of Confederate flags festooning the fairground, the crowd chanted, ‘We want Reagan.’

      A beaming Regan shouted back, ‘There isn’t any place like this anywhere.’

      There was thunderous applause, and rebel yells.

      Trump will lose if he doesn’t apologize and salute our flag. As a new anti-Trump Rebel campaign will be launched against him if he does not.

      You people who would give Trump a pass on our flag simply lack honor and are unprincipled. Paul, McCain and Romney voters but not true Rebels nor true Southerners. You have no genuine sense of the men who fought under those colors nor the extension of those colors into our identity. It is who we are. Trump would put us in a museum? No, our racial enemies would put us in the grave.

      I’m not voting for that no matter what.

  25. My lengthy post is being moderated. To wit, this crap about giving Trump a pass on our flag is simply that, shit.

    Trump loses if he doesn’t walk back his condemnation of Southern identity.

  26. Jim Giles,”…The Confederate flag has everything to do with national elections as the South constitutes a large block of like minded votes…”

    I respectfully disagree. I have no problems with the Confederate flag yet waving it around constantly when not needed is just getting in people’s faces unnecessarily. Maybe my thoughts on this are because my position is counter to Hunters. I don’t want the South to split from the Union. I want the whole damn country from sea to shining sea doing things I want and not the Jew way. Hunter has said this is not possible. He may be right. Before Trump I was beginning to believe he was. Now I’m not so sure.

    One thing that has always stuck in my mind and should be on others mind too is the Jews have been kicked out of every single country they’ve been to in any substantial numbers. Always. I believe this is because a large proportion of them are clinical psychopaths and they ALWAYS overreach. They can’t help it. They have no internal regulation. People eventually just get fed up with them and no matter what the odds just become determined to get them away from them and their countrymen.

    Never forget that the Germans were far, far, more controlled than the US is now in the inter WW period and a couple hundred guys wearing funny suits in a bar overthrew them. Never forget this.

    I would say there’s always hope as long as you don’t let them take control of the countries military, security forces and not let the people be disarmed. It would be very difficult to control the US with the amount of arms the people have. There’s just not enough soldiers to keep all of us down and every time they drag someone off they would make more enemies.

    The internet is killing the Jews, political correctness and the Oligarchy but it will take time. I think we’re winning. Just because you don’t hear about it on TV doesn’t mean anything. I had a young fellow who was a business major tell me that Whites are the minority the other day. We’re not but his position is that we need to look after each other. Attitudes are changing in our favor.

    • “I have no problems with the Confederate flag yet waving it around constantly when not needed is just getting in people’s faces unnecessarily.”

      The Confederate flag is under attack, just as the South was once under attack. Real Southern men of honor will respond as did their forebears and defend themselves. If you have no genuine honor or self respect, the easy thing to do is to let others attack you and do nothing.

      The Confederate flag is Trump’s Achilles’s heel. It will fuck up his Mojo. And it need not. Trump has until August 5th to apologize or a Rebel Anti-Trump campaign begins.

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