Jorge Ramos Deported From Trump Press Conference

By Hunter Wallace


“Donald Trump sparred with Univision anchor Jorge Ramos during a press conference on Tuesday, booting the journalist from his Iowa event before allowing him back in for a grilling on immigration issues.

“Go back to Univision,” Trump yelled at Ramos after tried to repeatedly toss questions to Trump. Ramos in recent weeks has accused the Republican presidential candidate of “spreading hate” with his rhetoric on immigration. …”

Unfortunately, he was given amnesty and let back in though.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. It was remarkable to hear the effortlessness with which Blitzer went Jew: “Jorge Ramos refused to back down.” If someone is out of line, as Ramos seems to have been, a refusal to get back into line is not to be characterized heroically, as a refusal to back down. Needing not even a moment to think, Blitzer did his best to frame the event as a win for the non-white. That’s instinct, bred across thousands of years.

  2. “It was remarkable to hear the effortlessness with which Blitzer went Jew: “Jorge Ramos refused to back down.” If someone is out of line, as Ramos seems to have been, a refusal to get back into line is not to be characterized heroically, as a refusal to back down. Needing not even a moment to think, Blitzer did his best to frame the event as a win for the non-white. That’s instinct, bred across thousands of years.”

    Excellent analysis. I thought the same thing.

  3. Ha ha. I love it.

    Hunter Wallace

    Jorge Ramos Deported From Trump Press Conference

    Told to go back to Univision

    Unfortunately, he was given amnesty and let back in though.

  4. Donald Trump would have made a very good public school teacher with me at PS 142 in Red Hook Brooklyn.

    It’s not an intellectual exercise – just the division of what White American men can not punk out in the face of hostile Black and Latrino misbehavior.

    I note that Rand Paul rand in terror when confronted by an illegal Latina in Iowa.

  5. Oh course Blitzer effortlessly went Jew. He’s a Jew what else could he possibly do? They run the
    the minorities, hide behind a “white idenity” and hide behind the minorities who are their shock troops in destroying our country.

  6. Trump showed strength in not getting bullied by Ramos. Trump, who has mocked Democrats Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and Martin O’Malley for allowing “Black Lives Matter” protesters to take over their events, vowed that his press conferences will not be disrupted. He proved he was a man of his word and showed strength in not backing down to Ramos, who is arguably one of the most aggressive and flamboyant reporters.

    Who can remember ever admiring a candidate more than Trump? The closest would be Reagan but Reagan doesn’t begin to approach the admiration Trump commands.

    It’s going to be a bitch to launch a Rebel campaign to derail Trump. But launch it, I will.

  7. Great Patrick Cleburne blog on VDARE today.

    1. Evan Osnos is a Jew. Its not unheard of for Polish surnames to end in “os”. When they assigned him the story, they probably thought White advocates would assume he was of Greek ethnic background and let down their guard.
    2. James Howard Kunstler has a deranged article at ZeroHedge calling for the assassination of Trump.

  8. At some point I hope you get back to the basics with this website and start focusing on rallying around actual pro-White assets and practical applications in the real world. No, I’m not a Southern Nationalist, but I don’t have a problem helping you achieve results on a larger scale. The pro-White crowd is nothing but circle-jerking voyeurs when it comes to the Trump circus. I like the way he’s helping to implode the GOP and their zombie supporters who are really no different than the anti-White Left. But it’s really just passive resistance and certainly no substitute for having pro-White people rally around other *explicit* pro-White people.

    Synergy, it needs to be forcefully pushed in the atmosphere that’s been created by the Trump frenzy.

    • For years, I have tried to get explicitly pro-White people to join organizations, come to demonstrations, start building up their own institutions, etc. My father-in-law spent over fifty years doing it.

      Unfortunately, it is just not happening, and the WN movement is exactly where I found it 14 years ago: focused on “education,” closeted away on the internet, intimidated from supporting their own cause, and spending an inordinate amount of time fighting with each other on the internet and splintering into smaller factions.

      In most cases, change has to come from above. We’ve had many discussions here over the years about how revolutions rarely succeed until some faction of the existing elite goes rogue and joins the revolutionary party.

      • The GOP and the cuckservative establishment have policed the boundaries of the “respectable” and “mainstream” Right for 50 years now. More than anything else, they are responsible for misdirecting all our time, money, and energy and striking down every attempt – most famously, Buchanan in the 1990s – to reverse our present disastrous course.

        Those people are more vulnerable now than I have ever seen them before. They have kept us out on the “fringe” all these years. The most important thing we can do over the next few months is to summon every ounce of our strength to push those people off the cliff once and for all until they splatter like an egg on the rocks below.

  9. True leadership would be nice, Jim. But in the pro-White sphere it’s as rare as unicorn shit. Too many people believe they are leaders and won’t accept the fact that they would probably serve best in an auxiliary role.

    • True leadership would be nice, Jim. But in the pro-White sphere it’s as rare as unicorn shit. Too many people believe they are leaders and won’t accept the fact that they would probably serve best in an auxiliary role.

      I’ve long wondered, with so very many people, why we don’t have any true leaders. Others have pointed out and maybe correctly that we have no true leaders because we have no true followers. Ticktock.

      White Media Uber Alles.

  10. Trump threw down the gauntlet to Black Lies Matter, deports the ethnoheckler Jorge Ramos.

    Rand Paul is promising to meet with Black Lies Matter.

    Guess which one has a BIG BIG BIG 3% in the polls.

  11. “Ramos” is a Sephardic Jewish surname. This name was taken by Jews is Spain and Portugal and were around during Isabella. Jorge Ramos is one of these Jews. He must not be considered as “white” as much as we cannot forget he is a little Spanish-Portugese Jew. That is why he is pushy, aggressive, obnoxious, and whiny.

  12. Trump said that he’d deport illegal aliens who are members of violent gangs first. Hundreds of thousands of these murderers and drug dealers are here. He said it would be done so fast “it would make your head spin,” or something like that. Have any worthless cucks endorsed that idea, or do they want to make MS-13 and others all US citizens?

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