Breaking News: Virginia Shooting Was Retaliation For Charleston

By Hunter Wallace

Uh oh

“In the 23-page document faxed to ABC News, the writer says “MY NAME IS BRYCE WILLIAMS” and his legal name is Vester Lee Flanagan II.” He writes what triggered today’s carnage was his reaction to the racism of the Charleston church shooting:

“Why did I do it? I put down a deposit for a gun on 6/19/15. The Church shooting in Charleston happened on 6/17/15…”

“What sent me over the top was the church shooting. And my hollow point bullets have the victims’ initials on them.”

It is unclear whose initials he is referring to. He continues, “As for Dylann Roof? You (deleted)! You want a race war (deleted)? BRING IT THEN YOU WHITE …(deleted)!!!” He said Jehovah spoke to him, telling him to act.

Later in the manifesto, the writer quotes the Virginia Tech mass killer, Seung Hui Cho, calls him “his boy,” and expresses admiration for the Columbine High School killers. “Also, I was influenced by Seung–Hui Cho. That’s my boy right there. He got NEARLY double the amount that Eric Harris and Dylann Klebold got…just sayin.'” …’

Is the SPLC mentioned in the manifesto? Floyd Corkins rides again?

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. He claimed it was revenge for Ferguson. Roof claimed it was revenge for Zimmerman.

    There’s a tipping point with this sort of retaliatory violence where it will become a feedback loop and we’ll actually end up having a real life actual-factual race war on our hands.

  2. H8 Crime? Federal Officials, enacting a massive Investigation of every ghetto in the USA?

    Naw. Just niggers being niggers.

  3. Among the chattering classes there is always a lot of worrying about a “backlash” every time a Muslim commits an atrocity in the name of his religion. It is a useful way to frame them as victims every time one acts as a perpetrator. Of course such concerns aren’t evident whenever some disreputable white nationalist commits a racially motivated crime.

  4. ” I have a hard time believing they would all pass up the opportunity for mega-clicks.”

    There are bags full of money for the taking, as long as you stay on the anti-white reservation. Ask Hillary Clinton, Lindsay Graham and the SPLC, etc.

  5. ” Of course such concerns aren’t evident whenever some disreputable white nationalist commits a racially motivated crime.”

    In that case the discussion is moved to bans. That discussion is always pushed to the fore when the shooters are white and si conspicuously absent when the shooters are black.

  6. Williams was fired from WDBJ7 several years ago and had to be escorted off the station grounds by police

    We need to know why. Then we need to know which hate groups and websites this psycho was aligned with and where he was allowed push his violent anti-White attitudes.

  7. Celestial Time // August 26, 2015 at 7:46 pm //

    Williams was fired from WDBJ7 several years ago and had to be escorted off the station grounds by police

    “We need to know why. Then we need to know which hate groups and websites this psycho was aligned with and where he was allowed push his violent anti-White attitudes.”

    Will OD be contacting the anti-white hate group SPLC for comment? You can be damned sure their side would be doing the same, if the shooter was white.

  8. Will OD be contacting the anti-white hate group SPLC for comment? You can be damned sure their side would be doing the same, if the shooter was white.

    This! Big time!

  9. Right now we need to see if there is a Google cache of his Facebook and Twitter in order to find out if there are any links to the SPLC or whether he displayed the Rainbow flag.

  10. Re: Lindstedt

    Why would you laugh at some 24-year-old blonde girl fresh out of a Virginia college getting gunned down by Floyd Corkins 2.0? It is deranged statements like that which cause people to lose all sympathy for you.

  11. The more this guy is picked apart, the more he looks like a poster child for the SPLC. He’s black. He’s gay. He has a history of claiming racial and sexual discrimination. He blames White people and made sure to target White people. Nothing but another opportunist and unbalanced lunatic of the Eternal Victim Class created to push Whitey to minority status. This is just a small dose of what a future looks like when races are forced to live together and “tolerance” is used as a weapon.

  12. After the Charleston murders, frenzied Libs demanded that white Southerners give up their symbols and accept collective guilt. But when shortly thereafter a Muslim fanatic killed five servicemen, no demands were made on Muslims. Now, as Michael Hill asks, will the Libs chastise the black community for what this killer did in Virginia? Of course, we all know the answer.

  13. Watch what women do in reaction to this. Blame White Men.


    Somehow. It. is. White. Who. Are. To. Blame.

  14. Michael Weaver // August 26, 2015 at 10:57 pm //

    “Yet another fine example of Liberal intolerance towards white people.”

    Political Correctness is the anti-white religion. They do not see hatred of whites as racism.

  15. This morning’s propaganda from NBC was telling, it basically is trying to legitimize blood libel and to make the murders justifiable. This works to the dissident right’s advantage, obviously.

  16. Sacking black people has always been a dangerous decision. This man joins a long list of similar ‘avengers’. Here is a small selection.
    Willie Baker. Chicago. 2001? Stole $195,000 worth of diesel engines from his workplace but was sentenced to a mere five months in prison. Returned to the plant with an AK-47, shot dead four – Daniel Dorsch, Robert Wehrheim, Michael Brus, William Garcia – and wounded four others before committing suicide. TTAL 430 p9.
    David Burke, sacked by USAir for theft. On Monday 7th December 1987 he hijacked a passenger plane, shooting the pilot and causing it to crash into a mountain in California. All 43 on board were killed.
    Christopher Dorner, Feb 2013, former cop and military reservist, sacked from LAPD, shot dead four people.
    Joseph Harris, Ridgwood, NJ. Fired from his job as a postal worker, he wanted revenge on the “white-dominated postal hierarchy”. Shot dead three whites and slashed another to death, 10 Oct 1991. Gave rise to the phrase “going postal”.
    Pierre Lebrun, Ottawa, Canada, 7 April 1999, fired from his job, compiled a list of four work colleagues he wanted to kill; returned to work with a high-powered rifle and opened fire, killing four and wounding two before turning the gun on himself; typically, the four he killed were not on his list.
    Clifton McCree, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, fired from his job as a beach-cleaner after failing a drug test, he blamed his white co-workers and vowed to “punish some of the cowardly racist devils”; returned to the workplace one morning in February 96 and opened fire killing five of the whites; then shot himself.
    Peter Odighizuwa, Nigerian immigrant living on welfare along with his wife and four sons. Foolish white liberal, Anthony Sutin, Dean of the Appalachia School of Law in Grundy, VA, adopted the family and enrolled Odighizuwa as a law student hoping to achieve a Pygmalion-style transformation. He was a hopeless student, twice failed the exams and had to be dropped from the school. On January 16, 2002, he walked into Sutin’s office and shot his benefactor dead. Next he shot dead Prof. Thomas Blackwell, then went to the student lounge and began firing at whites. Angela Dales was killed and three other white females were seriously wounded. The carnage was ended by some students who had concealed weapons permits. TTAL 434 p10.
    John Taylor, Queens, NY, Oct. 1999. Sacked from the local branch of Wendy’s when money went missing, Taylor returned with an accomplice 30 year old Craig Godineaux, also black, and ordered the seven members of staff down into the basement. All seven were shot in the back of the head. Two survived.
    Omar Thornton, Hartford, Connecticut, 2010, shot dead eight white co-workers at a beer warehouse after he was challenged over substantial thefts of beer.
    Hastings Wise, Aiken, Sth Carolina,15 September 1997; sacked from his place of work after a confrontation with a supervisor. Eleven weeks later he returned and shot dead four colleagues.

  17. Hunter Wallace
    ‘Right now we need to see if there is a Google cache of his Facebook and Twitter in order to find out if there are any links to the SPLC or whether he displayed the Rainbow flag.’

    The Daily Telegraph has learned that “police reportedly confiscated a gay pride flag” from the apartment of Vester Lee Flanagan Wednesday. In an apparent hate crime, Flanagan is the 41 year-old black journalist who murdered two white Virginia reporters on live television Wednesday morning before turning his gun on himself.

    In a manifesto faxed to ABC News, Flanagan, an Obama-supporter, claimed that his motive involved a “race war.” Flanagan was black and gay and apparently angered by the fact that he had been a victim of racism and homophobia at the hands of “black men and white women.”

    Both of Flanagan’s intended victims were straight.

    The gay pride rainbow flag reportedly found in Flanagan’s apartment is seen by many as a symbol of anti-Christian hate.

    After a white racist terrorist in South Carolina murdered nine innocent black churchgoers, photos of the racist with the Confederate Flag resulted in a media frenzy to ban the flag.

    Like the Confederate flag, the provocative gay pride flag, a symbol of religious oppression, has flown on government property.

    The Confederate Flag has since been taken down in South Carolina.

    Thus far, other than a mention in the Telegraph, the media has not reported on the fact that Flanagan might have owned the LGBT rainbow hate-flag.

  18. Captain John Charity Spring MA
    ‘Watch what women do in reaction to this. Blame White Men.
    #blamewhitemen Somehow. It. is. White. Who. Are. To. Blame.’

    This sh*t happens everyday all across the land. Keep trying to neuter YT . This is their future.

    “Wrong Hood Bitch:”

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