Buzzfeed Article: “Top Racists and Neo-Nazis Back Donald Trump”

By Hunter Wallace

Yesterday, I got a call from Christopher Massie, a reporter for Buzzfeed, who wanted to know why I was supporting Donald Trump. The story is out this morning: “Top Racists and Neo-Nazis back Donald Trump.”

“Visitors to the website for the Council of Conservative Citizens — a white nationalist group cited by Charleston church shooter Dylan Roof — will find a steady stream of pro-Trump articles. “Trump Surge Continues,” “Jorge Ramos Deported From Trump Press Conference,” “Trump’s Nationalist Coalition,” reads the front page of the site. …”

Brad Griffin, who writes under the pseudonym Hunter Wallace for the white nationalist blog Occidental Dissent (“We don’t want to see our peoples be submerged”), said in an interview that he supports Trump for other reasons. In addition to his staunch opposition to immigration, he also noted the candidate’s positions on “trade, political correctness, and campaign finance.”

“I like the fact that he’s funny,” Griffin added. …

In the same vein, Griffin, the Occidental Dissent blogger, said, “It troubles me that he wants to deport all the illegal aliens and then let them back.”

After having called himself a supporter earlier in the conversation, Griffin added, “I’m not really supporting him at the moment. I’m kind of leaning toward it.”

The joke around here for a week now has been that we are in the middle of “Nazi week” and the Buzzfeed article lived up to our expectations by featuring an image of a NSM rally, which is interesting because no one affiliated with the NSM – Jared Taylor, Richard Spencer, Peter Brimelow, etc. – seems to have been interviewed for the article. I honestly don’t know if the NSM is supporting Trump. I haven’t bothered to look.

Anyway, I explained my position on Donald Trump at some length to the Buzzfeed reporter. In terms of his personality I said that I liked the fact that he is funny, charismatic, and a strong leader. I also made a point to emphasize that I liked Trump’s positions on four key issues: immigration, trade, political correctness, and campaign finance.

That’s not what the Buzzfeed reporter wanted to talk about though. He brought up a quote from me about changing racial demographics that was featured in The New Yorker article. Once again, I told him specifically that I started out as “a Pat Buchanan guy,” and that Buchanan has been writing about these same issues for 15 years now. I brought up Buchanan’s books about the subject, Death of the West and Suicide of a Superpower.

When I was asked by the Buzzfeed reporter if my positions were rooted in “xenophobia,” I said that I didn’t think so. I said that Trump’s platform is a win-win because it is good for us and good for the country. It cuts both ways which is why Trump has such a broad coalition of supporters:

– I specifically pointed to the article in Politico yesterday about the liberals who are supporting Donald Trump because of his position on campaign finance.

– I said that all sorts of people dislike political correctness including comedians like Chris Rock and Jerry Seinfeld. I cited Paula Deen, Brendan Eich, Kelly Osbourne, Hulk Hogan and Colin Cowherd as examples.

– I said that ending terrible trade deals and bringing jobs back from China and Mexico would benefit everyone including working class Whites and blacks.

– I said that Trump’s immigration policy would be a huge blow to employers that back the US Chamber of Commerce and the Republican donor class that wants to exploit cheap labor.

Finally, I tried to explain that my support for Trump is conditional, that I am only leaning that way, and waiting to see if his positions hold through the primary season and general election. I’m not a “true believer,” but the Buzzfeed reporter didn’t seem to grasp the distinction. Trump has said some good things lately, but the jury is still out on whether he is serious or any of that will hold up.

I mean … I think we should raise taxes on Sheldon Adelson, that he controls politicians like Newt Gingrich as puppets, and that he uses his fortune to promote starting disastrous wars. Is that racist? Is that “anti-Semitic”? Or is it just not in our national interest?

I guess different people will see and hear different things.

About Hunter Wallace 12409 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. You would do well to start recording these interviews yourself and posting the audio. Check the law and make sure it’s legal first. It varies from state to state. I recall the FBI asking me once while talking with them, “Are you recording this conversation?” LOL! It’s legal in Mississippi to record a phone conversation if at least one party knows of the recording.

    Still no mention of Trump’s big mistake with his Rebel base, i.e., our Rebel flag?

  2. What if every White person called “Nazi”, “racist”, “white supremacist” simply said “So what?” That is the day these anti-Whites are scared to death of and they see it looming on the horizon.

  3. I think these people realize that ultimate victory (white genocide) is out of reach. It is only a question of just how much territory we are going to claw back. I just hope we have the collective wisdom not to try to rule over other groups, but to instead channel our superfluity into space.

    Exponential growth of white awareness; cycles of history; they can’t Shut It Down.

  4. I don’t understand why our leaders talk to enemymedia, since they always twist your words to suit their anti-white agenda.

    And look at the comments. Their readers are anti-white trash, there are no converts to be found there. Talking to these people reminds me of conservatives worrying about the good opinion of liberals, that will never vote for them anyway. So why talk to them at all?

  5. A good post on SF

    Originally Posted by Stormbird

    The local TV stations where I live are falling over each other in the rush to promote Homosexual marriage, Illegal Immigration, Multiculturalism, Anti White Cultural Marxism etc etc….Young White Female Reporters are at the forefront of that particular charge around here. Where do you think the Megyn Kellys of the TV world come from.

    Get objective on this. Strategically we can not afford to be sympathetic towards any aspect of the MSM…they are our enemies. If you can’t work that one out then you may as well give up from the get go. I am criticised and insulted by fellow SF posters on this, but my position does not alter. Learn to recognise the form, nature and intent of our enemy. MSM in all of its manifestations is not our friend.


    When you speak with the media, you only diminish yourself. Period.

  6. P.S. I was so God Damn good that the media never sought me out to interview me.

    I am the greatest unknown White Leader in the World.

    And a legend in my own mind!

  7. I cancelled my Jewbook account a year and a half ago (I simply don’t have the time!). Could some-one ask some of the gloating Kikes, in the Comments, why they the Donald so much? 2 of hid kids married Yids. He’s babbled about crushing ISIS -so he’s willing to do their bidding. Why do they hate him SO much?

  8. “Holden Grollfield · Chicago, Illinois

    “The Jew activism against Trump is just beginning”

    You bet your sweet ass it is.

    Shalom, bitch!”

    What’s that about? I thought Hebes were supposed to be super schmart?

    Without Whites, ALL the Orcs will be left with each other. Which is what they deserve,

  9. I don’t understand why our leaders talk to enemymedia

    I’ve tried to figure that out for years.

    Conclusion: There are no real leaders.

    • The media is going to slander and misrepresent us, and Donald Trump, that’s just the nature of things, but we ought to take it in stride and use them to get our message out. The vast majority of people don’t believe what they say anyway.

  10. The Halpwrin interview should have ended with Halperin’s finger nails being tugged out.

    Smarmy fuck that he is.

  11. Denise,

    As you well know, a white populace following a charismatic white: be it a King, Czar, Emperor, Tycoon, Chief, Generalissimo etc is the only real threat to Jewish power. He could kill every Arab in Jordan and Syria hand Bibi the keys to Amman and Damascus and the Hebes would still see him a threat.

  12. Jews like the democratically elected 4 year at a time puppets.

    They also like tyrannical men like Stalin but they always kill those fools off too.

  13. Trump was asked what his favorite bible verse was and which testament he liked better.

    He didn’t give an answer as to the verse, but said he liked old and new testaments equally.

    Anyone have a twitter account?

    Send him John 8:44. Jesus responds to jew religious leaders.

    You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies.

  14. “When you speak with the media, you only diminish yourself. Period.”

    I’m with Jim on this one, Mr. W. Look at your post above. You seem to expect us to be impressed by the effort you made to present yourself, to the reporter, as something other than a pro-White …

    “I specifically pointed to the article in Politico yesterday about the liberals who are supporting Donald Trump because of his position on campaign finance.”

    “I said that all sorts of people dislike political correctness including comedians like Chris Rock and Jerry Seinfeld.”

    “I said that ending terrible trade deals and bringing jobs back from China and Mexico would benefit everyone including working class Whites and blacks.”

    And your big finish, for all of your fans here, at Occidental Dissent:

    “I think we should raise taxes on Sheldon Adelson, that he controls politicians like Newt Gingrich as puppets, and that he uses his fortune to promote starting disastrous wars. Is that racist? Is that ‘anti-Semitic’? Or is it just not in our national interest?”

    I’m sure we’re all comforted that you’re not racist or anti-Semitic. Oddly enough, the reporter seems not to have been persuaded.

    Disinclined though I am to pull age-rank on anyone, I’ll say it: Time to grow up, son.

  15. LOL whatever, John.

    Like I said above, I am pro-White, but Trump’s policies would benefit everyone, not just us. Objectively, everyone would be better off without open borders, free trade, PC SJW campaigns and billionaires using politicians as their political puppets.

    Looking at it in another way, if Trump wins the White House and enacts his agenda, it might even set us back because those reforms would be extremely popular. It would put millions of people back to sleep convinced they have succeeded in Taking Back America.

    Of course it will never happen. Even if Trump wins, he will be stymied by the courts and the puppets in Congress.

  16. “Looking at in another way, if Trump wins the White House and enacts his agenda, it might even set us back because those reforms would be extremely popular. It would put millions of people back to sleep convinced they have succeeded in Taking Back America.”

    Agreed. Did you say this to the reporter?

  17. “I just answered some questions. It didn’t go that far.”

    Make sure your son puts that on your tombstone.

  18. We like trump because he is trying to address the symptoms of what is wrong with this country, but he can’t fix what is actually wrong with the country, namely that the American people do not view each other as their fellow countrymen.

  19. “I think we should raise taxes on Sheldon Adelson, that he controls politicians like Newt Gingrich as puppets, and that he uses his fortune to promote starting disastrous wars. Is that racist? Is that ‘anti-Semitic’? Or is it just not in our national interest?”

    That is a good answer.

    Causes people to question the ‘anti-semitic’ ploy that is always used to silence opponents on a variety of issues that are actually legitimate and beneficial to us.

    An interview might not change the reporter, but it can change the minds of readers

  20. I’m delighted the demented, demonic EVIL, hideous, sulphur-reeking Kikenvermin Christ Killers from the depths of Satan’s anal tract are going screechy hissy.

    People love Trump. Being called a WAYCIST by the Spawn of Satan isn’t hurting The TrumpenKreig at all.

    Expulsion 110’s the Charm!

  21. Trump better get a clue about blacks and STOP pandering to get their votes.

    Ain’t gonna happen!

    Jesus could run as the Republican Presidential candidate and the Devil could run as the Democrat. The Devil would still take 97% of their votes. Bank on it.

    Whites need a champion.

    Quinnipiac University released a national poll Thursday showing that while Trump is leading the Republican Party nationally, he is polling poorly with black Americans in the general election.

    The poll found:

    When asked “Would you say that Donald Trump cares about the needs and problems of people like you or not?” 92% of black people said no.
    52% of black people said Trump does not have strong leadership qualities.
    73% of black people said Trump is not strong or trustworthy.
    79% of black people said they have an unfavorable view of Trump.
    When asked “If the election for President were being held today, and the candidates were Hillary Clinton the Democrat and Donald Trump the Republican, for whom would you vote?” 3% percent said they’d vote for Trump.

  22. The left’s mainstream is more of a sick joke to normal people than the right’s costumed freaks, so focusing on these dweebs won’t have much of an effect.

    Also, old people not so loyal to GoP any more, or at least they are less so.

  23. Occidental Dissent,

    The media are just using you and David Duke as a way to attack Donald Trump. “Look, these evil people support Donald Trump, so Trump is evil!”

    That is the ONLY reason why they called you. Do you realize this? They had the story written before they called you. They just needed some quotes from you about white demographics or xenophobia.

    • Occidental Dissent,
      The media are just using you and David Duke as a way to attack Donald Trump. “Look, these evil people support Donald Trump, so Trump is evil!”
      That is the ONLY reason why they called you. Do you realize this? They had the story written before they called you. They just needed some quotes from you about white demographics or xenophobia.

      Exactly right. I believe Hunter has a good heart unlike Duck. Admittedly, when I was older than Hunter I sent the AP in Jackson so many faxes (press releases) (back before email) that I probably broke their fax machine. Later, after I was arrested multiple times and saw how they can literally impact whether you are prosecuted or not and a lot more I came to understand they are a DANGEROUS enemy trying to hurt me. Hopefully Hunter will come to appreciate this and change his policy of granting interviews to the Jews.

  24. Hunter,

    A local Memphis female tv news reporter once called James Edwards(Political Cesspool). She told him they were doing a story about him. She guaranteed they would be fair. James Edwards declined to be interviewed. A few days later, the tv report is aired. Sure enough, it was attack on James Edwards.

    When the news media, print or television, is the one with the power to shape the story with the use of editing, it is almost impossible to get your side out.

    The buzzfeed article’s use of the term racist is just a way to slander the Celtic and Germanic people in the USA. It is similar to the Jewish Soviet Communists use of word kulak.

  25. I don’t assume the media will be fair. I assume most people don’t trust the media.

    You should not give interviews to the media for the same reasons you no longer post at VNN Forum.

    This will take some time to sink in but if you are a true radical you will at some point in the future stop talking to the enemy.

    Ultimately, this is an issue of confidence versus insecurity, honor versus compromise, strength versus weakness.

  26. You run a great website here, Mr. W. Jim Giles and I and all the others who are giving you our opinions on your interaction with the so-called mainstream media are your guests, whom you always treat well. The point I was trying to make above is the following:

    There is nothing to be gained by trying to be respectable. You’re not respectable, and those of us who participate here, at Occidental Dissent, are not respectable either. Part of you–and maybe part of every one of us–would like to be respectable. That’s why, in speaking with the Buzzfeed reporter, you tried to present your quasi-support for Trump in respectable terms. That, as I was trying to say to you above, is bootless.

    • Quite obviously, I don’t care about respectability. I was just pointing out that Trump’s policies are very popular. There’s a new poll out which show that 70 percent of Americans oppose political correctness.

  27. I, as it happens, am completely unrespectable. I don’t want taxes raised on Sheldon Adelson or anyone else. I want Sheldon Adelson and all other Jews not living among whites. I don’t care what Jerry Seinfeld and Chris Rock think of political correctness; I think Jerry Seinfeld and Chris Rock should not be living among whites. I don’t care whether anything Donald Trump proposes is in the national interest, because I don’t care about the national interest, meaning America. I care about whites. That’s it.

  28. Whenever WN leadership talk to the media, they are always proud of it. But I can never bring myself to read the articles, because I get the same feeling every time. “Groan… Not again” I’m sure everyone knows what I’m talking about.

    Steve-waa // August 28, 2015 at 3:52 pm //


    “A local Memphis female tv news reporter once called James Edwards(Political Cesspool). She told him they were doing a story about him. She guaranteed they would be fair. James Edwards declined to be interviewed. A few days later, the tv report is aired. Sure enough, it was attack on James Edwards.”

    Does James have a policy of not talking to the anti-White media? I know Truck Roy is the same. The only way they can talk to him is to pretend to be a customer in his store. Once the scoundrels reveal themselves, he ushers them out the door.

  29. Viralize…
    So just after Eagles of Death Metal alleged that Paris attack was an Inside Job, the cops in Belgium have a gun fight with Paris ‘mastermind’ or his minions. How timely! Just to ensure you ignore the INSIDE JOB allegations from the man whose band member died in the attack.
    Not to mention that the Bataclan owners (who owned it for over 40 years) conveniently sold it weeks before the attack…….funny that!…….Just like Larry Silverstein bought the wtc complex months before and insured it to specifically cover attacks using pl anes……………Oh and they were Jewish ( Anglo German Jews) in case people didn’t know.

    Available also…is THE Irish writer Gearoid O’Coleman, who gives his views on the situation in Paris, as being false flag propaganda involving a “White , cleanly shaven male shooter.”

    If that were not enough, a video:
    Juan Hernandez about the 3 athletic white shooters in the San Bernardino shooting

    Then if you Google images: SAN BERNADINO CRAFT, you can see the white mercenaries running to hide.

    So…when you wake up dead…you know who to blame. Unless you love lies..then blame some innocent person, and have the patsy take the fall. I feel so sorry for the people these white terrorists have murdered so far…it never ends with these cowards…Just look at NSA headquarters..two SS lightning bolts. Need one say more as to who is destroying this world? And they are here also..hiding behind the net..posting disinfo to influence public opinion.

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