Cuckservatives: Trump’s Comprehensive Tax Reform a “Mortal Threat” To The GOP

By Hunter Wallace

Donald Trump is the greatest troll ever. He is cooking up a “comprehensive tax reform” plan for the GOP donor class:

“Donald Trump’s rhetoric on immigration has sparked his surge in the polls. But it is his economic critique of the GOP, and his attack on the financial corruption of the Republican donor class and leadership, that is a mortal threat to the party.

Over the weekend, Byron York reported on Donald Trump’s efforts to form a “comprehensive” plan on tax reform. He has signaled an interest in raising taxes on the richest Americans, and he has set his targets on the carried-interest loophole favored by hedge fund managers. He has said repeatedly that hedge funds pay too little in taxes, and that he himself is willing to pay a larger share to “make America great again.” Trump has essentially said that his preference is for middle-class tax cuts …”

Finally, a “comprehensive plan” that sounds interesting!

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Pat Buchanan used to call it “Main Street vs Wall Street.”

    Just what does the cuckservative-GOP offer the average guy? Meaningless, disingenuous twaddle about lower taxes, smaller government and less spending? The joys of millions of green-card-holding legal immigrants coming to get their jobs at lower pay? Endless war? The Stasi state? Bailouts? Toothless opposition to Obamacare and abortion? Do they expect tens of millions to come out to vote for them over a pipeline? And if they do have something to offer, w h y s h o u l d t h e y b e b e l i e v-e d? They have destroyed themselves. They may no longer have a base after this year.

  2. I don’t see what’s so great about the Feds getting more money. This is more money for the Department of Education to indoctrinate our children, more money for its bureaucrats to regulate our lives and businesses, and more money for its law enforcement officials to harass us.

    • I’m waiting to see the details, but it sounds great to me.

      These people are perpetually trying to force the DREAM Act and comprehensive immigration reform on us. That’s precisely why we need comprehensive tax reform to raise their taxes, eliminate all their tax loopholes, and penalize them for moving overseas to avoid paying taxes.

  3. Jeff,

    Better for the feds to have it than for Singer, Adelson, Bloomberg, Zuckerberg, Shaban, Soros, and Gelbaum to have it. Soros knows how to use money for evil purposes more efficiently than the feds do.

    Anyhow, the plan might be revenue neutral – tax increases for the rich balanced with tax cuts for the middle class.

    On tax policy, Trump is better than Buchanan.

  4. Just what the white race needs: more endless haggling over decimal points. Evidently, Mr. W., you take America seriously. I don’t.

  5. I love Trump’s comparison to people who make their money by building and creating compared to those (Wall Street) who basically are parasites who gamble, feed off of and “get lucky.”

  6. It’s fascinating to watch a party abolish itself.

    A close second to watching a nation abolish itself.

  7. “I bet the spectre of comprehensive tax reform will cause them to think twice before pushing comprehensive immigration reform again.”

    I have no idea whether that’s right, Mr. W., and I don’t care. It sounds like some sort of political calculation. Let me put it this way: Do you want the white race to flourish? If you do–as I’ll assume you do–then quit all of these bank shots. I don’t know whether such a term is used in political jargon, but I’m taking it from the game of pool. Do you want all non-whites out of every white country and no non-whites ever living among whites again? That’s what I want; and again, I’m going to assume that that’s what you want, too. If that’s what you want, quit trying to pursue it indirectly–like a bank shot, in pool. Quit trying to out-jew the jews and out-liberal the liberals. Just say what you want.

    As I’ve said here, at Occidental Dissent, many times, here’s what I want: protection of race and property. I don’t care about “eliminating loopholes,” because the U.S. Constitution is one huge loophole. I don’t want to haggle over taxes, and I don’t want to be threatening anyone with taxes. I expect the government to govern; that’s it. I don’t want it forcing anyone to engage in exchange with anyone else or to give a gift to anyone else. That means I don’t want it running schools, pension funds, health insurance programs, charitable enterprises, or probably several other things. I want a Constitution that precludes the government’s running such things.

    I want white men and women living together and flourishing–not parasitizing each other via taxes or the sorts of government-created manipulations that make up Medicare and the like. One day, every white city will have a grand building with a spire, a cathedral, in which the children of high-school age will compete in contests of competence in mathematics. Those will be our churches. In those cities, whites will move, speak, and dress with style and will all live happily ever after.

  8. I want white men and women living together and flourishing–not parasitizing each other via taxes or the sorts of government-created manipulations that make up Medicare and the like. One day, every white city will have a grand building with a spire, a cathedral, in which the children of high-school age will compete in contests of competence in mathematics. Those will be our churches. In those cities, whites will move, speak, and dress with style and will all live happily ever after.

    I don’t know why it’s so hard for people to understand that taxes and government undermine the family and organic society. Old age programs like Social Security and Medicare have taken what was a familial responsibility (taken care of one’s parent’s) to the state have weakened familial bonds and have resulted in below replacement birth rates for Whites.

  9. “you take America seriously. I don’t.”

    In that case, go back to your own homeland Mr. Bonaccorsi.

    America is my homeland, my people’s place of ethnogenesis, the place where 11 generations of my ancestors are buried, and I take my people EXTREMELY seriously.

    “I want white men and women living together and flourishing–not parasitizing each other via taxes”

    No one is suggesting that Whites act as parasites, so stop attacking that straw man!

    Under the current system, Jews are parasitizing Whites via a combination of mass immigration and a regressive tax system. Jews disproportionately benefit from the cheap labor and high rents of mass immigration, while the regressive tax system ensures that Whites disproportionately pay the costs of mass immigration, such as schools, medical care, well fare, and policing for the immigrants. It is one more example of privatizing the profits while socializing the costs. Both political parties work to accelerate the process – Democrats strive for increased levels of immigration while pretending to oppose regressive taxation, and the Republicans strive for a more regressive tax system while pretending to oppose mass immigration. Over time, immigration increases and taxes become more regressive no matter what happens in any given election. Trump is throwing a wrench in the works, putting the disproportionately Jewish billionaires on notice that they, and not the disproportionately White middle class, will be expected to pick up the tab for the costs of the mass immigration and Zionist wars of the past 50 years.

    I’ve got leaches attached to my throat sucking my blood, Trump wants to remove them, I say thank you, and instantly John Bonaccorsi and Jeff accuse *me* of being the parasite, as they’ve been trained to do by Ayn Rand, Barry Goldwater and Murray Rothbard.

  10. “America is my homeland, my people’s place of ethnogenesis, the place where 11 generations of my ancestors are buried, and I take my people EXTREMELY seriously.”

    I take your people extremely seriously, too, Whites Unite; that’s why I don’t want them living under a Constitution in which, in effect, everyone is voting on how much of everyone else’s money to move around–and constantly bickering about it, and constantly wrangling about “proposals,” like the one that is the subject of Mr. W.’s present post, proposals about changing this tax rate for so-and-so and what percentage of this should go to that. If your ancestors included any of the drafters of the Constitution that has resulted in all of that, well, then, they fucked up. I had a sense of that long before I encountered the writings of Ayn Rand, but I’m pleased she clarified it for me, while whites were simply yammering about tyranny and freedom and liberty. I don’t want the “disproportionately Jewish billionaires on notice that they, and not the disproportionately White middle class, will be expected to pick up the tab for the costs of the mass immigration and Zionist wars of the past 50 years.” I want whites not dealing with Jews at all, whether in Zionist wars or anything else. I want there to be mass EMigration, of non-whites out of white lands. I want a real white society, which means, no, not America.

  11. Re: John Bonaccorsi

    1.) As always, I’m saying exactly what I believe.

    2.) I don’t believe in classical liberalism or libertarianism or any other version of the liberal paradigm.

    3.) I’ve explained many times here why Americanism is a failure. Some people think Americanism could work were it not for the Jews. I believe we still would have declined regardless of whether or not Jews had settled here and that we were already on the way down When they arrived en masse.

    4.) I don’t believe in muh Constituton.

  12. I’m trying to understand what the threat actually is? That the billionaires will take their money and go home? Last I checked, it took 60 million votes to win the Presidency, and even if you take the top 20% of society, the “donor class” is still outnumbered one hundred or even a thousand to one.

    I would argue that losing that top 1% (many of them filthy Jews) is a sure route to the 80% of whites that can actually be reached.

    What am I missing here?

  13. You’re not missing anything. Sanders and Trump are right. My best “wedge for 5 years for getting a hearing for white ideas IRL has been by promoting hardcore economic leftism (essentially Strasserism, but I don’t say that). It’s only thanks to the poisonous influence of cuckservatism and libercuckism that there would even be a debate about the benefits of society of single-payer healthcare, worker protections, strong minimum wages and raising taxes on — of all people — hedge fund owners. I recommend making Naked Capitalism a daily read. The problem is not the top 1%; it’s more like tye top .01% and up, and especially the top .001% which is where you reach global elite territory. Supporting finance free market Capitalism is a cucking yourself for sure.

  14. Donald or Bernie…the rest is useless garbage. I bet we won’t see pieces how White Nationalists are enthusing about Bernie.

  15. I’m in favor of a Canadian or British style healthcare system too.

    But it could only work if you turf all the Hindoos and Jews out of the system.

    The great scam of medicine is getting some old coot to spend his last savings on 6 extra months of life. It’s the biggest wealth transfer in history.

  16. John,

    Currently our cities are centered around towers that are filled with men and women studying math. Insurance firms, brokerages, Revenue departments.

    We have a lot of people doing this Temple of Math already.

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