War Against The South: We Are In a “Purge Moment”

By Hunter Wallace

The fact that the New York Times compares the present historical moment to the advent post-apartheid South Africa ought to disturb you:

“WASHINGTON — In 1861, Union soldiers who were camped out in the Senate chamber attacked the desk of Jefferson Davis with a bayonet. Eager to destroy the symbol connected to Davis, who had resigned from the Senate to become president of the Confederacy, they were halted by an aide who insisted that the desk belonged to the government and that the military was “sent here to protect, not destroy.”

The desk, which still bears evidence of the gouging, is now assigned to the senior senator from Mississippi, Thad Cochran, its historical significance superseding its symbolism. But it is unlike many emblems of the Civil War and other powerful icons that are part of a larger movement to excise uncomfortable history from the more than two centuries of American life. …”

Last weekend, the Jefferson Davis and Woodrow Wilson statues were removed at the University of Texas. Meanwhile, SJWs at the University of Tennessee want to get rid of gendered pronouns.

About Hunter Wallace 12396 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. The University of Texas and Austin is one big leftist, Marxist cesspool..Too bad the rest of us Texas taxpayers have to pay for this crap.

  2. “But it is unlike many emblems of the Civil War and other powerful icons that are part of a larger movement to excise uncomfortable history from the more than two centuries of American life.”

    That is the most Orwellian sentence I’ve ever read.

  3. He was in favor of segregation etc.

    Intenet: A decade later, with Wilson in the White House, cinematographer D.W. Griffith produced a motion picture version of the book, titled “Birth of a Nation.”

    With quotations from Wilson’s scholarly writings in its subtitles, the silent film denounced the Reconstruction period in the South when blacks briefly held elective office in several states. It hailed the rise of the Ku Klux Klan as a sign of southern white society’s recovery from the humiliation and suffering to which the federal government and the northern “carpetbaggers” had subjected it after its defeat in the Civil War. The film depicted African-Americans (most played by white actors in blackface) as uncouth, uncivilized rabble.

    While the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People publicly denounced the movie’s blatant appeals to racial prejudice, the president organized a private screening of his friend’s film in the White House for the members of his cabinet and their families. “It is like writing history with lightning,” Wilson observed, “and my only regret is that it is all so terribly true.”

  4. Wilson’s statue was removed — so they say– for reasons of symmetry. The two statues flanked a walkway on the South Mall.

    Robert E Lee’s statue, farther down the mall I think, is safe– for now.

  5. The Empire of Chaos is now trying to erase its own history, culture, traditions and people in order to please negroes, Jews and foreign invaders.

  6. The kikes and their useful idiots are now openly fucking erasing us. This is soft genocide. Violent genocide will follow inevitably.

  7. Raphael Lemkin, a lawyer, invented the term “genocide” and is responsible for its legal definition today. He defined genocide as follows:

    “Genocide does not necessarily mean the immediate destruction of a nation” . . . “It is intended to signify a coordinated plan of different actions aiming at the destruction of essential foundations of the life of national groups, with the aim of annihilating the groups themselves.The objectives of such a plan would be the disintegration of the political and social institutions, of culture, language, national feelings, religion, and the economic existence of national groups, and the destruction of the personal security, liberty, health, dignity, and even the lives of the individuals belonging to such groups.”

  8. We have liberals all mixed in among us Southerners. The best thing that can happen is that Donald Trump splits the Republican party and destroys it forever. These weak wimpy politicians are just actors who like to put on their somber dejected scowls as the Left steamrolls over them time and time again and then they pat themselves on the back and try to convince themselves and others that they put up a good fight.

    The reason why the South is in such a weak position today is that these scalawag Leftists masquerading as conservatives are handing over our heritage bit by bit day by day and couldn’t care less.

    If we all united against the Supreme Court ruling on pervert homosexual marriage we could have our “Trump” moment in the South and with God’s help stand up and have our own nation under God and separate from those perverts in the liberal states. But all we have at the moment is one brave little woman in Kentucky who’s being made the butt of all the liberal perverts’ jokes, attacks and putdowns while our great religious and political “men” hide in the shadows and try to ignore her “Alamo” last stand so they won’t get their name dragged through the political mud with her.

    Mr. Hero himself, Lindsey Graham, who not long ago was welcoming this pervert Cat deJennerate into the Republican party condemned the actions of this County Clerk in Kentucky and said she should resign. Graham was also there with his pouting, someone’s-got-to-do-it Southern loser scowl standing beside Nikki Haley as they rushed to judgment on the Roof incident and pushed the legislation through during their golden opportunity to please the Left and take the Confederate Flag down off capitol grounds in SC.

    We definitely need a man with the persona like Trump to unite the South and purge out all these cuckservatives. Maybe we will one day have our purge moment. Let all of us pray to God that we do.

    Just my 2 cents…

  9. “The Empire of Chaos is now trying to erase its own history, culture, traditions and people in order to please negroes, Jews and foreign invaders.”
    Yes but I would say that the Marxist Jews are in the process of finalizing the erasure of our history culture and traditions using negroes Browns homos et al to please themselves as they create the Unites States of Jewmerica.

  10. “… SJWs at the University of Tennessee want to get rid of gendered pronouns.” Japanese bring Japan with them. Mexicans bring Mexico with them. Haitians bring Haiti with them. We know this. DWLs know this. Maybe some of the SJWs don’t know at their level of brainwashing. The official (underestimated?) murder rate for rural Boer farmers is about the same as that for Detroit residents.
    When the paper money pyramid collapses, the truth will become clear.

  11. If no one wants the statues, I wonder if we couldn’t preserve them all on a plot of land somewhere. Rural land is cheap.

    I don’t want a Woodrow Wilson statue, mind you.

  12. Just like pulling down statues of the Tsar and replacing it with a hammer and sickle. With the same people behind it.

    “Diversity is (((our))) strength.”

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