Ain’t That America: U.S. Marshalls Throw Kim Davis In Jail

By Hunter Wallace

For years, the League of the South has been telling Southerners that they will have to choose between, among other things, American patriotism and their religious beliefs, and well, here we are today:

“A federal judge has ordered a Kentucky county clerk to jail Thursday after she repeatedly refused to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples.

U.S. District Judge David Bunning said Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis would remain in the custody of U.S. Marshals until she complied with court orders to issue the licenses. Bunning said fines weren’t enough to compel Davis, who has remained defiant in the face of the Supreme Court’s decision in June to legalize same-sex marriage, Ryland Barton of Kentucky Public Radio reported.

Bunning told Davis that while public officials may have their own religious beliefs, they still must respect the law, Blue Grass Politics tweeted. …”

Dr. Michael Hill has released a statement:

“Kim Davis, the Rowan Co. Kentucky clerk who refused on religious grounds to grant marriage licenses to sodomites, has been arrested by federal agents. The feds wasted no time in taking Mrs. Davis into custody. Compare this with the way that federal officials, from the President, his cabinet members, assorted bureaucrats, black and homosexual leaders, and various other officially-favored persons, are permitted to ignore and even disobey the law with impunity. But not a lesser magistrate standing up for God’s word.

America is now a lawless regime that rewards evil, punishes good, and spits in the face of God Himself. But God is not mocked. He is allowing America to fill up the cup of wrath to the very brim. When His justice finally falls on this diabolical regime–and fall it shall–may He have mercy on His faithful servants. And may the South prove to be among the faithful and find a name and place among the nations of the earth.”

By the way, you also have the US Supreme Court to thank for what Planned Parenthood is doing to the unborn. Still believe the USA is “God’s Country”? Just give it a while and look us up in a few years.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. LOL. Southerners don’t have to choose between “Patriotism” and their religion. They have to choose between Obeying the Law and their religion. That’s what’s going on here. White people and Christianity are becoming illegal. This is government gone wild.

  2. The world has turned upside down in the past 25 years.

    The US is now the “godless” country and Russia is now the Christian country. That’s an important reason for Washington’s hostility to Moscow, IMO.

    Most of the Bill of Rights is now dead. They’re working hard to eliminate the 1st and 2nd amendments now.

  3. By the way, it was same U.S. marshalls that forced school integration in Topeka after the Brown v. Board decision. You need to get rid of 90% of the government, including the Marshall’s service which is the domestic equivalent of a standing army and add explicit ethnic protections to the constitution.

  4. Don’t you get that religion has no place in government? Government officials must obey the law. They took an oath to serve all people equally. This was never “god’s country” and never will be! Why do you as Christians think you have a privilege above all other religions to dictate everyone’s lives? Freedom of religion doesn’t mean freedom to oppress and persecute others in e name of your religion. If she wants to discriminate, she can become a member of the church, until then, civil marriages are legal for everyone.

  5. Do you think a “Confederate” army/air-force will storm where they this godless perverted government is holding her captive and set her free?

  6. All of this because three Jewish communists, a Hispanic communist and a back-and-forth old coot said so. The people and the states be damned.

  7. Still wondering how your life is affected by two people of the same sex being married. Oh that’s right, it doesn’t. My only hope is that Christians will continue to follow her example. Better build more jails.

  8. Jefferson Davis was imprisoned in 1865 for daring to defy the Northern states.

    And now another Davis, Kim Davis, is imprisoned in 2015, a 150 years later, for daring to defy the satanic government of the United States of Sodom and Gomorrah.

    Maybe the South will rise again. God is no where to be seen in this perverted nation. Hope this happens real soon before the whole nation is perverted…

  9. Some are more equal than others, Sam.

    Sanctuary cities are simply standing up to “unjust laws.” That is good.

    The Kentucky clerk is violating a “just” decree. That is bad.

    The Rulers get to choose.

  10. Wikipedia:
    ‘Kentucky Constitutional Amendment 1 of 2004, is an amendment to the Kentucky Constitution that makes it unconstitutional for the state to recognize or perform same-sex marriages or civil unions. The referendum was approved by 75% of the voters.
    The text of the amendment states:
    Only a marriage between one man and one woman shall be valid or recognized as a marriage in Kentucky. A legal status identical or substantially similar to that of marriage for unmarried individuals shall not be valid or recognized.’

    The SCOTUS spit in their faces and made up some BS to allow Queer marriage.

  11. Five creeps in black robes negated the constitution of the Commonwealth of Kentucky and the will of 75% of its people.

  12. What else is there to say? Actions have consequences, and we wanted a rights-obsessed proposition nation.

    We got what we wanted.

    This kind of thing is why, while I’m voting for Trump and cheering for him, that we have problems way beyond his ability or desire to solve them, and why I’m not putting inordinate expectations on him.

  13. I make a few pretty angry with my take on the whole deal: “Next time you’ll remind the government to leave certain things alone.”

    Yes. See, in the past, government, whether fed, state, whatever, parked a special “status” on the married kind, from legal stuff, tax status, and on and on. To that, the government got to get their hands on same.

    Marriage, to the best of my own studies, was born of the faith thing, the many religions. So, dumbass me, I ask: Why was it necessary to get the government involved with that?

    I can never get a decent answer on that, and yes, this point makes a lot very angry, but I just shrug it off. Anytime, the bard said, we allow government to dictate anything at all, we set ourselves up for a nastiness yet to come. Or did the Civil Rights crap of 1965 teach anyone anything? Did it?

    Marriage, to me, is one man, one woman and their God. Anyone else can frankly keep their noses in another direction, the government…especially.

    Yet, the fuse was lit long ago, and here we are. And you then ask me why I prefer as small a government as I and you can put up with?

    My point: Anytime anyone dares suggest government diddle around with things like marriage, yes, we are laying the fuse for later on. Gripe if you want, I don’t bother, as this is the crap that happens when we let government do our thinking for us.

  14. This is the perfect opportunity for the people of KY to stand up for this brave woman and assert their rights under the 10th amendment. They should refuse to elect any governor, senator, representative, mayor, councilman, etc. who refuses a pledge to not enforce the Supreme Court’s ruling.

  15. “Marriage, to the best of my own studies, was born of the faith thing, the many religions. So, dumbass me, I ask: Why was it necessary to get the government involved with that?”

    As far as we know, marriage has been a legal institution as long as there have been legal institutions.

  16. “Still wondering how your life is affected by two people of the same sex being married.”

    So-called same-sex marriage is meaningless and thus harms everyone.

  17. William H McCarty
    ‘The world has turned upside down in the past 25 years.’

    The law is the law, people say.

    Well, judges are very at good selective enforcement. All depends on what they want accomplished.

    Federal Court: Illegal Immigrant And Convicted Felon Can’t Be Deported Because He’s Transgender

    Read more:

    A federal appeals court has ruled that an illegal immigrant and convicted felon can’t be deported back to Mexico because he identifies as a transgender woman, which leaves him vulnerable to torture back in his home country.

  18. It is too bad that these perverts are called “gays” by many. I think the word “glums” that rhymes with the word “slums” would be more appropriate though I hate seeing the word “glum” associated with these homosexuals.

    Not “gays” but perverted “glums”.

  19. Let’s see. As Sam has pointed out, mayors and city officials of sanctuary cities willfully violate federal law and refuse to cooperate with the govt and aren’t jailed. As Trump has pointed out, Al Sharpton also stays out of jail. DHS dumps convicted illegal alien felons onto your streets and won’t deport them or lock them up. (Don’t give me bogus excuses that the courts did that. The courts are part of that govt.) A long list is possible.

    What we might have here in Kentucky is a political prisoner. A person who refused to give up her freedom of conscience.

  20. “Bunning told Davis that while public officials may have their own religious beliefs, they still must respect the law, Blue Grass Politics tweeted. …”

    SCREW THE LAW!!!!!

    An unjust law is NO LAW AT ALL, and MUST BE DISOBEYED BY EVERY CHRISTIAN EVERYWHERE. This woman is now a martyr for Christ, and she must be supported. We cannot let the KIKE COURT dominate ANY MORE. Death to unjust law!

  21. “Don’t you get that religion has no place in government? Government officials must obey the law. They took an oath to serve all people equally. This was never “god’s country” and never will be! Why do you as Christians think you have a privilege above all other religions to dictate everyone’s lives? ” _R

    R- I call down God’s righteous judgment on you for your blasphemy and your cucking Jewish attitude toward the law of God. Sodomy and Jewish memes are NOT our LAW. Our law clearly is derived from YHWH GOD, the Ten Commandments, and was taught so from Blackstone’s Commentaries on down through Supreme Court Decisions, until the Jews took over in the early 1960’s. Are you a Jewish CUCK?

    BE DAMNED if you are. Morris’ “The Christian Life and Character of teh CIVIL INSTITUTIONS FO THE UNITED STATES is an over 1000-page tome that would inflict damage if it fell your damn stupid head. WHich is should for such ignorance of the Election, the Place and PRIMACY of God’s Law for White America.
    I include the video of a large number of videos on YT to STOP YOUR BLASPHEMOUS MOUTH.

    I’m done. These Deicides and Antichrists need to go. GET OUT OF MY COUNTRY!

  22. Ok. I read the second article from American Conservative and I am properly chastised.

    So here goes:

    “I pledge allegiance to Ginzberg-Kagan-Breyer-Sotomayor…”

  23. Why not?

    They have thrown out federal law (DOMA), state laws and constitutions, and the results of all state referenda and initiatives on the subject (as far as I know). The dissenting opinions were harsh and incredulous.

    These five people can make “law” and you must bow to it. Or you’re a bad conservative.
    Oh, well.

  24. “Still wondering how your life is affected by two people of the same sex being married.” – How is your life affected by a county clerk in the middle of nowhere refusing to issue marriage licenses?

  25. She should consider running for a Kentucky/US congressional seat after she gets out of jail. I bet she would win by a landslide.

  26. Just wanted to say, as a keen outside observer, people like you folks here are the True Americans, the ones that I grew up knowing and respecting. May God bless and keep you all.

  27. This is how the state imposed religion of Political Correctness deals with heretics. If they could get away with it they’d burn this woman at the stake.

  28. I have a different view.

    She smells money here. She can make a pretty good living off speaking as a guest in churches and publishing at this point.

    I’m being cynical here. She knows what she is doing.

  29. What is with this guy?


    Sunday on ABC’s “This Week with George Stephanopoulos,” Gov. John Kasich (R-OH), a candidate for the 2016 GOP presidential nomination, discussed Kentucky Clerk Kim Davis being jailed for refusing to issue same-sex marriage licenses and said of the Republican Party continuing to fight over same-sex marriage after the Supreme Court ruling could turn people off “to the idea of faith in God.”

    Kasich said, “The court has spoken, the court has ruled. I believe in traditional marriage, but the court has ruled. One other big issue here, we have a lot of young people who sit on the fence on a issue like this and they think about their belief in God. And you know, for me, I think we need to talk a lot about the do’s — about humility, about helping our neighbors, about the need to live a life bigger than ourselves. When we see these battles going on, I get a little bit afraid that it turns people off to the idea of faith in God.What it means to be be a Christian. (snip)

  30. As I said before and will say again. The United States Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, your state and local laws ARE NOT ABOVE GOD’s LAW. Period end of story. The Jews and Liberal Scum foisted upon us ideas such as Natural Law, Rights of Man, all Balderdash. THE LAW OF GOD IS THE ONLY LAW. All other laws are worthless as the paper they are written on.

    John C. Calhoun would agree with me

  31. There isn’t any federal law that Kim Davis isn’t upholding. What happened was five unelected, unaccoutable, appointed for life bureaucrats decided that they would re define marriage to suit themselves. I don’t know why these propeller heads can’t leave ordinary people in the middle of the country alone, they can’t stand us anyway. They’re not interested in fly over country, but these assholes insist on ordering us about anyway.

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