
It’s September 11th – the 14th anniversary of the terrible 9/11 Muslim terrorists’ slaughter of our people in our country.
Sept 11th is a special/holy day for me. This day basically justifies all my political activism over the last 25 years, shows that I was near 100% right.
I lived in New York City 1985-91 and personally saw the dark, hairy, hostile and hateful Muslim men that somehow were allowed to come to our country. Remember Mohamed Ata and his murderous crew were invited to come to the United States on unsupervised student visas. They attended flight school in Florida (I wonder if flight teachers noticed Mohamed was only interested in flying the planes, no interest in take off or landings HELLO!). I left New York City shortly before the Islamic extremists try to blow up the World Trade Center the first time in 1993 (link). I have spent the better part of the last 25 years warning regular Americans, including my former mainstream Conservative associates that Islamic mass murder of our people is one of the worst, but also one of the sure fire bad result of not controlling immigration. 9/11/01 is also the easiest, most effective event to persuade regular, sane Americans, Southerners about immigration, racial realities.
When, we – the League of the South protested Tyson Foods flooding Middle Tennessee with Bantu Muslim Somalians, virtually every single regular Southerner responded positively to my argument that hey:
“We don’t want many/any more 9/11s”
“Mohamed Ata wasn’t a Tennessee Good Ol boy”
“Al Qaeda, ISIS or really all the dark, swarthy Ayrab Islam -hate folks from Algeria, Somalia, or Tower Hamlet London England – they ain’t gonna let us live and let live and enjoy BBQ Pork and a 6 pack of Bud”.
The paranoid, loner, loser, societal drop out Jew obsessed conspiracy mongering nuts always insist that the Muslims didn’t do 9/11 or else we somehow deserved it for supposed American, White Western sins against the Palestinians or the Pakistanis. Libertarian Loon Ron Paul made exactly that treasonous argument at the GOP New York City presidential debate on the 10th anniversary of 9/11/01. Needless to say, this pro Muslim terrorist position wasn’t widely popular with GOP voters or really anyone besides the terrorists or cultural marxist extremists who simply hate everything White American; these hate White America types will go for anything violent and anti White – the Viet Cong, the African National Congress or the Taliban. Remember that confused, spoiled leftist kid from Lib San Francico John Walker Lind will support anything and everything that works to kill our people and destroy our civilization.; he went from smoking MJ, grooving on Bob Marley to joining the Taliban in Afghanistan!
Now, also understand that the (heavily Jewish) neo Conservatives, cuckservatives, Conservative Inc, Christian Zionists etc will always try to spin the 9/11/01 attacks as justification for more US military attacks, misadventures in the Middle East. The 1st and second US wars, invasions of secular Iraq (SADDAM IS HITLER) were debacles and have actually turned over large parts of Iraq, Syria the Middle East to these 9/11/01 style Islamic terrorists. Sadly, our people are very susceptive to lying Neo Con war propaganda accompanied by some Ted Nugent, Hank Willians Jr. war mongering song with simple, lying themes like “Saddam is Hitler”, “BOMB IRAN STOP ANOTHER HOLOCAUST”.
Our position should be simple and clear.
Honor Sept 11th as a holy day to remember our martyred dead:
The 300 Spartans/300 FDNY New York City Firemen who gave their lives for our people and our civilization on 9/11/01
Sept 11th is immigration restriction day in the USA, North America… what remains of the White West.
Does Japan have problems with Islamic terrorists slaughtering Japanese people in Japan? No. Because Japan doesn’t let Islamic extremists come in to Japan. Those people supposedly on our side who want to concentrate on REAL Jewish problems should work to expose, oppose real bad Jewish programs to flood the USA/West with the worst migrants, immigrants including the Islamic extremists – yes Virginia the Jews really suck on immigration.
Stay strong and stay sane brothers and sisters. Sept 11th is an important remembrance day.
And what was Jorge W Bush’s response? Attack Iraq, which had nothing to do with it and is now a mess, and jack up Muslim immigration to high levels. Stupid or evil?
Abraham Lincoln all the way back in the Lincoln-Douglas debates spoke of the United States as an example to the rest of the world.
Fast forward to 1917 when Woodrow Wilson says we must make the world Safe for Democracy read Communism. Fast forward again to December 8th 1941 we must defeat Fascism at all costs. Fast forward to 1950 we must defeat Communism in Korea, 1965 Save South Vietnam from Communism, 1990 End Iraqi Aggression on Kuwait, 1992, Bring order to Somali anarchy, 1995 Stop Bosnian Genocide, 1998 Stop Kosovar Genocide and then 2002, the War On Terror.
The Philosophy of Lincoln, first delivered in part by Alexander Hamilton and later Henry Clay is this idea that sees the world as US vs THEM. We must fight evil everywhere it rears it’s head at home and abroad. We are a Crusader for what we believe to be right. There are other variants as well.
The other school of thought is we should isolate ourselves and keep as much to ourselves as possible, letting the rest of the world kill itself. It is not our job to solve everyone’s problems nor to be a safety net nor an example. This was the philosophy that crossed party lines, before the War Between the States, most Whigs held a variant of this viewpoint. After the War, from Rutherford B Hayes until McKinley all Presidents held this viewpoint. Every President since Franklin D Roosevelt has been of the Lincoln crusader model.
Get the point?
I wonder if flight teachers noticed Mohamed was only interested in flying the planes, no interest in take off or landings HELLO!
They did, snitched, but it went down the FBI rabbit hole.
Does Japan have problems with Islamic terrorists slaughtering Japanese people in Japan? No. Because Japan doesn’t let Islamic extremists come in to Japan..
Remember Khalid Sheik Mohammed? The Ron Jeremy look alike. When we had him in Gitmo, he confessed that he and his AQ buddies wanted to pull off a terrorist attack in Japan when they co-hosted the 2002 World Cup of Soccer with South Korea. But they backed off the plans because they "couldn't get a ground network going in Japan." (Supposedly his exact words.) And why couldn't they get a ground network going in Japan? You just answered it. They won't let them in for one, and even if they let enough of them in, their suspicious funny business would quickly be shut down.
You can see in the last comment I didn’t properly close an HTML tag. Can you fix that for me?
Our outrage after 9/11 was improperly channeled into universalist trope. We were not allowed to name the enemy; we were not even allowed to think that we have an enemy. (And don’t even think for one moment that we were allowed to entertain seriously the notion that we shouldn’t allow any more of these people to waltz on in to the country.) Instead, we were told that the root cause of 9/11 was the lack of duhmocrazy and universal values in this that and the third istan.
They should read John Quincy Adams’ speech of July 4, 1821.
It’s funny that this is on a neocon site. Going abroad in search of “monsters” (in their view) to destroy is what neocons do.
Our rulers have also blamed islamic terrorism on joblessness and global warming.
Citizen of the USA Stephen M. St. John addresses the international community ..
(Editor’s note: this comment contained material considered to violate Occidental Dissent’s comment terms prohibiting wild, unsubstantiated conspiracy theory lunacies by assorted kooks, nutcases, loners, societal misfits etc. If you or anyone you care about shows signs of contracting these diseases of mental illness – get help)
“[T]hese hate White America types will go for anything violent and anti White – the Viet Cong, the African National Congress or the Taliban.”
Bingo, Jack. Just last night I mentioned to a friend of mine something that I never hear anyone talk about: At the time of the Gulf War, in early 1991, Democrats were disrupting our military buildup over there because our female soldiers were not allowed to walk on the streets of Saudi Arabia with their heads uncovered–something like that. Democrat Congresswoman Pat Schroeder, who was later marginalized and then disposed of by Bill Clinton, was the most-conspicuous complainer. (I’m going by my memory of events I didn’t follow especially closely.) As soon as al Qaeda destroyed the World Trade Center, a decade later, all of that trumpeting of women’s rights, in opposition to consideration of Muslim culture, disappeared; now that Muslims had shown themselves violent enemies of America, the U.S. left insisted on respect for their ways.
“Our position should be simple and clear.
“Honor Sept 11th as a holy day to remember our martyred dead:
“The 300 Spartans/300 FDNY New York City Firemen who gave their lives for our people and our civilization on 9/11/01
“Sept 11th is immigration restriction day in the USA, North America… what remains of the White West.”
To be honest, I wonder how many of those firemen consistently voted for the Democrats whose policies culminated in the 9/11 attacks that killed them. I myself have always thought whites should regard September 11 as Vigilance Day, the day on which we remind ourselves of the thousands of years during which we were insufficiently mindful of race.
Off topic–but maybe not entirely: I mentioned at another blog (The Irish Savant) that a website should create some sort of online, rolling voting pool, or whatever it would be called, to predict the date of ISIS’s dynamiting of the Vatican. I recognize that some persons here, at Occidental Dissent, would regard such a prospect with mixed feelings, as would many Catholics, I suppose, if they could know that the present Pope would be in the building at the time of the event, but still …
John Bonaccorsi Philly writes
“Off topic–but maybe not entirely: I mentioned at another blog (The Irish Savant) that a website should create some sort of online, rolling voting pool, or whatever it would be called, to predict the date of ISIS’s dynamiting of the Vatican.”
I respond:
I disagree why would Muslim extremists blow up the Vatican now that a White hating, revolutionary theology pro Muslim immigration anti Pope is at the top there. Unless these Muslims are stupid and aren’t following current events, why would they destroy a great power on their side?
ISIS dynamiting the Vatican???
As a Catholic, I’d be so sad for the destruction of those beautiful architectures!
And the pope… fuck, who cares for that shabbastard!
Thats a decent article, Jack.
I remember the first WTC attack in 1993. The original plan was to blow up the parking lot underground the towers and make one tower topple the other one causing potentially ten thousands casualties. Americans are still dumbfounded the same thing or so happened 8 years later. Thanks FBI, CIA etc.
You’re probably right, Jack, that ISIS will be somewhat favorably disposed toward the Pope. That means they’ll probably let him take a few Tylenol before they cut off his testicles, shove them in his mouth, and hang him upside down from Trajan’s column.
amen Jack! like you said, Asia and other people don’t have the problem the White race has because they don’t let the vermin in.
“…The paranoid, loner, loser, societal drop out Jew obsessed conspiracy mongering nuts always insist that the Muslims didn’t do 9/11…”
Nice try but…fail. Calling names does not explain building #7, not hit by a plane. The third skyscraper to fal….
If the fires were hot enough to melt steel then why isn’t the glass in the windows
(Editor ‘s note: the following comments have been deleted as per the OD comment guidelines prohibiting wild conspiracy mongering nonsense of predictable same old, same old idiots, loners, kooks, nut cases , societal misfits etc. It ‘s the plague of the American Right Wing. What can we say? Let s try to say less.)
John Bonaccorsi Philly writes
“Off topic–but maybe not entirely: I mentioned at another blog (The Irish Savant) that a website should create some sort of online, rolling voting pool, or whatever it would be called, to predict the date of ISIS’s dynamiting of the Vatican.”
The way things are going in Europe they are probably thinking it will be a Mosque in 20 years. Why would they blow up one of their most impressive future possessions?
I could pen me a book about now, and make this one of the longest commentaries on this piece, but I’d then be regarded as another “hoaxer”, yes. So, I’ll do it real short like this:
I grieve for the brave souls we lost, but I also weep hard for those names of those I once knew who now adorn The Wall Of Eternal Night, and that they, too, died for the Great Big American Lie.
Like that.
Your treatment of Sam J. and Robert reveal your lack of testicular fortitude, so common among keyboard warrior bloggers.
Is the truth about the Lavon Affair a “wild, unsubstantiated conspiracy theory”?
Fine then, go sign and go die in the next war for the Chosen, shabbos goy white man. They’ll give your wife a flag after you get killed.
We periodically publish OD’s comment guidelines. I will do so again now as some folks are trying to spread wild conspiracy theories that nothing is as it seems to be, everything is controlled by some all powerful supernatural force, resistance is useless and anyone who participates in mainstream life, gets a job, gets married, has any sane friends, well that person is a slave to the System and a traitor…
These are the comment guidelines. Note #8
1.) No Flaming – I’m sick of the comment threads degenerating into flame wars. Flames are now banned. If you want to criticize someone, that’s fine, but do so in a respectful and civil tone, and make sure your comment adds to the discussion, otherwise it could be deleted.
2.) Off-Topic Comments – Please stick to the subject under discussion. Far too many threads are getting derailed by extraneous issues.
3.) No Trolling – Do not troll others and bait them into reacting to you.
4.) No Soap Operas – Do not come here to carry on a soap opera. I’m tired of dealing with these comments.
5.) No Hobby Horse Riding – I’ve seen countless threads deteriorate into hobby horse riding. The most obvious examples are religious and subracial infighting. Most of the time the OP is irrelevant to these issues.
6.) Use Common Sense – By that I mean keep your comments reasonable, civil, productive, and respectful. Stick to the high road. Make your point in an honorable way.
7.) LOLs – I’m tired of seeing LOLs and the like in the comments. This detracts from the comments. Don’t use them.
8.) Conspiracy Theories – There are any number of websites that cater to conspiracy theories. This isn’t one of them.
Hey X. Please read this whole article. I include strong warnings not to let the Neo Conservatives, Christian Zionists, Cuckservatives spin the 9/11 attack in to new US wars for Israel:
“Now, also understand that the (heavily Jewish) neo Conservatives, cuckservatives, Conservative Inc, Christian Zionists etc will always try to spin the 9/11/01 attacks as justification for more US military attacks, misadventures in the Middle East. The 1st and second US wars, invasions of secular Iraq (SADDAM IS HITLER) were debacles and have actually turned over large parts of Iraq, Syria the Middle East to these 9/11/01 style Islamic terrorists. Sadly, our people are very susceptive to lying Neo Con war propaganda accompanied by some Ted Nugent, Hank Willians Jr. war mongering song with simple, lying themes like “Saddam is Hitler”, “BOMB IRAN STOP ANOTHER HOLOCAUST”.”
“The way things are going in Europe they are probably thinking it will be a Mosque in 20 years. Why would they blow up one of their most impressive future possessions?”
After I posted my comment, Richard, I thought, as you say, “Maybe they’ll prefer to do what they did with the Hagia Sophia: turn it into a mosque.” I personally don’t envy them; I think it’s going to be a tough choice.
Interviewed this evening by Hannity. No, to taking Arab refugees.
Trump: And we want to take in 200,000 an we don’t know where they come from. All we know is they have no papers and they are young and they are strong and mostly men and this could be the greatest Trojan Horse ever.
This could be bigger than the original Trojan Horse.
We shouldn’t be taking anybody. We have enough problems …
Merkel made a tremendous mistake. They’re going to end up having a revolution in Germany. You can see what’s happening with the German people.