By Hunter Wallace
Back in early July, Rick Perry delivered this speech on race at the height of the frenzy over Charleston. I don’t recall hearing about it at the time, but it was hailed by the Wall Street Journal as “thoughtful, often moving”:
“Ninety-nine years ago – on May 15, 1916 – at a courthouse in Waco, Texas, a mentally disabled 17-year-old boy named Jesse Washington was convicted of raping and murdering the wife of his employer.
He pled guilty and was sentenced to death. But Jesse died no ordinary death. Because he was black. …
We’ve made a lot of progress since 1916.
A half-century ago, Republicans and Democrats came together to finally enshrine in law the principle that all of us – regardless of race, color, or national origin – are created equal. …
When it comes to race, America is a better and more tolerant and more welcoming place than it has ever been. We are a country with Hispanic CEOs, and Asian billionaires, and a black President. …
We cannot dismiss the historical legacy of slavery, nor its role in causing the problem of black poverty. And because slavery and segregation were sanctioned by government, there is a role for government policy in addressing their lasting effects. …
I know Republicans have much to do to earn the trust of African-Americans. Blacks know that Republican Barry Goldwater, in 1964, ran against Lyndon Johnson, a champion of civil rights. They know that Barry Goldwater opposed the Civil Rights Act of 1964, because he felt that parts of it were unconstitutional.
States supporting segregation in the South cited “states’ rights” as a justification for keeping blacks from the voting booth and the dinner table.”
Read the whole thing. It sounds like something Rand Paul would say. It is a perfect pitch of the cuckservative worldview.
Apparently, Rick “Fed Up” Perry was sold on the idea of kicking off his 2016 presidential campaign by cucking for the SPLC while wearing those stupid glasses to make himself look intelligent. Contrast that with Donald Trump’s introduction in which he decried the Mexican murderers and rapists coming across the border.
Note: In the second video, you can skip to the part where he drops out of the race while decrying “nativist appeals that divide the nation further.”
A trend is developing amongst these “conservatives.”
Bret Stephens thinks that America’s “credo” was written by a Zionist poet (“Give us your tired, your poor…”).
Rick Perry thinks the Constitution is a speech by MLK (“The central principle of the Constitution… Content of character, not color of skin…”).
“When it comes to race, America is a better and more tolerant and more welcoming place than it has ever been.”
…and growing more anti-white with each passing year.
“We are a country with Hispanic CEOs, and Asian billionaires, and a black President. …”
Stealing jobs via EEOC/TItle IX reprisals from a fascist government, is not a ‘blessing,’ Perry – you effing CUCK!
Personal Spoiler- I have, since the mid-1990’s, been passed over for academic positions time and again, due to my (at one time or another, sometimes by one, many times by multiple categories):
race, gender, sexual normalcy, forthrightness is arguing for a DWEM worldview – in a Humanities field(!), age, intelligence, (the last by administrators threatened by such inane things as my mastery of the English language-I kid you not), etc., etc.
That cucks like Perry are willing to commit ideological/racial fellatio, doesn’t endear them to my heart. Indeed, it sickens me: and their specious posturing as moral barometers is as disingenuous, as Hitlery Clinton saying she’s not guilty of major crimes and misdemeanors, (as was her husband) simply because they know the Demon-craps will ‘give them a pass.’
It’s the Mantra of the White Nationalist… for a reason.
Perry didn’t just excoriate Trump for stirring up the passions of immigration-minded voters — he forcefully avowed the common bonds between American citizens and unauthorized immigrants. He even framed his argument with a homage to the late Martin Luther King Jr.
“We’ve made a lot of progress since 1916.”
Yeah, the government now encourages blacks to riot, loot and burn.
“Space to destroy” and all that.
Hunter I think we are spending a little too much attention on the Presidential camp/media circus which is after all mostly fixed against us a huge waste of time.
Trump is the only candidate of any interest to us and it’s always a huge mistake to put all our time, money, hopes and dreams of some White savior somehow sneaking through this cursed system and SAVING us, reversing the 1960s, getting Black people to stop having illegitimate children robbing and raping everyone.
Let’s concentrate on some state and local things where we can compete and win things. I have an article in draft about some Tennessee Sheriffs staring up against PC, opposing the Muslim immigration colonization in TN.
These clowns can’t even run an empire right. They are allowing identity politics to come to the forefront and that is the death of empires
You do notice the pattern that the Cuckservatives only chastise whites but allow the left carte blanche with identity politics?
Perry is, according to reports, a somewhat out of the closet faggot/coke user. Possibly the HIV virus is in his brain.
I’m scratching my head on this one. Is this simpering cuckold applying for Labor Secretary with the Obama administration?
American History according to Guvnah Perry.
In 1492 the evil Redheaded slaver Christopher Columbus was commissioned by the Anti-Semitic Ferdinand & Isabella to find them some Mestizo gardeners for the Prado.
1605 The King James Bible colony of Jaimetown landed on the Pochantans and used the Indian maidens for procreation. George Washington is descended from these Acts of Love.
1776 Slave owning Merchants of death responded to King George III punching a Rabbi in the face. They consulted with Martin Luther King and formed the continental army.
1860 Abraham Lincoln kills the descendents of Washington and Jefferson because they were were being mean to blacks.
1945 America saves the world
1990 Ronald Reagan saves the world
2003 George Bush saves the world
Cuckservative Rick Perry called taking down the Confederate flag “an act of healing.”
LOL @ Captain John Charity Spring MA
Good stuff.
The system seems to be getting desperate. How many of these shills will fall on their swords to try to push this failed narrative? Do these idiots really expect Whites to hand over their country to itinerant morons and watch their children get raped and murdered by rancid baboons? What kind of altruism requires the death of your race and all the hard work of your ancestors? These parasites are dumber than I thought!
Well, after reading Perry’s – ahem – speech, I stand by my previous conclusion. He’s an asshole.
You’re welcome.
How low can cucks go.Asia rule 21st century.
The father of the drowned boy was the smuggler driving the boat.
This needs to go viral.
@Dr. Doom // September 12, 2015 at 7:18 pm //
” How many of these shills will fall on their swords to try to push this failed narrative? ”
As long as the PTB keep paying, there will be an endless supply of idiots like Perry, that will take their money and repeat their nonsense.
Someone needs to be keeping an official tab of all our traitors so that neither they nor their descendants will be permitted in our post secession/revolution ethnostate.
Some thoughts:
A half-century ago, Republicans and Democrats came together to finally enshrine in law the principle that all of us – regardless of race, color, or national origin – are created equal. …
And then promptly made White people into second class citizens via affirmative action, court ordered busing, black studies programs, minorities-only grants & contracts, hatecrime laws which do not protect Whites, the worship of Martin Luther King jr, turning South Africa and Rhodesia over to black marxist terrorists, giving rioters “space” to pillage cities like Ferguson and Baltimore, opening up the frontiers to third world invasion, etc., etc.
When it comes to race, America is a better and more tolerant and more welcoming place than it has ever been.
Not very tolerant if you are flying a Confederate flag!
We cannot dismiss the historical legacy of slavery, nor its role in causing the problem of black poverty.
Were it not for slavery, just about every black now living in the USA would be a denizen of sub-Saharan Africa or perhaps the Caribbean. And what is the standard of living for blacks in those counties? What’s justice like in a continent full of warlords, kleptocrats, child soldiers, necklacing mobs, AIDS epidemics, and expropriating “liberation” movements?
Africans would not be fleeing Africa were it not for the fact that Africans wreck every territory in which they take control. True from Zimbabwe to Birmingham. What can not be dismissed (but will be denied by political hacks) is the role of genetics in the inability of blacks to assimilate into White Civilization.
And because slavery and segregation were sanctioned by government, there is a role for government policy in addressing their lasting effects. …
i.e., more Big Government from the Republican “party of liberty.” It just is staggering how any sane conservative can be a member of the Republican Party, given “candidates” like this.
Oh yes, what about:
Ninety-nine years ago – on May 15, 1916 – at a courthouse in Waco, Texas, a mentally disabled 17-year-old boy named Jesse Washington was convicted of raping and murdering the wife of his employer.
Perry then goes on to describe how Jesse was tortured and killed by a lynch mob. No doubt a horrid crime. Now what about more recent victims of torture and murder–like Christopher Newsom & Channon Christian or the thousands of other white victims of black violence here in the Homeland, in South Africa, and now in Europa? I need not comment that back during the era of segregation-colonialism-apartheid such black-on-white crimes were rarely contemplated and even less frequently committed. And it was extremely doubtful that blacks or third world “refugees” would have been given “space” to loot a White city.
Today, in Perry’s glorious era of tolerance and equality, such atrocities have become the new normal.
The USA has come far in the last century, hasn’t it?
A great post.
A trend is developing amongst these “conservatives.” … Bizarre.”
I think a lot of them are homosexual so they identify with the changes.
“We’ve made a lot of progress since 1916.”
White progress: Lasers. Trinity. Los Alamos. Pad 39A. The Internet. Integrated Circuits. Lithium-Ion Batteries. Non-invasive surgeries. Organ transplants. The Hubble Telescope. Warp Theory. Stealth concepts.
Black progress: Questionable fashion trends. Music designed to offend and irritate. A sub-cultural gutteral lingo better used by the fictional Jawas. A piss-poor method of using firearms. Dirt, filth, disease-ridden cities. Glamorization of crime and criminals. Cannot exist without handouts. Cannot comprehend tomorrow.
Case closed.
It’s too bad you can’t eat corn dogs in public anymore. And I mean that in the mist literal way possible.
R. Moreland is 100% Correct. Governor Perry was 100% wrong in that entire speech.
Before 1860 the South was basically integrated, a slave could go into a wealthy hotel with his master before poor whites could do the same. Some of the first Segregation Laws actually appeared in the North. As the US Constitution only applied to the Federal Government, it was the domain of the states to set their own laws.
After Reconstruction as part of the Compromise of 1877, the Federal Government agreed to offer no opinion on the subject of segregation, in fact it neither approved of it nor disapproved of it explicitly except in the US Military which was approved by Abe Lincoln BTW. Plessy vs Ferguson merely stated that Negroes should have facilities provided that were basically the same to the White ones.
From 1877 until 1948 the federal government did interfere at times. The Buchanan vs Warley case in 1917 was one instance in which the court said the City of Louisville could not make it illegal to sell Negroes property. Another was Patterson vs Alabama in 1935 where it said that excluding Negroes from the jury pool amounted to denying a defendant a jury of his peers.
In fact the word Segregated is a misnomer. Negroes and whites lived in close contact with one another all through the South’s history in fact it could be said Segregation only dealt with certain issues and codifed laws dealing with certain social behaviors. Outside the South a person could live 90 years and never have any close contact with Negroes, even if Negroes lived in their city as Negroes lived in Negrotown and were expected to remain there. Before the 1950’s in Detroit, Newark, Cleveland, etc, Negroes stepping out of their assigned areas often resulted in gang beatings or cop beatings. Those Segregation laws actually protected Negroes. When full integration was tried during Reconstruction, it resulted in shootings and all manner of things. Segregation was not completely codified until about 1900 and if you compare lynching statistics before codification and after, you will see the codified laws PREVENTED riots and civil disorder. Did Birmingham AL have the gang violence that Northern cities had, largely because a certain race stepped onto another gang’s turf? Nope.
When you examine it closely all their lies collapse.
Once a cuck always a cuck.