The 2015 Cucky Awards

By Hunter Wallace

We have the strongest field in years:

[poll id=”2″]

The Nominees






1.) Rod DreherMy People, Black & White






2.) Glenn BeckRestoring Unity






3.) David FrenchA Letter To My African-American Daughter






4.) Russell MooreThe Cross and the Confederate Flag

Jeb Bush





5.) Jeb Bush“El hombre no es conservador”

Kevin Williamson - March 19, 2014





6.) Kevin WilliamsonWhat Doomed Detroit






7.) Jack HunterThe ‘Southern Avenger’ Repents






8.) Nick Searcy Muh Black Son on Facebook and Twitter






9.) Rick PerrySpeech on Race






10.) Rick WilsonHow The Tea Party Got Hijacked By Trump’s Troll Party






11.) Erick Erickson Megyn Kelly’s Sacred Vagina






12.) Matt LewisTwitter’s Rightwing Civil War






13.) George WillTrump’s Immigration Plan Could Spell Doom For The GOP

About Hunter Wallace 12409 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I think it has to be Bush for me because they specifically picked him to be their front man.

    Beck – if his schtick stops bringing in the money and he thinks the tide may be turning he may change sides (not genuinely of course but possibly useful).

  2. Off-topic:

    This weekend Bernie Sanders (yep) and Andy Samberg (yep, whoever he is) called Trump a “racist.” Predictable and tiresome.

  3. I note that George Will, over the last 48 hours, has moved up from last to fifth. This is a remarkable performance, for which I claim only partial credit. George is the quintessence of Cuckulation

  4. It’s nice to see that all the racism people of color speak about is just in their head. You bigots prove racism is alive in real. You gather in your racist little chat rooms, amongst your racist selves and post racist rants. Aint “Murika” grand….

    It must be nice #BillyRayBigot to sit in your mothers basement in Kentucky calling people names. And you Diane, stealing your neighbors wifi to post your racist rants.

    I’d like to welcome you all to the FBI’s hate crimes watch list. Enjoy the rest of your miserable lives. Of you may want to check your wifi settings for “FBI Surveillance Van #1”.

    God Bless you and God Bless America

  5. As I said Hunter if we are talking biggest Presidential Candidate Cuck it’s Jeb, biggest ones in Congress would be John McCain Mitch McConnell and John Boehner, and the biggest one in the Media is definately Glenn Beck. Overall I agree Jeb is the Cucks Cuck. I just like to divide it.

  6. I wasn’t even sure who some of these dildos even were. Did they have to be ‘male’ to be in the contest? Because one of my choices would have been the Pakistani Governor of South Carolina, Mrs. Haley, who took down the Confederate Battle flag over a local crime.

    Boehner and McConnell should be on some list of useless asshats. Boehner looks like a half negro cry baby, and McConnell looks like a 70 year old version of that kid from A Christmas Story, the one who wanted a bb gun. I’m hoping the pope will take both of them with him when he heads back to Europe, he can drop them off in Tel Aviv, that’s where they belong.

  7. American Against Racism // September 21, 2015 at 4:05 pm //

    “It’s nice to see that all the anti-white people of color speak about is just in their head. You bigots prove anti-whitism is alive in real. You gather in your anti-white little chat rooms, amongst your anti-white selves and post anti-white rants. Aint “Murika” grand….

    It must be nice #BillyRayBigot to sit in your mothers basement in Kentucky calling people names. And you Diane, stealing your neighbors wifi to post your anti-white rants.

    I’d like to welcome you all to the FBI’s hate crimes watch list. Enjoy the rest of your miserable lives. Of you may want to check your wifi settings for “FBI Surveillance Van #1?.

    God Bless you and God Bless America”

    Fixed that for you, anti-white.

  8. Erick Erickson ?@EWErickson 3h3 hours ago
    @JakeSherman I could go with a Jewish candidate. I’ve voted for a number of Jewish candidates already.

  9. Lindsey Graham: “America is an idea not owned by a particular religion, race or anything else. Out of many comes one. I think Dr. Carson needs to apologize to this young man and every other Muslim serving their country and to the American Muslim community. And if he understood the world and how dangerous it is he would not say things like this. We have to partner with people in the faith to destroy radical Islam. And most Muslims throughout the world reject what radical Islam is trying to do to the world and their faith. This is an example to me that Mr. Carson may be a good doctor, but he is not ready to lead a great nation.”

  10. He’s under the radar in this exceptionally strong field of leading cucks; however, Pastor Russell Moore is actually probably the worst one up there in terms of being both treacherous and a dangerous enemy, that is, not a baffoon like Lewis, Beck and the others who can be dismissed easily enough. Russell Moore from quaint Mississippi is a quadruple cuck betraying his fellow Southerners, Christians, whites and people from his social class all at the same time. Although it’s indirect, Moore is basically taking money from a gay marraige-supporting, hedge fund owner and fanatical Zionist Jew named Paul Singer in return for steering the evangelical elite into supporting immigration. As expected, Moore has been attacking Trump lately.

  11. The Cuck-Old Party is cracking up–

    Boehner, on dealing with conservatives:
    “Garbage men get used to the smell of bad garbage.”

  12. I’d add ole Ariana Huffington to said list, but she’s more a leftist commie sympathizer than a cuckservative. Oh, well, honorable mention, perhaps?

  13. Wow I think I accidentally bumped into that queer SJW moron overseas. Except my wifi has always been set to broadcast as a different Van #. LOL.

  14. Jeb is a cuck in every area of his life. I read today that although previously a Christian he converted to Catholicism because of his wife.

  15. “AmericanAgainstRacism: It’s nice to see that all the racism people of color speak about is just in their head…etc”

    This is one of the good reasons to have stories of the anti-white violence that the media covers up interspersed with the news stories.

    It means SJWs who come to vent or troll are forced to confront the reality that the vast majority of racial violence is anti-white and has been for 50 years.

    There are a lot of different kinds of SJW but some are simply the product of living somewhere all white and being lied to by the filth’s media since birth.

  16. The SJWs and cucks crusade against supposed White racism but keep their sissified, effeminate mouths shut when negroes and government lackeys screw us over!

    Why wasn’t this a big story?

    U.S. Pays Black Comedian to Deliver Anti-White Racist Tirade at Fed Agency

    The U.S. government paid a controversial civil rights activist/comedian to deliver an anti-white racist tirade at a major federal agency during Black History month and Judicial Watch has obtained the disturbing transcript and the shocking video of the offensive political rant.

    It took place at the United States Census Bureau earlier this year and the paid speaker was Dick Gregory, a self-professed humanitarian and drum major for justice who claims that his social satire changed the way white Americans perceive African American comedians. But Gregory’s angry outburst at the Census Bureau was not funny to some employees and the agency was forced to explain that it will thoroughly review its procedures for selecting future speakers to “ensure their views are appropriate for the federal workplace.”

    American taxpayers funded a disgusting stand-up routine filled with the “N word” and replete with conspiracy theories about whites and the U.S. government targeting prominent blacks—including Martin Luther King and Malcom X—for assassination or career destruction (golfer Tiger Woods and beleaguered comedian Bill Cosby).

    Gregory also said whites stole black inventions, such as ice hockey and the cotton gin, and accused the U.S. government of conspiring to kill Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri and Tamir Rice in Cleveland, Ohio. The movie King Kong is really a depiction of former heavyweight champion Jack Johnson dating white women, Gregory claimed at the Census Bureau performance, and whites treat President Obama “like dirt” and “like he’s a Redneck Cracker that can’t read or write.” Gregory delivered most of his routine in Ebonics (also known as African American Vernacular English) and advised his black audience not to obey “white racist cops,” which he also referred to as “filth.”

    The rioters who destroyed Ferguson after a cop fatally shot a black man with an extensive criminal record who had just committed a robbery, didn’t steal enough merchandise from the businesses they looted, Gregory told his government audience. “I was complaining about Ferguson because the N_ _ _ _ _ _ wasn’t getting enough,” Gregory said, according to the transcript obtained by JW. “Did you see the brother go in there and walk out with a half-pint, I said ‘Get some tips.’ And, y’all be trying to trick them White folks and say rebellion. No rebellion is put together, predicated, on some White person shooting a Black person and that tips it off. Those was riots, riots.”

    Gregory also told his audience of public servants that if he were president of the United States no white people would be in his cabinet. “Had I been elected to be the President, listen good White folks, none of y’all would be in my cabinet,” he says. “Now don’t worry about Black folks who be saying ‘oh, he didn’t mean it.’ So, I’ll say it ten times, non of y’all be in my cabinet, none of y’all be in my cabinet, none of y’all be in my cabinet.”

  17. The cukservatives heads are going to explode.

    Brad, could you check this out and make a separate thread IF true?


    Judging by White House wannabe Ben Carson’s track record as a neurosurgeon, his presidential campaign should be declared dead on arrival!

    In a bombshell investigation into his medical career, The National ENQUIRER has exclusively learned the now retired doc allegedly butchered one patient’s brain — and EVEN left a sponge in another’s skull!

    According to at least six malpractice lawsuits against Carson obtained by The ENQUIRER, the Republican candidate allegedly rushed patients into surgery, and brandished a scalpel like a meat cleaver!

    “He’s totally untrustworthy!” one former patient, Karly Bailey, told The ENQUIRER.

  18. Sam- thanks for that link on Carson. I know some spectacularly Tea Tard broads, who thing Carson is the Second Coming of Jeebuz. That article will useful!

  19. Denise
    ‘Sam- thanks for that link on Carson. I know some spectacularly Tea Tard broads, who thing Carson is the Second Coming of Jeebuz. That article will useful!’

    The information has been around for some time.

    The Magic Negro has been polling higher than all the candidates not named Trump

    Cucks will rally around the affirmative action candidate.

    We are not rayciss.

    Krauthammer and a whole slew of cuck commentators want him to kick Trump to the curb. Negatives on Gentle Ben will be explained away.

    Even Trump lays off attacking the Magic Negro.

  20. Can we place Iowas on the list?

    They just loves the darkies. No rayciss in cornfields and churches in Iowa.

    Carson is leading in the polls over Trump. Seriously?

    What? How is this possible? Actually, I know.

    Anyway, guess who was their favorite the last election cycle.

    Magic Negro, Herman Cain!

    All that a negro needs to do is placate them on abortion, talk about how he climbed the ladder of success, fawn over Israel, sing ‘God bless America’ and he’s got em.

    ‘Ooh, look, Swen, a black Republican!’ ‘ Let’s hurry up and vote!’

    October 11, 2011 Cain leads in Iowa

    ‘Herman Cain has become the first choice of Republican voters in Iowa: he now leads the pack there with 30% to 22% for Mitt Romney, 10% for Ron Paul, 9% for Rick Perry, 8% each for Michele Bachmann and Newt Gingrich, 5% for Rick Santorum, and 1% each for Jon Huntsman and Gary Johnson.

    The momentum in Iowa is pretty much completely on Cain’s side. Since our last poll there in mid-August he’s gained 23 points. The only other gainers are Gingrich and Romney, each of whom are up 3 points. Perry and Bachmann have both collapsed, losing 13 and 10 points respectively while Paul is down 6 points and Huntsman is down 2 points as well. Staying in place is Santorum who’s seen no change in his support.’

  21. That’s a really tough list to choose from. I chose Dreher, but really it could be any of those guys. What a shameful bunch.

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