The 2015 Cucky Awards

By Hunter Wallace

We have the strongest field in years:

[poll id=”2″]

The Nominees






1.) Rod DreherMy People, Black & White






2.) Glenn BeckRestoring Unity






3.) David FrenchA Letter To My African-American Daughter






4.) Russell MooreThe Cross and the Confederate Flag

Jeb Bush





5.) Jeb Bush“El hombre no es conservador”

Kevin Williamson - March 19, 2014





6.) Kevin WilliamsonWhat Doomed Detroit






7.) Jack HunterThe ‘Southern Avenger’ Repents






8.) Nick Searcy Muh Black Son on Facebook and Twitter






9.) Rick PerrySpeech on Race






10.) Rick WilsonHow The Tea Party Got Hijacked By Trump’s Troll Party






11.) Erick Erickson Megyn Kelly’s Sacred Vagina






12.) Matt LewisTwitter’s Rightwing Civil War






13.) George WillTrump’s Immigration Plan Could Spell Doom For The GOP

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. It was a tough choice given the strength of the field, but I had to go with Glenn Beck who brought 15,000 of his followers to Birmingham to parade around with Lincoln and Frederick Douglass signs to launch “The Third Great Awakening.”

  2. This is a great cucking idea! We need several different categories just so that the Cuckservatives are given the exposure they deserve.

    Best Cuck Writer, Best Cuck Politician, Cuck Lifetime Achievement Award, Best and Worst Dressed Cucks, etc.

  3. Very tough choice. I chose Jeb Bush.

    I demand you apologize to my wife!

    That was epic cuck.

    My second choice was Beck – hands down.

  4. ¡Jeb! got my vote. He never disappoints. Nearly every word out of his mouth is cucktacular (Thanks, Jeff, for this useful neologism!).

    Beck is just nuts.

  5. Divide this into TWO LISTS. Cucks in Government and Cucks in media, etc. The greatest Cucks in Government now would be Lying John McCain, John Nigger Lover Daughter Boehner and Lindsey Homosexual Graham. Cucks in Media right now Glenn Beck wins hands down. I was SICK and SAD hearing about his March on Birmingham and seeing the saps who joined in that mess. Lets go back in time. 1961 Freedom Riders cause a near riot in Birmingham. 1963 Illegal march is held and Negroes put children out in front. Police CONFRONT Marchers, they are read the riot act told to disperse. The marchers respond by taunting cops, taunting their dogs, vandalism. Cops send for fire departments and water cannons to disperse the rioters. No one that I know of dies. The Punishment for Rioters dating back to British Rule was READ THE RIOT ACT, then gun them down. The Railroad workers were gunned down in 1877 Chicago Police gunned down rioters at Haymarket in 1886, etc. Bull Conner uses NON-LETHAL FORCE to disperse an illegal assembly yet he is considered evil? Five years later, Bull Conner is in Chicago at the 1968 Democratic Convention, meanwhile outside Chicago Police are clubbing people, breaking skulls, its very possible a few people died though the data is unclear. Yet Birmingham is always trotted out as something so evil and Chicago mostly gets a pass? Hmmmmmmmmmm

  6. I voted for Beck because he exudes cuktardian principles and personifies the cuckservative dreamer.

    The Conservacuck ?@conservacuck
    ‘The #Cuckservative Dream: to be out-bred, outnumbered & replaced by people from the most violent, corrupt & dysfunctional nations on Earth’

    Just found that site. Excellent.

    The Conservacuck ?@conservacuck
    I’d rather see Europe diluted & permanently transformed for the worse than see Syrians have to deal with sub-optimal dental care in Turkey

    The Conservacuck ?@conservacuck
    I write thinkpieces about how immigrants who constantly vote for redistribution are actually natural conservatives

    The Conservacuck ?@conservacuck
    We inherited a first-world paradise & allowed the left to turn it into a third-world dystopia. But hey, at least we kept corporate taxes low

    The Conservacuck ?@conservacuck
    America can’t afford border walls & deportations. We need to save up so we can embark on another pointless, suicidal war in the Middle East.

    The Conservacuck ?@conservacuck
    America must never become like Sweden.
    (By which I mean the socialism part. The “massive invasion of third-worlders” part is totally fine.)

  7. Ulfric
    ‘Very tough choice. I chose Jeb Bush.
    I demand you apologize to my wife!
    That was epic cuck.’


  8. Hard call, but I voted for ¡Jeb! simply because of this:

    As soon as this picture was taken, the universe achieved a cuckservative singularity. A wormhole opened and cucked Jeb into a vortex of cuckdom. Days, maybe weeks passed in a purgatorial state of non-being. ¡Jeb! spent his time sitting in a corner, sadly masturbating to the picture of Ricky Martin that he used as his phone background.

    After what seemed like an eternity, the wormhole spit ¡Jeb! into a cuckternate dimension where he was fitted with a ball gag and crowned Assistant Manager of the Cucknited States of Amexico. Tears streaming down his face, ¡Jeb! ruled over the CS of A for approximately 2.5 hours until it was conquered by migrant refugees.

    Anyway, vote Jeb.

  9. I still say if we say Greatest Cuck Candidate for President, thats Jeb Bush, Greatest Cucks in Congress, too hard there are too many. I think we would classify John McCain or John Boehner as Cucks, but Lindsey Graham as a faggot. Too many others to name.

    Greatest Cuck in the Media is Glenn Beck hands down. Every time I hear him praise MLK or Mandela I want to find him and——. This is a family site so I will not say the rest.

  10. I voted for Glen Beck and share BRJ’s sentiments but had to add ann coulter (above) who loves israel as much as glen beck so she can never tell the truth. My question is were any of the above mentioned men ever conservatives in the first place in order to be cuckolded in the second place. Been following politics for years, they are all a bunch of commies. This place has been commie since (if not before) FDR. How was Reagan a conservative, I never got that one either. BRJ, The Little Shepherd of Kingdom is wonderful!

  11. Christine,

    That book was given to me by an elderly woman when I was in my 20s to read and I liked it because its loosely based on my people. By the way, it references the mountain in Kentucky that my family owns a portion of.

    The isolation of Eastern Kentucky before 1861 was horrible and it cut the people off culturally from the rest of Dixie. When the War began typically it broke down this way. If you lived in a DEMOCRAT County you would likely be a Confederate, if you lived in a WHIG County, you would likely be a Unionist. This is however an oversimplification.

    The Mountains were full of Poor Whites, Criminals, Renegade Indians, you name it. When the war arrived, these people preyed upon the wealthier families. The wealthier families usually joined the Confederacy, the poor tended to join the Union Army, but the lowlifes switched sides at will and used the war as a cover for robbery and rape.

    From 1865 until 1940 or so, bloody feuds and all types of lawlessness plagued Eastern Kentucky. It was only with the death of the War Generation starting around WW1 and most being dead by 1940 that the violence ended. The war was such a forbidden topic, my grandparents knew next to nothing about it and they were born in the 1920s.

  12. I voted for George Will twice, because he is a such a cuck-sucker for Zion. Though he’s apparently not a Jew (which would make him a neo-con not a cuckservative), he has been completely Jew’d by his Jew wife. Each time I’m back on this site, I will vote for George again and again, until he wins

  13. You didn’t have a button, that said, ‘VOTE FOR ALL.’

    It’s much more Democratic, too! LOL
    Misericordie, Domine.

  14. I agree with the suggestion to break up the field into media. government, sports, entertainment, etc before a runoff election for the greatest overall. Another consideration is what is intended by “greatest” in this context. Do we mean “most influential” or “most craven”?

  15. Stole from the daily beast cuck, forget his name – We must alarm the white population about anti-whites. And the message is simple: Be? optimistic about the future of white children. Embrace our racially loyal white society. And don’t let these vile goddamn Jews and their cucks pollute our message. They are not our friends, they are not on our team, and White leaders must roundly condemn them.

  16. I went with Beck because of the unbearable moralizing tone of his cucking for Blacks. He wraps 1960s radical politics in Christian symbolism. Oh, and because of his super homo glasses and demeanor. Only Rick Perry and ¡Jeb! match him with the homo glasses. Oh, and because he went to Israel to cuck.

    Still, it was a hard choice. It was difficult to pass up Jack Hunter, George Will and ¡Jeb!

  17. I votedfor Jeb! because most of the Cucks are media types. The NRO crowd – Nasty Rotten Onanists – are probably the least well known to the public, so they really don’t matter. Glenn Beck is totally mentally off the charts, an hopefully will have a well deserved brain aneurysm very soon. Perry is a whining pathetic little beeyach. But he’s GONE.

    I voted for Jeb! because he’s held and important, powerful office, he’s running for arguably the most important office in the USA (because being the President of Goldman Sachs) – and he DEMANDED, in front of millions of people, that Trump apologize to his cleaning lady illegal alien ET Orc wife – and Trump slapped him down on the world stage, in an almost anecdotal fashion – and he meekly backed off.

    Cuck of all time! HA!

  18. Glen Beck and Jeb! Bush. But you could throw in Rick Wilson for whining that the Tea Party was hijacked by Trump.

  19. Bush is a Mafia. He isn’t a Cuck exactly.

    If in office he will enrich his extended family even moreso.

  20. Honorable mention to Lindsay Graham and Chris Christie for thinking that Republicans are morally obligated to defend Obama and Muslims from charges made against them by Republican voters and candidates. (The Trump questioner in NH and Carson’s remarks against having a Muslim president.)

  21. Glenn Beck countenance for that reason and his constant cucking for the Jews and Negroes is why he wins the award SUPREME MEDIA CUCK. If I hear him praise Martin Lucifer Coon or Nelson Mandela or any of these people I will barf. I had to read some brain-dead womans letter in my local paper about going to Glenn Becks March oh how uplifting it was. I almost barfed.

  22. ¡Jeb! is winning, I think, because everything about him exudes a cuckservative vibe. He is a cuck to the bone. He doesn’t even have to say anything. You can seen it in his posture, body language, mannerisms, etc.

    With Glenn Beck, it is more of an over the top performance. It has more to do with the extremely stupid shit he says like how he uses the chalkboard and cries.

  23. I agree Hunter if we mean overall but in the way of Conservative Talk Radio Clear Channel Media aka the CONTROLLED OPPOSITION, Glenn Beck is the Cuck’s Cuck. I remember when he came on nationwide about 2001, then Glenn was basically another talking head. Then he appointed himself the APOSTLE OF THE RACIAL RECONCILIATION RESTORE GOD MOVEMENT and its been straight into the sewer.

    Hunter I actually met Beck briefly in about 2003 or so I can’t actually remember when it was, I just remember he gave me a book at his book signing. If I even listen to him now for a couple minutes it makes my head explode. Hunter I think you could have a spirited debate with Beck but I am debating at which point Beck begins to bawl. I say 1:10 minute mark.

  24. Are we going to inform the winner? I will! I LOVE trolling Jeb!’s Twitter feed. The Jeb! people post something stupid – and what follows is a drenching rain of abuse, by those who troll Bush. I don’t even know who the trollers are – but they HATE Jeb! as much as I do. His illegal alien ET cleaning woman put up a Tweet, about how “Aye luv de Amer-Reeka, Senors y Senoritas” – and it was a tsunami of abuse! The idiots don’t even know how to block the taunters. Ha!

  25. Rand Paul is definately a Cuck as he thinks Small Government can make empty headed Negroes behave. Lindsey Graham is not a Cuck, Lindsey Graham is a Pillow Biting Faggot.

  26. To Billy Ray, what you write about Kentucky is completely fascinating. I am looking for an old book I have on Reconstruction and it took each state, state by state and talked about it. I can’t find it. I wanted to see what it had to say about Kentucky. Thanks for what you wrote. The Little Shepherd as said is wonderful, the tension of the book is held by the dog Jack. I am only 150 pages in. If there is a book on old Kentucky as you wrote, I would like to read it.

  27. Long time reader, first time commenter. I agree that there should be two separate polls for government cuckservatives and media cuckservatives. I think the mainstream media (state propaganda) is more evil than the U.S. Government because it has more influence on the people which is why I voted for Glenn Beck.

  28. Christine if you ever saw the show with Kevin Costner Hatfields and McCoys which was highly fictionalized and Hollywood-ized btw, I will give you a little time understanding. Randall McCoy died in 1914, Devil Anse Hatfield in 1921. My grandpa was born in 1924, grandma in 1927. When they were children, these crazy feud people and the veterans of the War Between The States were still alive. To make matters worse, after Prohibition was repealed, the county they lived in in Kentucky decided to fully legalize all forms of alcohol. There were so many shootings and stabbings you couldn’t count them, as feuds of all sort broke out again.

    After WW2 when they again voted the county dry and all alcoholic bevereges were made illegal, the county became peaceful. By this time all the feud people were dead. Literally as I showed, the War didn’t end in Eastern Kentucky for almost 80 years after 1865

  29. to Billy Ray, what you write is fascinating. Kentucky was one wild place. Will research what I can meanwhile thanks for giving me the introduction to your home state which clearly you know every inch of its history.

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