By Hunter Wallace
This brings to mind all the discussions here and over at The Daily Stormer on women and White Nationalism:
“All over the world, straight men are making the conscious decision not to be involved with women.
This isn’t a decision in any sort of metaphorical sense. These men are literally cutting women out of their lives, completely. It’s not a spiritual choice—like becoming ordained as a Catholic priest—nor is it a socioeconomic problem, like Japan’s herbivore men. It is more of an ideological celibacy, one that crosses both national borders and religious divides. And the basic reason is the slow crawl toward gender equality. …”
Since the 2015 League of the South National Conference in July, we have had two engagements, one marriage, one pregnancy, and one new relationship emerge within our little circle of young Southern Nationalists. Over the summer, we also had two babies born to two different couples within 48 hours, a boy and a girl, and another couple had another boy a month or so earlier.
I’ve heard for years now about all the problems White Nationalists have with women. Meanwhile, the League increasingly resembles an Amish or Mormon group with the sheer number of marriages and pregnancies going on. In fact, I have another wedding to go to next weekend.
These are male lesbians. The vast majority of lesbians are with women simply because they are not physically attractive enough to land a decent man. The evidence is plain as day anytime you see a large gathering of lesbians– hardly a f*ckable one in the bunch. These “MGTOWs” have similar problems, they just choose tearful masturbation over outright faggotry.
Meanwhile, the League increasingly resembles an Amish or Mormon group with the sheer number of marriages and pregnancies going on.
That is great news, and it definitely will be the winning strategy. You can’t have nationalism without families. I’ve yet to see a MRA testimonial about a real life traditional family that has been created using their strategies.
MGTOWs is not WN, but I have seen it creeping onto WN message boards. I have warned of it before, after watching some of their videos and observing the crazy comments underneath. MGTOW has the smell of an anti-white psyop.
I don’t think people joining organizations is going to help much unless they are in the South. Joining an organization in the North, is not going to transform the women from crazy liberals. Count yourself lucky you are in the South Hunter. Everyone else is living behind enemy lines.
In regards to organizations, isn’t there a law that if one commits a violent crime, everyone in the organization can also be charged for that crime, as if they were a member of a gang?
Come on, Feminism like abortion is a Jew scheme, to reduce the white birth rate. They hate us, want us eliminated and replace with others.
This MGTOW website linked here a few weeks ago:
I see now that another birth within the League is imminent.
Northerners could join organizations filled with Craig Cobbs, or join the Republicans and hang out with cuckservatives and their groovy black children.
In a reverse of the Northwest Migration, a woman from Oregon is marrying a friend of mine in Florida.
This entire business makes sense on one level but on another level let’s call it what it is. SURRENDER. If you are near ANY URBAN AREA, that is North South East West, you are going to be surrounded by Feminist psychopaths. Period end of story. What these idiots need to do is leave the city and learn about real people. You are much more likely to find someone who can share your viewpoints or at least learn to respect them in a rural area than an urban area.
Another point the vast majority of people who get involved with this utter stupidity have no religious faith. You do realize idiots that dance clubs and beer joints are not where you meet Miss Right right?
This should be a no-brainer for any traditionalist. 1 LEAVE THE CITIES AND COLLEGE TOWNS. 2 FIND GOD 3 FIND YOURSELF. The rest will take care of itself. Don’t surrender change your way of thinking
It is yet another ideology and ideology always involves some magic thinking somewhere along the line. Ideology is an opiate for mid-wit intellects no matter where that person lies on the political spectrum.
“we have had two engagements, one marriage, one pregnancy, and one new relationship emerge within our little circle of young Southern Nationalists. Over the summer, we also had two babies born to two different couples within 48 hours, a boy and a girl, and another couple had another boy a month or so earlier.”
And they’re all Whites with Whites? What kind of sick perverts are you guys? LOL
Oh, Lord, that they might multiply and fill the earth, and have dominion over it……
Anyone remember this little gem of an article? It is a decent argument for internment camps…
Men versus women is a Jewish harvest which means the problem is the culture not the women. The way DS handled this issue a while back wasn’t one of its better moments.
I don’t know how reliable Vice News is as a credible source. If even half or a third of that article is true, I’d say the MGTOW men are pathetic. In most cases, assuming there is some truth to the article, losing their contribution to the gene pool is probably not much of a loss to the wider community. It’s probably in fact a benefit.
Most interesting. Another of Calhoun’s “mouse universe” prophecies…coming true, perhaps?
From Wikipedia:
“Initially the population grew rapidly, doubling every 55 days. The population reached 620 by day 315, after which the population growth dropped markedly. The last surviving birth was on day 600. This period between day 315 and day 600 saw a breakdown in social structure and in normal social behavior. Among the aberrations in behavior were the following: expulsion of young before weaning was complete, wounding of young, increase in homosexual behavior, inability of dominant males to maintain the defense of their territory and females, aggressive behavior of females, passivity of non-dominant males with increased attacks on each other which were not defended against. After day 600, the social breakdown continued and the population declined toward extinction. During this period females ceased to reproduce. Their male counterparts withdrew completely, never engaging in courtship or fighting. They ate, drank, slept, and groomed themselves – all solitary pursuits. Sleek, healthy coats and an absence of scars characterized these males. They were dubbed “the beautiful ones.” Breeding never resumed and behavior patterns were permanently changed.”
Should I now be worried? Or very worried?
Bouregard- no. Not if you are not a mouse. You can decide your fate.
That study is fascinating though. I ran across that years ago.
Andrew Anglin is a good example of a magtow. Men that despite women because they repeatedly rejected by them. Very odd group, I think that when they congregate online it reinforces their hatred of women even further.
Thomas – I have routinely urges White men to do rather simple things to make themselves attractive to White women. In doing so, they would be happier with themselves. Never mind the Finding a Mate aspect. One thing follows another.
It’s a tragic case of Leading a Horse to Water…
Isn’t the Daily Stormer a neo-Nazi type of publication? That’s what I was led to believe.
As we say in Brazil,
Some of those mgtow guys are anti-feminists who are rightly disgusted by the power that feminists have on the college campuses, the legislature, and in the divorce courts.
They are also right to point out some of the anti male attitudes among many religious and social conservatives in the USA.
But those valid criticisms often seem to end up in an attack on traditional male/female roles and traditional male/female differences. The mgtow guys will say if they those feminists want eqaulity, ok, well then we are going to shove eqaulity on EVERYTHING down their throats.
VICE has become a hard leftist, pro feminist SJW site. The picture of the overweight white guy is supposed to make mgtows look like fat losers, but that guy looks better than lots of the feminist activists nowdays and in the past.(Look for a picture of Andrea Dworkin)
It is important to remember that MGTOW people are a response to feminists and certain anti male tradcons(Dalrock, as his website, blogs about these anti-male tradcons.) It is true that some of those mgtow guys that I’ve seen do really need to hit the gym and work on improving their looks.