Chris Harper Mercer: The Anti-Christian Mass Shooter

By Hunter Wallace

I heard on MSNBC that Mercer left behind a “multi-page hate-filled note” at the crime scene. I can’t help but wonder if his manifesto will ever see the light of day or whether it will be hidden from the public like Vester Flanagan’s “race war” manifesto in August.

We already know that Mercer admired Vester Flanagan:

“According to a student at Umpqua, Mercer demanded to know his victims’ religion before killing them. …

In a blog linked to that identity, Harper-Mercer expressed admiration for Roanoke shooter Vester Flanagan.

People “like him have nothing left to live for,” Harper-Mercer wrote on Aug. 31. “On an interesting note, I have noticed that so many people like him are all alone and unknown, yet when they spill a little blood, the whole world knows who they are… A man who was known by no one, is now known by everyone. His face splashed across every screen, his name across the lips of every person on the planet, all in the course of one day. Seems the more people you kill, the more you’re in the limelight.”

Multiple witnesses have told the media that Mercer singled out Christians:

“Witnesses told Roseburg’s local paper, the News-Review, and CNN that Mercer asked students in the classroom he entered to stand up and state their religion.

According to CNN, victim Anastasia Boylan told her father before she went into surgery that Mercer said to the students who identified as Christian, “‘Good, because you’re a Christian, you’re going to see God in just about one second.'”

So, a mixed-race black mass shooter has executed nine Christians in an obvious hate crime in Oregon. Where are the Hatewatchers at the SPLC now? They had a lot to say when Dylann Roof murdered nine people in Charleston. Surprisingly, they had nothing to say about the jihadist Muhammad Abdulazeez or Vester Flanagan’s race war.

Let’s see if the pattern holds with Chris Harper Mercer. Place your bets.

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Live in a black neighborhood, send your kids to a black school, patronize black physicians/lawyers/accountants/contractors/etc. and get back to us in 6 months.

  2. William – I’d be willing to bet Rothschild’s fiat debt scrip that the Anti White troll, in not really a White Lady, but one of the Jew Monitor’s Tribe Members.

    They live in their own plush platinum ghettos. The Darkies come in during the day, to do cleaning, cooking, and gardening, at wholesale wages, but leave at Sundown.

    • I’d opine on First Lady of Auschwitz Denise having a one track mind, but that insults those with one track minds. Best said her hate of Freud has little to do with religion. More on the Scientologist side, eh fraulein?

  3. “This story is really missing some pieces. It makes little sense to ask people’s religion in an area where essentially everyone is Christian.”

    Warspite, you don’t know Oregon at all! Most Oregonians are operational PAGANS. Portland is a hotbed of utter heresy and weirdness, and the rest of the state pretty much follows suit. Presumption of someting also dilutes the narrative. He was a Christophobe, plain and simple, and an Anti-White Murderer.

    that about sums it up.

  4. Warspite,

    He wanted to kill whitey. He also wanted to kill Christians.

    There is no mystery.

  5. Warspite: “something doesn’t make sense, a nice mixed race teen used the white man’s boom boom sticks to shoot future Dumbed down office drones. Shut it down!”

  6. Obama is also a Troll In Chief.

    Nig kills 9 whites = let’s disarm whites.

    Nigs shoot nigs 14 times in one weekend in Chicago= let’s disarm white people.

    Does anyone think for a moment that blacks are not armed to the teeth with illegal firearms already?

    It’s very much like the scorpion promising the swimming frog he won’t sting

  7. Captain John Charity Spring MA
    ‘Does anyone think for a moment that blacks are not armed to the teeth with illegal firearms already?’

    Just about every ‘dindu’ from age 8-80 has a Facebook page showing off dey weapons.

  8. “Denise’s view of arming everyone in cities like Chicago, Philly, New York is ridiculous – another reason I left Libertarian loon nonsense in the rear view mirror a long time ago.” – Jack Ryan

    “The right to buy weapons is the right to be free” – A.E van Vogt

  9. Lincoln did not have the legal power to “create” anything! The only body of government that can do that is the House of Representatives. His genocidal dictatorship destroyed the Old Republic however such as it had been.

    • Afterthought. I think you make some valid points, and in a courteous and intelligent manner.

      There should be no question by any educated person on your criticism of Lincoln’s use of Executive powers. He went much farther than any previous president, and no president until TR (do you agree) would come close. Clearly, the reason Jefferson Davis was not brought to trial after the War was fear the US would not prevail on the merits of Constitutional Law issues. I think a good example of a common sense argument in favor of Secession was put into the mouth of Gen. Pickett in the movie “Gettysburg”. I won’t repeat it because I’m sure everyone here knows it, as I’m sure everyone here has been to the Pennsylvania battlefield.

      Regarding Slavery, we will have to agree to disagree. Yes, genital mutilation as practiced in certain Muslim societies is beyond barbaric. Though I’m hardly surprised. The color based slavery of the American South was wrong & sinful. Being born south of the Mason-Dixon Line (when that still meant something), then largely growing up in the South during a time certain bands could still proudly use the Stars n’ Bars as a backdrop during shows at the Fox or old Loews, I was rather ambivalent about the slavery issue. It was only much later during my life (still in South) that I came to recognize how much of a sin was the “peculiar institution” of slavery used in the early US. It was completely in opposition to the words of the Decl. of Independence, Constitution and Bill of Rights. It was wrong & some type of divine judgment was inevitable.

      I am not trying to impose this opinion on you or anyone else. I’m just stating what I’ve come to believe in the fullness of time, as it were.

  10. Of what importance is the alleged homosexuality of President Buchanan? Let’s not have any gay-bashing on our site.

    • I’d hardly say Buchanan’s homosexuality is alleged. Anyone who reads letters of the movers and shakers in the 1840’s & 1850’s will learn Buchanan’s sexual proclivities and even the identity of his long-time partner were well-known and often commented upon. I think it was Polk who referred either to Buchanan or his also prominent partner as “Aunt Nancy”.

      Do some of you thinking sort, not the conspiracy kooks, not find it oddly humorous the gay movement has never ever brought forward the homosexuality of a former US President? I’ve always presumed this was because Buchanan was such a horrible President. It’s sort of like how vegetarians don’t publicize their philosophical kinship with Adolf Hitler. Ironically, Hitler is probably the most famous vegetarian in history!

  11. It’s almost impossible to tell the difference between the black boat people riding across the Med and the Atlantic slave trade. Same for the human wave of beaners crossing the southern border.

    Cheap-ish labor. Buying and selling flesh.

    • Oh come on mein lieber Kapitän! The flood of refugees stemming from the Near East is due to severe political instability & often terror. From Africa, people are also escaping political instability. In Mexico things are more complicated. There is the situation of our immigration problem being part of the Mexican government’s official economic policies. Mexico needs & plans for millions of its people who would be unemployed in Mexico to go to the US. This is a good policy for Mexico because of the monies sent by illegal immigrants back to Mexico.

      Then there are the phony policies of our political parties. Many Dems want the voters illegal immigration will eventually produce. Many Republicans want the cheap labor. Finally, for me there is the hardest cases to deal with. In the first half of the 1980’s I traveled to many places in Mexico, including Ciudad Juarez & Matamoros. There is no way I’d go there now. It might have been somewhat dangerous then, now it’s insanely dangerous. If you are parents just trying to live a decent, honest life in a Mexican border city, and have to constantly worry about your children being killed in the crossfire of gangs, I cannot criticize that family for trying to escape to America. I’m proud we offer a nation where (in most places) decent parents don’t have to worry every day about their kids being murdered, and a police force basically on the gangs’ payrolls. However, I recognize this benevolent situation represents an extreme minority of the overall problem.

  12. An ineffectual Presidency is infinitely preferable to a blood-thirsty psychotic Leader”, willing to slaughter thousands rightful Citizens, for any “reason”. Some creature are genetically incapable of ever appreciating this simple concept. As they are of their Father, the Devil

  13. Warspite // October 4, 2015 at 12:21 am //

    Is this Abraham Lincoln vitriol based solely upon his prosecuting the Civil War, or are there some rational arguments being made?

    For those of us who think secession should be free and easy, Lincoln’s throwing away a half a million lives is barbaric if not evil. If the South was mistaken, the two nations would be reunited eventually, perhaps with abolition being the price of admission.

    Compare the prosecution of the Cold War; after 30 years the Berlin Wall came down peacefully, and Germany reunited. Lincoln would have nuked his enemies and called it a Godly act.

    The sin of slavery: funny how even in this Enlightened time slavery still exists, as it has in nearly all times and places! A failure? Or a failure to realize the fraudulence of the Enlightened Ones? The impetus to end slavery has only ever come from white civilization – nowhere else is it even considered a sin!

    Speaking of sin, for the sin of genital mutilation, the Enlightened Ones would have run the Sudanese through, and actually did Partition it; yet they glorify gender reassignment surgery; the genital mutilation of their filthy religion.

  14. I fail to see why “preservation of the Union” is sacred. If the citizens of a state no longer wish to be a part of that union they should be allowed to secede. Unfortunately, this issue was not decided by the Supreme Court and the Constitution by rather by the force of arms. That once a state is admitted it may not subsequently leave is the lesson of the War.

    I support the right of self-determination in the CSA, Scotland, Catalonia, Donetsk, Lugansk and elsewhere.

  15. “First Lady of Auschwitz”? I thought you didn’t like Denise, Warspite. Now you’re complimenting her?

  16. The North only abolished slavery because the Industrial Revolution came upon them. If there was no Industrial Revolution, they would still be slaving. Lincoln did not care about blacks, he was a serial killer that killed whites on a mega scale.

  17. Whites are the only racial group that abolished slavery. All other races not only profited from it, they were happy for it to continue – that includes your group Spite.

    So go lecture your own people about it. But lets get real, you aren’t ever going to do that, because its only whites you are against.

    • I fail to understand Richard the Bird’s comments. My own group? I’m as White as you are, probably whiter in color. I’m certainly as American. And nothing in my faith, though I’m a minimal practitioner and admit some doubts about the credibility of certain rules & beliefs, is inconsistent with the first two.

      Now, you might disagree and I’d like to hear your positions. Are they derivative of “freedom of association” as understood in American jurisprudence? Or, do you rest your beliefs on some neo-Nazi “genetic” kook stuff?

  18. And the Blacks are back at slaving bigger than ever in Africa TODAY. So go lecture them for their sins will ya? Or is it only whites you are against?

  19. The USA is not yours to give away, any more than its your right to give someone elses house away.

    Offer them Israel or get lost.

    • Again, what’s with Richard’s Bird-droppings? I have no financial or property interests in Israel. I’ve never even been there, though I really ought to visit. And every historical marker would indicate I’m as American as you, maybe more so. If you disagree with something I write are you not confident in your own positions to set them out in a reasonable manner? I’m an open minded person.

      Most important of all, Vandy finally got a win yesterday!! It does bother me when Stanford and Northwestern field ranked teams and we may only be looking at 2 or 3 wins. I admit Vanderbilt is not up there with Stanford, but the diff with Northwestern is getting quite slim. This harkens back to a brief discussion I had with Jack Ryan about what Southern Universities must do when they want to compete with top schools.

    • If we can veer away from tin-foil hat stuff, people should be cognizant of a case before the US Su Ct., Evenwel v. Abbott. It’s a case out of Texas dealing with the “one man, one vote” principle. The focus is on redistricting and what to count as the proper population, i.e., the counting of illegal immigrants. The decision could have a substantial effect on national elections because of the implications for how electoral votes are distributed.

      This case is far more important than conspiracy tripe out of neo-Nazi kuckoos & sympathizers. It’s the real world. Take a gander at it & let me know if you agree.

  20. Look at how Nazis like Spite treat other races in Israel:

    “Jews discriminating against Arabs in Israeli property market.

    “We are not allowed to sell, in the land of Israel… any piece of this land to somebody who is not Jew,” says Arieh King, Director and Founder of Israel Land Fund.”

    What a bunch of racist neo-Nazis. Israel must embrace diversity, or she will not survive.

  21. “Israel is a very small country… and therefore we must control our borders”, said Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu. To do this, Israel will be building a new 18-mile fence. Source:…/netanyahu-rejects-calls-for-…

    Everyone knows that Israel won’t take in a single refugee because Jews are obsessed with their “racial purity.”

    The racist National Socialist Jews of Israel, must to open their hearts to diversity. How could you keep the poor African children out, Spite? They just want a chance at a better life. Tear down those walls!

    • Christine makes a good common sense point. If the guy was asking, “are you a Christian?”, and a yes answer resulted in death, it’s not easy to believe person after person kept saying yes. That is no knock on the students at all. They just did not come to school having spent time considering the prospect of martyrdom. Or may not have lived a life preparing for death at such an early age. It far more likely that as part of this murderer’s patter he asked a kid if he was a Christian & when the response was “yes” he said something like, “well, prepare to meet G-d”. And then maybe a, “how about you?”, before boring of the routine & trying something else. Nevertheless, it’s permanently stuck in the national consciousness.

      Dr. Doom, I can assure you I heartily dislike George Soros. But I dislike him on his lack of merits. He nearly broke the Bank of England, and his currency speculation regarding Malaysia helped make it the most antisemitic country in the world with nary a Jew to be seen. (Slovakia is also pretty bad for a country w/o Jews, but that has nothing to do with Soros). Currency speculation is right up there with Vulture Capitalists on my list of dishonorable “legal” activities. At least currency speculation is complicated and takes a lot of guts.

      George Soros is a hypocritical scumbag, content to ruin peoples’ lives in any number of countries to acquire enough wealth to support politicians who dream of taxing the American middle class into a condition where we have little choice but to submit to Socialism.

  22. Warspite, your are beginning to fit a clear Jewish profile. Can you disprove my assertion by revealing your true identity?

    • I apologize. What is it you are asserting as to my “real” identity? Let me warn you up front, I have not misrepresented anything in my postings.

  23. Captain John Charity Spring MA // October 4, 2015 at 11:01 am //
    He’s already said he is one and is behaving in a cliched manner. Anti-white trolls like Spite never say anything original.

    “Nazi, anti-semite, racist, KKK, open borders and forced racial integration for all and only white countries, you were born with original sin, whitey”

    They are boring, unoriginal people.

    • Captain and Bird Boy:

      I owe both of you an apology. It appears the shooter’s mother is Black, she being from a really nice ($$$) area in Torrance. I also read in a credible source the shooter’s parents were never married, and he was raised solely by his mother. The “birth father”, a White gentlemen from the UK, played essentially no role in the shooter’s life.

      While I have no reason to believe his biracial heritage had anything to do with his actions, that remains to be seen. I reject the evil & demented “genetic pre-disposition” theories of some folks who blog here, but it’s certainly possible his being biracial could have in some way contributed to some distorted conclusions & actions. I don’t know, yet, and think it irresponsible to guess.

      His being biracial was difficult to confirm through reliable sources. Not impossible, but more difficult than I would have expected.

  24. Oh RB,

    Well there we have it.

    He’s derailing thread well enough.

    What we have with Mercer is a black man who wanted to kill whites. There is no mystery here. Warspite, what mystery do you find in the killing?

    • I did not realize he was Black. Is that true, or are you making it up to fit some narrative? I will have to check what has come out about the shooter.

      Presuming the murderer was White, and at least raised Christian, I was posing the question of what “rationale” did the shooter use, or whether he was just entirely insane and without any discernible motivation. I hate to sound like you, but I am suspicious when “manifestos” are left behind and not made public. The kid in S.C. left something in writing that was released without concern. Was that because the shooter’s motives were said to be White Supremicist in nature?

      Again, I hate to sound like a conspiracy nut, but I thought it unlikely the S.C. manifesto was written by the shooter. It did not look to me like it was written by some redneck teen who barely got through high school. What are your thoughts on this?

      To go on a bit, it does seem like the murders in West Virginia had a racial motive that was played down in the media. And was the shooter’s written manifesto left behind ever released? If not, I find that an odd contrast with the S.C. matter. (though diff police forces have the right to handle their own investigations). What do you think?

      If the shooter in Oregon was a White kid, born & raised Christian, and if he left written proof of “why” (i.e., his reasons) he committed his murders, I would like to know those reasons.

    • Once again stepping back into the real world, as far as I can tell from looking at credible sources, the shooter’s motives are still unknown. It also concerns me the media may have picked up and run with a myth. Here’s a quote out of yesterday’s WSJ:

      “Others, though, weren’t certain Mr. Mercer was seeking out anyone specific. Stephanie Salas said that her son, Rand McGowan, 18, who was shot in the hand as he lay on the floor with his head down, did not believe Mr. Mercer was targeting Christians”.

      “He was asking because ‘before you go, do you have a God or a religion?’ ” said Ms. Salas. “But targeting them? No way.”

      So it’s possible, maybe even likely the “shooting Christians” thing might not be accurate. Doesn’t matter now since its been ingrained into the national consciousness. Ditto some references on the guy “might” have been interested in White Supremacy. I wonder if that’s true or just a convenient narrative? Maybe he was into neo-Nazi stuff, maybe he wasn’t, the media doesn’t know. As for linking the Iron Cross thing to White Supremacy interests, that’s just stupid. I think my kids played some video game years ago that incorporated an Iron Cross motif.

      Like you, I don’t like attempts at manipulation by the media based on very, very sketchy evidence. It may be based on the 24/7 news needs, but it’s irresponsible Yellow Journalism.

  25. One of the girls that was SHOT stated the Bastard Mulatto was targeting Christians. I find her testimony to be more credible than some one named “Salas”.

    Gee Whiz – we White Fascists knew that the murderer was a Mongrel that very day. As soon as the Abomination’s name was released. WarHebe doesn’t seem to be very swift on the uptake. FYI – gene incompatibility causes a great deal of mental instability. That’s why Jews, who are not White, but rather a bizarre consortium of genetic strains, picked upon their Gypsy’s Tour of the World, exhibit 4x the genetic illnesses, usually resulting in lunacy and cretinism, as do Humans. They have VERY high rates of cretinism. Michael “Savage” Weiner, the Radio Jew, occasionally references the sad existence of his little brother, who died at a very early age, after he was sent away and locked up. Weiner never states the nature of his brother’s illness, but he DESCRIBES Cretinism.

    Jews also have very high rates of homosexuality, in comparison to Humans. Hence their leading role in foisting homosexual “rights” and “gay marriage” – which is a biological impossibility. I’ll leave the schizophrenia element for another time……..

    Back to the Mercer Mongrel – his Manifesto, of sorts, is being hidden. A fatherless Mongrel, who does not belong to the society his whore of mother dropped him in to, is going to have loads of mental/social issues. But facts are facts. By their fruits ye shall know them. A Negro murdered a bunch of White Christian naifs. The story is already being disappeared by the Kosher Media. Quel surprise!

  26. Jews seem to have a difficult time identifying distinct racial characteristics. I guess it’s due to their own biological status. We knew the murderer was not White the moment his picture surfaced.

    It’s really odd. Does any-one remember the Jew Donald Sterling, whose real name is Donald Tokowitz – the owner of the LA Clippers basskaball team? He told his then girlypal V. Stiviano – a total genetic cypher – to refrain from bringing Negro males to games. She/it began to Chimp/Taco/??? out. He chided her, and told her she would sully her image as a “Delicate Latina Girl or a Delicate White Girl” by associating with you blacks publicly. I do understand why an elderly Jew would feel publicly cucked by his paramour, when she publicly flaunts her genuine sexual preferences in public, and online – but I thought Donnie’s inability to connect with biological reality to be deeply perplexing. How could any sane person mistake a Dark Meat predator like Stiviano with a “Delicate Latina Girl or a Delicate White Girl”? Really, really, REALLY weird……!

    FYI – Tokowitz now has a much younger, strictly Negress girlfriend, now, a weave-wearing “model” named Rachel Lee. Jews do love their Nigras, don’t they? It’s a sort of return to their genetic roots.

  27. And now the REAL fun begins. Russia bombed a CIA HQ, in Syria, and is threatening to shoot down ISRAELI jets. Well we knew ISIS is Israel, didn’t we?

    The KIKES have been pushing for war against Putin for years now, because he’s simply put some cans on their forked tails – but now he’s decided to make a move. He just Named the Jew. Get ’em, Puti – get ’em ALL.

  28. Warspite: will you consider the difficulty to get facts contra to the Cathedral narrative as evidence of their mendacity? Of evidence of their Long March away from Enlightenment? I do.

    The hypothesis that mixed race people have higher rates of mental problems might already be established in the scientific literature (if you cared to look); but even if you don’t care to look, it seems plausible on the surface no? The brain being among the more complex things in the Universe?

    • Afterthought:

      First off, why are there people here that can bring Jews into every situation? The shootings in Oregon, in a semi-rural area of Oregon, does not have a single Jewish person involved. Nevertheless, Denise Merkel brings Jews into it. Once again, I remind everyone about the reason behind the antipathy towards Freud & Psychiatry.

      Don’t worry about Russia/Israel clashes. The two countries are on good terms, have a weird love/hate relationship, and Putin is a Judeophile.

      On the mixed race thing, Afterthought. I admit it has a certain superficial logic. If I knew more about genetics and biology, etc., I might even conclude there is something more than superficial. On the other hand, my direct experience has always been that mutts have better health than purebreds. Over the years veterinarians have backed up my observations. And I’m talking about people in programs at ISU, Cornell, Purdue, etc. So wouldn’t a biracial or even more mixed (I’m sure Denise knows all the old terms for part black) be in better condition? And smarter, too!

  29. Warspite

    Yes, unfortunately there are some people here violating OD’s comment guidelines spreading Jew obsessed conspiracy theory nonsense . There will always be people like this lurking around any political blog advocating for the legitimate rights of various White Indo European people.

    And yes, we do have real non crazy problems with real Jewish people like Sheldon Adelson, George Soros and disproportionately Jewish institutions like The SPLc, Hollywood, Harvard Law, Comdey Central, the porn industry etc.

    The New York City Council just passed a resolution condemning the execution of the Atomic Soviet spies the Rosenbergs. There once was a time that even homosexual New York Jews like Roy Cohn were strongly anti Communist, but apparently very few now. People are reverting to the worst things of the past.

  30. I’m certain that the Jew York City Committee will begin demanding reparations, and Nationwide Rosenberg Education Centers, to be funded by the American Tax Slave Goyim, now that Jews don’t have to pretend they are White anymore, according to the Rainbow Rabbi Gil Steinlauf! (How could ANY-ONE mistake that Rag Dealer visage as “White” is beyond me).

  31. Re: mixed genetics – it depends. Corn benefits from hybrid vigor. Dogs? Not really. Certain breeds have been almost ruined by the AKC. The, alas,wonderful German Shepard is the most odious example. Breeders seek a certain “look”, and the in-breeding for certain traits is forced, too quickly, and this exacerbates other negative genetic traits. Certain strains of felines are developing physical, but not behavioral issues, as well. The Shepard problems are being quietly corrected by non-insane freelance breeders, but it’s going to take a long time to get the breed itself back. Cat breeders leanr from their mistake much faster than dog breeders.

    Humans – if an intelligent, healthy Anglo Saxon breeds with an intelligent, healthy German – you get a smart, healthy long-lived Human, in general. There are always outliers, in any breeding pool.

    If an Anglo Saxon breeds with a total racial alien – you get a Mercer. IQ standards drop by at least one standard deviation. And Jews? Jews have very very very high incidences of “Bat Shite Crazy”, all over the map.

  32. Warspite is debating of attempting to debate a shooting days after the identity of the shooter is already known. He’s the slow student.

    He’s not aware that fingerprints for example can determine is the perp in a crime is a darkie. And he’s trying to debate genetics in another distraction…the more we learn about genetics the more we find that genetics determine almost everything worth discussing.

    What might have happened if Watson and Crick had figured out their research in the 1920s instead of post ww2? We could have avoided the fallacies that Boaz inflicted on us all.

  33. When a dog or horse breeder or a botanist is farting around with Animal husbandry and creating a new Rose he’s carefully selecting for breeding traits.

    The undesirable traits of new hybrids are carefully segregated from the sought after traits. Hybrid vigor such as it is, is not a random process.

    Elliot Roger and Mercer and Obama are random impositions and quite undesirable hybrids. Most bastards hate the true born.

    • Nothing Denise says is worth serious consideration. An angry, frustrated, hater who spends waking hours with kook garbage rattling around her head. Everything from dark satellite to Denver Airport office of NWO, to neo-Nazi quasi genetics. But it’s all inside, she never utters a word of it in public. But anonymous on the internet she is the resurrected “Denise Heydrich”, ready to draw up lists, etc.

      Ok, hopping to reality. I spoke to a few people in the last few hours about the shooter in Oregon. All are college educated, UGa or better, and access 8 to 10 news sites a day. None knew the guy was part Black. One or 2 people said they thought he was based on his video, but were not positive. The fact he is biracial just not being reported. This disturbs me for a bunch of reasons, some I’ve mentioned. Not reporting it allows the “White Supremicist” rumor to have credence. It also keeps people from catching onto “why” his fascination with the murderer in Roanoke. It’s irresponsible, poor reporting.

      This human/animal different qualities thing is off base. To ascribe to the idea I’d have to throw out the essence of Judeo-Christian thought. That “man” is unique & special, made in the image of G-d & with a soul. If one believes this it is very hard to go for the Eugenics stuff. Unless, of course, one more heavily emphasizes the Old Testament and cherry-picks numerous passages that suggest, imply or maybe even say things justifying the different race/different qualities thing. As a White American, of an ancient faith but highly influenced by Christianity (like any American, I hope) I can’t go along with anything that reads out that “divine spark” that distinguishes the human soul.

  34. Warspite side-steps the issues; he calls the flooding of white nations the result of “instability” (which is endemic throughout history, not a uniquely modern phenomena – its a historical constant) rather than a strategic act of the Frankfurt School, the Marxists, the Jews, and all the fellow travelers. By diluting white nations, they hope to make impossible any repetition of the alleged crimes of whites.

    And here is where he and they show an intellectual deficiency; those crimes against the Enlightenment will INCREASE as the dilution progresses. Why? Because Enlightenment is a white phenomena. Liberty is a white phenomena. Jews, for example, are not going to be safe in a 90% non-white world. They will not be able to say – we are one of you! – we are not white, like you! Muds don’t do nuance.

    We can see it even in the present day where the Jewish clique that stormed the Ivies and displaced the WASPs are themselves being stormed and displaced by the Chinese, Indians, Pakistanis, and so on. They don’t have the white pathology of altruism and thus don’t shed 6 trillion tears over the Holocaust (when they have perpetrated and suffered the same and worse through history), they don’t much care for Israel, and they will “redistribute” Jewish wealth and ownership, until it is “fairly” distributed to “People of Color”.

    He fails to grasp the irony and tragedy of leftist genital mutilation “gender reassignment surgery”. These people need help, not mutilation, but the dark priests needs sacrifices for their filthy religion, much like the “doctors” of Panned Parenthood, and the Jewish psychiatrist who blinded someone recently as part of finding her “true” self. Warspite cavorts with evil and calls it good!

    I don’t think African slavery was good, so we don’t have to agree to disagree. But two wrongs don’t make a right. Much like with the Jewish assault on whites; genocide in the past does not justify or excuse genocide in the present. Jews, if we take their “holy” book to be accurate, practiced genocide on their neighbors in the past, some of them Indo-Europeans (to say nothing of Bolshevism). Was Hitler just paying them back? Even Steven?

    Whites have been victims of genocide in countless times; Vedic India, Sassanid Iran (both the Arabs and the Mongols), the Turks against the Armenians, Tocharia, South Africa, not to mention intraracial genocide of the Christian expansion. Where is the white Zion? Where is the white Israel? Where is the white Homeland? We will create it in this generation!

    • Afterthought:

      While I don’t agree with almost everything you assert, I respect your setting out ideas in civil language without using personal attacks.

      I meant to say something about this Jewish-Marxist things. Continuing from a conversation with Jack, I have pretty extensive experience with the 3 best private Universities in the South: Duke, Vanderbilt and Emory. As of now all three have a significant number of Jewish students. Unlike 30 yrs ago when Vandy was maybe 2% Jewish it is now 15% Jewish. That happened as Vandy had to become a truly “National” school to make, stay in, move up the rankings. Duke goes back to the just before/just after period in having decent number of Jews. Emory by the 70’s had years when 35% of an entering class might be Jewish (now it’s 35% Asian!).

      There have been prominent Communists, Marxists, Trotskyites, Socialists, whatever who have been Jewish. There are still some, and will be in the future. So what? I remember sitting in classes at Emory or Duke where there were a great number of Jews. The idea that those kids who wanted to be doctors, attorneys, dentists, get MBA’s whatever were “Marxists”? What a joke! I’m sure there are Jews out there who are little budding Marxists, etc., but that’s only because there are at least 5 ½ million Jews in the US & they skew towards well-educated and, unfortunately, liberal Demz. But as some sort of widespread tendency, ridiculous.

      I don’t know where neo-Nazi girl gets her stats on Jews in criminal enterprises. For example, pornography. Do you think someone hangs around sets north of LA and passes out sheets to poll the workers on religion? I know from my short time as a performer that idea is absurd. Like the rest of America almost everyone is Christian. As you can imagine, most performers are not heavy church attendees. Ditto on the business side. There are more Jews on the biz side than performers, but I found that more about the backgrounds of typical performers than typical biz people. If you don’t believe me, I’ll have to recommend Denisovitch attend the annual AVN Award show.

  35. “As a White American, of an ancient faith but highly influenced by Christianity (like any American, I hope) I can’t go along with anything that reads out that “divine spark” that distinguishes the human soul.”

    I’m sure we’re all touched by your thoughtful remark, Warspite. Now, again: die.

  36. The OT is a record of Jewish Genocide. Indeed, it should put them in the dock for Crimes Against Humanity.

    The Press is essentially an agent of Jewish propaganda.
    It’s not surprising that they would skillfully bury the identity of the shooter in this case. According to the press spree killing is a White pathology. This Mercer chap doesn’t fit that narrative. Flanagan does not fit, Cookie Thornton does not fit, Malvo does not fit…

    So the press bury, muddy and hide the obvious.

    • Please tell me your not peddling the Black-Jewish alliance myth. That’s at least 40 yrs out of date and been addressed by me at length. Quite convincingly most people on the blog commented. I bet there are almost no adherents anymore.

    • Captain, I want to help you out here. Really. Go and read everything you can about Marcion of Sinope.

      I’m not steering you wrong, just trying to educate you on something I think you will find really interesting. Further, if you come back and don’t feel like the right thing to do is thank me for pointing you towards something you find fascinating, I’ll leave the blog forever.

      Of course, I’m basing this offer on your having attended and graduated with a BA, BS, or equivalent, a legitimate 4 year college program in the US or Canada. A fair offer I think.

  37. “As a White American, of an ancient faith but highly influenced by Christianity (like any American, I hope) I can’t go along with anything that reads out that “divine spark” that distinguishes the human soul.”

    The name this troll chose for himself – War & Spite. And people take him seriously. lol

    • If you meet the minimum requirements, and no lying now, will accept the challenge? The worst that can happen is you lose but know something new.

      Warning. This is not the sort of thing you can read up on in an hour. Maybe not even two.

  38. Mulatto kills 9 whites, press carefully buries the identity of the perp. So much so that a Troll claims ignorance until forced to independently figure “admit” out who did the deed. Or at least that’s what the disingenuous fool claims.
    Note the pattern.

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