Trans-Pacific Partnership Trade Deal Reached

By Hunter Wallace

As expected, a deal has been reached on the Trans-Pacific Partnership, which is the largest free trade agreement in history:

“ATLANTA — The United States, Japan and 10 other Pacific basin nations on Monday agreed after years of negotiations to the largest regional trade accord in history, an economic pact envisioned as a bulwark against China’s power and a standard-setter for global commerce, worker rights and environmental protection.

The announcement here that weary trade officials had finally agreed on the Trans-Pacific Partnership was merely “an important first step,” the United States trade representative, Michael B. Froman, said. Now their agreement faces months of debate in each of the 12 nations, including in Congress, where some bipartisan opposition was immediate. …”

The door is open for China to join later down the road:

“At the same time, Obama has not ruled out the idea of eventually bringing China into the TPP, saying in June that Beijing had “put out feelers” about joining the pact. …”

The Republican-controlled Congress gave Obama fast track authority to negotiate these free trade agreements over the summer. Under “fast track,” Congress surrenders its power to amend trade deals and a simple 51 vote majority is all that needed for passage in the Senate.

The previous free trade agreements – NAFTA, CAFTA, Peru, Colombia, Chile, South Korea – worked out so great for the American middle class and working class that Washington lobbyists decided we needed more of them. Aside from the Trans-Pacific Partnership, keep an eye on the Free Trade Agreement of the Americas (Western Hemisphere) and the Transatlantic Free Trade Area (Europe). There will be more of these gargantuan free trade agreements coming down the pike.

Before it is done with, everyone you know will be trying to become a dentist, a nurse, or a firefighter.

About Hunter Wallace 12398 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. ‘The announcement here that weary trade officials had finally agreed on the Trans-Pacific Partnership was merely “an important first step,” the United States trade representative, Michael B. Froman, said.’

    United States trade representative Michael Froman (yid) is pleased as punch over this deal.

    What could possibly go wrong?

  2. Isn’t it great when your enemies slit their own throats? Keeps their tainted blood off your clothes. I’ll enjoy watching the string of bankruptcies of companies who push dieversity when the chickens fly the coop. The race to the bottom is on. Only the Aryan will survive this whirlwind. Stock up on food and guns, that fake monopoly money is just uncomfortable toilet paper now.

  3. “… the United States, and Vietnam.”

    So Ho Chi Minh put his own people and the U.S. through hell for this: A Vietnam in capitalist harmony with America. As I recall, the U.S., in fighting him, was hoping to achieve exactly that.

    One day, Whiteland will demand that the Vietnamese pull down every statue of Ho Chi Minh and officially restore the city-name Saigon before any trade of any kind will even be considered between Whiteland and Vietnam. Once the statues are all down and the name-change has been effected, we’ll drop a hydrogen bomb on Hanoi, on general principles.

  4. All trade deals are meant to be broken. Trump, are you listening?


  5. This is all for China, they can say it isn’t for now but in the end this will work to China’s favor. Everything has to this point, whats to make you think that will change?

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