The U.S. Is Exporting Air to Asia

By Hunter Wallace

Heading into the 2016 election cycle, the polls consistently show that the economy is the top issue on the minds of voters. More than anything else, Americans are worried about their jobs and the decline of the middle class.

Why are there so few jobs?

“One of the fastest-growing U.S. exports right now is air.

Shipments of empty containers out of the U.S. are surging this year, highlighting the impact the economic slowdown in China is having on U.S. exporters. The U.S. imports more from China than it sends back, but certain American industries—including those that supply scrap metal and wastepaper—feed China’s industrial production. …”

Do you see how this works?

We export thin air, scrap metal, waste paper and agricultural products to East Asia. They export back to us almost everything you can buy in Wal-Mart except the food. We print money and go into debt in order to pay for it. They run enormous trade surpluses, lend us our money back, and we pay them interest.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I hope the US doesn’t find out the hard way that they don’t have a monopoly on high-tech weaponry, Denise.

  2. Denise
    ‘We are sending warships to demand access to THEIR territory.
    The Chinese are CHEESED.
    For REAL War is about a day away.’

    I don’t know about a day away, but something very bad is developing.

  3. RichardBird,

    What Denise is talking about is the planned patrol cruise into the contested Spratley islands zone of the South China Sea. China claims the islands, but so do Singapore, Vietnam and a few others I forget. The Chinese presence is also considered an indirect threat to Australia.

  4. Thanks James. The funny part is the Chinese don’t need to threaten Australia, since the Cucks from Down Under are giving their country to them. The Chinese are buying their houses, their farmland, their mines and are moving into their government bureaucracy as we speak.

    A recent example of this, the Daily Stormer Troll army was harassing their chief diversity officer who is Chinese.

    Fight the world invite the world.

  5. They aren’t invading China. Spratly Islands is in the middle of the ocean. Look at the map:

    Every country surrounding China hates their guts, but its not their fault its everyone elses fault, for they are a misunderstood people, you see…

    The US is trying to contain them until their demographics turn too old for them to pursue their imperial ambitions. Yes its a dangerous situation that could trigger WW3, but you have to show the Chinese a firm hand or they will overrun you. They want to be the next world empire after the USA falls.

    I would prefer the Japanese had nukes so the two could duke it out. The only problem with that plan is global fallout. We’d all die with them.

  6. Richard, just let her think it’s a big “ZOG” conspiracy. I’m sure she never even bothered to look at a map to see where China is trying to establish a large military presence, and just how close it is to other Asian nations.

    Maybe if she finally gets it all out of her system she’ll be able to rationalize and reason like a mature adult.

  7. @RichardBird

    The middle of the ocean you speak of, by nefarious deceit, is named the South China Sea. How does that square with your presumptions??

  8. Richard – no. China has regarded those waters as “theirs” forever. China is helping Russia in Syria. Israel is flipping their knishes over Russia’s obliteration of ISIS operatives.

    China has allowed the JewSA “military” to pretty much do whatever, on their turf, for commerce etc. ZOG JewSA wants to use those islands as staging areas now, for “military observation” blah blah. Why send WARSHIPS, otherwise? WARSHIPS? why WARSHIPS?

  9. Robert // October 16, 2015 at 7:39 pm //


    “The middle of the ocean you speak of, by nefarious deceit, is named the South China Sea. How does that square with your presumptions??”

    Is this supposed to be a serious argument? LOL

    Denise // October 16, 2015 at 9:09 pm //

    “Richard – no. China has regarded those waters as “theirs” forever. China is helping Russia in Syria. Israel is flipping their knishes over Russia’s obliteration of ISIS operatives.

    China has allowed the JewSA “military” to pretty much do whatever, on their turf, for commerce etc. ZOG JewSA wants to use those islands as staging areas now, for “military observation” blah blah. Why send WARSHIPS, otherwise? WARSHIPS? why WARSHIPS?”

    Those waters are off the coast of other countries populated by non-Chinese. China is building islands out of nothing and filling them up with military and using WARSHIPS to do it! WARSHIPS Denise! WARSHIPS! Why WARSHIPS???

    They regarded Tibet as theirs forever as well, even though a different racial group has lived there forever. They regard Taiwan as theirs as well even though the Taiwanese want nothing to do with them. They were first to visit Australia, so that’s theirs forever as well.

    I don’t care if they are allies with Putin, or the man in the Moon. Doesn’t give them the right to declare everything theirs.

  10. The Japanese left China and settled Japan, so Japan is theirs as well. The Siberians entered America during the Ice Age, so America is theirs as well.

    Yeah I understand Chinese logic. Its why everyone that shares borders with them hates their guts.

  11. The middle of the ocean you speak of, by nefarious deceit, is named the South China Sea. How does that square with your presumptions??

    Are you saying the Gulf of Mexico belongs to Mexico, because it’s called the Gulf of Mexico?

  12. Hunter, your blog is about to go full retard. You know what they say about that, don’t you?

    Never go full retard!

    It’s becoming harder and harder to distinguish between this part of the Internet and the Special Education section that houses sites like VNN, Stormfront and Daily Stormer.

  13. If the neocons wanted a war with china, they’d be giving them the Assad treatment(they kill “their own” people,etc). This is about keeping china from rules lawyering international law, granted, it probably is only happening because the chinese stuck their finger in Obama’s eye, but its still the right thing to do.

  14. AnAnon – The NeoCohens don’t have close to the presence IN China, that they do in SandPit Land.

    They don’t have the ability to wreak the same havoc, and literally blend in. The Chinese are hip to them already.

    Yes, they want the resources, but the


    Were sent in after Putin’s Syrian Surprise Party.

    Warships are PROVOCATION.



    Not cargo vessels.


  15. “The NeoCohens don’t have close to the presence IN China, that they do in SandPit Land.” – They do however have a large presence here. We’d expect anti-chinese propaganda to start up if they truly intended to pick a fight with them. My own thoughts on the matter though are that they ultimately want China as a bolt hole for when things go south here.

  16. The dumbest part of this is how we shipped our industrial base to China, went into debt to them, and after they have made a fortune selling us all this stuff we are told we need a massive military buildup to contain China.

  17. Anon – I know they’ve been planning on using China as the new Host – but the Chinese are hip to the Tribe already. Sending WAR SHIPS is not the way to win their stringent affections.

  18. Hunter Wallace // October 16, 2015 at 11:57 pm //

    “The dumbest part of this is how we shipped our industrial base to China, went into debt to them, and after they have made a fortune selling us all this stuff we are told we need a massive military buildup to contain China.”

    I was saying it was stupid back in the 1980s and I was just a kid. My conservative relatives thought it was a good idea and still support anything that screws their children and grandchildren over. I’ve come to the opinion many whites are mentally retarded and can’t be fixed. If we ever get a white nation they should be blackballed.

    Denise // October 17, 2015 at 1:09 am //

    “Sending WAR SHIPS is not the way to win their stringent affections.”

    If Trump is the real deal he’ll stand for no Chinese nonsense. He’ll bring them to heal.

  19. I sincerely hope the crash is near. Whatever form it takes, racial nuclear whatever, I just hope it comes soon. The society is sick, we need a crash to get rid of the scum and stop Planet Israel. The Jews must not be allowed to eliminate whites and 99% of mankind and have their Brave New World

  20. Re: Trump – I don’t think he’s GIVE the Chinese any nonsense. I think he’s a Grown Up, and he’s just going to try to clean up the mess, here.

  21. Well, which one is it? Is the inevitability of destitution stemming from a complete economic collapse going to be the impetus for real change, or is the omnipotent savior Trump going to usher in a new era of growth and prosperity for White America? There seems to be major confusion and conflicting views.

    We have a lot of armchair quarterbacks and have been blessed with a plethora of online oracles, but probably not a lot of players in the game. I’m having a hard time understanding how pro-White America in its current state benefits from either an economic collapse or the Great White Hope, Trump. Most in the pro-White world are nothing more than voyeurs, and none of them are actual players in the game. Nothing will change for the better for these people in a economic meltdown or a Trump presidency.

    My position on trade and China as it relates to a pro-White stance is very simple. If “Made in America” has become an undervalued commodity, but also seen as the key ingredient to “Making America Great Again,” then that affords me/us a prime opportunity to swoop in and establish a greater market presence where there will be rapid growth. I would suggest finding small niche markets where there are holes and deficiencies. I would then saturate the Internet with every marketing trick known to mankind. You don’t have to be The Solution. You just have to be Part of The Solution, even if it’s just a very small part. Helping to remove the production of just 1 single item from China—or any other country—and moving it back to the USA counts as a very small part.

    More jobs for Americans is a really good thing. More prosperity for Americans is a really good thing. More safety and security for Americans is a really good thing.

    But there is a caveat to all of that. If pro-White people aren’t able to provide these things in a scenario where there is an economic collapse or a Trump presidency, then everything will stay the same. In a collapse, the same anti-White manipulators and puppeteers will still be left with their wealth, and they will be the only ones able to provide what all of the destitute people are looking for. If, against all odds, Trump does make anything great again, pro-Whites won’t be seen as the architects. Trump will just shift away from any racial consciousness and he’ll be touting diversity as a strength.

  22. They always say they are looking forward to a collapse as if suddenly that will make whites wake up. The way I see it, they are more likely to turn Communist than turn to the far right, since the left are far better at meme warfare than the right. Most of the right just don’t seem to get it.

    “Trump will just shift away from any racial consciousness and he’ll be touting diversity as a strength.”

    I think he will. Run to the far right and back off until election day is his strategy and it wouldn’t surprise me if he picks Ben Carson to do it.

    I’ll just be relived when Obama goes and hopefully Trump gets in. If the Dems win again, pro whites will be kicked off the internet. If you think things are bad now, just wait. At least with a white man in the White House, we’ll still have room to maneuver.

  23. Richard – no one I know regards Trump as a Savior, He’s just the Last Best Chance. Whites ARE waking up. Did you see the altercation at Trump’s last rally?

    I Whites man SPIT in the FACE of a protesting Orc?

    This little moment is more important than you can imagine.

    NO ONE apologized, and the WHITE People, behind the White man, are LAUGHNG. Not apologizing. Laughing. The one lady looks delighted.

    Trump is signaling Alpha White Man.

    We can do the rest.

  24. RichardBird
    ‘If the Dems win again, pro whites will be kicked off the internet. If you think things are bad now, just wait. At least with a white man in the White House, we’ll still have room to maneuver.’

    I agree. Obama has skirted laws and made his own rules along the way with no real opposition. The internet permits free exchange of ideas … for the time being.

    This will not be tolerated. Hate speech laws will be used to vilify and eliminate dissenters.

    Trump in the WH would give us a reprieve.

  25. ‘We export thin air, scrap metal, waste paper and agricultural products to East Asia. They export back to us almost everything you can buy in Wal-Mart except the food. We print money and go into debt in order to pay for it. They run enormous trade surpluses, lend us our money back, and we pay them interest.’

    This what Trump says in nearly every speech.

  26. Off main topic but fits well with spin off.

    Americans seen as possibly more threatening than Islamic jihadists


    Loretta Lynch’s Justice Department will place new emphasis on home-grown violent extremism committed by so-called ‘right wing’ attackers.

    Just two weeks after it announced a plan to globalize local police departments through the “Strong Cities Network,” the Obama administration has added a new tool in its fight against “violent extremism.”

    A new position within the Justice Department – yet to be filled – will focus on investigating lone-wolf domestic terrorists or “extremists.”

    The person who heads this new effort will target extremists who plan mass shootings, hold racist, bigoted or anti-government views or see themselves as “sovereign citizens.” (snip)

    Fitton said the move marks the continuation of Obama’s legacy of targeting conservatives in memos that have come down from the FBI and Homeland Security through the years. The memos have targeted military veterans, gun owners and tea-party activists, all of whom are viewed as potential terrorists worthy of being watched.

    As recently as August WND reported on a leaked memo from the FBI that alerted law enforcement at the state, local and federal level that the next big terrorist attack on U.S. soil was likely to come from an extremist militia group harboring anti-government views. (snip)

    As the Obama administration comes down to its final months in office, look for more brazen, racially charged steps that target law-abiding American citizens who express political views that don’t line up with those of the administration, Fitton said.

    “This is going to become the vehicle through which the Justice Department can target those who oppose the Obama agenda,” he said. “This is a solution in search of a problem.”(snip)

    By shifting resources away from international terrorist organizations and putting them into a new focus on domestic lone-wolf “extremists,” the Obama administration is sending a message to its enemies, Fitton said.

    “The term ‘anti-government views’ ranges from Bernie Sanders to Donald Trump, in my estimation. When they talk about ‘racist views,’ are they talking about La Raza (The Race), or are they talking about people opposed to the immigration crisis at our border?”

    “This is a leftist fantasy,” he continued. “If a totalitarian leftist had to write a description for a government operation to suppress his enemies, this would be it.”

  27. @Sam
    That is what I was referring to. John Carlin was speaking at a conference sponsored by the SPLC. Apparently at that conference the SPLC rep asked him when they were going to kick White Supremacists off the internet. They are also trying to charge people with sponsoring terrorism, if they are a member of or donate to pro white groups, if one of their membership goes nuts.

    This Obama lunatic can’t go soon enough.

  28. Denise
    ‘We are sending warships to demand access to THEIR territory.
    The Chinese are CHEESED.’

    China says it warned and tracked U.S. warship in South China Sea

    (CNN)China said it warned and tracked a U.S. Navy warship as it came close to one of its artificial islands in the South China Sea’s contested waters.

    Cui Tiankai, Chinese ambassador to the United States, told CNN’s Christiane Amanpour on Tuesday that the U.S. operation is “a very serious provocation, politically and militarily.”

    Cui said it was a clear attempt by Washington to militarize the region.

    “It is a very absurd and even hypocritical position to ask others not to militarize the region while one’s self is sending military vessels there so frequently,” he said.

    The Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that the vessel “illegally entered into the waters of China’s Spratly Islands.”

    “The action taken by the U.S. warship has threatened China’s sovereignty and security interest, and has put the safety of personnel on the reefs in danger,” a ministry statement said.

    Two Chinese warships and naval warplanes monitored and warned the American vessel, the Defense Ministry said. (snip)

  29. Denise
    ‘China is helping Russia in Syria. Israel is flipping their knishes over Russia’s obliteration of ISIS operatives.’

    Russia, Isis, Syria, Israel.

    I don’t know what to make of this. IF it was not an accident, Putin could make things a lot more interesting if he discovers who did it.

    A Russian airliner carrying 224 passengers crashed into a mountainous area of Egypt’s Sinai peninsula on Saturday shortly after losing radar contact near cruising altitude, killing all aboard.

    A militant group affiliated to Islamic State in Egypt, Sinai Province, said in a statement it had brought down the plane “in response to Russian airstrikes that killed hundreds of Muslims on Syrian land”, but Russia’s Transport Minister told Interfax news agency the claim “can’t be considered accurate”.

    The Airbus A321, operated by Russian airline Kogalymavia under the brand name Metrojet, was flying from the Red Sea resort of Sharm el-Sheikh to St Petersburg in Russia when it went down in central Sinai soon after daybreak, the aviation ministry said.

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