Raising Taxes on the Top 1 Percent

By Hunter Wallace

If the top marginal income tax rate on the wealthy was raised from the current 39.6 percent to 40 percent, The New York Times is saying it would raise enough revenue – from just the top 0.1 percent – to eliminate college tuition at public 4-year universities:

“To get the most accurate picture possible, throw in all the scraps of income, from the most obvious (like wages, interest and dividends) to the least (like employer contributions to health plans, overseas earnings and growth in retirement accounts). According to that measure — used by the Tax Policy Center, a joint project of the Urban Institute and the Brookings Institution — the top 1 percent includes about 1.13 million households earning an average income of $2.1 million.

Raising their total tax burden to, say, 40 percent would generate about $157 billion in revenue the first year. Increasing it to 45 percent brings in a whopping $276 billion. Even taking account of state and local taxes, the average household in this group would still take home at least $1 million a year.

If the tax increase were limited to just the 115,000 households in the top 0.1 percent, with an average income of $9.4 million, a 40 percent tax rate would produce $55 billion in extra revenue in its first year.

That would more than cover, for example, the estimated $47 billion cost of eliminating undergraduate tuition at all the country’s four-year public colleges and universities, as Senator Bernie Sanders has proposed, or Mrs. Clinton’s cheaper plan for a debt-free college degree, with money left over to help fund universal prekindergarten. …”

Compare the $47 billion dollar annual price tag of eliminating college tuition at public universities to the $2 trillion dollars already squandered on the cuckservative crusade in Iraq alone or the extra $100 billion a year we are paying on medical and disability claims from veterans after a decade of useless wars in Muslim countries.

Most of those poor soldiers joined the military to finance their college education. How much cheaper would it have been just to have free college tuition like Germany? How many more Christians would be alive today in Iraq and Syria? How many fewer refugees would be pouring into Europe today from Libya, Iraq and Syria were it not for the US campaign to destabilize the region?

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Why did you “” the they?

    Romney mentioned he was Anglo Saxon and he was immediay buried by THEM. And he had a Party machine backing him. The slack flag rope is electrified and soaked in cyanide. Who is gonna pull it?

    Trump has come close. Even then…he can still be a target of assassination unfortunately. If he actually builds this wall he’s talked about is long will he personally be safe?

  2. Why would anyone think that large numbers of free thinking Jews in the American elite – those Bobos in Paradise – is undesirable? We’ve never had more brilliant, successful and capable leaders.

  3. Captain John,

    Considering the history of the past….80 years?…a diploma from H/Y should be an absolute disqualifier from holding the office of POTUS! As well as an automatic reason for banishment from American soil.

  4. Why did you say WE aren’t educating more White….., when what you were inferring is that THEY aren’t educating more White American doctors and nurses? It should be fairly apparent why I used “they” in that context.

    Instead of the steady cavalcade of a thousand and one excuses being rolled out as to why pro-Whites can’t assert themselves in any meaningful capacity, how about just a single example or idea of how something can be done to achieve something in the real world?

    “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” — Thomas Edison

    “Negative results are just what I want. They’re just as valuable to me as positive results. I can never find the thing that does the job best until I find the ones that don’t.” — Thomas Edison

  5. According to legend Edison’s patents on moving cameras were stolen by Laemmle and he moved to SoCal to avoid Edison’s lawsuits. Even Edison got the proverbial shaft.

  6. Warspite
    ‘You know little about the American South other than reading one side of an issue. Rejecting analysis based on anything other than a single point of view that mimics yours is not an intelligent, analytical approach.’

    Your assessment is so far from reality it’s laughable. You could not be more wrong, Yankel. Hunter is well versed on the subject of the American South.

    If you had been here more than a few weeks you would have realized that.

    Arrogant twit.

  7. Warspite is smarter than all of us.

    He’s about to explain how such a top heavy Jewish elite has really worked out great for us. We’re just too dumb to appreciate all the Jewish brilliance on display. Pull up your chairs. I believe this will be interesting to hear.

  8. Sam,

    ‘You know little about the American South other than reading one side of an issue. Rejecting analysis based on anything other than a single point of view that mimics yours is not an intelligent, analytical approach.”

    Yankel simply engages in classic TKB – it accuses others of what Jews themselves do.

  9. Where is Abbie’s Irish Rose aka Jack Ryan? He’s missing.

    The Irish Rose has very politely, in a very diplomatic and kind fashion, told Yankel that he’d be happier elsewhere.

    Yankel’s not taking the hint. They never do.

  10. Hunter,
    I reckon that Warspite is going to shift gear. “What difference does it make if you are surrounded by hostile blacks? Yellows? Browns?
    Live out your life and enjoy the enrichment. Seriously we are all humans Afterall.”

  11. My guess would be that it is “anti-Semitism” to suggest that the present day American elite, which is heavily Jewish, has been a disaster for White America. Chanting that word like a witch casting a spell is usually sufficient to shutdown discussion of the topic.

  12. I can’t imagine he has anything of substance to say. Compared to where America was before 1965, everything is far worse. Its akin to someone stealing a car and taking it on a joyride off road. They don’t care they’ve ruined the car, it was never theirs in the first place.

    • I’m sorry, I was traveling today. At the Del there was a conference regarding some trading issues. I bet all those Asians were there for espionage purposes. Some of them were probably even Jews who had undergone cosmetic surgery in order to infiltrate the highest levels of Korean, Japanese & Chinese societies. Those devils!

      Hunter does not know crap about anything negative associated with the antebellum South. Nothing. All I read are rantings of a mean, envious wannabe. His ideas about “Ivy League” schools, and I presume that includes schools like Stanford, Chicago, Williams, MIT, etc., are pathetic. Do you not get he’s a guy who went to Auburn and he’s criticizing Columbia & Duke, etc.? He went to Auburn?? Ha! People who couldn’t get into ‘Bama! But he critiques Dartmouth, Cornell or Berkeley!

      I’m not engaging Mr. South until he shows he’s got some guts. I have a standing petition. Recite, discuss, analyze and decide. Demonstrate to all your Stephen Decatur like courage, Zachary Taylor like resolve.

  13. /\/\/\ Lulz! There ya go, Hunter, m’dear! The “other side of the story”!

    Insults, and kvetching.

    The slants probably are there to spy and steal. It’s what they do.

  14. Some of the stupidity here reminds me of early 20th Century explanations about banning Blacks from organized sports. They were thought of as too physically slow, reflexes not quick enough to seriously compete.

    What’s that over there? Some NFL games. Yeah, those slow & poorly reflexed Black fellows.

    You’re obviously not old enough to remember separate hospitals, bathrooms, hotels/motels, restaurants, etc., in the South. There’s nothing to be proud of about that stuff. I don’t care that it rarely touched Jewish existence (ya see, they’re white…). It was a bad & evil thing. Demeaning & degrading of humans even if it did make lower class whites (ahem!) feel important.

    This is very difficult for you guys to grasp. The fact of certain problems today does not justify what was wrong yesterday. Ditto the unnatural hate of the 60’s counterculture. The thought of there being people who would rather it had never occurred is frightening. Such ignorance. (Not to mention what would have become of music!).

  15. Celestial is right on Asians (or Jews) at colleges. Why are there so many qualified Asian students for Cal Tech or Penn? Come on, why? They don’t benefit from affirmative action, so why??

    The answer is because they deserve it based on merit. Rather than raising your kids to be just as intellectually driven or talented you do what? You complain about meritocracy. Now come on, that is truly, truly beyond pathetic.

    You raise your kids to watch NASCAR, drink PBR & think going to Auburn is just as good or better than studying at Yale. Yep, blame the Jews, Asians, et al.

  16. If I hadn’t gone to Chicago, I wouldn’t have been able to learn from my teacher and friend Allan Bloom. Or all the others of his stature.

  17. 1.) Please note that Warspite has punted on discussing the negative aspects of the antebellum South.

    2.) Right.

    We’re just envious of all those brilliant, successful Jews – the Wolfowitzes, Pearls, Abrams – who have taken the USA to new heights since the 1950s.

    3.) I mean … Hillary went to Yale and Obama went to Harvard. Hell, W. went to Harvard and Yale. Never has our country been governed by such obviously great leaders!

    4.) Damn. I was looking forward to Warspite listing all the great accomplishments of the Jewish elite which has been so self evidently wonderful for White America.

  18. “If the US had kept free college for the top 15-20% test scorers and carefully combed the low income for brainy underachievers or rough diamonds I doubt that our birth rate would have collapsed so precipitously. It’s hard not to see this as feature of the phony democracy we get to enjoy.”

    But, Capt. John, that would have been ‘elitist,’ and moreover, would have almost guaranteed that non-Whites would NEVER be admitted to colleges, and that we might therefore have a valid intellectual class, resembling nothing so much as an UberMenschen, composed of pre-1965 WHites, and……. Ohhhhhh. The light dawns.

    Can’t have that. Better to destroy a nation, that help a nation reach for the stars…

  19. “No job is safe any longer. H1B visa’s will see to that.
    Why do you think the average cuckservative like Ted Cruz wants to increase them by 500%?
    Like Fiorina said when she was at HP: “There is no job that is America’s God-given right anymore.”

    Which means, what? That we should jettison traitors like Cruz and Fiorina (neither of them WASPS) from our political forums? I’m all for that. “They all have to go.”

    As someone (was it here at OD) said, ‘Pakis are the new Whites, Mexicans are the new niggers.’
    Welcome to your genocide, White Man….

  20. Because, you see, what the South so obviously needs is a hostile Jewish and Asian overclass in addition to a black and Hispanic underclass. When choosing our leaders, we ought to support a system that churns out some really smart Jewish enemies.

  21. “I now understand how ideas such as Holocaust denial is a gateway to an anti-Christian belief system, but I can’t believe there are enough people here that have lapsed from Grace that only two individuals still have an understanding of right and wrong consistent with post-Enlightenment, Western ethics.”

    Warspittle is still here?! Oh, Lord. The utter BS-o-meter in this one sentence alone -(that it IS just one sentence) is indicative of the verbal diahrrea that Jews constantly engage in.

    One cannot be a Christian, UNLESS one Denies the Hollow Hoax. Not only is YHWH God not interested in the supposed death of ‘six bajillion heretics and Christ-killers’, but HE also abhors LIES. NOTHING about this charade of non-existent deaths of apostate Deicides, is appealing, or propitiatory to the Almighty. A ‘holocaust’ is a ‘whole burnt offering’ that was part of the ‘shadows and types’ that Christ ABROGATED upon his Incarnation as the Son of the Living God, and the Sacrifice of Calvary, COMPLETELY SUPERCEDES any supposed ‘holocaust’ of the most antichrist race on the planet.

    But, beside that FACT, let’s just take the published figures of ‘Jewish Dead,’ and note that even the Yad Vashem ‘HollowHoax’ museum in Occupied Jerusalem, has CONSISTENTLY LOWERED THE NUMBERS over the decades, as the FACTS come in. That includes the Red Cross, sites such as http://codoh.com (you should read it, Tarbaby!) and plaques at Auschwitz, Buchenwald, etc. completely DENY the shrill claims of legitimacy of godless Jews.

    Lapsed from Grace? One who can never partake of the uncreated energies of the Holy Trinity, has no right to talk about ‘grace.’ Anathema.

    • Warspite has been given a golden opportunity here to dispel the misconception that the Jewish elite has had an overwhelmingly negative impact on White America. He’s much smarter than the rest of us. The ball is now in his court.

    • Sorry, “Tiger”, first it’s time to show those stripes. Be a man and make a decision. Whatever that might be.

  22. “You’re obviously not old enough to remember separate hospitals, bathrooms, hotels/motels, restaurants, etc., in the South. There’s nothing to be proud of about that stuff. ” Tarbaby Warspittle

    I LONG for the days of Darkies ‘knowing their place’ once more. I pray for the utter rebellion of the Whites of this nation to TAKE BACK OUR OWN. And, above all, I hunger for the righteous judgment of YHWH God to fall on ALL His Enemies, the destroyers of the Adam of God; and the re-establishment of the Protocols that would make certain persons such as you, would never be allowed entry, let alone citizenship, in a revived White Republic- or Monarchy. It matters little, as long as it happens.


    And, as the Wicked Witch (an emblem of the Jewish dominance in White lands) was known to say, I use her most chilling statement as a prayer for deliverance from the likes of you: “The last one to go, will see the first three go before them.” (First, the Illegals, then the Moslems, then the Blacks repatriated to Africa, and then comes the ‘J’)

    Exaudi oratione nobis, Domine.
    “For from the top of the crags I see him, from the hills I behold him; behold, a people dwelling alone, and not counting itself among the nations!” Numb. 23:9
    “James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, To the twelve tribes scattered among the nations: Greetings.” Jas. 1:1

    “God HATES the Jews.” – St. John Chrysostom

    • Come now, honorable one. You were petitioned for relief because of flagrant & intentional violation of your rules of conduct. Someone who went to S. Alabama could identify the issue(s). And hurry up with it cause I’ve got a connection to make.

      U of South Alabama is in Mobile, in case you didn’t know. I visited to see the USS Alabama. In all seriousness, I’m sure you’ve seen the ship. Mobile is at least a bit easier to get to than Auburn! I was shocked how out of the way it is. Pretty town, though.

  23. I’ve decided to give you an opportunity to explain to all these people here why they are so wrong about Jews. Is there a positive case to be made for the present Jewish elite? If so, let’s hear it. If not, you are wasting our time.

  24. Who is this “cg” that just appeared?

    You were influenced by Allen Bloom, the Jew homo, who may have died is AIDS, who spent his “academic career” re-interpreting everything from Plato to Shakespeare, in order to help the Goyim “understand things in “new way”?

    How and where did Bloom “influence” you? The back rooms of “Man’s Country”

  25. I believe the Zhid is insisting that you boot other posters, myself included, or “else”.

    Hunter – ZOG I moving to “get” “White Supremacists.

    Be careful. I understand that you must do what you must do.

  26. Denise, why don’t you & the two other transgressors just apologize? A sincere apology from each would satisfy me.

    • Is this an act or are you that mentally challenged? My petition to enforce your rules has nothing to do with anything distasteful, stupid or controversial. Now, go ahead and do your responsibility, for I reject your being completely clueless. Honor should be your watchword

      Or do you write, but not read?

  27. It’s evil and immoral to apologize when there has been no transgression.

    YOU must apologize to every-one you have chided, denigrated, insulted, threated, and attempted to command.

    And then you should GO. To Israel, Birobidjan, or Hell.

    • Ahhh, there you go again! Birobidzhan. Brilliant! 95% of Jews would have no clue re the reference. In fact, hey! You are…, I get it.

      Yes, Denise, you are correct. Perhaps I should leave. (wink wink)

    • I have no clue of what you speak, Hunter. I have no complaints about “my” (?) holocaust postings, including denial of the event.

      You need to fulfill your duty. Do it. Make a decision based on the facts presented. Make your decision, not my decision. I don’t care what you decide. I’m watching the process, because I know how hard it can be to be compelled by honor to do the right thing.

  28. Hunter – this Jew is attempting to “make a case against you”. He’s giving you a chance to redeem yourself.

    It joked, many posts ago, about how I will need a lawyer, inferring that I’ll need a Jew lawyer. I inquired why I might need a lawyer, since I’ve committed no crime. I am squeaky clean, in my conduct online, and certainly offline. I write….errr…in a rather flamboyant manner – but I threaten nor attempt to bring physical harm to no one.

    That matters not. I write and say things that Jews don’t like. That’s all that matters, I am condemned.

    You, Hunter, are being given a chance to Obey the Jew, and redeem yourself.

    Take this seriously.

    I never received an answer about the necessity of future legal representation. I’ll simply be hustled off….

    • Come on Denise, I get the “secret handshake”. You need say no more. And Hunter certainly does not have to obey any Jewish person. Well, he might think about Christ, but he can do as he likes. It’s the process of his honor that I want to observe. But thanks, my little Denise.

  29. Der Process!

    That’s Kafka’s Trial title in the original German.

    Warspite is a walking talking Jewish cliche with his mock Sanhedrin.

  30. Warspite at this point you ought to stop hiding behind a pseudonym.

    You talk big about college.

    Hunter at the very least is public about his identity. You should think About a reveal and put the mediocrity of Hunter into full juxtaposition with your genius.

  31. Did he say who he was?

    I may be a bit slow on the uptake here.

    It’s fascinating to read the manouvres he makes. Was listening to Dailyshoah and they could have been literally reading from his posts.

    There really isn’t much of a positive case for the assimilation of the tribe into and above the pre existing Anglo elite. It’s not worked out well for anyone. Maybe Jews some elite black individuals and a smattering of East Asians.

    It Dindu the broader white majority much good and cohencidentally it happens right as the white birth rate implodes.

  32. It took me about 30 seconds to figure out.

    Anyway, y’all can continue to debate all these topics, but keep it civil. I don’t want to go back to moderated comments. It is a chore to read through and approve all those and it stiffles the conversations here.

  33. If my idea of free college for the top 20% had been the law of the land in the 1910s and America had kept it’s nerve with migration from the 1910s onward to preserve the ethnic balance of the existing population there would have been a burgeoning elite of white Americans colonizing Africa and Asia by now. Highly functioning, highly gifted etc etc…blacks would have been reduced to a rump curiosity of 1-2 of the population.

    Sometimes it really is those fucking borders. The Israelis practice these sorts of eugenic migration policies currently.

  34. Meritocracy doesn’t work because the system assumes that group affinities and loyalties are irrelevant. In fact, they are highly relevant and far more important in the larger scheme of things than intelligence.

    Do you want a highly intelligent enemy to be your leader? How about a whole class of enemies who have no natural affinity for your ethnic group?

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