Raising Taxes on the Top 1 Percent

By Hunter Wallace

If the top marginal income tax rate on the wealthy was raised from the current 39.6 percent to 40 percent, The New York Times is saying it would raise enough revenue – from just the top 0.1 percent – to eliminate college tuition at public 4-year universities:

“To get the most accurate picture possible, throw in all the scraps of income, from the most obvious (like wages, interest and dividends) to the least (like employer contributions to health plans, overseas earnings and growth in retirement accounts). According to that measure — used by the Tax Policy Center, a joint project of the Urban Institute and the Brookings Institution — the top 1 percent includes about 1.13 million households earning an average income of $2.1 million.

Raising their total tax burden to, say, 40 percent would generate about $157 billion in revenue the first year. Increasing it to 45 percent brings in a whopping $276 billion. Even taking account of state and local taxes, the average household in this group would still take home at least $1 million a year.

If the tax increase were limited to just the 115,000 households in the top 0.1 percent, with an average income of $9.4 million, a 40 percent tax rate would produce $55 billion in extra revenue in its first year.

That would more than cover, for example, the estimated $47 billion cost of eliminating undergraduate tuition at all the country’s four-year public colleges and universities, as Senator Bernie Sanders has proposed, or Mrs. Clinton’s cheaper plan for a debt-free college degree, with money left over to help fund universal prekindergarten. …”

Compare the $47 billion dollar annual price tag of eliminating college tuition at public universities to the $2 trillion dollars already squandered on the cuckservative crusade in Iraq alone or the extra $100 billion a year we are paying on medical and disability claims from veterans after a decade of useless wars in Muslim countries.

Most of those poor soldiers joined the military to finance their college education. How much cheaper would it have been just to have free college tuition like Germany? How many more Christians would be alive today in Iraq and Syria? How many fewer refugees would be pouring into Europe today from Libya, Iraq and Syria were it not for the US campaign to destabilize the region?

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I still haven’t read 90 percent of Warspite’s comments.

    He first manifested on the Are the Jews White thread in September. A gay rabbi in Washington, DC had written an article in which he insisted that Jews should jettison their White identity.

  2. “Which means, what? That we should jettison traitors like Cruz and Fiorina (neither of them WASPS) from our political forums?”

    Sounds good to me.

    Hunter is right that the WASP elite were a HELL of a lot better than these enemies who now call themselves our leaders. The WASP’s handed it all over to enemies – it is unfortunate that us Southerners were forced and not by consent to be on this sinking ship with them.

  3. I am smiling like the Chesire cat. Christmas has come early this year.

    Warspittle, is the gift that keeps on giving.

    He has accomplished more that I thought possible in only a few short days.

    .???? ???

    • I turned over aeroplane mode for this! Hunter is what he always was & always will be. The guy in class who refuses to study in order to drink a fifth of Jack D w the frat bros, then wonders how those, “GD Jews/Asians did so well on the test”. He wants to dump a meritocracy because he cannot compete without some big time Affirmative Action. What a pathetic creature.

      With greater understanding he would come to understand he doesn’t have what it takes to succeed in any situation other than a Latin American dictator’s second or third son. Better yet, a Saudi sheikh’s 9 th or 10th son. Hunter’s not really a failure, he’s just mediocre.

      Yeah, I’d go year in & out with Auburn over Stanford or Chicago as well. Maybe in football!! Make fun of Ivy League schools, HA!

      Next stop is, I think, the largest city in the American Rocky Mountains. Answer to your question are the three finest private universities in the South. And you can sure bet I would have gone to Harvard or Chicago or Stanford if I had been admitted.

  4. Aside from the loyalties/affinities issue, the second biggest flaw of meritocracy is that it selects an elite that has no sense of duty or obligation to the host society. If your attitude is that you are wholly responsible for your own success, why should you feel obligated to anyone else?

  5. A meritocracy will produce an elite of ethnically and culturally alien brats and individualists with an overwhelming sense of entitlement. Such an elite will be particularly notable for its lack of sympathy toward its host society and its tenure will be remarkable for parasitism more than anything else.

  6. One last, I’m for it. Let’s all of us disclose where we attended colleges.
    Hunter: Auburn. 2nd best university in Alabama
    Warspite: Vanderbilt, Emory, Duke. 3 best private in South

    Others: Come on y’all

  7. Jewspittle is back. Oh joy oh bliss oh rapture!

    It’s posts are proving your points.

    Asians admit that they CHRAT. It’s a contest. And Jews? Hahaha!

    If they are all so very brilliant, why aren’t there equivalent unis in non-White Nations?

  8. WS can’t show how his hostile elite made America better, so he insults Hunter instead. Listen to his silence.

    • Don’t be a maroon Richard. Hunter has proved himself a dishonorable phony-butt. He has no understanding of the responsibilities that go along with saying, I’m honorable. He is not worth my time. He didn’t have to be smart, just honest.

      Yes, Denise, I do. It took a long time to learn what the word really meant. I know all too well what upholding honor sometimes entails.

    • Denise, I did take two yrs in school. I think I understand it. Does the end mean, “until you bleed”, more or less?

      Wish the son of mine that knows some KOIN was here!

  9. I explained above why meritocracy doesn’t work: basically, a smart enemy doesn’t make a good leader.

    The hostile meritocratic elite we are burdened with today has no affinity for the White majority. The feeling is now mutual. The proof lies in the polls which show an unprecedented collapse of confidence in all mainstream institutions except the military and small business. The public already holds the political class in well deserved contempt.

    Once again, the public has already determined that the meritocratic elite has failed. That’s not merely my opinion. I can explain why it failed. It lies in the fatal assumption that knowledge and intelligence are highly desirable qualities – which can be measured by some test – and that other issues like one’s ethnic, religious, cultural and ideological loyalties are irrelevant.

  10. I’m sure there are plenty of highly intelligent, well educated Jewish communists infesting our universities, but if those people are a hostile elite, as I have argued, we are better off without them.

    • The Dishonorable Scalawag argues solely out of self interest. How to put power in the hands of mediocre minds from the “right” families, the “right” churches.

      Before you start nodding your heads like those dogs in the back window of your pick up, better take the wide view. Those right families are envisioned as a very, very small landed group (updated) from Anglo-Episcopal backgrounds. It is not by any means a Jacksonian democracy extended on merit. It is more like the Founding Fathers with more church & far less education.

      In about 1980 or so I was chatting with Sam Nunn in Atlanta. OK, there were a dozen of us & Sam. Anyway, the Senator spoke about his growing up, education and view of military affairs. He was very influenced by the Civil War, particularly his view of who was there at the start vs the beginning,

      Nunn said he never forgot how the “fire eaters” and all those blue bloods who pushed the South into a war were gone by the end. All most could do was talk. They were decades behind the North or Western Europe, and after a year or so the tough jobs and responsibility fell to people like Lee, Benjamin and others with actual ability (merit) and did not want the war. And don’t forget about the derisive treatment of Forest by the “aristocracy”,

    • Hunter, you are really incredibly, dog-ass dumb. That you believe such schools are stacked with Reds you are not even Auburn material. You are speaking about subjects where you have zero knowledge.

      Yeah, boy oh boy. Those top 20 law schools are just rife with young, communist Jewish minds! How about the Business schools? Another hot bed of lefty activity?

      Honestly, you have no clue and 9 or 10 drones just follow you.

    • I thought it translated to something like the land and the king are one? I’m thinking of “Le morte d’arthur”

      • Hunter, your error is your kook shorthand. You start in the middle after a statement that Jews & Asians represent some sort of alien, hostile force. This is a flawed premise that destroys all else. It’s no different than the argument in 1928 or 1960 not to elect a Catholic because they will take orders from the Vatican.

        Your racism, etc., poisons your thinking process. For example, while your Jewish argument is dumb for historical and chronological reasons, you could make a much better case for specific post 1960 immigration due to the sea change from a melting pot to multiculturalism.

        Jews and European descent Catholics go back generations before multiculturalism. I know few Jews with the divided loyalties you fear, ditto Italian or other Catholics. Your ignorance of the gratitude and loyalty of such groups in America is astounding.

        On the other hand, outside of older Cantonese immigration, Cuban immigration, and certain other very specific examples, I think you likely could stitch together a decent argument for a qualitative difference in the “feeling” towards America of immigration in the past 50 yrs.

  11. Alternatively, do you believe that one’s ethnic, racial, cultural, religious and ideological loyalties and affinities should be a critical litmus test when selecting our future cultural and political leaders?

  12. Hunter requested, repeatedly, that you define the ways in which Jews have been an asset to America.

    You are not citing any actual examples.

    Why not?

    • Max Baer was a world heavyweight champion. Benny Leonard was perhaps the greatest pound for pound boxer in history. Hank Greenberg hit 58 home runs, most between Ruth and Maris. Bobby Fisher was perhaps the greatest chess player of all time, before he became a rather virulent anti Semite. Mike Bloomfield played lead guitar on Dylan’s Highway 61 revisited album. David Freiberg played bass and sang on Quicksilver Messenger Service’s Happy Trails album. Paulette Goddard was one of Chaplin’s wives over 17 yrs old. Kirk Douglas played the lead in Spartacus, Tony Curtis was in Some like it Hot with Marilyn Monroe (& Jack Lemmon, a Jew), Groucho.

      You mean like the above? Or like Hyman Rickover?

      It’s such a stupid question you can kiss my tush. The list of contributions fills a book. Maybe not of NASCAR drivers, or tobacee chawing idiots sans teeth, but otherwise quite a few. How could someone as smart as you… Oh, I get it. You really can do anything w/o the cornhole gang of 1st cousin marriers catching on.

  13. 1.) Isn’t it amazing how all those mediocre minds managed to create America circa 1950 while all those Jewish geniuses produced by our meritocratic system have managed to lead us to the America of 2015?

    2.) Wouldn’t you say there is a danger in allowing certain ethnic groups to amass power and influence over key sectors of our culture and economy? In light of our recent history, I would say we would be wise to disqualify them altogether from any type of leadership position due to their lack of affinity for the White majority.

    3.) All this time I was under the impression that the rube Andrew Jackson had defeated John Quincy Adams for the presidency.

    4.) Whether it was Judah Benjamin, Henry Kissinger, or Paul Wolfowitz and Elliot Abrams under W., Jews haven’t exactly distinguished themselves in statecraft.

    5.) Who were these blue bloods? You mentioned Robert E. Lee above. He was about the closest thing to a blue blood in the Confederate army.

    • I’m sorry, Runter, if you want me to engage you will have to be good with History, but also actually r e a d my postings. Are you implying I was critical of Andy Jackson? That’s dorky of you. I admire him immensely. Although he did lose to JQ Adams once. Sort of, thanks to, hey who was that thanks to Runter?

      I do admire what JQ Adams did before & after his presidency. He should be an example to our present day idiots. His father, the “great” John Adams was a fascist pig.

      And Runtolph, my story was based on what Sam Nunn said to me, us. Now, be a good boy & go look up Sam Nunn

  14. Warspite
    ‘I know few Jews with the divided loyalties you fear’

    Why wouldn’t we believe you?

    Well, the ones that are caught are real doozies.

    Spies and traitors tend to keep their activities secret. Traitorous jew scumbag Pollard is a hero to Israelis. Jews are always trying to get that little rat released.

    Wiki: Jonathon Pollard is the only American ever to receive a life sentence for passing classified information to an ally of the U.S.In defense of his actions, Pollard declared that he committed espionage only because “the American intelligence establishment collectively endangered Israel’s security by withholding crucial information.” Israeli officials, American-Israeli activist groups, and some American politicians who saw his punishment as unfair lobbied continuously for reduction or commutation of his sentence.The Israeli government acknowledged a portion of its role in Pollard’s espionage in 1987, and issued a formal apology to the U.S.,but did not admit to paying him until 1998. Over the course of his imprisonment, Israel made repeated unsuccessful attempts through both official and unofficial channels to secure his release. He was granted Israeli citizenship in 1995.

    Wiki: ‘Julius Rosenberg and Ethel Greenglass Rosenberg were American citizens executed for conspiracy to commit espionage, relating to passing information about the atomic bomb to the Soviet Union.’

    Remember United States National Security Advisor Sandy Berger, who was caught stuffing classified documents in his trousers?

    Joe McCarthy was right!!

    Maybe there wasn’t a commie jew rat under every rock… just most rocks.

    • Dummy! You named two. That’s all you can do? Hell, there are prob that many Jews in the NFL!

      I’m up to date, Venona & all, Ethel R. was not a spy. While I wish Sandy Berger had been properly punished, such was not the case. I think he had a slick Greek Orthodox lawyer.

      Why would you think I have any problem with Julius Rosenberg being executed? I would have been fine with Pollard also being executed, but they don’t seem to do that to spies anymore. I’ve spoken with many Jews about Pollard & most (not all) don’t find his imprisonment a problem. The problem, boy, is Polard’s sentence was out of whack with similar cases.

      Damn. Sorry to interject the truth & all. Some of you guys are such limp wristers.

  15. 1.) I would say that ethnically, religiously, culturally, historically, racially and ideologically that Jews are and remain an alien element in White America.

    2.) I would also say that Jews are a hostile elite. They are alienated from White America. They don’t identify with the White majority. On the contrary, they identify with non-White minorities.

    I believe you first showed up here when I posted the link to this article in the Washington Post by a gay rabbi who explained in some detail how Jews should reject whiteness to fight “racism”:


    3.) I would say that we have no interest in cultivating a Jewish elite. It is abundantly clear that Jews are loyal to their own co-ethnics.

    They have shown a much greater affinity for non-White minorities and a marked hostility toward the White majority. In short, they have proven themselves to be a subversive force in our society.

    4.) Multiculturalism has a well known Jewish genealogy in the United States.

    5.) Does anyone here believe that Jews are loyal to the White majority? Raise your hands.

    • Well, Runter, I’d say you’re wrong. And anyone who runs a site routinely pro-Nazi and anti-Christian is not really in much of a position to speak for the US or Americans.

      Sorry. I know you don’t really understand half what you write, but you’re not a child. Take some personal responsibility and stop looking to blame others. You come off as a whining… sissy

  16. I’m saying that it is awfully amusing how you now claim to immensely admire such an uneducated rube like Andrew Jackson who beat John Quincy Adams of all people for the presidency.

  17. Warspite,

    Can you summarize where you are coming from? I noticed you said that segregation was “evil” earlier in this thread and now you are crying about “racism”? What are you even doing on this website?

  18. 1.) The commentators are waxing on about the Nazis. I actually have little interest in National Socialist Germany or the Holocaust or any number of things that get brought up in the comments.

    2.) So, I am anti-Christian now? That’s news to me.

    3.) I’m going to continue to ignore some of your childish remarks in the hope that you will address the central, substantive question in this debate which is whether the Jewish elite has been a plus or a minus for White America.

  19. How would Hollywood complete a bio-pic about Judah P Benjamin? Would it be anti-Semitic to depict him? Warts n all? It’s a quite a tale. you know that evil Confederacy kids, the vampire slavers, the love child of the Davis-Benjamin school of government…yeah, defacto rule by America’s first Jewish executive.

    What sport! Total liberal mind fuck.

  20. Please tell me that you aren’t citing sports players, chess players, actors and musicians in your defense of the Jews.

    Is that the best spin on your people? I mean … Bobby Fucking Fischer is your argument against anti-Semitism? Hell, I could do better than that.

  21. War spittle is completely foreign to most of us. His values are different than ours. He chooses to insult Hunter instead of answering a very, simple straight forward question. He comes across an arrogant child. I doubt he is here to debate, rather he is here to hurl insults at people that he deeply hates – White peoples who are aware of the Jewish destruction of our nation/nations.

  22. Warspite // October 19, 2015 at 2:42 am //

    “anyone who runs a site routinely pro-Nazi and anti-Christian is not really in much of a position to speak for the US or Americans.”

    Meanwhile in WarSpite’s National Socialist Israel, loyalty is a virtue.

  23. I’ve been very patient with him.

    See, Warspite is much smarter than the rest of us, so I keep asking him to make a positive case for the Jewish elite in contemporary America. I’ve given him the chance to show us how his people have been misunderstood and how their leadership in so many areas has been a great boon to our community.

  24. A specter (lol) haunts Jewish-American history. It’s remarkable how Judah Benjamin has been so effectively shoved down the old memory whole. It’s sort of indigestible, a Jew organizing the Redneck racists the CSA as the brainchild of Davis-Benjamin. Airbrushing him out is like airbrushing out Kaganovich, Celler, Yagoda, Sassoon, Oppenheimer SA, so it’s just more of the fucking same really.

  25. Not quite like Stalin hunting down his antagonist Trotsky though.

    Trotsky lost out to that mediocrity Stalin. The Greatest Jewish General caught with his dick in his hands with Frida Kahlo. Stalin, so dull, so stupid.

  26. Thomas // October 19, 2015 at 2:57 am //

    “He chooses to insult Hunter instead of answering a very, simple straight forward question. He comes across an arrogant child”

    He can’t deal with the point Hunter made, so he insults instead. Like I pointed out 2 hours ago, he’s got three degrees and yet he remains a childish moron.

  27. Jack Lemmon wasn’t a Jew. The actors and sportsmen – the entertainment – did NOT conceive of or create America.

    Is ANYTHING real to you? Or is it all just fantasy?

  28. Warspite said,”…You’re obviously not old enough to remember separate hospitals, bathrooms, hotels/motels, restaurants, etc., in the South…”

    I am. It was great. I remember the old movie Theatre in a small Georgia town. It worked well. Then the made a new theatre where there was no separation. Massive attacks by the groids. So eventually since Whites couldn’t go see a show without attacks by the groids it closed down.

    I remember the integrated high school where once again the Blacks attacked the Whites. Complete total school riot. The Blacks demolished the school so that no one could use it.

    When separated he races got along fine. In order to have the races integrated Whites would need to be much more violent to hold their place.

    Notice warspit talks a lot about honor and fairness. This is probably the wrong place to talk about those things because we all know you have none and most have come to the conclusion that we owe you neither. Fairness and honor are only for those willing to reciprocate. For those not willing to reciprocate, to hell with you.

    • I want to apologize to Hunter for my insults related to Auburn. I’ve been around the South pretty much my entire life, as well as its educational quirks. The 7500 or so kids at Emory are mostly (other than Aff action) well qualified to be in a top 20 or so school. One just about rub up against the butt of an Ivy, but that’s all. While those 7500 may be pretty smart, there are 7500 at ‘Bama just as smart or smarter. The problem is, at ‘Bama there are also 7500 dummies. Ditto U. Ga., UF, UKy, and so on. I’m sure Auburn fits in there as well. I haven’t met many Auburn people, but there are surely reasons for that. I’ve met many ‘Bama folks, and since I used to go to Birmingham once every month or two, also met a lot of UAB & even UAH people.

      Regardless, I apologize to Hunter for my infantile cracks about Auburn. I know better than to make such unfair statements or implications based solely on the University. I’m sure you’re proud of going there, and you ought to be proud. I don’t actually recall Bo Jackson ploughing over Vandy. I do recall Herschel Walker destroying Vanderbilt. I think he once ran for almost 300 yards. I got over that, right.

      I think both Jack & Celestial make some good points about freedom of association. I was tipped off by the blog about the real problem with the desired narrative of the Oregon shooting. The guy was Black, and after floating some false stories the while media event, “went away”. Score a big one for some of the folks here that called it.

      I’m mostly Jewish & from the South. I have three degrees, did grad study, blah blah. I am sympathetic and even sometimes agree with much of the underlying complaints here about our domestic policy. To wit: our immigration policy, if you can call it that, sucks. I’m tired of corrupt pols. Enforce the law. Kick out illegals, guard the borders; Multiculturalism is a GD disaster. It has horribly weakened the country. We are supposed to be a “melting pot” where people assimilate into American culture- an English speaking culture.; our educational system is broken & $$ is not the problem; affirmative action, race norming, etc., need to go. If someone is not qualified for a job, too bad. If a kid isn’t smart enough to get into Yale, then he should not get in.; Crime is not about guns. Our crime problems are centered in the Black community, a lesser extent Hispanic. A good start would be calling out Blacks for having over 70% of their children out of wedlock. Illegitimate children is what it is, as should be called. What kind of community puts up with such incredibly immoral conduct.

      And so goes that and other points of agreement. Unlike Hunter, I’m all for a meritocracy. But one without affirmative action, race norming & set asides. And with a stress on American values. Speaking English, obeying the law, assimilating to our culture & being loyal to America. Nevertheless, I do not entirely toss aside Hunter’s points on noblesse oblige. Those sort of values passed from generation to generation are important. I guess I just see it leading to a Kennedy situation, where they think they can do anything & get away with anything.

      I agree America needs to pull back some from overseas commitments. How about pumping some money into American infrastructure rather than building a greater Albania, or highways in Macedonia. Fix right here, first. Plus identify friends and enemies. Australia is a friend, Saudia Arabia is not a friend. We just do business with the latter, we ought not to trust them.

      Nor do we need BS dynasties. We do not have an aristocracy. Jeb Bush & Hillary Clinton need to take their dishonest butts elsewhere. Getting rich in politics, they make me sick. They’re little better than pols in Brazil or Argentina.

      And I’m not the only Jewish adult who feels this way. I’m a minority of Jews on these points, but 25%-30% have wised up.

  29. Jews never give up. Pollard the slimy rat will be released soon thanks to jew pressure and Natanyahu our best friend in the mideast. Yeah, right.


    WASHINGTON — In July 2014, after Jonathan J. Pollard had served 29 years of a life sentence for spying on behalf of Israel, his hopes for freedom were thwarted when a federal panel denied his request for parole.

    But that hearing set in motion an intense scramble by lawyers for Mr. Pollard to ensure a different result a year later, when he would be eligible for parole after serving 30 years. They wrote letters, cited statistics and introduced evidence that their client met two legal standards for parole: that he had behaved well in prison, and that he posed no threat of returning to a life of espionage.

    On Tuesday, the effort finally succeeded, as the United States Parole Commission announced that Mr. Pollard, 60, met the legal standards and would be released just before Thanksgiving.

    Mr. Pollard, one of the country’s most notorious spies, will walk out of federal prison in Butner, N.C., on Nov. 20. Eliot Lauer, one of the two lawyers who have been working pro bono for the past 15 years to free Mr. Pollard, called his client on Tuesday with the news.

    Mr. Pollard’s fate has been a source of tension between the United States and Israel for decades. In a statement, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said he had spoken to Mr. Pollard’s wife, Esther. He also appeared to take some credit for the parole decision.

    “After decades of effort, Jonathan Pollard will finally be released,” Mr. Netanyahu said. “Throughout his time in prison, I consistently raised the issue of his release in my meetings and conversations with the leadership of successive U.S. administrations. We are looking forward to his release.”

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