Raising Taxes on the Top 1 Percent

By Hunter Wallace

If the top marginal income tax rate on the wealthy was raised from the current 39.6 percent to 40 percent, The New York Times is saying it would raise enough revenue – from just the top 0.1 percent – to eliminate college tuition at public 4-year universities:

“To get the most accurate picture possible, throw in all the scraps of income, from the most obvious (like wages, interest and dividends) to the least (like employer contributions to health plans, overseas earnings and growth in retirement accounts). According to that measure — used by the Tax Policy Center, a joint project of the Urban Institute and the Brookings Institution — the top 1 percent includes about 1.13 million households earning an average income of $2.1 million.

Raising their total tax burden to, say, 40 percent would generate about $157 billion in revenue the first year. Increasing it to 45 percent brings in a whopping $276 billion. Even taking account of state and local taxes, the average household in this group would still take home at least $1 million a year.

If the tax increase were limited to just the 115,000 households in the top 0.1 percent, with an average income of $9.4 million, a 40 percent tax rate would produce $55 billion in extra revenue in its first year.

That would more than cover, for example, the estimated $47 billion cost of eliminating undergraduate tuition at all the country’s four-year public colleges and universities, as Senator Bernie Sanders has proposed, or Mrs. Clinton’s cheaper plan for a debt-free college degree, with money left over to help fund universal prekindergarten. …”

Compare the $47 billion dollar annual price tag of eliminating college tuition at public universities to the $2 trillion dollars already squandered on the cuckservative crusade in Iraq alone or the extra $100 billion a year we are paying on medical and disability claims from veterans after a decade of useless wars in Muslim countries.

Most of those poor soldiers joined the military to finance their college education. How much cheaper would it have been just to have free college tuition like Germany? How many more Christians would be alive today in Iraq and Syria? How many fewer refugees would be pouring into Europe today from Libya, Iraq and Syria were it not for the US campaign to destabilize the region?

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Sam J. // October 19, 2015 at 4:30 am //

    Warspite said,”…You’re obviously not old enough to remember separate hospitals, bathrooms, hotels/motels, restaurants, etc., in the South…”

    In New York the Jewish elite racially segregate by putting the entire population of black males in jail. Southerners choosing to live separately was far kinder by comparison.

  2. I see that the geniuses who run the federal government plan to import 100,000 or more “Syrian” “refugees.” I would respectfully suggest that they be placed in Jewish neighborhoods. Not only would the enthusiasm for multiculturalism be higher there than among the ignorant rubes– no fear of racism!– the desert superstition cousins could be together.

    • Traveling can be so difficult on the body. SD >>>Reno>>> Denver. I notice Reno has improved from some years ago. They ought to worry about all the tax breaks coming back to haunt them when it comes time for public services. There are far more Hispanics than the first time I was there in… something like ’86 or ’87? I guess I can say that about lots of places. In the early ’80s I can recall picking up this girl in a bar who worked in the poultry biz in Gainesville. Back then all the workers were Black. Now there all Hispanic. Is that good, bad, or just a “thing”. I’ll have to go with bad for 2 reasons. First, the language issue. Spanish is used almost universally, with little efforts re learning English. Second, I don’t think it’s had a positive effect on the Blacks moved out of the poultry biz. Nowhere else to go around those parts, except move closer to Atlanta.

      Hunter, are you aware Jews have been around for a while? Since at least 1200BC/1300BC, likely considerably longer. So at the time of the Roman Diaspora Jews had been around about as long as Islam today. Can we all agree that’s a long time? Good. During that time Jews were not at all known as particularly well-off, mercantile, etc., etc. That image came about as Jews came to be restricted into certain professions by Christians or Muslims. And as Muslims & Christians forbade their own adherents from certain types of business. Thus, during Roman times (early Empire) Jews were mostly known to the government for being a pain in the butt. Gibbon is really good on that.

      I suggest some grounds rules. Most are yours already:
      No cursing (damn or hell is ok)

      Be respectful. No attacks on a person’s family

      No kook theories. If the Holocaust didn’t happen neither did the battle of Chancellorsville. There’s a lot more evidence of the former. I’d hate to think Cannae never occurred, or that Hannibal guy was fictional

      No derogatory terms such as “nigger” “kike”, etc. Funny stuff like Dindu’s are ok

      Focus on the issue(s) raised

      Most Anything can be discussed in an intelligent & reasonable manner. There are some interesting issues to be discussed in the world, and people can agree to disagree. Everyone should abide by the rules or get barred from that particular conversation. All of this, including the no kook rule, comes out of the existing rules as written or elaborated upon by one of the administrators.

      I have no trouble abiding by these rules. Does anyone else? If the no kooks rule gets you, it shouldn’t. It’s Jack’s rule intended to promote the intelligent exchange of ideas. Nor does it prevent someone from, e.g., speculating that some of modern Jewry might be descended from Khazar aristocracy. The obverse would be the suggestion the whole Khazar conversion to Jewish is a myth.

      The above intent as well as Jack, and later Celestial’s, positions and (esp for latter) writing is what interested me in the Blog.

      I hope the above Rules, which are already the Hunter/Jack rules, are good with the crowd? Good? Great. One more posting to kick it off.

    • Spot on Dutchy! Or, “Macon County Line”. Or, arguably, Barnaby Jones. Didn’t you love the Bev Hill episode with Phil Silvers?

      Notice the banker was a gentile? Ha!

      A buddy of mine in Law School from Tenn. and I used to dispute where they were from. I asserted clearly E. Tenn, while he incorrectly suggested E. Kentucky.

      • Hunter, old chap. To show you I want to smoke the peace pipe with you, here’s an interesting footnote item in history. One of those who is on what side and why, moments.

        One of my kids reminded me about the Battle of Itter Castle. Or the syntax might be wrong, or I might have the spelling wrong. But I think it’s “Itter”. I guarantee it’s an odd one, but true.

  3. Reading Warspite’s hyper ethnocentric bullshit I am reminded that even fascism can be subverted and bought out by Coniving Jewish actors.

    Ladies and Gentlemen I give you Austrofascism.


    Uncle Morty’s cheap pret a porter line of inauthentic conservatism. Much like the Cuskservatism we see in the GOP only with better uniforms.

    • Captain, you’re such a goofball. You ought to see me play horseshoes, you wouldn’t say that. I even won a large tourney once.

      Not much call for ethnocentrism in Bowling Green. Hell, it was one hour south or two hours north for a synagogue. Sometimes I’d stop at the Acme outlet & shop just to think over the choice.

      I’d like to roll out a question for general consideration. About “white guilt” in America. Do you think now is the time? I’m on a bike in the gym at the Palace. Haven’t even checked the weather yet!

  4. “Friar, all I can say is you are a lousy theologian.”

    Oh, I’m sure that’s not all you can say… You won’t shut up, in fact…
    But I digress.

    I’m not alone, and I don’t need to rely on my own opinions. I rest on the shoulders of the Saints of God.

  5. As I thought, here I am, back after what…. a day? And two whole PAGES of taqqiya by Warspittle Tarbaby are stuck all over this site! And DID this Kike shut up? Not on your latkes!!!

    Now we have the ultimate LIE posing as history. That the ‘Jews’ of today, are the same race as the “Israelites’ of yesteryear. And I quote (gagging all the while at the kreplachs of perversion):

    “Hunter, are you aware Jews have been around for a while? Since at least 1200BC/1300BC, likely considerably longer. So at the time of the Roman Diaspora Jews had been around about as long as Islam today. Can we all agree that’s a long time? Good. During that time Jews were not at all known as particularly well-off, mercantile, etc., etc.”

    No, sorry. End of story. Jews are not Semites.

    Three jewish authors confirm this fact, and one scientist. The Authors: “Benjamin Freedman, ‘Jesus was not a Jew.’Arthur Koestler, Nobel prize-winning author, ‘The Thirteenth Tribe,” Schlomo Sand, Israeli Academic, ‘The Invention of the Jewish People.’

    Jews are not even Caucasoid/Human, as part-Jew Michael Bradley wrote, over twenty years ago!
    “What if this Neanderthal DNA is concentrated in the Caucasus Middle East, where this 2010 study admits that Neanderthals and Cro-Magnons (or “Early Modern Humans”) met and interbred? Surely it is reasonable to suppose that the main concentration of the world’s surviving Neanderthal DNA must be in this area, discounting very modern migrations of some people by railway, steamship and aircraft transportation, and that Neanderthal DNA decreases rapidly as distance from the Caucasus centre of interbreeding increases? …This is precisely what I argued in The Iceman Inheritance (1978), Chosen People from the Caucasus (1992) and what Erik Trinkaus at least inferred in his The Neandertals of 1992. However, my own calculations indicate that some Middle East Semitic populations approach 50 percent Neanderthal and in some very specific small areas, 70 percent Neanderthal. Given the usually modest Semitic populations in mountain valleys and arid landscapes of the Caucasus Middle East, this sort of Neanderthal DNA concentration among some groups would not affect that “1 to 4 percent” (or, now “six percent”) of the total world population very much.”- http://www.michaelbradley.info

    And, they are not Whites as well, by (as they themselves have now recently said) ‘chosen to be/revert/remain the ‘Other’ they have always been’; and as a PhD Scholar wrote:

    A post of who the Jews REALLY are- well, where they come from- is a short statement, from my favorite RC Aussie, Lynda.

    “According to Josephus, John Hyrcanus the last Hasmonean (Maccabean) King conquered Edom on the Southern border of Judah. Hyrcanus was a pupil of the Pharisee Sect (of Babylon) which had infiltrated his kingdom. This sect used the scrupulous observances of the laws of Moses to subvert the Mosaic Covenant itself. The Pharisees had a secret oral tradition (today codified as the Talmud) and their observances and teachings had won adherents in the Hasmonean Kingdom. But their ethnic power base was in Edom to the South of the lands of Judah under the Maccabees.

    Hyrcanus advisor, Antipater the Idumean (Edomite) prevailed upon Hyrcanus to force the conquered Edomites to accept the circumcision. They were converted virtually en masse to Pharisaism or Judaism. With this new power base, the Idumean (Jewish) Herodians were able to usurp Hasmonean rule. Their Pharisaic sect usurped the Chair of Moses in Jerusalem and imposed Pharisaism on the land of Judah.

    Thus Judaism. The people of Judah and Benjamin, holding to the Israelite Covenants, resisted.
    The Bible story that I grew up with read the gospel story as a conflict over the identity of the King of the Jews. Herod was King of the Jews but not of the line of David. He sought the life of the infant Jesus who was the heir of David.

    But, Herod as in Idumean / Jew was not even of the lineage of Israel, much less its royal tribe. The account that I grew up with narrated the slaughter of holy innocents as a slaugher of the Jewish infants in Judea. “Herod slew many children in Bethlehem Judah, the City of David.”

    The Divine liturgy, however, in its selection of texts Jer. 31:15-17 clearly tells us who these infants were. They were the infant sons of the people of Judah and Benjamin whose parents lived in Bethlehem and the coasts.

    “In Ramah was there a voice heard lamentation and weeping and great mourning, Rachael weeping for her children.”

    The readings from the Fathers for Childermass explain that Rachael (of the tribe of Benjamin) is buried near to Bethlehem at Epratah. It was the infant sons of the Israelite Covenant: Judah and Benjamin, who were slain. Not the Idumean / Jewish children.

    Just as today it is the children of Palestine resisting Jewish rule who are slain. Among them will be descendents of Judah and Benjamin. And if they are Christian, they are true Israel by birth and by faith.
    The world witnessed this again last year in Operation Cast Lead.
    The name of that invasion of Gaza and the massacre of a prostrate people and their children was taken from a Hannukah children’s poem: “For Hannukah”

    Father lighted candles for me
    ?Like a torch the Shamash* shone
    ?In whose honour, in whose glory
    ?For Hanukkah alone.

    *Shamash is the Babylonian sun god. The central candle of the Hannukah menorah (the Attendant) is called Shamash. As in the boast of Nimrod: “let us build for ourselves a name – a Shem – for ourselves.” (literally a shining, sometimes shining name. Shamash is cognate)

    The last verse of “For Hanukkah” names the spinning top the dreidel (as it spins out from its centre, its widening gyre covering more and more surface)

    Teacher bought a top for me?
    Cast in lead the finest known?
    In whose honour, for whose glory
    ?For Hanukkah alone.

    The glory of Hanukkah is well served in our times.

    But the voice of the prophet Jeremiah will bear witness to the true story in the divine liturgy of Childermass in the universal calendar of the West: “Vox in Rama audita est ploratus ululatus Rachel plorans filios suos.”

    The Lord, King of Martyrs, O come let us adore Him.?Regnem Martyrum Dominum, venite adoremus. – Lynda of SWB fame

    Tarbaby Warspittle, Be Accursed. Anathema sit. “Ye are of your father the devil, and the deeds of your father ye WILL do.. for he has been a liar from the beginning.’ – Jesus Christ, John Chapter 8

    • I appreciate the diatribe Friar, but your “analyses” are fundamentally flawed. In order to avoid breaking my suggested rule please allow me to confine my response to just the old Khazars- Jew thing. Let me to a Frankfurter response.
      1. I have either read or am familiar with the authors & the context (usually ironical) in which they wrote;
      2. Even if you are 100% correct, so what? The majority of Jews in Israel are actually Sephardic. No one has ever doubted their lineage;
      3. Even if you are 100% right, so what? Assume that in the 9th or 10th century enough Khazars converted to account for all Ashkenazi Jews. So what? If they are Jewish they still look to the same heritage. Do only Christians who can trace themselves to 1st century Jewish & other Semitic groups have a “legitimate” claim for the importance & holiness of Jerusalem? Of course not. Don’t be an idiot!
      4. As of now there is only one Geneticist who takes your position. A post PhD fellowship guy at Johns Hopkins. Everyone else who has studied the genetic markers disagrees;
      5. Here’s something interesting. The leading 20th century expert on the Khazars (at Columbia) dismissed the whole all Ashkenazi Jews >>>Khazars thing in a sentence or two. He concluded there was not enough evidence to reach any conclusions. But in the past decade something else has come up. At least one Khazar scholar (there may only be one) theorizes the whole story is a myth. He put forward a hypothesis based on circumstantial evidence & it’s an interesting hypothesis.

      Who would be most upset about the story being a myth? Jews. The story is very popular.

      I’m afraid you lose. 1970’s sources, lack of common sense. Tsk, Tsk!!

  6. It’s also known as Imitation Fascism.

    The age old imitation game. Forget about Washers, horseshoes and Aunt Sally.

  7. More on the jew spy rat who should have been executed. Religious jews in Israel are absolutely rapturous that their prayers were answered.

    Check out the Pollard release date countdown timer and comment section.

    The Best News Ever!


    According to Ynet which is quoting Jonathan Pollard’s attorneys, it is now official that he will be released from prison on 20 November 2015. As it stands now, according to the terms of his parole, he will be required to remain in the United States under restrictions for five years, which is standard for the sentence imposed upon him.

    We thank Hashem for hearing and responding favorably to all our prayers and trust Him to continue to support and protect Jonathan Pollard until he can set foot on holy soil.

    • Sam, my only concern about Pollard is his sentence vs. others in same situation. Have you checked? Pollard is really not my thing. If someone commits treason I’m all for the death penalty. Seems like that doesn’t happen, though.

  8. Warspite
    ‘The majority of Jews in Israel are actually Sephardic.’

    Recently the Sephardic Chief Rabbi of Israel Rabbi Ovadia Yosef died. Damn near the entire country turned out for that little prick’s funeral who was regarded by many as the greatest spiritual leader in Israel.

    Rabbi Ovadiah Yosef: “Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world – only to serve the People of Israel.”

    “In Israel, death has no dominion over them… With gentiles, it will be like any person – they need to die, but [God] will give them longevity. Why? Imagine that one’s donkey would die, they’d lose their money.

    “This is his servant… That’s why he gets a long life, to work well for this Jew.”

    “Why are gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi and eat… That is why gentiles were created.”

    Look at the crowds.

    • I cannot believe the stupid stuff you believe. All someone has to do is confirm your own prejudices & you will fall for anything.

      Though it is a small country, Israel is a first world nation with sophisticated cranks. No different than Canada, Australia, or … the US. It’s like you fall for every bit of fakery people post.

      Think of it like this. Someone who lives in N Burma has a satellite dish & watches the Kardashians. They think that’s what America is like.

      Use your brain! And travel. Go to Israel & snoop around. It’s not going to fit your theories

  9. That was not an insignificant number of mourners. More than 800,000 yids weeping, davening and tearing clothes. Oy!

    Sepharadim don’t mix with women in public. The mourners were males. Most have wives and several children. So, how many people are in agreement with the good rabbi who is absolutely revered?

    Of course, most of the Ashkenazim hold the same views as the shmuck rabbi. The Talmud is filled with virulent anti-gentile jew supremacism.

    Netanyahu and Peres were also in the crowd along with several kike dignitaries.

    Shove it Hebes!

    • You have such an enormous, though secret, jealousy of Jews. That’s between you & your mental health professional.

      Pay attention here, boy, I’m going to teach you something about your postings & beliefs. It focuses on S Korea, which I found an interesting place. Ready?

      Much to my horror, Koreans really do eat dogs. They are sold in markets, trussed up, etc. To me it’s appalling, but that’s what goes on in Korea.

      Koreans that come to the US, do NOT eat dogs.

      Get it, dude?

  10. “Of course, most of the Ashkenazim hold the same views as the shmuck rabbi. The Talmud is filled with virulent anti-gentile jew supremacism.”

    I respond: And Martin Luther wrote hateful things about the Catholic Pope, there were brutally, murderous wars, persecutions of Catholics and Protestants.

    All the religions had periods of hateful, intolerance nasty things written about others. Most regular Jewish people in the United States don’t secretly read and live the worst, most negative anti Gentile things written in old versions of the Talmud.

    We do have real Jewish problems in the US – Jewish domination and intimidation of our media, Jewish Zionist/Neo Conservative dominance of our foreign policy, only it’s not as bad as it was under Bush II.

    Jews are sadly majority Lib Leftist anti White in the US on issues of immigration, Black crime – but this is mostly just talk. In people”s regular life Jewish Americans behave like other White Americans and oppose Black crime. Immigration is just something that for historical reasons, American Jews are going to be terrible, as bad as the worst Puerto Rican LaRaza types. That’s just a sad fact of life. Jews are 2% of the US population, simply ignore or punish individual Jews like dethroned US Congressional Majority leader Eric Cantor – we took him out, should have done the same to Lisping Lyndsey Graham, John McInsane.

    All of our problems in our country in what remains of the White world are not caused by Jewish plots. The worst, nastiest non Whites in places like Somalia, Haiti, East St. Louis, Pakistan or Algerian Arab slabs in France – these are not all caused by the Jews. These nasty, violent, lowest caste humans would do the bad things they do in places where there are no Jews and soon there will be no Whites. Please do not waste your life obsessing about the Jews or anything else. Try to live a positive, successful life.

  11. Warspite
    ‘I cannot believe the stupid stuff you believe. All someone has to do is confirm your own prejudices & you will fall for anything.
    Though it is a small country, Israel is a first world nation with sophisticated cranks’

    Perfect example of SKR!

    What am I falling for?

    Is that video a Hollywood production generated by computers? Was that just a small group of cranks in that sophisticated nation? The whole country was consumed with the funeral and coverage. Normal life was at a standstill. Biggest funeral EVER!!!!!

    They love that little creep!

    The leader of the country-Natanyahu- was among the mourners. Or was that just clever editing?

    So, who in the hell is confirming?

    • Gee, Denise, maybe you should have Hunter ban me. Go ahead you intellectual guttersnipe.

      Since they don’t catch on no matter what, tell me. How much does the Bureau pay for this sort of stuff? Seems like you have a pretty easy gig here. Do you also cover other sites? Are those other sites just as clueless about you?

  12. Jack – Luther’s diatribes did NOT become official dogma. The Talmud is the (vampire) life’s blood of Jewry.

    The hatred and abuse of the Goyim is totally consistent with Jewish BEHAVIOR, for thousands of years.

  13. Warspite // October 19, 2015 at 7:29 pm //

    “Gee, Denise, maybe you should have Hunter ban me. Go ahead you intellectual guttersnipe. ”

    The Jewish elite do not let pro whites speak on any of their media, without slander. The usual MO is censorship.

    Until your people allow whites free speech, none of you should be allowed on white media.

  14. Jews were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world – only to serve White Nations.

    Warspite, how quickly would you have zeroed in on this statement if it were to come from someone who held positions of authority and influence in the White world? You throw a hissy fit when a virtual nothing nobody like Denise makes these types of statements, so I can imagine your anger and spite would have to start being measured on the Richter Scale if it were to come from someone whose death caused a White nation to mourn, even the leaders of that nation.

    Why aren’t you applying the same standards of civility and respect when the vile and vitriolic messages are coming from Jews? You should be just as driven when it comes to identifying and weeding out the nutcases using your race/ethnicity/religion to spread their ignorance and hate. Maybe you are in your real life, but I highly doubt it.

  15. jack ryan // October 19, 2015 at 6:31 pm //

    Yeah we get it Jack, you went to AmRen and met a nice jew or two and now you’re like a libby that knows a nice black, so lets let them ALL into our neighborhoods. No Jack. No.

    I get your point about obsessing, but if you think you’re going to invite them into SN you’re crazy. That’s a guaranteed way to destroy SN. Nationalism is about loyalty to 1 People.

  16. Jack, who do you think is behind the push for open borders and nation wrecking immigration into America and Europe?

    Jewish money and power is the engine that drives it all.

    It ain’t Martin Luther. Get with the times, man.

    Barbara Spectre and her many cronies have been featured here and on many sites repeatedly.

    What is so hard to figure out?

    If you think you can make alliances with the Warsnipes of this world and change their nature you are sadly mistaken.

    Did you not follow Warspite’s posts and what he said about Hunter in particular

    Does that not tick you off?

    Seriously, I would like to spit in that yid’s ratlike face and bitch slap it back to Israhell. Having a beer with it? Aw, hell no!!

  17. Celestial Time // October 19, 2015 at 7:34 pm //

    “Why aren’t you applying the same standards of civility and respect when the vile and vitriolic messages are coming from Jews?”

    Because he is not a silly white that believes in universalism. They have one rule for their people and a different standard for everyone else. That is how whites must learn to be, or we will not survive.

    Repeat after me folks!

    How is this policy good for whites?

  18. RichardBird,

    Let’s take it a step further, and repeat one of the greatest truths: There are no good jews – period.

  19. How much are the Feds paying Denise?

    I dunno, but I do know the printing press can print more whenever it likes.

  20. Jack,

    I’ve had some first hand experience with the agitators with the BLM, many are actually Jewish. Or Mischlings. They cackle when whitey gets a brick tossed in his face or a hammer in the skull. I’ve seen the evil at work on the street. The BLM narrative is responsible for the uptick in violence we have seen this year. Many many Jewish agitators at key posts. The rest are busy organizing welcome committees for refugees as we speak.

    • Oh yes. The usual Jew-obsessed circle jerk is sooo much more important than discussing Gernany & it’s immigration issues.

  21. Slow day? More like slow weeks. Very few newsworthy stuff to be posted since this summer. Refugees in Europe, ISIS, the Trumpmania all of this is getting tedious. Ah yes and the occasional fruitcake outbusrt ie Dylan Roof and Oregon some weeks ago. That said, this blog should take off on visitors and comments because of 2016 presidential election.

    • Will Biden opt to run against the wicked witch? If he does the WH will give the nod to the FBI to put the screws to Hillary on her emails, which should give Biden the nomination.

  22. How about giving people who complain about income inequality a free one way ticket to the nation of their choosing? You know, where they’ll be better off?

    • An issue that might appeal to Denise is mental health conditions and public disability claims. Clearly, there are some psychoses meriting special attention.

      The issue of Angela Merkel’s decision & motivations (and long term fall out) is again suggested.

    • I’m afraid I cannot identify the reason for Lilith’s arousal. It was my impression she had strong views on matters such as psychoanalysis, dealing with paranoidt schizophrenia, and the like.

      Thank you to Sam for the half info on Rabbi Youssef, who died 2 yrs ago. Sam’s info was not entirely accurate. The rabbi was founder-member of the ultra-Orthodox Shas party. The number of people at his funeral was greatly exaggerated a la “Million Man March”. Some think as few as 200,000 not 800,000 people attended his funeral. He had not been chief Sephardi rabbi for thirty (30!) yrs when he passed on.

      My info came from someone I asked about the rabbi. I did recall him as the guy who declared the Ethiopian Jews as “real” Jews despite their separation before the days of Hellenic influence on Judaism. I didn’t realize he was one of the religious leaders somewhat ambivalent towards Zionism and rather hostile towards Blacks. All in all, Sam is again cherry picking & again wrong.

      I don’t know why Celestial falls for this Jews are not white crap. I look pretty white to me, as does every member of my family. And if we are not white why is it none of us fall under affirmative action, race norming or set asides? Of course, I recognize the whole “white” thing is very fluid. In the antebellum slave states the definition of “White” varied considerably from New Orleans, to Alabama, to Maryland. It is even more complex from the Rio Grande to Tierra del Fuego, incl how you might see someone as opposed to how they see themselves. (Brazil is esp complicated!)

      And I’m sorry, but anyone who think BLM is some organization with big Jewish support is an ignoramous. My generation and my parents are replete with Jews who grew up in areas now unsafe or ruined because of changed demographics. You really, really need to understand that just because there are Jewish people involved with something does not make it a “Jewish thing”. Jews are not born with certain qualities, they are taught & learned.

      Can we now get to Germany & immigration issues?!?

  23. If you’re looking for a change of pace, #BoycottStarWarsVII is trending on Twitter. Best part is its got the anti-whites knickers in a twist. lol









  24. “Will Biden opt to run against the wicked witch? If he does the WH will give the nod to the FBI to put the screws to Hillary on her emails, which should give Biden the nomination.”

    He ain’t running. What BS.

  25. What Protoco…I mean “rules for radicals” hasn’t Warspite Hit Up on his Nazi Safari?

    * RULE 1: “Power is not only what you have, but what the enemy thinks you have.” Power is derived from 2 main sources – money and people. “Have-Nots” must build power from flesh and blood. (These are two things of which there is a plentiful supply. Government and corporations always have a difficult time appealing to people, and usually do so almost exclusively with economic arguments.)
    * RULE 2: “Never go outside the expertise of your people.” It results in confusion, fear and retreat. Feeling secure adds to the backbone of anyone. (Organizations under attack wonder why radicals don’t address the “real” issues. This is why. They avoid things with which they have no knowledge.)
    * RULE 3: “Whenever possible, go outside the expertise of the enemy.” Look for ways to increase insecurity, anxiety and uncertainty. (This happens all the time. Watch how many organizations under attack are blind-sided by seemingly irrelevant arguments that they are then forced to address.)
    * RULE 4: “Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.” If the rule is that every letter gets a reply, send 30,000 letters. You can kill them with this because no one can possibly obey all of their own rules. (This is a serious rule. The besieged entity’s very credibility and reputation is at stake, because if activists catch it lying or not living up to its commitments, they can continue to chip away at the damage.)
    * RULE 5: “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.” There is no defense. It’s irrational. It’s infuriating. It also works as a key pressure point to force the enemy into concessions. (Pretty crude, rude and mean, huh? They want to create anger and fear.)
    * RULE 6: “A good tactic is one your people enjoy.” They’ll keep doing it without urging and come back to do more. They’re doing their thing, and will even suggest better ones. (Radical activists, in this sense, are no different that any other human being. We all avoid “un-fun” activities, and but we revel at and enjoy the ones that work and bring results.)
    * RULE 7: “A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag.” Don’t become old news. (Even radical activists get bored. So to keep them excited and involved, organizers are constantly coming up with new tactics.)
    * RULE 8: “Keep the pressure on. Never let up.” Keep trying new things to keep the opposition off balance. As the opposition masters one approach, hit them from the flank with something new. (Attack, attack, attack from all sides, never giving the reeling organization a chance to rest, regroup, recover and re-strategize.)
    * RULE 9: “The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself.” Imagination and ego can dream up many more consequences than any activist. (Perception is reality. Large organizations always prepare a worst-case scenario, something that may be furthest from the activists’ minds. The upshot is that the organization will expend enormous time and energy, creating in its own collective mind the direst of conclusions. The possibilities can easily poison the mind and result in demoralization.)
    * RULE 10: “If you push a negative hard enough, it will push through and become a positive.” Violence from the other side can win the public to your side because the public sympathizes with the underdog. (Unions used this tactic. Peaceful [albeit loud] demonstrations during the heyday of unions in the early to mid-20th Century incurred management’s wrath, often in the form of violence that eventually brought public sympathy to their side.)
    * RULE 11: “The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative.” Never let the enemy score points because you’re caught without a solution to the problem. (Old saw: If you’re not part of the solution, you’re part of the problem. Activist organizations have an agenda, and their strategy is to hold a place at the table, to be given a forum to wield their power. So, they have to have a compromise solution.)
    * RULE 12: Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions. (This is cruel, but very effective. Direct, personalized criticism and ridicule works.)

    • You must be kidding Captain. Darn, do you have a vastly inflated sense of self-importance.

      Btw, I do not recall for sure. Were you the fellow who cited the impending killing of Jews? I do not recall, but I know if it was you, you will affirm. Maybe it was Sam? I’m not sure offhand.

      Some bad theology in here. Any good Fundamentalist knows that in order for Christ to return the Jews must rebuild the Second Temple.

  26. Warspite
    Thank you to Sam for the half info on Rabbi Youssef, who died 2 yrs ago. Sam’s info was not entirely accurate. The rabbi was founder-member of the ultra-Orthodox Shas party. The number of people at his funeral was greatly exaggerated a la “Million Man March”. Some think as few as 200,000 not 800,000 people attended his funeral.’

    Give it a rest. Major Israeli news sources report the 800,000 figure. Radio Kol Berama claims 1,000,000 screeching yids.

    The Times of Israel

    ‘Rabbi Ovadia Yosef buried in largest funeral in Israeli history800,000 attend last procession for revered leader of Sephardi Jewry; 300 require medical treatment — but no serious injuries… and one birth; worried police chief had feared disaster as crowds swelled; public figures send condolences, recall a giant of Jewish thought’


    ‘Some 800,000 Mourners Attend Funeral of Rabbi Ovadia Yosef
    Funeral follows death earlier Monday of Shas spiritual leader and former chief rabbi; at least 200 receive medical attention.’

    Jerusalem Post

    At least 800,000 fill streets for largest funeral in Israel’s history

    Arutz Sheva

    ‘Rabbi Yosef’s Funeral Largest in Israel’s History’

    ‘Some 800,000 people – 10% of Israel’s population – were attending the funeral of Rabbi Ovadia Yosef Monday night in Jerusalem. Rabbi Yosef, 93, passed away earlier in the day. The crowd, observers said, consisted of a cross-section of Israelis, from hareidi to Religious Zionist to secular. Police raised their estimate of the numbers of funeral attendees as the funeral slowly made its way from the Porat Yosef Yeshiva in the Geula neighborhood, where eulogies were held, to the cemetery in the Sanhedria neighborhood, where Rabbi Yosef will be interred.

    Radio Kol Berama, a radio station associated with Shas, said that there were no fewer than a million people at the funeral. Police said late Monday that it was the largest funeral in Israel’s history.

    Dozens of speakers, representing the Sephardic, Ashkenanzic, and Hassidic Torah communities eulogized the Rabbi Yosef’

  27. They can’t be serious about Biden running. His heart wouldn’t take it. Bernie Sanders & Hillary will probably keel over on the campaign trail too.

  28. I seriously doubt Biden will run. He’ll draw votes from Shrillary – and she’s probably left Copperhead snakes, in his bath-tub, by now.

    He’s obviously has no desire to run, and would have done so by now, if he had. Biden’s kinda crazy, but very savvy. He probably wants to get away from DC as soon and as far as he can.

  29. Why would the old rogue bother? He’s set up for life. He’s the Senator from MBNA and the pension from the VP job must be fucking fantastic.

  30. Every Yenta beats up her husband now and again…fat psychopathic bitches thrashing them to within an inch of their lives.

    • Yeah, Captain? Well, at least they don’t have to wax their mustache like the cheerleaders in your HS!

      Oh no! Senator from MBNA was exactly what I referred to him as during his days of supporting the bankruptcy code revisions!!

  31. Warspite
    Thank you to Sam for the half info on Rabbi Youssef, who died 2 yrs ago. Sam’s info was not entirely accurate. The rabbi was founder-member of the ultra-Orthodox Shas party. The number of people at his funeral was greatly exaggerated a la “Million Man March”. Some think as few as 200,000 not 800,000 people attended his funeral.’

    Give it a rest. Major Israeli news sources report the 800,000 figure. Radio Kol Berama claims 1,000,000 screeching yids.

    Post did not got through stuck in moderation. I suspect it was of too many direct links, which happens on occasion. I eliminated them. Once again.

    The Times of Israel

    ‘Rabbi Ovadia Yosef buried in largest funeral in Israeli history800,000 attend last procession for revered leader of Sephardi Jewry; 300 require medical treatment — but no serious injuries… and one birth; worried police chief had feared disaster as crowds swelled; public figures send condolences, recall a giant of Jewish thought’


    ‘Some 800,000 Mourners Attend Funeral of Rabbi Ovadia Yosef
    Funeral follows death earlier Monday of Shas spiritual leader and former chief rabbi; at least 200 receive medical attention.’

    Jerusalem Post

    At least 800,000 fill streets for largest funeral in Israel’s history

    Arutz Sheva

    ‘Rabbi Yosef’s Funeral Largest in Israel’s History’

    ‘Some 800,000 people – 10% of Israel’s population – were attending the funeral of Rabbi Ovadia Yosef Monday night in Jerusalem. Rabbi Yosef, 93, passed away earlier in the day. The crowd, observers said, consisted of a cross-section of Israelis, from hareidi to Religious Zionist to secular. Police raised their estimate of the numbers of funeral attendees as the funeral slowly made its way from the Porat Yosef Yeshiva in the Geula neighborhood, where eulogies were held, to the cemetery in the Sanhedria neighborhood, where Rabbi Yosef will be interred.

    Radio Kol Berama, a radio station associated with Shas, said that there were no fewer than a million people at the funeral. Police said late Monday that it was the largest funeral in Israel’s history.

    Dozens of speakers, representing the Sephardic, Ashkenanzic, and Hassidic Torah communities eulogized the Rabbi Yosef’

  32. Warspite
    ‘He had not been chief Sephardi rabbi for thirty (30!) yrs when he passed on.’

    Didn’t say he was Chief Rabbi for 30 years. They are only allowed 10 year stints. He was the Sephardi Chief Rabbi of Israel from 1973 to 1983.

    • Nice to see you’re all in with the “Million Man March” thing, cause the situations are identical. Like the Farrakhan movement, the extreme right-wing party in Israel had its reasons to inflate the numbers and initially most media sources gave it an uncritical whirl. I poked around by asking someone who has a sibling in Israel. The 800k number is a chuckle.

      Does the ridiculous inflation of people to magically get to 10% of population not immediately set off your Spidey Sense? We know this trick. 50k would be huge, and he got 250k. Why not push it up to 750,000-800,000 to report, “10% of the population…”.

  33. I don’t know why Celestial falls for this Jews are not white crap. I look pretty white to me, as does every member of my family.

    You completely misunderstand my position. As far as I’m concerned, I’ll allow you to be what and who you claim to be until you prove otherwise. The only lines of distinction I’ve ever commented on are the ones that many Jewish people willingly draw for themselves. I’ll make this somewhat simple for you:

    Are you White? Okay, then you are White.
    Are you Jewish? Okay, then you are Jewish.

    One big happy family of Caucasoid bliss, right?

    Well, not so fast. Unfortunately, there’s no denying that within you—as is the case for a majority of Jewry—there exists a duality where your Jewishness is always competing with your “Whiteness” to find out where your loyalty lies. In today’s politically correct and anti-White society, it is always in competition.

    Many Jews will foam at the mouth in a rabid rage and come running full force in order to attack anyone who dares to insult Jewry. Even if what you are saying is 100% true, they’ll still attack you. Those same “white” Jews will usually sit idly by and barely lift a finger while anti-Whites insult and attack Whites. You can insult their whiteness and they’ll concede on many points in order to ingratiate themselves to you. You just can’t use their Jewishness as a negative in any way. That’s because Jewishness is what they are willing to defend and what is at the core of their identity, not Whiteness.

    You are either White above all else, or you are Not. You can be as White as Frosty the Fucking Snowman as far as I’m concerned. But if your loyalty to something else is greater than your loyalty to Whites, then how white you are means absolutely nothing.

    If the thought of pro-Whites rallying around Racial Nationalism appalls you and sends you into uncontrollable mouth spasms of “white trash” and “you ignorant racist” and the plethora of other slurs we’ve all grown accustomed to, then you’ve really answered any questions one might have regarding your loyalty and racial identity. If that’s the case for you, then I didn’t have to make any kind of distinction about Jews as a race. I sat back and let you do all the work. I’m a fairly smart and methodical guy, so why do that kind of work when you are willing to do it for me?

    • Celestial: Herein is a classic example of why you and I can agree to disagree and move on, whereas most of the others stay tethered to first base.

      I can summarize your position as, I hope correctly, “OK, you’re White. I can see you are & you self-identify as such. Who am I to disagree? Now that we agree you’re White, prove it”.

      Hopefully the above is substantially correct, if simplified. You and I thereafter have different definitions of “White”, though there are some areas of agreement. I understand and respect your cogent discussion on duality, being a man cannot serve two masters. My retort would be what you identify as a “duality” is neither contrary to being white or an American. I have never seen my being Jewish as being a conflict, certainly no more so than Italian-Americans who have been here 3, 4 or 5 generations yet wear a tee shirt with an Italian flag.

      Admittedly, I am better able to do a case by case analysis than most people here, plus I come from an extremely secular past. There was no conflict in my growing up, we were Americans first. Such was the case on my “German Jewish” side tracing being in America to after the 1848 (failed) Revolutions, or the side technically “Hungarian-Jewish” that came about 1880. There was never, and is still not, any conflict. Like most immigrant groups who came to the US for freedom (of conscience, etc.) my family worshipped America.

      Obviously, there are Jews more conflicted than I am, and the duality scale comes into play. I want to be totally objective, and can put myself in the position of many here when they first come across an Orthodox or Hasidic Jew. It sure seemed odd to me when I came across the latter. This did not exist in Atlanta, and there were a group of men dressed up like it was 18th Century Lodz! As for the women at home, that’s also odd. At least as odd & strange as Amish or Mennonites.

      As I grew older and came to understand more I became more tolerant. After all, I knew Christian folk who felt immensely strong ties to Israel. Still do. And I understand the fanatical Jews who run around as Hasids are a small group. Most Jews are no different than any other Americans. Look no different, speak no different. And have no conflict about loyalties. But “most” are not “all”, and I would be a fool and liar not to concede there are Jews who don’t put the US first. Fortunately, they can make Aliyah to Israel. I wouldn’t say good riddance, but I would say good bye to them.

  34. Warspite
    ‘He had not been chief Sephardi rabbi for thirty (30!) yrs when he passed on.’

    Sentence is not clear. If you are saying he had not been in the office as Chief S. Rabbi in Israel since 1983, yes, true.

    Your point? He was a relic with no influence or something?

    No, he was the regarded as the biggest Kahuna, spiritual Tzadik in Eretz Yisroel.

  35. JJ Abrahms on whites in Star Wars:

    ” — you look around that room and you see the whitest f**king room in the history of time. Its just unbelievably white,” he said. “And I just thought, we’re casting this show and we have an opportunity to do anything we want, why not cast the show with actors of color?”

    Its 2015 and people in Hollyweird still have anti-white prejudices? Wow! Just wow!

    • Am I to understand Lucas went back & changed the scene where Han Solo (in IV) shoots the bounty hunter/collector under the table? That he basically airbrushed the gun out of the scene? That is f–king pathetic PC nonsense. What an A**.

      Maybe what needs to be done is go back and re-tint certain characters to make them Black or Hispanic? In fact, I think Hollywood owes us a multi-cultural “Gone With The Wind”. Re-cast the Clark Gable character to be Black. Scarlett’s father can become an Irish Jew. The Big Jim guy can actually be a Sikh who is doing his PhD work on American Slavery. Finally, the Madame with a golden heart will become a pre-op TS. All this will enhance the story & correct the “mistakes” by both Hollywood & Margaret Mitchell.

      After that, Hollywood can get cracking on Barbra Streisand’s PC version of “Wizard of Oz”. That Barbra, one incredibly talented woman and a real, hypocritical jerk. I see her reshaping the Wizard into a kindly & avuncular Uncle Joe Stalin. The wicked witch will be an evil Alexander Hamilton, seeking to introduce Capitalism & free trade. Glenda will be a Trotsky, who unfortunately has to be taken out by the Wizard with an ice pick in order for Dorothy to return to the worker’s collective (paradise).

    • Denise, give it a rest. You have no established ideology other than moving the goalposts around to accommodate various fallacies in logic.

      However, I would like you to get cracking with the Feds. No one legally sees things quite the way you assert. Please start with Aff Action. I can absolutely assure you, 100% honest injun, there is no box anywhere to check if one is Jewish. A kid applying to college goes to the “Caucasian” box. A Jewish HS senior is “white”, and is lumped in with every other white kid.

      Do you have any useful insight into this situation, because Jewish kids get no assistance from their alleged status. Every Jewish kid, unless he/she fits within a legally recognized minority, has to get into college on the merits. No Aff Action. Ditto when it comes to a job, or getting “set aside” work. If this is part of some masterful worldwide conspiracy it was not very well thought out.

      Do you even have kids that faced this situation, or have you?

      PS: I know your status & job here and respect same. Is my presence good for your Provocateur thing or bad? At first I thought bad, but now I’m not so sure. You are surely aware you have 99% of these people asleep on your status, so just signal what is best for the Bureau. Interesting you guys monitor these sites & churn. I guess that makes sense.

      I want you on this, pronto! I’m thinking you ought to be able to come up with some doozy that makes Jews, perhaps, Pacific Islanders? Or how about First Nation? It could be some exodus during the Diaspora to northern Canada.

  36. Hmmm, yesterday
    Warkike wrote:
    “I look pretty white to me, as does every member of my family.”

    However, weeks ago
    he told a different story:
    “I have a brother dark enough he is first addressed in Spanish in certain parts of the U.S.”

    Hunter, as I wrote since the first appearance of Warkike, he’s clearly a JIDF operative
    Possibly more than one, considering his(?) “absent-mindedness”.
    Please, do The Right Thing and ban that/those kike(s).

    • Yes, Alberta. I think you have identified a worldwide Jewish conspiracy to take down this Blog! How did you do it?!?

      When one has geniuses like Robert stating Jews have never made contributions to the Arts or Music, I can see how you attract a following. Look at great Jewish electric guitarists. Jeff Beckstein, Jimmy Pagowich, Eric Clapgold! How about Peter Greenbaum?

      Oops, on that last one. LOL!!!

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