
By Hunter Wallace

To be perfectly honest, there was never any chance that I would go to see the new J.J. Abrams’ Star Wars VII movie in December and that was before I heard about the big controversy on Twitter. I hated the Star Trek reboot. I hated the Star Trek II makeover even more.

“We wrote these characters but when we went to cast it, one of the things I had felt, having been to the Emmys a couple times — you look around that room and you see the whitest fucking room in the history of time. Its just unbelievably white. And I just thought, we’re casting this show and we have an opportunity to do anything we want, why not cast the show with actors of color? Like not for sure, and if we can’t find the actors who are great, we shouldn’t, but why don’t we make that effort because it wasn’t written that way and isnt that the cooler version of doing this as opposed to saying ‘this is an urban show’. It fucking kills me when they call something ‘an urban movie’ like its a separate thing, like ‘its that thing over there.’”

I’ve seen all of Star Trek: The Next Generation, Deep Space Nine, Voyager and even the cancelled Enterprise. I can put up with insufferable PC storylines in science fiction, but the two Dawson Creek Trek movies were the worst science fiction movies I have ever seen, an even bigger disappointment than Damon Lindelof’s Prometheus.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I don’t know if it can be a boycott if I didn’t plan on seeing it anyway. I look forward to Mr Plinkett’s take on this. His trashing of Parts I-III is hilarious.

  2. Impossible is nothing, as yoda said. Hunter, can you name a single movie that wasnt anti-white in Hollywood in the past decade? Its the new trend it seems. By the way, 21st oct 2015. Back to the future thanks for making a movie article so I could mention it. Last movie I deeply enjoyed was The Grand Budapest Hotel. Highly recommended.

  3. I don’t how this movie is supposed to be profitable. The Star Wars franchise’s fan base is mostly comprised of teenage White boys and single White men. Why would they produce a movie with a main character that their core audience cannot relate to? The purpose of this movie is to push multiculturalism and not to give their core audience what they wish to see.

  4. I literally busted out laughing when I saw the main lead in this new Star wars movie. It just keeps getting more ridiculous.

    My bet is the movie will be a hit (simply because it is star wars) but then everyone will bitch about it and complain how horrible it was when the hype has run its course.

  5. In defense of the 1,2,3 episodes I thought it had a nice anti-Semitic edge. The slaver who owns the white boy is so ostentatiously jewy that the Jews recognized themselves.

    You have two white Jedi acting in defiance of a small green Jap and a Braindead Mace Dindu.

    Lucas was going toe to toe with LOTR and was using a variety of racial stereotypes. The trade empire? Obviously chinks. Then we had Palpatine. In this situation he was modeled on shit bags Cucks like Cheney and Bush.

    Vastly superior to Return of the Jedi, inferior to Empire Strikes Back and New Hope.

    Having a nog lead is a potential disaster for the franchise. Science fiction is escapism for white boys. A nog hero won’t work.

  6. I also liked how Obi Wan and Neeson’s character were checking DNA. How much more racist could a mainstream film get?

  7. When we look through some of the epic movies from the 2000-2010 we might well be looking at the golden moment of a type of racial warnings about darkies. LOTR and 1,2,3 Star Wars were heavily attacked as White movies.

  8. 1 and 2 were good; 3 was OK. 4, 5 and 6 were just dad films but neither were they blatant anti-white triumphalism. Lucus drew from Joseph Campbell and The Seven Samurai for early Star Wars, and featured masculine heroes, compelling villains and emotionally stirring music. Star Wars is iconic for good reason.

    This, however, is just typical Jews doing what they do best, shitting all over anything that might bring joy to white gentiles, warping the wider culture to fit their perverse and sadistic sensibilities, promoting black men and white women and glorifying a post-white world.

    Richard Spencer had some excellent observations. If you have not seen them, go to Radix.

  9. That review you posted was fucking aces!

    That’s literally an MFA thesis as youtube.

  10. No surprise the Abrams is a NY jew.

    “We wrote these characters but when we went to cast it, one of the things I had felt, having been to the Emmys a couple times — you look around that room and you see the whitest fucking room in the history of time. Its just unbelievably white. And I just thought, we’re casting this show and we have an opportunity to do anything we want, why not cast the show with actors of color? Like not for sure, and if we can’t find the actors who are great, we shouldn’t, but why don’t we make that effort because it wasn’t written that way and isn’t that the cooler version of doing this as opposed to saying ‘this is an urban show’. It fucking kills me when they call something ‘an urban movie’ like its a separate thing, like ‘its that thing over there.’”

    Someone needs to troll Abrams’ (net worth $95mil) Twitter https://twitter.com/bad_robot and ask how many “people of color” live in his current or former neighborhoods:


    So we have a jew Director & negro protagonist in a movie series that largely symbolizes White’s rebellion against Tyranny. Prediction: Flop.

    When the pics of the moviegoing come oust look closely & you’ll see line after line of White DWLs and SWJs with a negro or two.


  11. “Can you name a single movie that wasn’t anti-white in Hollywood in the past decade?”

    Jurassic World. Guardians of the Galaxy. The Batman trilogy. Christopher Nolan movies. And there are plenty others. There is no need to exaggerate like that, especially since its so easy to prove you wrong.

    “Why would they produce a movie with a main character that their core audience cannot relate to?

    What country do you live in? There has been massive Jewish propaganda in the last few decades to tell whites that race doesn’t matter. For whites that is. Not anyone else. Those young white boys have grown up with that propaganda. Some have accepted and internalized the propaganda.

  12. Does anyone know what happened to Caste Football’s Discussion Forum? I click on the link and it says Not Found. Does anyone know what’s up?

  13. Other than the fact that JJ couldn’t direct traffic let alone a movie, there’s another reason why I abandoned Star Wars long ago, and it all goes to what a Jew…yeppers…said that set me square:

    “Hopefully, we’ll all be together again in Spaceballs II…The Search For More Money.” – M Brooks

    Ergo, the “epic tale” was dead and buried before SW-1 was being composed and the entire mess now is just is as exactly Mr. Brooks nailed it: Haul the shit out, set the toaster on warm, and dare show this bullshit to the fans and pray they’re just dumb enough to think of it as….shudder…art.

    “Open up the store, boys! Let’s see…lunch box…tee shirt…collectables….”

    When Lucas has a story idea, call me. Otherwise, I can watch reruns of The Outer Limits and be better entertained.

  14. OT:


    Over seventy years of BS are starting to collapse.
    110th expulsion is right around the corner, and the DNA research you carried on to determine who’s going to stay in israel will prove to be most useful in determining who’s getting kicked out of White countries, you spineless, traitorous, vile rat-like bastards.

  15. HW- ‘Anti-White’???

    Really? WHy not just come out of the closet, and say, ‘It’s a JEWISH worldview of H8 and Antichrist Heeb memes.’

    You’d be far, far closer to the Truth. And the Force.

  16. Hollywood has been pumping out anti-White propaganda for decades. What’s significant here is that many ordinary White folks are starting to notice.

  17. Hola! Yeah, the Jewish world view. What an uneducated joke. And those “spineless Jews?” Sorry, that view has been discredited. I am aware the Six Days War represented an existential threat to the dummies, but becoming such rabid antisemites they support anti-American, anti-Christian Muslim forces! Wow, I had a feeling in the 70’s exactly where the Lyndon Larouche (sp?) people would end up.

    Just out of curiosity. It is my understanding the deepest illegal penetration into official US docs was effectuated by the Scientologist movement. Yet I have not seen a mention of that. Maybe it has been covered?

  18. Were the Klingons blacks were the Ferengi Jews,and were Romulans Asians?? There is not that much imagination in the Jewish brain. Imagination and create genius are two qualities lacking in Jews, that is why they must continually revert to race conflict.

  19. HUNTER, HUNTER: request

    IMMIGRATION. I view this as an incredibly important national issue, but the Jellyfishes running for office are silent. Silent with any facts, anyway.

    I would respectfully ask you to initiate a serious debate on immigration. I also ask that pseudoscience & pseudo-history be set aside, at least initially, in favor of facts. May I suggest we start with numbers & only numbers. For example, the US can clearly identify several waves of mass or significant immigration. Before jumping beyond the numbers, lets clearly identify them.

    Being far from an expert on this subject, I’m thinking about the incredible initial increases in NE American cities. Look at NYC from 1830 to 1860! I am presuming these numbers are largely due to Irish and German immigrants. What was the population of the US vs. the percentage of first generation immigrants? And maybe I’m mistaken in ignoring pre-1840 immigration.

    My suggestion is we start with raw numbers before taking additional analysis. And when we do wade into additional analysis let’s try & stick to quantifiable facts. For example, when ultimately breaking down Italian immigration it should be taken into account that up to 50% return to Italy. Or, when assessing “Romanian” numbers it is important to ultimately separate out how many were Jewish vs. Christian Romanians.

    Any accurate discussion must also recognize we are speaking of legal immigration. If pols refuse to recognize that 6%-7% of all persons in the US are illegal (criminal) immigrants not seeking political or religious sanctuary, I classify them as selfish lying scumbags. My suggestion of dealing with them is simple and has some degree of precedent. They should solidify their positions by swapping locations. An illegal can come in to take, e.g., Hillary’s spot. Hillary then emigrates to perhaps (70% chance) Mexico.

    Or, again with some precedent, the person in Hillary’s position stands as a Surety for the illegal immigrant. One American to one illegal. Responsible for conduct and financial status. Ask these pols & sycophants to start writing a $5000 check every month that is not tax deductible & watch the sudden change in attitudes.

    Does anyone object to a 1 to 1 “money where mouth is” policy?

  20. I was shocked by Jurassic World. I remember the first thing I said to my wife after we saw it in the theater was, “I don’t remember anything anti-white about that movie.”

  21. To keep your new found comment moderator happy all topics must be discussed so as not to offend a certain, special ethnic group.

    • Screw the “protect certain special ethic group” garbage. Writing about Jews controlling Hollywood because…, is a far sight from “Jews invented the Holocaust hoax in order to ….”. I find little offense with the first, but the second is the realm of tin foil cap Neo-Nazis.

      Can you not access the part of your brain that allows objectivity, analysis of history, true facts, etc., and discern a difference? Arguing Judah Benjamin did a bad job because he …., and he was Jewish, is way off from arguing Judah Benjamin undermined the Confederacy as part of some Jewish conspiracy, or because of some genetic pre-disposition against separation from the Union.

      You are expected to know this stuff. As part of your Southern studies have you not alighted upon Judah Benjamin? Don’t be a dummy!

    • Allow me to interject a little lawyer humor.

      There is a law school in Arizona called something like Arizona Summit or something. It used to be called Phoenix Law School, I think. It’s one of those law schools that lets in anybody (there’s more than you think, 80-100). Despite students taking on loans of $150,000+, passing the Bar is very problematical.

      To address this situation the school started a program where they pay $5000 to grads to take 4 more months to prepare. However, many recent grads choose to take the Bar anyway.

      Last time the Az Bar was given the Dean of the law school called up grads about to take the Bar and offered $10k not to take the Bar! Really, you can look it up in reputable sources dealing with law schools.

      Unfortunately, too many Summit grads took the Bar. The school’s passage rate was 30% That brought the overall passage rate to about 50%! Just looking at this you might think the AZ Bar is really hard. Nope, incorrect analysis.

      At least in the good old days not so smart people with $$ might travel far, but they were still accredited & ok law schools. See, e.g., Chris Dodd @ Louisville. Nowadays anyone can become a lawyer, and lawyers have an unfortunate tendency to leverage their JD into politics.

    • TY Hillary, I mean Denise. It will be interesting to see who can read vs. who is a lock step drone.

      I tend to think you are a Bureau gal/guy, or maybe just some bored puppeteer. It’s fascinating no one picks up on this despite the many clues. Even though you try, it is very hard to cover up. When one thinks about it all is probably a good thing!

      Regardless, you are darn good. But sometimes you incorrectly choose to show the depth of your knowledge. I suppose I should just go with it and help you, but it’s not really why I read the Blog

  22. The Netanyahudi recently stated that the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem suggested the Shoah to Hitler (who only wanted expulsion!) over some tea and cream cakes. So the Holocaust was actually the idea of the Palestinians now. Interesting that this event can be cut to suit any resistance to Jewish occupation, exploitation and bullying.

    You couldn’t make it up.

  23. It can be also taken to mean he’s signalling his activists to tone down the anti-white rhetoric for now. His motivation, brown countries vote against Israel at the UN. Only white majority countries protect them.

    Remember his 50 second glare at the UN?

  24. you bet your last penny Im not seeing it either, saw even on WND had the title ‘anti White’. last one I saw was J.W.

  25. “Were the Klingons blacks” – They were originally the soviet bloc, while the romulans were the romans in space, I don’t think race got injected until later when everything had to be simultaneously both about race and absolutely not about race.

  26. That glare was hilarious!!! Haha!!! I played that video several times, just to laugh. It was such incompetent, first grade theatrics!
    The best part is when the video cuts to the audience. The chicks are looking around, vacantly. You can see the Thought Bubbles, such as “Hhhmmmm I wonder how many shoes I can buy, after I get out of here”, or “I wonder where my boyfriend is taking me to dinner tonight..”. There’s shot of a youngish, Brownish fellow, heavily engrossed in info he’ getting from his Smart Phone.

    Only White cares about the Poor Widdle Jooz, sufferink over the Big Bad HollowHoax, and now Bennie the Zhid Gangster just made an Oppsy Daisy!

    Bennie’s losing it…………….

  27. Denise
    ‘That glare was hilarious!!! Haha!!! I played that video several times, just to laugh. It was such incompetent, first grade theatrics!’

    Does that pudgy 5’4″ dork with a comb-over actually think he looks intimidating? LOL

    ‘You can see the Thought Bubbles, such as “Hhhmmmm I wonder how many shoes I can buy, after I get out of here”, or “I wonder where my boyfriend is taking me to dinner tonight..”.’

    Or, ‘I wonder if Zyklon B is still available’?

  28. Lulz. Is Bibi only 5’4″?

    OMG. I would be capable of overpowering him, were it ever a on issue. My 13 year old nephew, too. Not that we would ever confront some–one physically. We’re Celts. We’d simply insult and jeer at It until It’s own head exploded.

    The crowd is comprised of young Orcs, sent by their Masters, to fill space for the cameras. They’ve never heard of Zyklon B – but would think [it] an excellent substance, if they are ever instructed in the disinfectant’s actual and mythical applications.

  29. Right on cue, Richard Spencer rushes to the defense of Hollywood.

    Give your money to Hollywood. Attack any attempt to create an Christian alternative entertainment industry. Immigration doesn’t matter. Victor Orban is the enemy.

    giggle giggle giggle

    Here’s the master plan:
    Step 1 – write essays praising Satanism, sadism, sodomy and sorcery
    Step 2 – ???????
    Step 3 – save the White race

    I’m guessing he is an ADL asset. Anyone else have a better explanation?

  30. The latest blog entry at Radix Journal encourages the readers to go buy tickets to see the new Star Wars movie.

    Both Spencer and D.E. blogger Dalrock savagely attack the slightest flaws in Christian movies while giving the Cohens and the Weinsteins a free pass. Conveniently helping to maintain the Hollywood entertainment monopoly.

    Spencer said “immigration doesn’t matter”, now that non-White births exceed White births, at an AmRen meeting. (At the time, Jack Ryan was having a meltdown because the mean commenters kept pointing out the Jewish role in open borders politics.)

    He contemplated bringing a lawsuit against the Hungarian government after they shutdown the NPI/Arktos conference.

    Well, good for the Hungarian government! Sexual perversion and the dark arts are staples of the “New Right / Radical Traditionalism” – totally at odds with European Christian ideology that gives the Hungarians the backbone to resist the immigration invasion.

  31. Spencer stated that “immigration doesn’t matter”?

    Then he’s gone Full Retard.

    Good for the Hingarians!

    FYI – I can’t prove this, but I’m pretty sure I know who tipped off the cops to the location of the meeting, in the restaurant.

    • What is it RickyBird wrote about Israel depending on certain countries to protect it?

      If you truly want some insight into Israeli policy & actions, and I don’t always agree with either, you need to understand the fundamental error in what Ricky wrote. Israel has made a decision it must never be in the position of being entirely dependent on another nation. That was the reason it developed a nuclear weapons program.

      Like it, love it or loathe it, the above is accurate.

    • I will respond in a courteous and respectful manner.

      The situations in Israel and the former South Africa are not analogous in any manner other than both being (to some extent) UN pariah nations. Even if S Africa had 50 nuclear weapons and delivery systems, what targets were available? Its own cities?

      Also, you make a huge assumption about S.A. While I personally never went for the “super lightning bolt” explanation of what may have been testing of a nuclear device, such remains the officially disseminated story. Do you have more reliable information that I have seen to date? In any event, we can certainly agree that S Africa had the capability of constructing a nuclear weapon.

  32. Its the same for Israel. Who are they going to nuke at the UN?

    When Israel’s protection at the UN is gone, financial and trade blockades will be established. They will make concessions, or their economy will collapse.

    Brown countries vote against Israel at the UN and white countries are being turned into brown countries, that will also vote against Israel at the UN. Too bad.

  33. I wonder what jewspite did to get here? He belongs on Huffpost or hair Salon with his old tired rhetoric and sour cliched narratives. He must have pissed someone with a bigger nose off to end up here on the Red Pill side of the internet. Is the magic negro sending hebes to these sites to ready for the UN crackdown on “Hate” speech. These internationalists really Hate Speech don’t they, especially the kind that is truthful.

    • Yeah, that’s me Doomstar, a real lib! Btw, what’s with the Jewish name landsman!? I’m sure you are aware Dr. Doom is a MOT. You could have gone with one of the gentile characters like Silver Surfer, Dr. X, Sue Richards, et al. Or Thor, a pagan.

      I’m so much a liberal I want to see Trump vs. Sanders. Give America a choice about the country’s future. A nation based on capitalism, or a so-called Socialist Democracy (i.e., communism lite). Are there risks in capitalism, sure. But only a moron would believe a socialist democracy could exist anywhere outside of a homogeneous Scandanavian country with a small population.

      I’ve travelled to Scandanavia and can clue you nimrods in on something. Take your preoccupation with Jews, double it, make it more or less real, times it by (at least) ten, and you have the problem of Muslims in Stockholm.

  34. Sick of Star Wars already, and the movie isn’t even out yet. I agree with Alec Guinness: ” I just couldn’t go on speaking those bloody awful, banal lines. I’d had enough of the mumbo jumbo.”

  35. Star Trek Into Darkness has got to be the worst reboot in the history of sci-fi. Ricardo Montablan’s Khan was this perfect post-apocalyptic, genetically-engineered superhuman villain. Benedict Cumberbatch’s Khan looked like a space hipster without the thick-rimmed glasses.

  36. Warpsite,

    Sing after me…
    Stockholm, Berlin, Rome, Brooklyn,
    tel Aviv, Cairo, Moscow, Tashkent, Beijing…I’ve been everywhere man, I’ve been everywhere!

    • Boy, the guy prob hasn’t been to a service or practiced Judaism for a half century, but he still gets to be a Jewish icon? Does it confuse anyone with his Second Amendment support?

      No Capitan, ain’t been to Central Asia or Israel. Do you curse me for my work during the Cold War? I could likely give you some insight on Hungary. Love Berlin, ambivalent on Moscow. It’s subway stations are vastly overrated for their art. Reminded me of the COIT tower in S.F. Plus, the traffic and drivers!

      Back to reality, boys, the danger of Islam goes right past all of you. You are so focused on Jews you miss the whole thing. What you need is a wealthy benefactor who can organize a group trip. London, Marseilles first. Then Stockholm vs Copenhagen. Though it’s not widely reported Denmark made a national decision to deter Muslim immigration.

  37. Give it a break. Socialism only worked in Scandinavia because White people have shame and want to work. With millions of brown freeloaders and black idiots who believe you owe them for something that never happened to them by people who are dead, its a recipe for instant disaster. This old jew Sanders is already pandering to the BLM terrorists. He’ll be all for disarming Whites to save black lives cause that’s how his tribe rolls.

  38. Spencer stated that “immigration doesn’t matter”?

    That quote seems to have been conveniently taken out of context. How was that statement framed to expand on the premise of the point he was trying to make?

    I could say an influx of blacks into Detroit or Baltimore doesn’t really matter at this point, because the ones already there have been more than capable of destroying the safety and viability of the entire city. There’s a big difference between saying something doesn’t matter because things are already too far gone, and saying that something doesn’t matter because it’s just the wrong view to hold because it’s “racist.”

    His statement would lead me to believe his point was that focusing on immigration was the wrong approach when it comes to solving a very pervasive problem that already exists within society. Whether or not that’s the best strategy is certainly debatable. But I just don’t see his statement as some kind of malevolence or duplicity.

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