By Hunter Wallace
I found this little request over at The Federalist:
“During every election season, populists in both parties offer some variation of this cliché about American manufacturing: “We don’t make anything anymore.”
“We” still make plenty of things, actually. There are manufacturing jobs available (some of them high paying, specialized, and, no doubt, rewarding). And there may well be new, unexpected, and astonishing things to build in the not-so-distant future.
But still, it’s worth pointing out that manufacturing isn’t the same as manufacturing jobs. And it’s really time we stop venerating both….”
Lately, I’ve been reading Paul Theroux’s new book “Deep South.” In the book, Theroux travels all over the Deep South from South Carolina to Arkansas. He stops in one devastated small town after another – downtowns all boarded up or full of bars and thrift stores – the lucky ones graced with a Wal-Mart and a few strip malls. Invariably, he asks the locals what happened to their economy. Their response is always that some factory or business has closed down, laid off its employees, and moved production to Mexico, China, India, etc.
In one memorable encounter, Theroux talks to a Lumbee Indian who used to work in a textile mill in Lumberton, North Carolina. He is a Vietnam veteran wearing a “Combat Veteran – Proud To Serve” hat. It was given to him by the local VA office. The hat was made in Vietnam. Now he can’t find a job and all he has is that hat made by the people who tried to kill him in his youth who are expected to benefit the most from the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
National Review, too, has a solution to the decline of manufacturing jobs: some towns just deserve to die for the sake of Washington’s trade policies, and the Luddites who live there need to get over it and move elsewhere in response to market forces.
What is to be done?
The new “service economy” hasn’t brought enough well-paying jobs. As an economist once said, ” We’re not going to get rich again selling each other pizzas.”
Then it was the “information economy” which would save us. But I never saw that happening in a country where nearly half of the adults are functionally illiterate.
‘National Review, too, has a solution to the decline of manufacturing jobs: some towns just deserve to die for the sake of Washington’s trade policies, and the Luddites who live there need to get over it and move elsewhere in response to market forces.’
The working class, blue collar, skilled and semi-skilled may as well be lepers. That is how the ruling elites and wannabe pundits view them.
It is why they still hate Trump even after his Tax plan. He dares to oppose their trade deals, end their immigration flood and wants to bring jobs back to America. How ludicrous!
Anyone who matters is working at Facebook and Google now, what do you need industrial jobs for? Box stores and flea markets replaced those old antiquated jobs anyway!
America is the living embodiment of the old warning,”Never let your servant be your master.” These fuckers in Washington are supposed to be working for you, but since the Federal Reserve bought everything with a legalised counterfeiting ring and they passed the Income tax, you now work for them or rather the people who buy them. Like the phony Unions run by hoods and crooks who get paid whether their members work or not, its a parasitic organism sucking you dry til you die.
If these fuckers want a service economy then they can come to my house and vacuum the rug and give me a blowjob. I don’t work for them. They don’t like White men, then let them eat Brown. Choke on it. I’ll get it back after you end up in the cannibal’s pot.
We are all equal, equally interchangeable parts that is, to be moved around in whatever manner best benefit the global elite. What does quality of life or stable communities mean in comparison with the holy economy?
Hunter, have you checked out any articles on the incredible increase in the crime rate for Los Angeles in 2015? Incredible.
I don’t know if you’ve ever driven into California during the day via Nevada. You cross desert and inhospitable land to eventually arrive in a stunning place of beauty and natural plenty. Sometimes I imagine what it must have been like in the 1850’s or 60’s, before the Transcontinental. Or even with the RR. For settlers coming West it must have seemed like a paradise of beautiful weather and rich land. And look what’s become of it.
Doesn’t it remind you of Stalin in June of 1941, when he turned to his cronies & said, and I paraphrase, “Lenin gave us this, and we f**ked it up”. Yes, indeed. G-d gave America California and we F**KED it up. No state can support millions of illegal immigrants draining public services. We have pols that ought to be put on trial for what they’ve done (to start with, I can think of two US Senators, along with several US Congressman. Then comes their Statehouse). Into the 1970’s California was an incredible place. Now it’s a falling apart wreck.
The “free traders” only care about huge profits and their investment portfolios. These same are for open boarders so that the “service” jobs left can be filled with 3rd worlders at depressed wages and benefits. The “free traders” are happy to fill the high tech jobs with foreigners on H1B visas, mostly from 3rd world countries.
As far as they’re concerned the poor generational American citizen can work three or four crappy jobs, go on welfare or go to hell. Especially if he’s White. “Free trade” is a sideshow of the White Genocide scam.
I imagine California looking like the place Biff created when he stole Doc Brown’s time machine and went back to 1955 to change the future.
BTW, you don’t even have to go that far to see what illegal immigration has done. Just go to Gainesville, Dalton, Vidalia or Calhoun, GA. We held protests against illegal immigration in all those places.
The free traders are only interested in Wall Street. It is more profitable to fire American workers or replace them here with foreigners on H-1B visas. Even though these policies are created in Washington by lobbyists that rig the system to the advantage of their wealthy patrons, the consequences to all these small towns are waved away as the immutable laws of economics. Oppose a trade deal like NAFTA and you want to protect the buggy whip industry.
Your comments about the poultry business are well-taken. In addition, what was once a business with almost all black employees now has almost all Hispanic employees.
The whole de-industrialization process has been going on since the late 1970’s—it really picked up speed in the 1980’s, and the decline of industry has gone into hyper drive since NAFTA, GATT, China PNTR etc. in the 90’s.
Organized labor has thrown in the towel. The Jewish-communist-socialist faction in the AFLCIO is either pro-deindustrialization or only goes through the motions of any opposition to it.
The Roman Catholic faction in the AFLCIO is basically fat, lazy, stupid and going along with the leftoids, rather than fighting them for control and real opposition to de-industrialization.
The Democrats make a lot of promises to the AFLCIO unions, and then turn around and stab them in the back. The Republicans are too stupid to even get in the game in most cases.
I could name names here if I really wanted too, as I know most of the major union players personally.
Brad, there’s one Southern labor leader of consequence who I like, but, he’s too quiet and probably too old now to make any difference, and I don’t know how his health is holding up.
Note that Earl’s commentary that included reference to Jews didn’t insult me in the least. Nor should it insult anyone Jewish. While he paints with a bit of a broad brush, I have to go along with Earl. There is still a leftover Jewish leftist element. As he points out, the core Roman Catholic element is sitting around crying over the good old days of Detroit, Mafia ties, Vegas $$, etc.
I can recall reading how in the event we had to duplicate our efforts in WWII, we couldn’t! There are not even enough trained welders around to build a number of ships quickly, much less the other machinist parts. I’m sure we could out-produce anyone in paper, though. Between lawyers, insurance, MBA’s, etc., we can shuffle more paper around than any other nation. But don’t ask us to produce anything.
Remember Seattle in 1999 and the WTO protests. That was great. All the nice rich guys were going to the liberal Pacific NW to bask in their mutual greatness and drink craft beers. They were stunned when learning there were people who didn’t buy into the whole Globalization thing. In fact, there were lots of people who really, really didn’t care for the dehumanizing effect of globalization. The looks on some of their pious faces, plus the Clintons!
The next county over from me – Bullock County, AL – has a large black majority. The biggest employer there is a Wayne Farms chicken processing plant. As far as I can tell, most of its employees are illegal aliens from Mexico and Central America.
No, Kike Spite – White people CREATED CA, and JEWS fucked it UP. ALAWYS
“Then it was the “information economy” which would save us.” – R&D wants to follow manufacturing around, that was a flat out lie and they knew it.
Years ago, I went to one of the big pro-amnesty rallies in Washington, DC. The SEIU had bused in thousands of them on the National Mall.
Yeah Brad, the SEIU has a hardcore Jew-communist-socialist element that is pushing amnesty and open borders both within and without the AFLCIO. Union dues money is being spent on this invasion treason in the name of “organizing” and “politics”. Right, organizing the invaders, and giving them political power at the cost of the AFLCIO White union dues payer.
What the open borders crowd hasn’t destroyed, the propeller heads have. Now they’ve created a driver-less car, these idiot savants never seem to be happy unless they’re coming up with something else to put people out of a job. And there never seems to be thinking about the long term consequences of anything, or, unintended consequences.
‘No, Kike Spite – White people CREATED CA, and JEWS fucked it UP. ALAWYS’
Remember the hell hole that was California before being enriched by diversity?
Hey, Sambo. Do you find it a bit ironic that a fair number of the BDS crowd re Israel characterize it as a “white supremacist” state? Does that make you re-think your entire world view?
“Note that Earl’s commentary that included reference to Jews didn’t insult me in the least. Nor should it insult anyone Jewish. While he paints with a bit of a broad brush, I have to go along with Earl. There is still a leftover Jewish leftist element. As he points out, the core Roman Catholic element is sitting around crying over the good old days of Detroit, Mafia ties, Vegas $$, etc.”
Spot the hypocrisy in that paragraph. Jews can attack but can’t be attacked.
Another F**king idiot at work. Are you so used to the quarter brained echo chamber you fail to understand my point? You’re a dumb a** tobacco chawer. Go to the Blog for total morons.
On manufacturing it’s simply a case of money in vs money out.
If you off shore all your manufacturing then you have to pay to import the manufactured goods.
(and have a ton of unemployment)
If you manufacture it yourself then you only need to find the money to import the raw materials.
(and have a lot less unemployment)
It was a scam from the start: pay eastern wages but sell at western prices for as long as the scam could last.
Although the whininess of that Federalist article does sound like people are finally catching on.
Dutchman nails it: “We are all equal, equally interchangeable parts that is, to be moved around in whatever manner best benefit the global elite. What does quality of life or stable communities mean in comparison with the holy economy?”
I am lucky enough to have a good manufacturing job. But the affirmative action policies forced on the company are hurting a once very profitable plant. Will I lose my job to free trade conservatism or politically correct liberalism? Either wing of U.S. politics could destroy my job.
Personally I don’t care about Israel apart from using it to point out the hypocrisy of Jewish open borders pundits.
If Israel wanted to use its influence to promote ethno-states for everyone and not just them I’d be down.
The only Jews for open borders are the same as Gentiles. Those who want more Dem voters, or rich people who want cheap labor.
Nah, lots of Jews support open borders cos they think if the majority population is turned into a minority then Jews will be safer.
Most of them will change their mind when they realise they were wrong but that’s not yet.
Yes, Sam – White California. The Golden State. All those Aryans.
Hell on Earth!
‘Yes, Sam – White California. The Golden State. All those Aryans.
Hell on Earth!’
Yes, then it truly was the “Golden State.” I like that video a lot. Soon after, the free fall began. What will it be down the road? Mostly Cholos and Chinks.
This article points out the great elephant in the room, when discussing American constructs of “democracy”.
In a country with a mono racial population, you will always have less intelligent individuals, whose entire existence is suited to unskilled and mildly skilled labor. Then you have the intelligentsia, who are The rulers, owners of businesses, and the movers and shakers. The problem exists because we no longer are a monoracial state. And, because we believe in the lie of democracy when it is applied cross racially, We now have one IQ standard-deviation-lower people going to college, and naively presuming that they will be, the owners of businesses, the leaders of industry, and other places genetically reserve only for whites in the past centuries.
Racial supremacy is not a sin or a crime. It is the standard, normative way of things in the universe. But because we have pseudo-legitimized the Negro, the Hispanic, and the Asian, we are now reaping the whirlwind. And the majority minority population fomenting most of this discord? Obviously, the Jews.
America for Americans, only!