By Hunter Wallace
Paul Theroux’s “Deep South” was a disappointment.
I bought the book after reading his highly misleading Op-Ed in The New York Times on the loss of manufacturing jobs in the South. I was under the impression that Paul Theroux had come to the poorest parts of the Deep South – the South Carolina Low Country, Alabama Black Belt, Mississippi Delta, and the Arkansas Ozarks – to write about the here and now. More than anything else, I was eager to see if Theroux had traveled to my area and written about the world I know.
Unfortunately, that was not the case. It quickly became apparent that Theroux traveled to the Deep South mainly to explore in the flesh his long held preconceptions about the region. This ideological framework was drawn from three sources – the narrative of the Civil Rights Movement, Southern literature, and his contacts with local anti-poverty workers. Basically, Paul Theroux is someone who has read a lot of books about the South, mostly fiction or about civil rights, and that generally dictated his subject matter and the places to which he traveled.
In spite of his deep immersion in Southern literature, I was stunned to follow along and discover that Theroux was ignorant of some of the most basic facts about the region. He didn’t know, for example, that “the Delta” in Mississippi referred to a large region in the western part of the state, not the mouth of the Mississippi River. He thought that Arkansas was half black until corrected by a local hillbilly. Amazingly, he even assumed that Appalachia had the demographics of the Deep South, and was surprised to learn there were so few blacks in the mountains.
Reading “Deep South,” it felt like Theroux was touring the equivalent of 21st century Italy and writing about the Roman Empire or the Renaissance. The South of William Faulkner, Erskine Caldwell, Martin Luther King, Jr., Emmett Till and Strom Thurmond vanished a long time ago. I’ve lived in the Alabama Black Belt almost my entire life and have never once seen any private business or public area that is segregated. No one my age, black or White, has ever picked cotton here.
It is a much different world now, but this only comes through in flashes in “Deep South.” We meet the inevitable Mr. Patel from Gujarat in India who now owns every motel and gas station from the Potomoc to the Mississippi. We see the rotting towns of the Delta, Black Belt and the Lowcountry with their black mayors, black city councils, black chiefs of police, black reverends and black anti-poverty workers. We meet a great many Southerners who have lost their jobs due to globalization, but maddingly Theroux doesn’t probe the subject any deeper.
Instead, we always seem to come back to race and civil rights: Harrison, AR and Philadelphia, MS because Klan remnants are there; Aiken, SC because of Strom Thurmond’s black love child; Greensboro, AL because “Let Us Now Praise Famous Men” was set there. The extended meditation on the meaning of the word “nigger,” the Rep. John Lewis presser in Little Rock, and especially the obsession with Emmett Till was too much. Are we allowed to point out now that Emmett Till’s death was one of the last lynchings in the South? That it happened over half a century ago? That lynching was uncommon even then?
There are times in the book when Theroux’s interlocutors seem to become aggravated by him. Randall Curb, for example, patiently explains to Theroux, a Yankee, that Greensboro, AL is now controlled by the blacks. In the Alabama Black Belt, white supremacy has been replaced by black supremacy, and all kinds of negative consequences familiar to locals have followed from that. Theroux’s response is that black majority rule was the whole point of the Civil Rights Movement!
In all his travels in the Deep South, it never once occurs to Paul Theroux that the triumph of the Civil Rights Movement has anything to do with the social and economic devastation he sees, which he explicitly compares to post-colonial Africa. Theroux says large swathes of the South now resemble Zimbabwe and Mozambique, but never connects this fact to black majority rule and subsequent White abandonment. He never once ponders the question of whether integration actually worked – in the Deep South, in Northern cities, or anywhere else.
If “Deep South” has a saving grace, it is that Theroux repeatedly points out how the Clinton Foundation and all the other great and good humanitarians have no interest in fighting poverty and underdevelopment in, let’s say, the Ozarks or Mississippi Delta. Bill Clinton and Bono can be found rescuing the poor in Haiti, India and Africa, but are never heard from in Hope and Helena, Arkansas.
Read the Op-Ed in The New York Times and pick another book. You are not missing anything important.
Comments are now open. I didn’t know they were turned off.
I’m sure you will be stopping in at the No Tell Motel for some Southern fried curry?
Peter Jenkins’ Walk Across America is a fun Yankee-travels-the-South book.
There is a strange passage in there about a carpenter who blew his ass off with a pistol while he was building shelves for a library on guns.
Wierd book. Is he related to Justin Theroux? And that Theroux who made Law n Order in Joberg?
I’ve been meaning to ask is there any truth to the claim that the worst thing to happen to the South besides losing the war was the assassination of Abraham Lincoln?
Theroux looks at the South and all he can see is that Blacks have civil rights now. YAY! That is all he can see when he looks at the devastated counties in the South.
So everything is wonderful and he can go back to Yankeeland feeling good about himself.
What a failed ruling class this is – has any ruling class ever been as bad as this one?
Haha, no.
It’s more like Lincoln was the worst thing that ever happened to the South. More Southerners died while he was in office than at any point before or since.
Ulfric – the answer is “No!”.
His father was French canadian so his name. Acadian maybe? Its sort of related to the South, Louisiana, Napoléon etc. But after Brads review I am not buying this.
I wouldn’t have bought it at any rate, as the real news of the South, the vision of restoring the South, is found largely for me, right here at OD. While I have disagreements, I cannot and will not believe that giving Negroes ‘equal rights’ – either in 1865, or 1965, has benefitted ANYONE, except the FEDGOV Massa, and the ususal “Xenos” Ubermenschen that started the NAACP, ADL, etc.
You know who I mean.
Hunter, you should have gone into it knowing Theroux is a famous diehard lefty! Although I did enjoy his “Last Train to Zona Verde” (2013) about his recent overland travels through Angola/Southern Africa. Recommended by Jared Taylor as a view of a possible nightmare dystopia here.
I had no experience with him before reading this.
Mr. Wallace – Thank you for your review. You should post it on Amazon.
I might do that.