By Hunter Wallace
I saw this story break last night, but now it appears to be confirmed:
“Athens (AFP) – Two men who French police are seeking to identify in connection with the Paris attacks registered as migrants with Greek authorities earlier this year, the Greek police confirmed on Saturday.
French authorities had asked their Greek counterparts to check a passport and fingerprints of one man who died in the attacks and the fingerprints of another.
Both were thought to have registered in Greece, the main entry point into Europe for Syrian refugees.
At least one Syrian passport was found at the scene of the Stade de France attack.
The Greek minister for citizen protection, Nikos Toskas, said in a statement that one of the men had been registered on the Greek island of Leros in October.
“We confirm that the (Syrian) passport holder came through the Greek island of Leros on October 3 where he was registered under EU rules,” said a statement issued by Toskas. …”
After the Charlie Hebdo attacks across the street in January, President Hollande led a “unity march” of 3 million people who rallied against “extremism.” Marine Le Pen, the leader of the Front National, was excluded from the unity march. Just a few weeks ago, she was put on trial for “inciting hatred” against Muslims.
Le Pen has made news by pointing out this is the sixth Muslim terrorist attack on France this year. We have a little over a year to go until the next French presidential election.
What would Marshal Petain do?
Worried about France? How many THOUSANDS of Americans are killed, wounded, raped by legal & illegal immigrants every year?
That’s the point. Blocking Syrian refugee/migration to the US can be organized around what has happened to the French.
Check this out:
Apparently a hotel bathroom. Possibly around Paris hours before the attacks. No date, no Name. But the same Twitter account claimed responsibility for yesterdays Paris attacks.
It will be interesting if the route and chronology of the passport’s movement from Greece to Paris is determined. Imagine a photograph of some brainless white woman holding up a “Refugees Welcome” sign at a time and place where that passport was.
Photo says it all.
Le Pen calls for the French to rearm for self defence!
Perfect, Sam. Hadn’t seen that.
Ann Coulter ?@AnnCoulter 5h5 hours ago
Merkel: “We are crying with you.” Maybe a little less crying and a little more deporting.
Ann Coulter ?@AnnCoulter 5h5 hours ago
Merkel, who invites terrorist murderers to EU, says to Germany: “We are crying with you.” http://nyti.ms/1PH5Zns
Fucking Red Sea Pedestrians!
Crif wants a World War…Reminds me of the shennanigans from the 1933-34 elections.
le fermeture de la porte de l’ecurie apres que le cheval a disparu
These effers are hopeless!!
It has just come to my attention that I may have a refugee center accepting Syrians in my city. Will confirm tomorrow and make sure to thank Catholic Charities.
If the draft returns under Trump, I can fly either fixed or rotor. NP. One call does it all.
It’s sad to say, but, the French have brought this Moslem misery down on their own heads by allowing large numbers of African and Middle Eastern Moslems to enter their country for decades.
As I mentioned above we have THOUSANDS of White Americans who are killed, wounded or raped every year by legal immigrants (including refugees) and by illegal immigrants.
Bouregarde, that’s a very useful skill to have, and some say a very perishable skill. How often do you get to practice? You should definitely be on someone’s speed dial.
This video deserves analysis
Are tha patriotic boys holding the sign more likely to be Petainists or Allied sypathizers if the scene were from 1940?
Serious question. Are the baying crowd more likely Petainists or liberal democrats in 1940?
Several “French citizens” were involved in the attack:
Two from Syria:
The French will run. They already started to back peddle this morning, and I expect a full rout by tomorrow. Already, the French are questioning their commitment to diversity, multi-culturalism etc. etc.
Petain stood up to the “boche” in WWI, today French leadership won’t last that long.
Btw, Charles Martel, like Arminius was a Germanic, not a Latin…
Trained in Syria:
There’s a rumor going around about 10,000 Syrian refugees here in New Orleans, either on the way or here already. I’m not sure what’s true yet and what’s bullshit. I’m trying to find out.
However, according to the US State Department and a black reporter writing for a jew-owned publication based in New York, it’s not 10,000 but “only” 14 Syrians. It’s painful watching the liberal trolls work their well-honed anti-white taking points against the befuddled normies.
Here is a whitehous.gov petition seeking to place a moratorium on the acceptance of US-bound “Syrian” “refugees”:
…this may be useful to repost on social media for a likemindedness headcount, if anything.
The Syrians making it over to the states might well be easy enough to assimilate.
Sorta like the Lebanese and Syrians already stateside.
For America the issue tends to be Somalis, Saudis and occasionally Chechnians.
For the most part Syrians will just set up shops and car dealerships and quietly go about Merchant-like.
They won’t ever fit in with Europeans though.
MONTGOMERY, Ala. (WPMI) According to a press release, Governor Robert Bentley announced on Sunday he is refusing Syrian refugees relocating to Alabama.
“After full consideration of this weekend’s attacks of terror on innocent citizens in Paris, I will oppose any attempt to relocate Syrian refugees to Alabama through the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program. I will not stand complicit to a policy that places the citizens of Alabama in harm’s way,” Bentley said.
He continues saying, “The acts of terror committed over the weekend are a tragic reminder to the world that evil exists and takes the form of terrorists who seek to destroy the basic freedoms we will always fight to preserve. I will not place Alabamians at even the slightest, possible risk of an attack on our people. Please continue to join me in praying for those who have suffered loss and for those who will never allow freedom to fade at the hands of terrorists,” Bentley added.
DETROIT (AP) — Michigan’s Republican governor, who has bucked many party leaders by welcoming Syrian refugees, is putting the efforts on hold following the deadly attacks in Paris.
Gov. Rick Snyder said in a statement Sunday that the state is postponing efforts to accept refugees until federal officials fully review security clearances and procedures. He added that Michigan is “proud of our rich history of immigration” but that Michigan’s “first priority is protecting the safety of our residents.”
The title of this column… is news?
I already KNEW it was the ‘snackbar’ crowd, as soon as I heard the story.
“I admit to not being an expert on the nuances, or even basics, of “suicide bombing for terrorists 101”, but is bringing your own passport to an event that will be your last, really that crucial, especially when the passport is such a critical smoking gun?”
“The Syrians making it over to the states might well be easy enough to assimilate. Sorta like the Lebanese and Syrians already stateside. For America the issue tends to be Somalis, Saudis and occasionally Chechnians.”
People forget the class element.
Often the first wave are the wealthier elements – merchants etc, who get out early. Later you get all the unskilled and illiterate – often imported by the first wave to work in their shops and dealerships as illegal labor.
Germany friendly with Holland cancelled 90 minutes before kick-off after ‘bomb truck disguised as ambulance’ was discovered as police confirm device was to be detonated inside the ground
Germany were due to take on Holland in an international friendly at the HDI Arena in Hanover tonight
But the match was cancelled around 90 minutes before kick-off and the ground was evacuated
A bomb truck disguised as an ambulance was found, according to reports in Germany
Police confirmed there were ‘concrete plans’ to cause an explosion and that there was a threat to the city
Police had earlier removed a suspicious suitcase from the ground and closed off roads leading into the area
German Chancellor Angela Merkel had been expected to attend the match with members of her cabinet
Germany had been playing France in Paris last Friday when terrorists launched a coordinated attack on the city