By Hunter Wallace
Here we have another globalist institution forcing a disaster on the United States and other European countries:
“Geneva (AFP) – The United Nations on Tuesday urged states not to “backtrack” on pledges made to host migrants and refugees, including from Syria, in the wake of the attacks in Paris.
Multiple UN agencies issued a warning to European leaders who might use the tragedy to advance anti-migrant policies, stressing that many of those seeking refuge in Europe have also been the victims of extremists.
Of the estimated 1.1 million migrants who have landed in Europe via the Mediterranean since 2013, less than six “have raised questions in terms of possible links to extremism,” said International Organization for Migration spokesman Joel Millman. …”
Why aren’t any of the Republican candidates advocating getting rid of the UN, WTO, IMF or NATO? It is hard to get excited when Trump says he is going to take on China by filing a WTO complaint. No one running for president is really challenging the globalist status quo.
Note: Don’t be fooled by the Republican governors who are now grandstanding on refugee resettlement. See also the Republican senators. Where have they been for the last thirty years?
A clever WeeNie would write, “The Secretary General has made his decision. Now let him enforce it”.
All about Globalism and the Genocide of our People! Deo Vindice !
I wrote modestly positive post about Vermont mayor US Senator Bernie Sanders. When representing his overwhelmingly White, working class Irish and French Canadian constituents at the local level his socialist policies worked OK and he generally cared about his constituents and they liked him.
But, that’s at the local level in a 95% White community.
In international affairs when brutal racial realities come up – he’s as bad as they get, confirms the stereotype of the worst New York Lib Leftist Communist Jew. Michael Savage is brutally honest about Bernie Sanders – “he’s the type of Lib New York Jew I’ve been trying to flee my whole life”.
Well Bernie Sanders is doubling down on the mass Muslim migration/invasion says we must accept any and all – who would have thought:
““Now is not the time for demagoguery and fearmongering,” Sanders said at a rally in Cleveland on Monday. “What terrorism is about is trying to instill terror and fear into the hearts of people. And we will not let that happen. We will not be terrorized or live in fear.
“During these difficult times, we will not succumb to Islamophobia,” he added. “We will not turn our backs on the refugees.”
How is Bernie on Israel accepting refos? Silent as usual? Why is it when there are discussions of mass immigration, they are always referring to white countries?
Why is there is never talk of coercing non-white countries to take responsibility for their own people? I personally would have aircraft carriers off the coast of Saudi Arabia. They either take responsibility for their Semites, or I’d bomb their fancy palaces to rubble.
But this is not about humanitarianism is it? This is part of a grand globalist plan targeting all and only white countries.
“Michael Savage is brutally honest about Bernie Sanders – “he’s the type of Lib New York Jew I’ve been trying to flee my whole life”.”
I have found the only immigration right wing Jews are against is that of Muslims, because their BS doesn’t work on them. They are for all other forms of immigration to white countries, because they don’t feel safe around white people.
Must be the non-white mindset, where they run from countries they control to white controlled countries, then demand massive non-white immigration to white countries.
It takes no mean credulity to believe these opportunist invaders are refugees. They may not all be terrorists but they definitely are looking to take advantage of the misplaced generosity of public institutions. It is clear they are being brought in to subvert and outnumber Whites and White society. Only a fool or a liar would deny it.
For the record:
“Paris Stadium Attacker Got to Europe Using Fake Syrian Passport–Man apparently posed as refugee, entered through Greek island of Leros”
“Authorities in France and Greece have said that fingerprints taken from the remains of a suicide bomber outside France’s national sports stadium, the Stade de France, match the prints of a man who entered Europe via the Aegean island of Leros on Oct. 3.”
Kebab Out!
Out! Out! Out!
We have Jimmy Carter and Ted Kennedy to thank for the Refugee Act of 1980.
A story about the UN & refugees and ? of the postings bring up something “Jewish” as an issue. That’s really pathetic.
Do not any of you immigration and foreign policy experts have any analysis of the issue? You know, the UN insisting on the US taking the refugees? You think maybe the UN is a Jewish organization? That would make all this yet another Jewish conspiracy.
It is truly troubling me that a group claiming an affinity with the antebellum American South shows no interest in settling Syrian Christian refugees, or why such refugees cannot be processed through the UN. Or how Christian refugees are classified by the UN Commission on Human Rights, or whatever it calls itself. I am going to suggest WN could care less about the Christian refugees because Christianity has only limited importance to the movement. I seem to see as much hostility, or at least ambivalence towards Christianity as anything that looks like genuine Christian (esp Protestant) piety or ideals. I actually think this one of the primary reasons at least some of the leaders in the WN movement were so easily able to experiment with attracting openly gay men to WN.
As Putin rightly points out, it would have been much easier simply to not have destabilized the entire region in order to promote “liberal democracy” in Iraq, Syria, Egypt, Libya and other Islamic countries. There was no ISIS or refugee crisis until that happened.
Asia for the Asians!
Africa for the Africans!
White countries for Everyone!
White countries and ONLY White countries are being flooded with hundreds of millions of 3rd worlders, are forced integrated with them with the goal of “assimilation”, aka interracial marriage.
It’s White Genocide.
The UN may try to demand it but it is superstates like the US and the EU that’s making it happen.
It’s called invade the world, invite the world. This is not an accident. This is a design feature of US foreign policy.
Globalist nonsense:
This has been going on since Jimmuh Carter’s Refugee Act of 1980:
“Germany game against Netherlands called off over bomb fears”
“A soccer game between Germany and Netherlands which German Chancellor Angela Merkel was due to attend in Hanover was called off two hours before its scheduled start on Tuesday over fears of a planned bombing.”
(See http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/11/17/us-soccer-friendly-germany-idUSKCN0T62CH20151117#g5muZHVuvYWGKbqM.97 )
“[F]ear has never been a good adviser, neither in our personal lives nor in our society.”
(Tough-talking Angela M. at 3:30 of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j_8kc19DL70 )
Unless one is protected by security there is good reason to fear.
Obama is a retarded negro. How did that clown get to be president?
Obama again proved that the only people he sees as America’s real enemies are members of the Republican Party:
“Apparently they are scared of widows and orphans coming into the United States of America,” Obama said of the GOP. “At first, they were too scared of the press being too tough on them in the debates. Now they are scared of three year old orphans. That doesn’t seem so tough to me.”
Just a few hours later in Paris:
A female terrorist wearing a suicide vest has blown herself up and another jihadi was killed by a grenade during a six-hour siege on a flat where police believe the Paris massacres mastermind and six other ISIS terrorists were hiding.
What amazes me, Sam, is that Merkel is still walking the Earth after the Paris attacks. In a sane world, a mob would have dragged her out of the Reich Chancellery, or whatever her office might be called, and hanged her from a lamppost. Where’s the right-wing press, interviewing the woman whose fear Merkel disparaged in the video I linked? “Less than two-and-a-half months after Chancellor Merkel opened Europe’s gates, so to speak, the Paris attacks have taken place. Is there anything you would like to say?”
Even though I’ve encountered a few reports that Merkel’s approval rating or whatever is “plummeting,” I get the feeling it’s not. It’s like Obama: for years, the conservatives said his approval rating was plummeting, but he never really lost the national electorate’s forty-five-or-so percent that is solidly Democrat. I don’t know whether you’ve seen the stories about the German Interior Minister, de Maiziere, who’s been Twitter-mocked for something he said after the cancellation of the game in Hanover. This is the same minister who recently disagreed with Merkel about the handling of the refugee situation–so naturally, he’s the one who ends up getting mocked, over nothing. (Use translate.google.com if you’re interested, to read the following news story about the hashtag #DoltLikeDeMaiziere: http://www.tagesspiegel.de/politik/de-maiziere-und-floskelsprech-doitlikedemaiziere-und-ein-teil-dieser-aussage-/12606298.html )
I just get the feeling the press covers for her. She’ll dismiss everyone else’s fears, but she herself won’t be striding into any stadium that might be explosive-laden.
John Bonaccorsi
‘Even though I’ve encountered a few reports that Merkel’s approval rating or whatever is “plummeting,” I get the feeling it’s not. It’s like Obama: for years, the conservatives said his approval rating was plummeting, but he never really lost the national electorate’s forty-five-or-so percent that is solidly Democrat.’
You could be right about that. Same situation in this country.
I heard poll results today that showed only 53% of Murricans were in favor of halting the Syrian refugee invasion.
Meaning, of course, that 47% were against denying them entry.
That is the same intractable figure Romney was talking about that cannot be reached, no matter what.
Sheesh. What I should really be asking myself, I guess, is why I continue to be amazed.
our activism is paying off.
House just voted to curtail ME migrants.
Great job everyone
I hope the vote on the bill actually accomplishes something.
Judging from the comments at Free Republic, I’m not so sure.
We shall see.
Only two GOP weasels voted with the 135 retarded anti-white Democrats.
I don’t think Sam’s “retarded” comments are fully justified. At least not in the manner he maliciously wields the term.
Though I do not agree with the argument, there are those in America who sincerely believe there is a moral duty for the US to offer sanctuary to those seeking freedom. To the extent the duty is at the level of an unyielding imperative. However, while I hear the argument I think it misplaced.
Accepting the principle of America being a sanctuary, the principle has been perverted and perhaps subverted by immigration based solely on economics. This focuses on Latin immigration that has nothing to do with political or religious freedom. This so-called immigration is from stable countries, where citizens are under no remarkable threat to safety. The motivating factor is just to make more money. I think experience has shown this to be a very problematical (and large) group to assimilate.
The open door people do not appear able to distinguish differentiating facts. There are proven dangers associated with Islamic immigration. Not speculative, proven. There is too much argument by ignorant analogy as opposed to a willingness to analyze the situation on its own. Every treaty is not a Munich. Every group of immigrants are not folks fleeing oppression with a deep desire to come to and BE Americans.
Last I will toss in is that I do not trust these open door advocates. Obama will not facilitate Syrian Christians coming in. He actually said the US had never premised immigration policies on Religion! Is he stupid or evil/bought off. Ditto many of the Demz voting open door. In many cases I am not convinced their motives derive from some deep affection and principle. They may just be tools or stupid. Maybe both.
Btw, while I know it is an already used historical term, “Open Door” is a better, more accurate term than “open borders”. The latter has more marketing impact, but is easier to pick apart. Have you considered using both terms interchangeably as needed?
Here’s the magic number, Sam, via Reuters:
“In April, 75 percent of Germans thought [Merkel] was doing a good job. In a survey by Infratest dimap last week, it was only 49 percent.”
That’s from “Merkel ally attacks her refusal to cap German refugee intake,” which was posted today (Novermber 20). Here’s the link: