Trump’s Dangerous Rhetoric

By Hunter Wallace

Yes, John Kasich is comparing Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler.

I’ve noticed a sharp uptick in the “Trump is a fascist” meme over the past week. Personally, I think it is nothing more than late campaign season hysteria and theatrical signaling. It says more about the audience that Trump/Carson and Kasich/Bush are trying to appeal to than the real views of any of the presidential candidates.

Sorry, but I am not buying the idea that Trump will be sending Ivanka to a concentration camp because he opposes Syrian refugees. The Daily Stormer isn’t on the verge of seizing power in America even if lots of people are playing along for the lulz.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Oh mein Gott! Drat! Foiled again! Zee secret is out! The Donald eez de Adolf!

    I am not really a voman. I am truly Josef Mengele. I deescoffert zee zecret to immortality. I recovered zee cell teeshus of Mein Fuhrer in zee zeecret bunker, and saffeddem, until I could re-grow dear Zottzei – vee calt him day; eets a term of effekshun – and vee cleferly deeguized heem as a Jew York Ceety real state mahgnate.

    Vee are undone.

    Zoez clever Jooz. Zey alvay cetch on!

    Ach du Leiber. Back to zee Argentinian hide-out, on zee ozzer zide of de Moon.

    Sheldon Adelson – von day I’ll get you my pritty, and your leetle dog too!

  2. I don’t get it. Is Kasich now producing ads promoting Trump? ’cause that ad makes me like Trump even more.

  3. I recall Kasich in the 1990s advocating for Christian Serbia against American incursions in favor of Muslim Bosnians.

    My my, how much this man has changed. He’s transformed into a seraglio eunuch. All to help out a faggy black president, a harridan and cucked out American dynasty.

    He needs to go.

  4. John Kasich disabled comments on that youtube. I can see why after watching it. Lulz. It’s the Dean Scream of his candidacy.

    I think the advert should be mirrored with comments enabled.

  5. Parody advert…

    “First they came for the antisemites and the Jewish Checka shot anyone in the head who had a copy of the Protocols of Zion. I was not an aware antisemite so I said nothing, then they came for the Christians; priests, nuns, monks, but I was not a Christian religious so I said nothing. Then they came for teachers, intellectuals, poets and writers but I was uneducated and said nothing, Then they came for the whites but it was too late cause I was a white and Jewish Bolshevism killed 100 million white Russians and Slavs in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe by the end of communism. And now they are genociding whites throughout Europe with mass third-world immigration and Zioncorporation promoted miscegenation.”

  6. Kasich’s father and mother are Croatian immigrants who came to the USA as children. The -ich is a Croatian name ending, and it means “son of”. Similar to the Serbian -ovich name ending which is son of in Serbian.

    The only famous Croatian politician I can think of is the late Marshal Tito who was a Croatian.

  7. Rep. John R. Kasich (R-Ohio): “I have reluctantly concluded that military intervention — through air power or ground troops — is not in the national interest. . . . The United States should encourage new attempts at a peaceful resolution, before this crisis flashes into a wider conflict.”
    (Kasich statement, April 16)

    “The administration to this day has never made clear, either to Congress or the American people, why U.S. intervention in this civil war is in the vital interests of the United States.”
    (Kasich statement, March 25)

    I assumed he was Serbian. What happened to this older version of Kasich?

  8. Now he accusing a man who hasn’t hurt a fly in his life of being a Nazi.

    Back in the day he gave a nudge and a wink to a Neo-nationalist like Milosevich. Shekels no doubt.

  9. I’m sure that the crew on TRS could parody Neimoller better than that text.


  10. “Earl Butz”, above wrote:

    “The only famous Croatian politician I can think of is the late Marshal Tito who was a Croatian.”

    Well, there was Ante Paveli?, but not famous today.

  11. Though they’d not be considered Croats exactly I think there were two or three Roman emperors from what is now Croatia.

    Split was the imperial capital/palace of Diocletian and Constantine’s family came from around the same area. Justinian was from peasant stock from around those parts too. Not necessarily ethnic kin but similar blood.

  12. “My my, how much this man has changed. He’s transformed into a seraglio eunuch. All to help out a faggy black president, a harridan and cucked out American dynasty. He needs to go.”

    capt. John. I couldn’t have said it any better. Hats off to you. Mega-kudos.
    And, if Kasich is Serbian, and Orthodox, he’s sinned gravely for saying such blasphemy.
    It’s Obama who’s the incarnation of Evil in this age. Trump is St.George, slaying the dragon of Bolshevik/Talmudic disinformatia.

  13. Kasich is a pitiful loser. Look at his sourpuss face. He just can’t stand the fact that The Donald is a leader and nobody would follow his sagging ass to a free barbeque. Can’t blame him for flailing around like a drowning man. Kasich and Bush are drowning. LOL.

  14. ‘The sooner the Cucks die off, the better.’

    I agree, wholeheartedly; yet, find no reason for optimism on this score, as they are firmly in possession of the party apparatus, from top to bottom.

  15. ‘Kasich is a pitiful loser. Look at his sourpuss face. He just can’t stand the fact that The Donald is a leader and nobody would follow his sagging ass to a free barbeque.’

    Mr. Kasich is running a campaign of : elect me, I’m the experienced man.

    It’s a tried and true idea.

    Yet, strange that he has not taken notice that this election cycle is antithetical to this sort of strategy.

    This cycle is about firm ideals, for the first time since 1980, if memory serves.

  16. More and more Senator Cruz is looking like the nominee – pulling ahead of Trump in Iowa, garnering endorsements, and the Republican establishment admitting they prefer him to the billionaire.

    Even the top Democrat campaign advisors have admitted that they have begun the process of tailoring their campaign to defeat Cruz.

  17. Junius Daniel
    ‘More and more Senator Cruz is looking like the nominee – pulling ahead of Trump in Iowa, garnering endorsements, and the Republican establishment admitting they prefer him to the billionaire.’

    The CNN poll in Iowa has Trump leading, but the Des Moines Register and Monmouth have Cruz in the lead.

    Iowa cucktians ( appropriate term) who loved Ben Carson and the Negro pizza executive during the last prez election are tossing in with Cruz who has received support from pastors and religious groups.

    Trump should carry a bigger bible with him next trip to Iowa. Wouldn’t hurt him to sing a few negro spirituals to get the crowd on his side.

    The latest Monmouth poll has Trump with a huge lead.


    Cruz, Rubio, Carson vie for second
    West Long Branch, NJ – The latest Monmouth University Poll finds Donald Trump building a commanding national lead in the race for the Republican nomination.
    When Republicans and Republican-leaning voters are asked who they would support for the GOP
    nomination for president, Donald Trump leads the pack at 41%. Ted Cruz (14%), Marco Rubio (10%),
    and Ben Carson (9%) are far behind. All of the other ten candidates tested poll in the low single digits,
    including Jeb Bush (3%), John Kasich (3%), Chris Christie (2%), Carly Fiorina (2%), Mike Huckabee
    (2%), and Rand Paul (2%). All but Huckabee have been invited to the main stage for tomorrow’s debate.
    The results represent a big jump in Trump’s support and a rearrangement of the deck chairs in the
    second tier. After polling between 26% and 30% in Monmouth polls throughout the late summer and fall,
    Trump’s showing has increased by 13 points from his 28% result in mid-October. Cruz and Rubio have
    each gained 4 points over the same period, while Carson’s support has dropped by 9 points.

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