About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Has anyone ever pointed out the odd truthfulness of that group’s name? Council on American-Islamic Relations, as if things American and things Islamic are distinct.

  2. Like I say to the moron open borders “Islam fighting” cuckservatives in my life. You can’t take an idea out of a person’s head. The cucks import unending millions of third worlders and then say they can keep an idea like Islam out of their heads! Good luck with that imbeciles!

    You have to laugh at the absurdity of it. America is sliding into civil war before our eyes and it all could have been avoided with a little common sense – by keeping the place White. But there is no common sense to be had. Not a drop of it anywhere.

  3. Here’s the screening process:

    Feds: “Dood, are you like a terrorist or something like that?”
    Mohamed: “No way, dood.”
    Feds: “Cool, you’re good to go. Here’s your EBT card and the keys to your Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing apartment in a white suburb, and a pre-approved SBA loan to buy a quickie mart or motel or nail salon or beauty supply store.”

    • Samuel, that is so unfair. You’re leaving out where it says the answer is under “penalty of perjury”! So, you see, if the terrorist ends up alive he or she can be charged with perjury. Don’t you realize the, sorry about this, terror in which this holds the radicalized future murderers?!?

  4. the Muslim duo did precisely what the open-borders, Jew-stooge political class brought them here to do: kill Whites. The bright side: most if not all of those killed by the ragheads were themselves urban, open-borders, self-liquidating White cosmics. Saves us the trouble once push comes to shove

  5. Countenance:

    (1) Your bitterness and jealousy about immigrants’ ability to start businesses is poorly directed. My experience with immigrant groups & “quickie marts” suggests you are merely jealous and very wrong. It is un-American to criticize others for hard work, ambition, thrift and sacrifice.

    I will now do a 180, and admit uneasiness with the present Administration’s grip on events.

    (2) Your description of the immigration process is all-wet. Let me help by focusing us in on a hypothetical entry point. Some third tier City with an airport floating the “International” label due to a few flights from, e.g., Canada.

    Q: Do you sign here and swear you will never raise arms against the US?
    A: Sure.
    Q: OK, you’re in. Fill out that card with an address so we know how to reach you
    [Interpreter; ongoing dialogue]
    Interpreter: This form has Econo-Lodge letterhead
    Q: Yeah, so the question is the same. Do we have to reinvent the wheel? Just read the GD form
    A: Yes
    Q: Yes, what?
    [Interpreter explains]
    A: Yes, where I will live. Sure. Yes. Swear.
    Q: OK, move along, next in line.

    But then… security kicks in:
    Q: Wait, hold on there you 8 Muslim males in your twenties traveling with little luggage & arriving from Toronto. This says you will be staying in Brooklyn or Queens, N.Y., with no other address. We can’t find you that way!
    A by Interpreter: They swear that’s all they can remember from what their uncle’s friend’s friend texted them back in Karachi
    Q: Karachi? Where’s that?
    A: (sans interpreter) It’s a suburb of Yellowknife
    Q: Well, OK, good enough. I see that one has an Edmonton Oilers shirt on. I’m sure that’s good enough. Let ’em pass. Next!

    Unfortunately, all too often the above seems not too much parody. Things tighten up, then America gets lazy & only cares about the Super Bowl, or the story about some adulterous Country singers, etc, etc. Politics removed from TSA requirements a HS degree as a prerequisite. Why? Politics. The US Rep. to an advisor, “Who cares about American lives. I don’t want to leave my cushy deal here in DC”. The cynicism is brought on by our so-called leaders.

  6. Here’s one for Richard, Haxo and all the other “true Americans”. Do you know what it means to be an “American”? I’m not entirely sure, but I read a story related to Israel that gives me some strong clues.

    Israel just honored a man named Roddie Edmonds as the first U.S. soldier to be named among the Righteous Among The Nations. This means he was not Jewish, but did something extraordinary related to saving Jews in extreme peril. It was not until I looked up the story that I recalled hearing of the story. I did not realize all the circumstances.

    Master Sgt. Roddie Edmonds of Knoxville, Tenn., he was a Southerner, was a non-com captured in the Battle of the Bulge, the Second Adennes. He ended up the highest ranking American soldier at a German POW camp for non-officers, located near Ziegenhain.

    As the situation became clear for Germany, there was an “incident” in 1945. Muster was called and the German officer in charge ordered that all Jewish GIs step forward. It was no big secret to anyone present why. What did Edmonds do? First, Master Sgt. Edmonds ordered all of the U.S. soldiers to step forward. Second, to the best recollection of those present, all did step forward. All? Certainly all or nearly all is accurate. Third, Edmonds reported to the German officer, “We are all Jews.”

    The German officer, the camp commander, became irate & advised Edmonds they could not all be Jews. He then took his sidearm from its holster and put the gun to Edmonds’ head, telling Edmonds to order the Jewish soldiers to step forward or be summarily executed on the spot. Edmonds refused, responding according to official records, which I paraphrase, “If you shoot, you’ll have to shoot us all. You will then be tried as a War Criminal”.

    The German officer backed down, certainly not a predictable event.

    I’m going to go out on a limb and guess that in 1940’s Knoxville Edmonds didn’t know many Jews. He may have never even met a Jew while growing up. In fact, he made have held antisemitic beliefs, who really knows? But what is known is that Edmonds had one of those moments that test what a man or woman is really made of. What they really, deep down believe. He passed and then some. But he was an American, not a self-important, shrivel dicked WeeNie.

    But maybe I’m being unfair. What would a WeeNer do? My guess is no WeeNie would have the balls to either defy or comply with the order. He would just relieve himself in his pants and cry.

  7. Countenance is a, well, he’s not a shopkeeper. 😉
    I’m not jealous of shopkeepers. The SBL program is a fucking joke though.

  8. I’d have provided a list in exchange for a Swiss bank account.

    No really. War is just a matter of profit. Nothing in my belief system precludes making cash.

    How long did Edmonds survive the war btw? Plenty of veterans from that war did wake up to what they either did or enabled.

    • He barely survived. A mere 40 yrs! Dumb comment Captain.

      You sound so much like a certain NKVD leader on y’all’s obsession list. That extreme right circling round to.damn well hit the extreme left. Happens every time!

  9. “I’m going to go out on a limb and guess that in 1940’s Knoxville Edmonds didn’t know many Jews.”

    That sounds right.

  10. Warspite,”

    (1) Your bitterness and jealousy about immigrants’ ability to start businesses is poorly directed. My experience with immigrant groups & “quickie marts” suggests you are merely jealous and very wrong. It is un-American to criticize others for hard work, ambition, thrift and sacrifice…”

    You left out the part about US government low interest guaranteed loans. Why White people should work to pay these people I have no idea.

    • Sam J, I have only had one experience with the SBA. That was nearly 25 yrs ago, but based on that experience I find it hard to believe anyone there could figure out how to use a pencil sharpener. If that agency does anything it is only by mistake.

      I’m sure you’re aware how many immigrant groups once raised money to open businesses and such. I would certainly be disturbed if the standard route now is the Federal teat. On the other hand, isn’t it good policy to help people coming to this country in order to escape oppression to start businesses?

      I, too, have mixed feelings about “economic refugees”, but that term would also cover nearly all Italian immigrants during the 1870-1920 period. Are not the aforementioned eligible for WeeNerhood?

  11. America was made by White people for White people forever. Says so very clearly in the Preamble.

    “and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity”

    Signed by White men. No Middle Easterners on that list.

    Middle Eastern Biggots like WallSpew, do not get to any White is un-American.

    • Dummies like Bird are pathetic. Yeah, the Founding Fathers really wanted a nation for people like you! You know about uh, nothing, about history, and definitely nothing about the maybe 120+ men who signed our formative docs. You cannot understand even your racist concerns w/o knowing about a whole range of issues, answers, opinions and worst of all for you, reading!

      Watch this one you stupid Nazi moron: what do you think if in around 1790 a group of Jews (that’s Joooooozzzz to you) wrote the President kind of asking about their status in the America. Surely you know the “white” response? Surely they would be asked to leave. To get out, right? We are speaking of a whites only type deal, right? Kind of like 1966 South Africa, right? (whoopsie, Jews were “white” in that racist regime. who could figured that one, you idiot)

      You and all your Pygmy brained (uh oh, aren’t Pygmies black!) Nazi buds can show your great analytical abilities. Take up the “Jews write to Prez” hypothetical and apply your vast knowledge of the Founding Fathers. Answer the question. In fact, I dare you to even try. You know you can’t, because you don’t have the brainpower.

    • Not so ironically, the one quality of which all WeeNers are completely bereft is that of “Honor”. In all it encompasses, from loyalty to humanity, they have NONE. In this all WeeNees are indeed equal.

      Hey, Board! Please free me from these fires of nonhuman perdition. I have enough to write the darn report. Pretty please??

  12. Richard – apparently the Dune Coon shooters got more than one Hebe. The Jew Media is releasing pics off the victims. It’s one Orc after another. No loss at all.

    • And Denises, when I’m free of this intellectual & moral servitude you folks will be in the Report. I’ve identified at least two & probably three Users. One crosses the line into Entrapment, IMHO. The reason I think there are three is one is clearly, you know, but appears not as regularly as two others. I love the inside Jewish humor from #3.

      I hope the one tossing out the overly provocative stuff isn’t black. That might look bad. I appreciate #2’s (I will call him) Tolkien knowledge. You gotta know the WeeNers have no clue about Tolkien beyond a few movies, etc. Better not tell them. That is an ignorance is bliss thing & watching 10-20 hrs of movies over & over keeps them away from other stuff.

      Should I tell them about my knowing V.M.? He used to be with the lead singer, or at least female singer with X. I knew Doe & Zoom, thus met Cervenka, thus VM. Seemed like a really nice guy. Went riding with him once for a few hours at The Greenbriar. I’m glad he’s done so well.

  13. @Richard Bird…

    ‘You have to laugh at the absurdity of it. America is sliding into civil war before our eyes and it all could have been avoided with a little common sense – by keeping the place White. But there is no common sense to be had. Not a drop of it anywhere.’

    I agree. Mr. Bird, that the country is cockt & primed for unfortunate events, though, there are many many ways to uncock, yet, they all spring from one source – seeing the current president’s term expire, and, assuming he leaves office as he is required, having someone like a Trump or Cruz replace him.

    If Miss Hillary replaces him, this country could be in for some very unpleasant times; and, though some good might, ultimately, come of it, it’s difficult to take any solace from it.

  14. @Richard Bird…

    ‘Like I say to the moron open borders “Islam fighting” cuckservatives in my life. You can’t take an idea out of a person’s head. The cucks import unending millions of third worlders and then say they can keep an idea like Islam out of their heads! Good luck with that imbeciles!’

    I totally agree with this, yet, the problem is that the traditions of this country, and the laws that undergird it, make for this to happen.

    Mr. Bird : whether it was the Plantation oligarchs buying as many African slaves as they could, or the Northern manufacturers helping themselves to as much white European immigrant slave labour, or our more recent habits of importing those who are ‘fleeing persecution’, or the migrant labourers we ‘allow’ to take the place of those negro tenant farmers ‘liberated from Southron tyranny by civil rights’ this country has the habit of human importation.

    Will we stop, or, at least, cease & desist for a while?

    It’s anybody’s guess…

    • Uh oh, Ms. Junius. Moving ‘dem goalposts again, huh? As the girls might have said at Central High back in ’75, “you’re so queer!!”

  15. @ John Bonaccorsi…

    ‘Has anyone ever pointed out the odd truthfulness of that group’s name? Council on American-Islamic Relations, as if things American and things Islamic are distinct.’

    Bene fatto, Signore, questo osservazione. E vero.

    • I just remembered something I promised them I would ask you looney tunes.

      We know how you’re all for white people and such. What about a situation like the Falkland War? You have the UK on one side, Argentina on the other. Obviously you regularly purport to fellate Anglo-Scotch supremacy. However, the Argentines are pretty darn “white” per WeeNer standards. There were even legitimate former German Nazi military who were Argentine citizens and military, as well as hundreds if not thousands of Argentine officers & soldiers with second generation connections.

      I’m sorry. WeeNers must think every country that speaks Spanish is like Mexico. Take a break to try and learn… no that won’t work. Take a break and see if you can find someone who can fill you in about Argentina.

      Ok. Now that you’re back, what’s a WeeNer to do? UK, Argentina, UK, Argentina, jeez. How do you choose?!? I see it kind of like the episode of Classic Trek where Spock outsmarts a super computer temporarily by asking it some logical conundrum. Like that computer, WeeNers probably just shut down. Maybe cry a little.

      Here’s a word for WeeNers to look up and use: SEPPUKU.

  16. What we should do with Muslim migrants is appoint them to jobs where they are in cubicles with loud obnoxious hall monitor types like Don and Warspite. It’s going to be just like the Bus Depot in Tel Aviv. Everyone can stay out of the verbal blast radius.

    Problem solved I guess.

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