By Hunter Wallace
Syed Farook would have been in the Trump database:
“CORONA, California — Law enforcement officials have identified Syed Farook as one of the suspected shooters who attacked a center for the disabled in San Bernardino, California, according to NBC News. The Daily Beast has learned that the police have just executed a search warrant at a Redlands, California address—an address that belongs to Farook’s family. …”
Muslims are reportedly celebrating on Twitter under the hashtag #America_Burning.
Note: Tashfeen Malik has been identified as the second suspect. She would have also been in the Trump database.
I found Warspites emotional rhetoric entertaining, when he was praying that latest koranimal attack was a white red neck nutsi…
Didn’t pan out and the trumperking continues.
Statistically speaking, you know science,um eugenics would predict why that keeps happening as the browning out of the west continues…
Even the cultural eugenics stats point to the problems…
Alas the Christ killers, killed the golden goose of the white Christ.
Emotional rhetoric? Look, I know you guys are generally on the not so bright side, but come on!
In the words of a friend, and I do count him a friend, “to be the Man, you gotta beat the Man.” Y’all are just soon to be roasted WeeNers. Though I did write down 2 & 2 halves (pending…) dispensations. Jack & Celestial get the pass. Sorry Celestial, doesn’t matter what you believe, it’s my call and you’re on the dispensation/pass list. I respect your writing ability too much to watch video of some Tamil woman slapping you silly.
Hey Craig. Is that “browning” like you use in cooking, or some Nazi term of art?
Glad you kicked up the Christ killer stuff. It’s always nice when a (sort of) man shows his beliefs. Now, leaving aside your lack of theological knowledge, or ability to read Scripture, it’s obvious you are a deeply religious man. A real Christian. Yep. Wait- the anti Christian neo Nazi ideas of WeeNeers must appall you! They don’t? Hmmm. That doesn’t really follow…
You are not even smart enough to tackle Richard’s hypothetical on 1790. Tell you what. We, International Jewry, are going to send you a very important message, only for you. We will do so through the little cartoon paper around bazooka bubblegum. You need to buy as many as you can and read the cartoon/comic. Within the next 6 months your message will show up.
This is an older but pretty foolproof method used by the International Jewish & Zionist World Control Board. Didn’t you ever wonder why those little comics were never funny? They hardly even made sense. Despite all encryption, etc., technology there is often a need to do things by “the old ways”.
Craig – The Kikes aren’t nearly as schmart as they tell themselves, or every-one else that they are. The strain on their mongrelzed nerves is beginning to show, though…..they get more hysterical and incoherent by the second.
Yes – genetics Ubes Alles. WE tell every-one exactly what will happen re: the Brown Out of the West – but demented clueless White will have to learn first hand, alas.
Stock up on lots of popcorn!
PS – apparently the San Nigger shooter got more than one Hebe.
Denises- what you guys have to love is how no matter how many non sequiturs, contradictions, pseudohistory or logical fallacies you toss out, they lap it up. Aren’t y’all sometimes amazed they live in America rather than, I don’t know, maybe the Tashkent suburbs?
You see I’ve begged to get out & do the gosh darn report. Do any of you know anyone high enough up they might even be able to email the Kohanim? How can they do this to one of their own, Y chromosome & all.
Question: do your prefer Classic, TNG, DSN or Voyager? Or the other one which I never watched? I’m in the minority with DSN. I also like Voyager, though only because of the one formerly married to the guy who, but for, might have cut off Obama at the pass. And do you really blame the ex? She is/was something else, yes?
You’re the one replying to Denise conjouring her up at will.
Don’t think it’s not been noticed.
A question fruitcakes. How much does it chafe your neo Nazi butts that such a significant and aggressively supportive portion of “The Israeli Lobby”, consists of Gentiles?
Ah, Cap’n, no one like Warspite can get by you. Warspite is Denises!!!
Don, is it fair to say WeeNers are more than a little slow on the uptake? Duh, Cap’n, one name multiple users. Duh.
And Captain Simplicity. Could I be any more up front about why I am here? You people are beyond intellectual redemption.
*We interrupt this program to bring you a special news bulletin!*
A summary for those not keeping up with the War on Whites:
Warspite hates White people.
Don hates White people.
They want your safe and viable communities inundated with blacks and other community-destroying non-Whites. They want to create a perfect storm of hate and violence where you will be attacked and killed for being White. They want your women and children raped. They want your country invaded and taken over by hordes of anti-Whites.
Pro-White authorities say these two should be considered armed, dangerous, and denser than Osmium. If you spot them, please DO NOT approach them or attempt to apprehend them. Call 1-800-NAB-AJEW immediately.
*We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming*
Impotence incarnate thou art, WeeNers! Opposing Neo-Nazism is hardly anti-white. Not that you WeeNees can even come up with definition of, “White”. Actually, that’s not true. You can, but change it whenever needed.
To put it in crude terms I normally deplore: As expected faggot, you really cannot handle the truth.
I was just thinking. Sure Jefferson Cty had a Central High, but doesn’t everywhere? I ought to suggest an appropriate name change. How about Muhammed Ali High School? About as great a guy from Louisville there ever was- right?
Undoubtedly, your suggestion implies a bit of homoneurosis on the part of some, if not all, of the WeeNies here. This latest batch should send the Denises running pour un godemiché.
*Another Newsflash!!*
Pro-White operatives have successfully deciphered Yid encryption technology and translated the following code:
Pro-White = neo-Nazi
Any mention of disproportionate Jewish control of anti-White entities = Holocaust denial, which = neo-Nazi
Inevitably, all things White will be deemed Nazi as the anti-Whites are backed into a corner and their dark, twisted minds are scrutinized and meticulously probed to find the root of their sickness and hate.
Don’t be caught off guard when the racist and Nazi accusations come your way and your family is staring down the gigantic flared nostrils of the Yid’s dark foot soldiers. Call 1-800-NAB-AJEW and do your part to restore some sanity to this world and instill a healthy respect for yourself, your family, your race and your nation. We’re all neighbors and family at a genetic level. We can slowly eradicate this sickness and scourge only if we work together.
CT: Can we get a “Seig Heil!?”
If it will permanently remove people like you from our lives, I’d do just about anything.
Pro-white should not necessarily mean neo Nazi any more than the 1863 Confed flag ought to have become associated with fringe right wingers, racists or bucktooth rednecks. But just as with the flag issue, all discussion of defining “white” was left to the kooks. In the case of the flag it was apathy. With the “White” thing I just don’t think anyone took it seriously. The way it was framed made it sound like some Afrikaaner tantrum. This left the field open to the neo Nazis which, probably a bit ironically, made it impossible to ever seriously debate the issue. No normal, intelligent person is ever going to have his or her idea linked to you goose-steppers.
The latter point is well illustrated by a WeeNer hero, the academic Kevin MacDonald. A professor at Long Beach State he wrote a very interesting, provocative and controversial book that had some shall we say, interesting, ideas about Jews. MacDonald received both praise and criticism, with some but by no means all of his critics being Jewish academics. He also found himself embraced by the neo Nazi sort. MacDonald’s reaction to the situation became political rather than academic. He wrote a second part of his trilogy that weaved in racist and antisemitic beliefs along with increasingly incorrect facts and conclusions in other academic areas. The reaction after his first book trebled in impact. Especially acute was the element of personal rejection/loss of prestige in the academic community. That led to a third book which basically concludes Jews are out to undermine all civilization.
MacDonald was not normal. He let a few academic criticisms, most well-founded, make him into the neo Nazi poster boy of intellectual leadership. Rather than react in a normal manner to what were often arcane academic disputes, he became a nutcase. Do you really think any rational academic, esp a rational Christian, is going to allow themselves to be linked to MacDonald?
You creeps are big on “poisoning the well” allusions. It is you creepy, neo Nazi WeeNers who poisoned the well on the Confederate flag issue, and you did the same on the alleged “pro-White” issue. Not that any of you geniuses could define “White” anyway.
And Celestial, doesn’t it even bother you a teensy bit that none of your colleagues ever seem able to answer any question unless it can be linked to work done by some nut job? The answer is: this You tube link to some crackpot. Ok, in addition to the “authority” being a crackpot, the authority is a site or posting on the Internet? Hey, who could argue with that, right?
Sometimes you screwball squad mates go off on Churchill, because they are soooo knowledgeable. Should I correct or elucidate them? And what if I did, what then? Do you see a few WeeNeers ever saying, “damn, were we wrong about (fill in the blank)? Awww, you know the answer.
Most Anti-Semitic (what is a Semite anyway?) attitudes come from proximity and experience and eventually realizing why a few incogruous things keep repeating in history.
What did your White friends do you Warspite?Don?
What on earth happened to you? What difference have whites made in your life?
Thank you for not answering more questions, loser. Let me answer one of yours for the partial benefit of that submoronic brain.
My white friends? I’m not clear with that. Do you not understand I’m as “white” or whiter than you, dumbass? You cannot even understand the inability to assimilate Nazi beliefs into your oddball world view. You see, stupid, the Nazis under the Nuremberg Laws were not addressing being “white”. They were addressing being “Jewish”, which they (per Eugenics) regarded as a race.
Now- can you follow this so far? In the US “white” as far as the legal definitions you harken back to focused on “not being black”. The “one drop” thing, though that is a little more complicated than it sounds. In your wet dream land of 1965 South Africa, it was color. Black, brown, Asians, etc. I know it kills you, but in both the good old days of the US you invent, and in the South Africa you dream of, Jews were “white”. Sorry. Hey, don’t swallow your tobacco juice, boy.
Since the US or South Africa thing doesn’t do it for you, what can a pathetic WeeNie do but goose step and kiss the Fuhrer’s butt. There has been no choice. Whether you like it or not, you subscribe to Nazi ideology. That makes you a… right, a Nazi. You must be very proud. Have you told Ma & Pa back at the trailer park? You know, the other trailer park in town. And you can sure make little LeRoy & Bertha feel good tomorrow before church. Oh, right, no church for you.
Boo hoo, too bad little girl. You don’t like being a little Nazi queen playing in your Eva Braun circle jerks? You are what you are. You are not “American” and have nothing, nothing at all, in common with the men who founded America. You likely have something in common with those who cleaned outhouses or maybe a nice privy for those guys, but that’s it.
This could be a great WeeNer banner: “Scum Yesterday, Scum Today, Scum Forever! We Are WeeNees!”
Hey, have a great Fuhrer day!
1.) I’ve turned comment moderation back on for the time being.
2.) There will be no more flaming. If y’all want to debate something substantial, like Jeff and I have been doing about economics, knock yourselves out. The flame wars detract from the comment section.
3.) If this continues, I will just start banning people and turn open comments back on. For the record, I am still indifferent towards Don although he is hated by several people here.
4.) Finally, I am in Florida again right now for the latest League of the South related wedding, so don’t assume you have been banned if your comments don’t appear automatically.
I for one welcome this move, Brad. I have been harassed for six weeks with a cackling of, “why are you here”. Not unreminiscent of the parrot in Treasure Island. Finally, hounded by your colleagues’ intellectual figure four into submission- I come clean. Everything. The whole story. As Cromwell would have put it, “warts and all”. I even tossed in a few bon mot once things were known.
And the response has been… nothing. Silence. Have the people been intimidated? If so, I apologize, but you asked (and asked and asked..,). Further, certain disrespectful conduct has compelled me to flex a little International Jewry muscle and have a few of the lads tuned up a bit. Dirty work, did it once, no twice, don’t want to ever do it again!
Again, I am very sorry about intimidating or scaring a few of the boys. But these are people who profess great understanding of International Jewry. Our power, our control, our reach. Surely, of all people you folks realize our members, associates and friends are legion. From South African emigrees to Tamils driven from their homeland to former Irish Nationalists, we have people everywhere. And quite a few are blonde, blue eyed and very, very white. We have even reached a (secret) concordat with the Vatican. Why do you think Pius XII is off the radar screen?
For people who profess some insight into Jewry, you have been fools. Do you disagree?
Hope I didn’t break any guidelines.
I thank you for re-exerting some control. The pure vitriol, and the same repetitive conversation is, at times, what will keep me away from your site – a place where interesting topicks are covered in an excellent way, and discusst in an original, bright, and often very intelligent way.
Surely you must be a member of the fair sex?; as your statements, even those edging on vitriol, are often tinged with a cute quality that seems anomalous for men.
Be that as it may : I mean absolutely no offence, but, rather, would like to say that a number of your comments, here (Christmas Vacation) (Jew-Nab alarm:) have given me quite a few guilty smiles.
All the best to you…
@Mr Griffin…
Sir, why not just adopt a permanent policy that reflects our traditional Southron values : politeness, geniality and decorum must be observed, or else a person receives an electronick lynching – a 3 month ban…
That way you do not have to bother yourself with top-heavy government.
We are in The South here, after all:)))
The guidelines can be simple : if it is not the sort of thing you would say to your mama, then it’s not acceptable…
Mr. Griffin, a final note on this issue :
Although I am a member of the Russian orthodox church, and very devout in that way, the nearest such house of worship is 60 miles away, in Edenton, and it is hard to get there more than once or twice a month.
Furthermore, living in a small town, in a ghostly county, there is the issue of making the right social connections.
Anyway, looking for a place where my wife and daughter could become acquainted with folks (we’ve only been back in the Tarheel state for a year – and we have never lived in northeastern part) I wound up taking them, one day in early summer, as a surprise, to a country church, it about 4 miles outside of our little town.
A classical Freewill Southern Baptist church, and situated in between fields of cotton and tobacco and deep forest rimming those, we were overjoyed to find ourselves amidst the most Jesus Christ loving, wonderfully genial, and extraordinarily hospitable people, with the most unassuming, yet passionately righteous preacher you could wish for to inspire you with example.
In fact, I loved the people of this church so much, that I, in spite of the Orthodox admonition to never enter a Protestant assembly, have attended bible school and Sunday services, until it reacht the point, just this last week when I was invited to be a member, and, I very gratefully accepted.
I think you would feel very comfortable there, as these people, each in his own way, are very traditional. Yes, they have smart-phones, but don’t use them when they are at church. Yes, it is completely white, sees no reason to not be, and won’t be changing.
And yes : we talk about everything – some shuckin’ & jivin’, just as if we were in 5th grade, plenty of religous topickry, and yes : politicks, and I do mean politicks aplenty, and it is so politically INcorrect, that, if cuckservaties were there, or, heaven forfend, liberals, they wold have to dip quickly into their purses for Xanax and whatnot:)))
I say this, Sir, because, out there, we do not all agree – but, there never is name-calling, no derisive mutilation of anyone’s name, never murderousness or slurs, nor ever pejorative vocal tones or ridicule, and yet: we still manage to have very substantive exchanges over what most regard as firey issues.
Why can we not be that here?
This site is on scared Southron soul, isn’t it?; and, as such, surely we can surely be direct, here, without being venomous. Sir, I say : let the Yankee sites be home to that.
Thank you.
Warspite, emotional rhetoric is your weakness, it betrays your true feelings.
Thanks for giving me another very important meta tic, to pick up on, it is valuable to identify, on multiple levels. Makes the targeting of academics for mind hacking so much more, direct.
Must suck to have such verbose sophistry. Yet you can’t even make up a single stinging word that splits a movement in two halves. I am your chaos.
It gonna take a lot to heal that wound, I guess.
Well, Mr Warspite who has Nazi’s sleeping under his bed, have a good day or year…Sir.
Mr WarBerger would be a better pseudonym for you.
I hope my comments haven’t up set you both, I don’t post much here, being I’m no southron. I do enjoy reading and being educated by the site, though.
Yes Cragy-poo, I would love to compliment you on both your analytical skills and courage, but I’ve been blocked. Blocked by a man who understands Southern Culture & History on about the same level I fathom Nepalese culture and history. Note, not “know”, I wrote “understand”.
As an Easter egg to brite-eyes, I’m sending his exchange & writing on Southern Economics to an academic colleague in Arizona. Don’t worry Brad, the professor is Christian, born raised & educated in the South. At one time held a position at Bama. I know Brad will want to learn the assessment of his work by an actual PhD in Economics, etc. Right?
Re: Warspite
I’ve been forced to turn comment moderation on because you and several other people here are 1.) unable to stop flaming each other and 2.) keep dragging the comment section off-topic into irrelevant subjects like the Holocaust which I have zero interest in writing about. Thus, an intervention was necessary.
It would be much easier for me to ban a handful of disruptive trolls than to manually read and sift through every comment to choke out the flaming. The fact that I haven’t already done so is a testament to my extraordinary patience and tolerance for open debate in the comment section.
BTW, if you have a substantial point to raise in any of our discussions, you are free to do so. The comments are already improving sans your previous material on who is the bigger faggot or whatever you were arguing about with other commentators yesterday.
HW: Have my comments entered your laser sights?
I’m blocking all comments that contain flaming or trolling until the comment section starts to improve.
Yes, I do have a point to expand upon concerning your actions.
I find your alleged lack of curiosity (btw, “zero interest” is a very telling use of words) in the falsification of history very telling. If one purports to desire being taken seriously in one’s writings, as you do, do you not think stating “zero interest” as to whether something is true, or even has a legitimate element of being credibly deemed questionable in nature, suggests an entirely non-academic agenda? I think it does, and let me be even more specific on a level you can understand.
Hypothetically, consider if I were to engage in arguing as unquestionably factual a historical scenario that was both false and offensive. To wit: not only was the Confederate government and military involved at its very highest levels in the assassination of Lincoln, the plan was personally signed off upon by Lee, Kirby Smith and Johnston. But primarily by Lee, who when the assassination actually occurred became frightened and destroyed all but one document directly linking him to the assassination. Lee was no man of honor, but in fact a bitter and twisted old man who thought a small measure of revenge was available for the Lost Cause by senselessly killing in cold blood Lincoln & his key cabinet members.
I believe the above to be patently false. However, you should be aware I could in fact find theoreticians, alleged academics, historians, etc., who have for one reason or another found it useful or fun to disparage, destroy and mangle the truth on this subject. If you know half the Southern History you suggest you should be aware there exists a large body of primary and secondary materials beginning in April 1865 that will back up the role of Lee and others as murderers. Enough to prove Lee in particular a hypocrite deserving his name stripped from anything utilizing his name, beginning with W&L Univ.
Think such a scenario so implausible it could never be believed by other than the criminally insane? Again, look to your alleged knowledge of American History. Were it not for the deal in 1876 to end Reconstruction en toto and then over 75 years of tacit consent permitting the South and three border states (and Oklahoma) an almost entirely free hand in oppression of Blacks, there would have been internal pressures in the US leading towards significant and unpredictable ideological extremisms. Picture a South reduced to a Morgenthau Plan. A place without U Va., Duke, UNC, Vandy, Rice, Emory, William & Mary, or another other college or university in the top 50. Where universities like Auburn or Clemson represent the absolute pinnacle of Southern academia. Where crossing south over the Potomac brings people from the industrialized modern world into a bucolic second-world. Consider what would or could be written about the South’s purported heroes. But for the conclusion of Reconstruction, etc., for the past 150 yrs these men might have been regarded by the overwhelming majority of America as traitors. To put in terms you would quickly understand, think of them as Jonathan Pollards.
Though I could find sources that purport to paint Lee as a disgusting and twisted murderer, and a cowardly one at that, why would I ever even tacitly endorse such sources or those who laud or utilize them? The answer to that question is I would only pursue such conduct to pursue an agenda that is far from academic. It would be an agenda motivated by psychological or psychiatric concerns only. Yet, does this position not describe your “not interested” posture? I think it does.
In my opinion your entire thought processes demonstrate a lack of intellectual clarity as well as a distinct absence of basic humanity. There is not less evidence of there being the Holocaust vis a vis Lee behind murdering Lincoln. There is not equal evidence of there being the Holocaust vis a vis Lee not being part of Lincoln’s murder. No Brad, there is infinitely more evidence of the Holocaust vis a vis Lee’s lack of involvement with murdering Lincoln. There is, Brad, a virtual mountain of evidence supporting the Holocaust. So much evidence, Brad, that I have discovered rational people do not believe “you” (i.e., WN kooks) exist beyond a tiny, tiny, tiny and insignificant group of fringe nuts. Fringe nuts that, as to everything you Brad Griffin may assert about anything on any subject, can and will be ignored.
Maybe you’re an individual of essentially no intellectual ability in your field of interest. I will have no idea until I get word from ASU (or is it UAz, I always get them confused) on your economics-oriented writing. But I am sure you are no genius. Unlike a say, Tesla or Jack Parsons, your extreme eccentricities will never be overlooked because of your uncanny genius. If you choose to lie down with pigs you will merely be another filthy pig.
Let me add a coda on Judah Benjamin. Do you think it passes the notice of any rational person that despite Benjamin being Davis’ most important advisor and confidante, despite Benjamin literally being there to the bitter end- when almost every other rat had scurried off the sinking ship of Confederate state, and despite Benjamin losing everything for the Cause, you and your kind allow and encourage the most virulent and disgusting antisemitic filth aimed at him? What do you think that says about your pretensions of academic integrity? I could answer if you’d like.
Re: Warspite
I’m just being honest with you: while I like to explore some topics in great historical depth in this blog (American South, sub-Saharan Africa, the Caribbean, economic history, etc.), I have no interest in the Holocaust, very little interest in Eastern Europe, and dislike the Second World War era. It doesn’t captive me or hold my interest the same way that it does for many of you here. Why would I spend my time researching that subject when I could learn more about the Roman Empire, Middle Ages, or the Early Modern Era?
Why would I have to do that?
The “New South” was already a rural, agricultural land that was largely devoid of industry until the Second World War. The low average per capita income here was the result of the economic devastation caused by the Union victory in the War Between the States. It was essentially what the Morgenthau Plan envisioned for post-war Germany. Unlike Germany, there was never any Marshall Plan for the postbellum South, and we had to live with the most devastating economic consequences of the war.
My only agenda here is to write about the issues that interest me. I’m not interested in the Holocaust, or the history of Mongolia, or the history of Thailand, etc. I’ve tolerated such discussions in the comments when the discussions there have strayed off-topic.
That’s great.
Again, I will be completely honest with you: I have lots of interests and what happened to poor Jews in the Second World War is not one of them. Believe it or not, but I just don’t care about the subject. As a Jew, I can understand why you would be keenly interested in Jewish history, but as a White Southerner, I don’t have any interest in Polish or Russian Jews or Jewish history in general.
Of the people I know, it would probably be accurate to say that the Holocaust comes up more on this blog than it ever does among other people I know in real life. My impression of the people I know is that they are just as uninterested in the subject as I am.
That’s comforting to know, Warspite.
Again, I don’t ever recall claiming to be a genius on this blog. I did claim that I have no interest in the Holocaust. The subject bores me to death. I’ve always hated walking into American chain bookstores and seeing aisle after aisle filled with military history and books on the Second World War. That’s just not my cup of tea.
Unlike Junius, it is obvious you have never read anything I have actually written about Judah Benjamin. I’m sorry, but the purpose of this blog is not your pet issue of fighting anti-Semitism. If I endorsed everything that is posted in the comment section, I would be endorsing all the shit you and Don have posted here too over the past few weeks. Instead, I try to let commentators openly debate issues within reasonable limits.
Well then, good luck with the Denises.
Celestial – now you are beginning to appreciate why I have developed my beliefs. All is well.
This man who is being called a hero is typical of so many white men.
Heroic, white knight, self sacrificing and totally CLUELESS as to who his enemies are. Sad.
‘A man who gave his life to shield one of his co-workers during last week’s deadly San Bernardino massacre is being hailed as a hero by those who knew him–and the young woman he saved.
“I believe I am still here today because of this amazing man,” newlywed Denise Peraza, 27, told KTLA news of Shannon Johnson. “This amazing, selfless man who always brought a smile to everyone’s face in the office with his lively stories about his hometown back in Georgia.”
Johnson had reportedly tried to shield Peraza from the close to 75 rounds of bullets that were sprayed across a room at the Inland Regional Center where Syed Rizwan Farook and his wife Tashfeen Malik were targeting Farook’s co-workers during a holiday party.’ (snip)
Ironically, Johnson defended Farook’s religious freedom. According to CNN, Johnson’s girlfriend recalled how he “would talk to [Farook] and just let him know that if anybody is disrespecting your religion [Islam[–eff them.” (snip)
EFf them?? I don’t know if Mr.Johnson was a bona fide SJW but he definitely was wrong about the religion of peace.
He was killed by the koranimal beast he was standing up for.
Sam re: that Johnson cuck – Nature is merciless to the weak, inept, and cosmically stupid. That man was a profound fool, and is no loss to us.
I repeat – White people need to re-learn how to take care of ourselves. Period. The “Johnsons” are being culled by the hard but just hand of Darwinian Nature.
Obongo’s speech was garbage.
Screw him and his beloved Muslim beasts.
I understand all the darkies voting for him, but damn near half the white folks were all in with that dumb ass retarded dipshit!
Donald J. Trump ?@realDonaldTrump 36m36 minutes ago
“@10inchpolitics: @realDonaldTrump air strikes? Who’s air strikes??”
Donald J. Trump ?@realDonaldTrump 34m34 minutes ago
“@JFK4701: @realDonaldTrump he is reading off the TelePrompTer.” But that is O.K. in this case.
Donald J. Trump ?@realDonaldTrump 33m33 minutes ago
“@homefreeee: @realDonaldTrump He needs to stop all Visas not look at them!”
Donald J. Trump ?@realDonaldTrump 28m28 minutes ago
Is that all there is? We need a new President – FAST!
Donald J. Trump ?@realDonaldTrump 18m18 minutes ago
Wish Obama would say ISIS, like almost everyone else, rather than ISIL.
Donald J. Trump ?@realDonaldTrump 17m17 minutes ago
Should have gone after the oil years ago (like I have been saying).
Snips of Odumbo’s speech from Breitbart
8:16: Obama says that it is the responsibility of Americans of all faith to reject discrimination and “religious tests on who we admit into this country. (A strong majority of Americans in numerous polls do not want more Syrian Muslim refugees after the Paris terror attacks.)
“It’s our responsibility to reject proposals that Muslim-Americans should somehow be treated differently,” Obama says. “Because when we travel down that road, we lose. That kind of divisiveness, that betrayal of our values plays into the hands of groups like ISIL.”
Obama passionately says that Muslim-Americans are “our friends and our neighbors, our co-workers, our sports heroes. And yes, they our our men and women in uniform willing to die in defense of our country. We have to remember that.”
8:15: Obama: America Not at War with Islam:
Obama says Americans cannot “turn against one another” by letting this fight “be defined as a war between America and Islam.”
Remember, we were once strangers in the land…refugees…American values… Jewish tradition…blah blah blah.
Happy Hanukkah: WH uses National Menorah lighting to push refugee agenda
White House Chief of Staff Denis McDonough used the lighting of the National Hanukkah Menorah to push President Obama’s efforts to allow refugees fleeing conflict in the Middle East into the U.S.
“So this is a joyous occasion, and yet as we heard earlier we are mindful that even as we gather here tonight, that while the light of freedom burns brightly for us and for our generation, it flickers for others,” McDonough said as he stood before a 30 foot menorah on the Ellipse in front of the White House.
“Refugees fleeing religious intolerance and oppression. People targeted for their faith, people whose faith is perverted by others,” McDonough continued. “We are Americans, and as Americans we do not turn our backs on those who seek sanctuary. Nor do we stay quiet in the face of bigotry or intolerance. We stand up for those persecuted around the world.”
“We remember this season that we too were once strangers, that our inheritance gives an obligation to remain true to our values, that as Jewish tradition teaches, by saving one life, we save the world,” McDonough said.
I am sorry, Sam, but I must politely correct and educate you.
Your hatred of Jews prevented your comments on the Chanukah lighting (which I think offensive, pandering BS) from having any force or effect. What you should have done is to educate yourself on Chanukah and utilize that knowledge to expose the false and misleading (and cynical) nature of the event versus the true political agenda. It was actually a great opportunity to expose the falsity behind the Obama Administrations efforts, and you horribly missed that opportunity.
Geez, Brad, just terminate it!
Moderating comments kills the flow.
Why should everyone suffer because of one obnoxious jew troll?
I mean, you can’t expect us to remain silent/comatose in the face of his constant assaults, can you?
The use of the word, “darkies” is offensive and flaming. To the extent you have an argument or meaningful comment are you not able to set out your thoughts through the use of civil language? If you indeed deeply resent verbal expressions of one sort or another directed at you or yours, why would you choose to react to that resentment through the use of even worse pejoratives than those to which you object? Do you not agree such conduct is illogical and counterproductive?
You should consider looking at the manner in which Gandhi ultimately chose to drive out the British. It was not through just one tactic and, of course, he was exceptionally gifted, but it still might offer you some spiritual and intellectual succor.
We’re getting there.
I’ve been an exceedingly gracious host, but I am not going to put up with this trolling and flaming indefinitely.
Sam, I am endeavoring to extend every courtesy to all ODers. To that end I must bring to your attention the terminology, “jew troll” is rude. Just write, “Jewish troll”. Same meaning, but you have shown a polite and courteous manner.
Any point that can be made here is surely possible in a format acceptable in polite, mixed company. By operating within these simple and largely inflexible boundaries the level of discourse will be uplifted in a pleasant and helpful manner.
Consider it a challenge we should all strive to follow. Who could possibly veer from such elementary guidelines?
‘Sam:The use of the word, “darkies” is offensive and flaming.’
Well, I was being accurate but not overly harsh. Could have written, niggers, beaners, muds, hajis, dune coons, wagon burners, and so forth.
Besides, I was not directing my comments to anyone here.
Should I list all the offensive, insensitive, insulting and abusive pejoratives in your arsenal? “Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye…’
‘You should consider looking at the manner in which Gandhi ultimately chose to drive out the British. It was not through just one tactic and, of course, he was exceptionally gifted, but it still might offer you some spiritual and intellectual succor.’
Oh yes, the noble, spiritual Gandhi, eh?
He was fond of the word ‘Kaffir’ when describing negroes which corresponds to the word ‘nigger’.
Ghandi: “A general belief seems to prevail in the Colony that the Indians are little better, if at all, than savages or the Natives of Africa. Even the children are taught to believe in that manner, with the result that the Indian is being dragged down to the position of a raw Kaffir.”
“Ours is one continual struggle against a degradation sought to be inflicted upon us by the Europeans, who desire to degrade us to the level of the raw Kaffir whose occupation is hunting, and whose sole ambition is to collect a certain number of cattle to buy a wife with and, then, pass his life in indolence and nakedness.”
“Kaffirs are as a rule uncivilised – the convicts even more so. They are troublesome, very dirty and live almost like animals. Each ward contains nearly 50 to 60 of them. They often started rows and fought among themselves. The reader can easily imagine the plight of the poor Indian thrown into such company!”
Seems your virtuous role model Gandhi was an insensitive, prejudiced bigot, no?
Didn’t hurt his reputation and you can’t argue with his success.
We should start using the word Kaffir, too.
Thank you for the opportunity to reply to your comments.
(1) Regardless of the relatively few comments I have ever made about neo Nazi adherents commensurate with the terms you have utilized, I must submit you miss my point. My commitment per Brad’s appeal has been to cease all use of such horrible terms;
(2) Insofar as I have complied with Brad’s guidelines, I must again request you refrain from the use of terms such as “darkies”, “niggers”, etc., etc. I find use of these terms offensive and hurtful, and regardless of what I may find, I ask that you comply with both the letter and spirit of Brad’s guidelines;
(3) You have made a completely understandable mistake concerning Gandhi for which I forgive you. My suggestion was you study and consider Gandhi’s tactics. I never wrote of any particular hero-worship of the Mahatma. I do not see Gandhi as a cartoon character, nor as the screen character by Ben Kingsley. In fact, and I would prefer to not elaborate on this, because of my family’s connection to M. A. Jinnah (i.e., my “Aunt” Dina Wadia) it was not until long into my adulthood that I could manage an objective view of Gandhi;
(4) As a general matter, it is my opinion that White Supremacist/Nationalists need to be very careful when referencing or quoting historical figures. In particular, when WS/WN’s choose individuals who lived long lives and wrote (or spoke!) extensive amounts over the period straddling the late 19th c. into the mid 20th c. you and your colleagues fall into some horribly embarrassing traps and pitfalls. I do not want to be in any manner insulting, but choosing passages from some such as, e.g., Winston Churchill, represents a classic error. Gandhi also falls into this group. Indeed, given time even a gentleman such as George Patton might have been fundamentally changed by his experiences in the manner of many of his colleagues (Bradley, Eisenhower, etc.). I am sure you are aware that Patton’s reaction upon liberating and viewing one of the Buchenwald sub camps was to become physically ill. That is Sam, upon coming to a shed in which scores of dead bodies were piled up like cord wood next to a device (block and hammer) used to crack gold fillings and gold teeth from dead folks’ mouths, he vomited.
There are things a man (or woman) sees or experiences that often effect a global change in their beliefs. In addition, people that live long lives over tumultuous times, change.
General George Patton was planning to return to America, and tell Americans that we were on the wrong side of WWII. He died in a car accident shortly after announcing his intentions.
I understand your point, Denises, but surely you recognize the extreme use of facts to create a conspiracy regarding Patton. He definitely had significant problems in keeping his mouth shut, and was incredibly out of step with the soldiers. Though a brilliant tactician, he was not going home voluntarily. Patton had shown a remarkable ability to be inept and incompetent at anything other than fighting battles. He was even a failure when posted to a position connected with writing Military History. His lack of success in anything other than fighting a war was unfortunate.
It seems generally agreed that had he returned to the US he would have been forced out of the Army. It was and is not the role of the military to make policy in the American republic. I am sure you will agree he would have been unable to adjust to a traditional military role.
What would have happened thereafter is an interesting question. I doubt he would have ended well, and his certain resignation would have blocked him from service in Korea. Though I am not suggesting they are similar in their being, consider the rather depressing post-WWII fate of Bill Halsey.
MacArthur was able to serve in a remarkable capacity in Japan because he might have been the only American General officer in the Pacific (or anywhere) who was not racist towards Asians. Eisenhower’s tact and temperament led to two terms in the White House. Omar Bradley reached the pinnacle of US military service because of his image & general everyman bearing. I just do not see Patton having any potential other than maybe a shill for someone like McCarthy. That would have really demeaned his legacy.
I do agree with you on one point. Every time I go to Prague I think about the 40 miserable years the city would have been spared if Patton had been permitted to take the city. As you know, it was his for the taking.
O/T but not really – “The House” is planning to deal with the “visa waiver problem” next week. Obama’s Re-Assurance speech of last evening revolved around telling Murkins that “Muslims are nice and it’s not every one of them and it’s not fair and Muslims are really really really good Murkins and you are a RAYCISS” – so this new dealing with via waivers thing will be really interesting. It’ll probably be something like,
“Are you a member of ISIS and are you going to murder infidels”
“Yes. Allah Akbar!”
“Sorry bro – you can’t come in dude. Bummmer! Are you SURE?”
“Oh – I changed my mind. I’m here for a better life, because freedoms!”
“OK dude! AWESOME!!!! Come right in – here’s a list of all the phone numbers you’ll need for welfare, a new house, a new car – everything! Welcome to Murka!”
Plenty of veterans, among them my own family from two different allied armies generally admired the Germans as warriors and resented their own leadership. Although the German lack of irony creeped them out.
Both wars too.
Patton would have been a very average German General and pretty poor Russian.
He was the only American general willing to get all his men killed for an objective. The Germans liked that aggression. Luckily for him he always enjoyed air supremacy and an endless logistical flow of tanks, food, artillery, boots, automatic firearms etcetera.
Anyway he fucking hated jews. Let’s consult Jewish sources on this one.
I say he’d have sucked as a Russian because the Russians were very badly equipped in general. I can’t begin to imagine how he’d have dealt with 1 rifle per squad, tanks without radios and shit air cover.
Patton was indeed almost stunningly antisemitic. And yet, as an American we still find his most valued and trusted armored commander was Jewish. The beauty of the American republic.
With all due respect, I find the Captain’s assessment of Patton’s abilities asinine. Further, the description of the Soviet military bears no verisimilitude to the Russian forces of 1943-1945. In particular, I am very familiar with the VVS and the description is silly. Even in 1941 the Soviets were generally well equipped. They just had mostly lousy leadership and lost an incredible amount of personnel & weaponry.
Captain, this is likely a subject you should bone up on a bit more before laying out your opinions. Would you like a few recommendations? There have been some excellent and illuminating books to appear since the early 1990’s.