National Front Triumphs In French Regional Elections

By Hunter Wallace

The Socialists were pulverized in parts of northern and southern France:

“PARIS — The far-right party of Marine Le Pen was poised to make major gains after the first round of voting in regional French elections on Sunday in the wake of terrorist attacks that traumatized the country last month.

When the votes were counted, Ms. Le Pen’s National Front party was pulling far ahead in two of France’s 13 regions and leading in four others. Trailing were the right-leaning parties, including the Republicains, led by former President Nicolas Sarkozy. Even further behind were the Socialists, whose best-known figure is President François Hollande. …”

They are withdrawing their candidates in hope that leftists will vote for the mainstream cuckservatives:

“The showing of the National Front — which won six of 13 regions — will dynamize leader Marine Le Pen’s planned bid for the presidency in 2017. In the traditionally Socialist northeastern region where she was running, the party won more than 40 percent of the vote. Her niece, Marion Marechal-Le Pen, had a similar showing in the southeastern Provence-Alpes-Cote d’Azur, a stronghold of the traditional right.

In a bid to stop a second-round National Front victory, the Socialist Party ordered its candidates to withdraw in those two regions so their supporters could give their votes to conservative candidates, a bitter exercise that Prime Minister Manuel Valls said was necessary.

“There is a choice between two visions of France,” Valls said Monday night on the TV station TF1 — that of traditional parties and that of the extreme right “which divides the French, tries to pit one against the other.” …”

Give some credit to Valls: the socialists and mainstream cuckservatives share a common vision of France becoming a Muslim country, one that is perpetually disturbed by jihadist terrorist attacks.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Simply fucking marvelous news.

    Now they must push for a version of the second amendment.

  2. Lets look forward the second run next sunday. But the FN winning at least one French region would be quite a big blow for Hollande – who by the way is sort of a French Carter. Too much a nice guy and bad politics… My take if they can win at least two — namely Provence-Alpes-Côte d’azur (French Riviera) and the Nord Pas-de-Calais Picardie. If they also win “Greater East” (Strasbourg etc) Id be impressed.

  3. Now watch all the other parties gang up on them. The corruption goes that deep. They have to get more than 50% of the vote.

  4. yawn. If it was her father winning, I’d be impressed. Marine has made her peace with the Jews. Nothing useful will obtain, and the Judeo-bankster orchestrated Muslim/Black invasion of France/Europe will continue. Wake me for the cartoon

  5. @Richard Bird…

    ‘Now watch all the other parties gang up on them. The corruption goes that deep. They have to get more than 50% of the vote.’

    That may be, Sir – BUT, that may very well help the National Front, even more, in the coming elections.

    Further, you are assuming that Sarkozy, will not ally himself to Le Pen, which, is any man’s guess.

    Please bear in mind that, in recent months, he has shifted to the right, and has begun to sound like a mini Le Pen!

    Also, don’t forget : there will be plenty of more attacks, and those devilishly progressive Frenchmen will get ever less so, as the bullets fly around Napoleon’s tomb…

  6. Do opposing parties run attack campaigns on each other? All Le Pen has to do is run negative ads on Sarkozy where he says that the French MUST miscegenate with alien races or his government would take steps to force them to do so. With graphic photos of Muslims’ rape victims all over Europe.

    Sarkozy is the John “Build the Dang Fence” McCain of France. Instead of forming some Gang of Eight with the opposition party, he made those statements which can easily be re-broadcast for France’s edification.

    If I were Le Pen, I’d put out a series of attack ads on Sarkozy examining his method of swinging right to gain office and then turning into a leftist loon who is as bad, if not worst, on immigration than Hollande.

    Let’s hope the French already have long memories where Sarkozy is concerned, but it doesn’t hurt Le Pen to jog them a little. Anyway, I pray that France is smarter than Arizona.

  7. The Jew Sarkozy has been assigned to the political turf of FN, so as to dilute it and coopt it for the Jew. It’s a game they play. See Moses in the bible raising and lowering his hand.

  8. Clytemnestra
    ‘ All Le Pen has to do is run negative ads on Sarkozy where he says that the French MUST miscegenate with alien races or his government would take steps to force them to do so. With graphic photos of Muslims’ rape victims all over Europe.’

    Excellent advice!

  9. As soon as I became “aware” , “awakened” about racial realities, international “us” vs “them”, I’ve always supported French Nationalists and Russian Nationalists. My awakening was pretty much the Islamic mob takeover the US Embassy under Jimmy Carter “America Held Hostage” and the Russian Soviet Invasion, occupation of Islamic mountain mad men in Afghanistan about the same time late 1970s.

    I was in high school getting in to everyday arguments with various Liberals and Leftists who supported all things anti American, anti “Conservative”. Once such Liberal Leftist was a bi sexual guy who was arguing that these 8th century Islamic Khomeini mobs were like the French Revolutionaries fighting for “freedom” or some nonsense.

    Another #*$&#@ idiot was my brother who was/still is a typical “Murikan” cuckservative, neo con goyim. My brother was getting all patriotic wanting to fight THE RUSSIANS in Afghanistan. I tried to reason with my brother that – “aren’t we 25% Russian?, why do we want to fight our own people, or support these nastiest mountain Muslim terrorists?”

    But, there is usually not too much use trying to use reason with idiots, brainwashed ‘Murican TV addicted goyim and PC Lib Leftists have always been in the cult supporting anything sane, healthy White Americans oppose.

    Anyway back to French Nationalists and Russian Nationalists. I like how the French never fully went in for the US led Cold War against the Russians/Soviets – French always wanted to go their own way, 3rd position. Degaulle took France out of NATO, expelled US troops from France (less Black troops) much to the anger to patriotards in the US that insisted and still insist that World War I and World War II were American led crusades to save the world and France should be eternally grateful or they might be speaking German today instead of well…

    American English, McDonalds, Hip Hop rap music, hard core porn, Adam Sandler movies.

    Anyway, one of my favorite French Nationalists of all time was/is the film star Brigitte Bardot. Many consider her the most beautiful woman since Hellen of Troy. Unlike Hellen of Troy, Brigitte Bardot didn’t cause trouble and her politics have always been great, nationalist, pro Western civilization, against all the forces lined up against us.

    Here’s Brigitte Bardot on the J’Suis Charlie incident where Islamic terrorists slaughtered a French political comic. Brigitte Bardot noted that she has been persecuted by the same forces and few took her side:

    “I am not Charlie. I am Brigitte . Brigitte Bardot. It is 20 years since I stood as a patriot to warn my countrymen of the threat to my beloved France as throngs of foreigners changed our nation.

    Internal enemies hurled names meant to humiliate and silence me: xenophobe, racist, bigot. Yet I stood, alone, as they charged, convicted and punished me many times for hate speech, a crime that cannot exist in a free country.

    There were no rallies for my right to free speech, no cries of “I am Brigitte ”. So today, we are in siege—a deadly clash of civilizations raging in our streets, workplaces and shops. Some flee from the violence they created, but where do the French go? I am an old woman who loved – loves—my country, and fear it is gone forever. I am not Charlie. I am Brigitte . Brigitte Bardot.”

    Ok, so that’s a bit long comment for me today. I hope I didn’t bother too many people. I’m letting off steam as I have a ring side seat at the impending collapse of Western Civilization.

  10. ‘There were no rallies for my right to free speech, no cries of “I am Brigitte ”. So today, we are in siege—a deadly clash of civilizations raging in our streets, workplaces and shops. Some flee from the violence they created, but where do the French go? I am an old woman who loved – loves—my country, and fear it is gone forever. I am not Charlie. I am Brigitte . Brigitte Bardot.”

    Powerful stuff! Yes, she was raked over the coals for speaking truth.

  11. I dont know if Hunter will create a second thread about this but second and final round of these elections due tommorrow. Not looking too good on latest polls for the three regions where FN might win.

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