Trump Calls For Moratorium on Muslim Immigrants

By Hunter Wallace

In addition to the Trump database, this should help Trump peel off a lot of the Carson/Cruz vote while sending the Left into a new fit of PC rage that will generate free publicity through Iowa:

“Donald Trump said Monday as president he would halt all Muslim immigration to the United States.

The Republican presidential frontrunner announced in a press release he wants a “total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country’s representatives can figure out what is going on.” This includes tourists planning to visit the United States. …”

That’s great.

We need to stop the damage the US government is already doing to places like Minneapolis-St. Paul and Middle Tennessee with the refugee reettlement program. It was revealed today that ISIS is targeting the refugee program to funnel terrorists into the US.

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Trump has really backed the GOP into a corner now. It’s clear that he would win the nomination easily if the establishment would get behind him, but “they” are still coming after him with both guns blazing instead, and the odds of reconciliation seem to grow more remote by the day. Meanwhile, I’m sure some smart ones are coming to the sobering realization that no other GOP candidate has a chance in hell in the general, because a sizable chunk of voting, conservative-leaning White people– the base, in other words– is now fully behind Trump and would not react well to him being “deposed”.

    Quite a quagmire for the party bosses…

  2. It would be a good start. Not as good as a complete moratorium on all immigration but it is good as far as it goes.

  3. Why is Trump the only public figure willing to take a bold stand on this and so many other issues? No hedging or compromising.

    Let’s face the music. A high percentage of Americans are cucks.

    We should change the lyrics of the popular song to “God bless Cuckmerica.”

    • Hopefully, he will start outlining the Trump concentration camps that will complement the Trump mass deportation force and the Trump database before the voting begins in Iowa.

  4. Two things he could do to sell this to millennials.

    1. If you Join the deportation force you get student debt forgiven.

    2. If you join the deportation force you get a free data plan on your Trump phone.

    Seriously. It’ll work. We could also profile blacks and browns air airports and let old white women get on planes without invasive searches.

  5. Despite its superficial appeal, this demagogic proposal entails huge problems, and even tossing it out as purportedly done would be beyond irresponsible. Islam is a huge religion with many minor branches and sects far removed from the Sunni and Shia majorities. I’m not sure I consider the Baha’i faith Islam, but the majority of Muslims seem to regard it as a heresy and attempt it’s eradication with great vigor. Are we now blocking entry of the Baha’i so they can be sent back to death in a place like Iran? Heretofore I would have scoffed at anyone using a (steam liner) St. Louis analogy. But if this report is entirely accurate, such a ploy becomes viable.

    I intend to check on precisely what was said because the grand stupidity of such a statement is overwhelming. It would even seem to justify Brad’s fears of Ivy League graduates (Trump has a degree from Penn). Stating that unless the federal agencies in charge of immigration and tourist-related activities prove able to perform their responsibilities American citizens will start demanding a complete halt to the immigration or entry into the US of Muslims, would be one thing. It would be typical political trash. But a blanket bar of Muslims even visiting the US crosses into a police state. Will this also include the round-up and expulsion of Muslims presently in the US on work visas? How about Muslims escaping true religious and political persecution?

    Surely even a WS must understand the stupidity of the alleged statements. This would be like banning entry to the US of Unitarians because of conduct by Melkite Christians. I could not vote for anyone who would make such a stupid and anti American proposal.

    • Warspite,

      “Will this also include the round-up and expulsion of Muslims presently in the US on work visas? How about Muslims escaping true religious and political persecution?”

      Let’s hope so.

      “Surely even a WS must understand the stupidity of the alleged statements. This would be like banning entry to the US of Unitarians because of conduct by Melkite Christians. I could not vote for anyone who would make such a stupid and anti American proposal.”

      If we could ban Unitarians, that would be even better. Unfortunately, few of them are immigrants.

  6. What do you guys estimate to be the Wergeld price of the Leftie millenials to ditch the SJW act? $20,000 forgiveness? $50,000?


  7. “Why is Trump the only public figure willing to take a bold stand on this and so many other issues? No hedging or compromising.”

    The rest are pre-filtered by the donors.

    Trump has his own money so by trial and error he can pick what has always been the optimal path for the right.


    a line to take with soft-hearted but otherwise sensible people who have a problem with this might be…

    integration takes time and if there are some groups who take longer than others then you need to slow down the numbers so there’s enough time

  8. Trump casually alluded to low Arab IQs the other day on CBS. When I saw him in Mobile, he casually mentioned the importance of good genes. Trump knows a bit more than he lets on I do believe.

  9. “It should have been done after 9/11.”

    In the days after 9/11, a female Limbaugh caller said something like, “I know people who are ready to shut off all immigration right now.” From her tone, I gathered she was thinking, “That’s what I myself believe the country should do, but I know that a proposal of such action would bring howls of objection from the mainstream media.” Trump is howl indifferent. He is, as Captain John said, above, the Overton Window Man.

  10. Dr. Bill Warner lectures on Islam. I’ve posted this before, but more people need to be educated.

    Why We Are Afraid, A 1400 Year Secret

    • I apologize for creating anxiety on your part, Reynauld, you olde fox you (it’s a sort of pun. Reynauld or Reynardine. Get it?).

      Please explicate on precisely what you regard as anti-American. As someone who on a regular basis acknowledges the blessings of being in America I find your comment hurtful and offensive. If it is directed against me as a Jew you have violated the BGG’s. On the other hand if it is directed against me based upon my just being here (and I’m not 100% Jewish, so this would be proper), please explain what you mean, sir.

      Heretofore I have figured I would vote for Trump. Now, no. Not unless he clarifies and to at least some extent goes back on what he said. Barring people from the US based upon religion seems unacceptable. If it is absolutely necessary that needs to be proven. Rounding up Muslims who work in the US to expel them (sometimes, to where?) is frightening. It is these things that are un-American. They are anti American in absolutely every respect and only a person of very low intelligence and conscience would feel otherwise.

      To wit, being a city/area that draws from around the globe, ATL has peoples of all backgrounds. Within the confines of my somewhat tony neighborhood I have a neighbor who is from Pakistan. He is also a physician trained in the UK and one of the best local hospital systems. He also happens to work in a field where he saves lives on a regular basis. He is Western and speaks English as well or better than anyone here. Though I am not friends with him or his family, I suppose one would say we are at least friendly.

      By what rules of common decency could I ever permit my physician neighbor to be deported while I am content to allow so many hate-spewing and dangerous White Supremacists and Nationalists roam free among us? The vast majority of those WS who choose to post on this blog are far more dangerous to Americans on a daily basis than my physician neighbor. It would be unconscionable to walk like a mind numbed robot behind what Trump said. That is not what Americans do.

      It is very difficult to educate ODers about the lessons of history. In the present circumstances I will just lay out a reasonable position. Unless I can see and read with my own eyes evidence that supports something so radical and dangerous (e.g., evidence of an ongoing program that has already infiltrated into the US scores or hundreds of terrorists), I have nothing but disgust and horror at Trump’s words.

  11. I’m all for the importation of Cossacks. Trump also recently proudly stated that he has “great genes” -which he DOES!


    We don’t need hostile, sullen, worthless destructive racial aliens of ANY kind. They need to GO.

  12. Hate to be the fly in the ointment, but the only immigration Jews are against is Muslims, because they disturb the peace in their multiracial nests. So I remain skeptical on Trump. I think he will put Whites back to sleep, while the great replacement continues.

    • Richard:

      I am not against immigration involving Muslims or anyone else. I am against illegal immigration, and in favor of enforcing America’s Immigration Laws (very short note. I sometimes forget about being offered an Immigration “judge” position as a political TY. Ha! No TY to that). And Richard, or Dick, if that means having no choice but to construct a massive Israeli style wall on the Rio Grande and SW, so be it. But, darn, that border with Canada is awfully long. Not much even marking boundaries between the two countries for well over a thousand miles. Is it actually something like 2000 miles?

      In addition, in certain cases I have already checked off on a sort of legalized reverse immigration. I thought it was going to be tough to argue it through. Maybe if Trump keeps up the rhetoric and Supremacists such as Dick keep posting my job will get mucho, mucho easier.

  13. Isn’t it incredible how WarSpite has switched from Pro White to Pro Muslim? This is the same guy who was calling the occupied Palestinians, Saudi Playboys.

    Something tells me this WarSpite wages war on Whites by deception. /sarcasm

  14. Border Control: Are you a muslim?

    Jihadi: No, I’m a christian looking for asylum from that wicked religion.

    Border Control: Welcome to America.

  15. Erick Erickson agrees with Trump.

    This is a Brilliant Move by Donald Trump

    Donald Trump just trumped all the Republican candidates for President.

    The day after the mom jeans wearing squat to pee President came out to assure us that tolerance, gun control, and climate change would save us from ISIS, Donald Trump demanded we bar any muslims from entering this country and bar any American citizen who is muslim from re-entering the United States.

    Set aside the merits of what amounts to at least, in part, an unconstitutional position.

    This is actually brilliant politics for the here and now. Immediately, every other Republican candidate except Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) 100% rushed out to attack Donald Trump. He’s unhinged, hateful, etc. And the responses all amounted to “we must let muslims enter our country,” which sounds a whole lot like “we must allow all Mexicans in our country,” which everyone knows is blatantly untrue on both counts.

    We do not have to do it, but the other candidates, unable to nuance their spittle, went all in with “no religious tests” and “yes we must do this because it is who we are.”

    So, to put it another way, the day after the President failed to reassure a scared public following the second worst terrorist attack since 9/11 on domestic soil, Donald Trump not only got himself to the right of all the other candidates, but also got every single one of them save for Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) 100% to align themselves with Barack Obama.

    Hate Donald Trump all you want, be offended by his proposal all you want, but it is really brilliant politics for Trump right now in the Republican primary and the reactions from the other candidates prove it. All the people attacking Trump on his immigration proposals now attacking him on this have done themselves no favors within the primary process.

  16. I understand, Richard. We’ve been disappointed and betrayed so many times before. But one thing leads to another. Baby goosesteps, dear, baby goosesteps……..

    • Denises: Top drawer! And I am sincere in this expression. Let me assist.

      Denise. You cannot possibly be implying the answer to the problems often conjured up by the WS crowd is some sort of authoritarianism! What would happen to blacks? To Hispanics? To Asians? How about Jews? Do you really think it feasible to expel over 125,000,000 American citizens? And to where?

      Even in the WN wet dream, there must be something like 3,000,000 African-Americans and other Blacks in Georgia. How could any WN seriously suggest the expulsion of these 3m? And what about the perhaps 1,000,000 or more in between “black” and “white”? Even amongst the 6,000,000 white folk here, it’s likely 500,000 or more are white Hispanics, Jews, etc.

      Are you even semi-seriously suggesting that of its 10,000,000 residents, Georgia drive out 4,500,000! Come on, that is absolutely beyond all reason. It basically suggests either a civil war, ethnic cleansing, or find some incredible carrot to induce the mass emigration.

      In addition, let me say a big fat “no thanks” to your lunacy on any level. It took over a century for Georgia to catch up to the rest of America. Now you kooks are suggesting we roll it back to once again be inferior to the North and West? LOL! Only this crowd of wingnuts would follow that path.

      • Warspite,

        “In addition, let me say a big fat “no thanks” to your lunacy on any level. It took over a century for Georgia to catch up to the rest of America. Now you kooks are suggesting we roll it back to once again be inferior to the North and West? LOL! Only this crowd of wingnuts would follow that path.”

        1.) First, the blacks in Georgia never caught up with the rest of America.

        2.) Second, the blacks who left Georgia to move to the Northern states never caught up with the rest of America in their new residences either.

        3.) Third, Georgia spent most of the 20th century sharing the burden of its free black population with states like Ohio and New York.

        4.) Fourth, the abolition of slavery caused the economic disaster in Georgia, which is why Georgia and other Southern states fell behind the North from 1860-1880.

        5.) Fifth, the North’s retarded ideas about integration never worked in Atlanta, as you have already conceded, but instead have burdened the region’s growth by driving Whites out of the city to distant suburbs which is an incredibly wasteful living arrangement.

        • Brad. What you wrote is an emotional diatribe sprinkled with irrelevant historical factoids. It is not in any manner a substantive response.

          You know very well I could toss out that, “Blacks never caught up to or fell behind ______, economically” and be correct in 99% of American examples. If you take into account First Nation Reservations being sovereign entities, maybe 100%.

          Cheap stuff, BG.

          • Warspite,

            “Brad. What you wrote is an emotional diatribe sprinkled with irrelevant historical factoids. It is not in any manner a substantive response.”

            Haha, okay.

            I can see why you would choose to punt on getting into a debate on this subject, Warspite.

            “You know very well I could toss out that, “Blacks never caught up to or fell behind ______, economically” and be correct in 99% of American examples. If you take into account First Nation Reservations being sovereign entities, maybe 100%.

            Cheap stuff, BG.”

            The only compelling argument for having such a large black population in the South was plantation slavery. The abolition of slavery took away that argument. After 150 years of freedom, the average single black woman in the US has a net worth of $5 dollars.

  17. @ RichardBird. Most Jews aren’t even against Muslim insourcing. Jews+Islam were thick as thieves against Western White Christiandom for 1,300 years. And they remain so. Currently, Isramerica blows tne ragheads out of their own countries (see: Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Yemen, Syria) and into Euro-America whose borders have been taken down by a Judeo-bankster controlled political class. And if the ragheads kill off a few Jews along the way, thousands of other Jews then aliyah to Israel. It’s win-win for Zion

    • Haxo:

      Your commentary offers a solid example of why the BGG exist. So many rabbit holes amongst your unprovoked insults and twisted theories! The prospect of “respond and pursue your ideas” illustrates precisely why comments such as yours are banned as being outside the BGG. Commentary, analysis and discussion of your various statements present the ruination of this blog feared by BG. This does indeed present the precise situation Brad wants to avoid.

      Per my commitment to Brad, your posting is meaningless and will not be pursued.

  18. George Orwell once wrote that,
    “Whereas Socialism, and even capitalism in a grudging way, have said to people “I offer you a good time,” Hitler has said to them “I offer you struggle, danger and death,” and as a result a whole nation flings itself at his feet”
    Amid the usual worn-out bromides and politically correct platitudes emanating from worthy scribes and Pharisees in the aftermath of the Friday 13th Paris massacre, and the pledges of yet more expensive military raids, one dimension was missing: the battleground of ideas.
    What do they, ISIS, the mortal enemy, offer, that is so enticing to thousands of young people from all over the West? And what do we, the victim culture, offer in rivalry and opposition?
    To a marginalized, unemployed Arab teen in the hopeless banlieux of urban France, alien in a hostile and degenerate landscape, the approach of an ISIS recruiter must be somewhat analogous to a young “Lord of the Rings” fan in England hearing a knock on the door from Gandalf, along with the invitation, “Want to go fight some orcs?”
    Bombarded daily with images of the American Great Satan, Zionist Israel and their Crusader puppet minions wreaking chaos and destruction across Iraq, Syria, Gaza and Afghanistan, the burning desire to avenge this undeclared war on Islam finally finds an outlet when emissaries of the new Caliphate come calling. A way of escape from the soul-destroying tedium of modern life is provided. ISIS offers a potent brew: Allah-sanctioned violent adventure, conquest, pillage, booty in both the ancient and Ebonic sense, and timeless glory in the service of a mighty cause. It is a step back to the very founding days of Islam, as if the veil of time were rent and one could pass into a heightened world of battle, blood and thunder. With the promise that, should one fall in courageous combat against the loathsome infidel, eternal bliss awaits.
    And what is our counter-offer?
    We offer the unhealthy, masturbatory faux-violent fantasies of video games and Hollywood; the mind-rotting amusements of television; parades of preening, prancing perverts gallivanting gaily under the rainbow flag; babies murdered in the womb and sold for profit; cowardly drone-bombing of children in far-off Muslim villages; devil’s bargains with dictators from Havana to Beijing; the banal roar of mass spectator sports; the feral fatherless adrift in banditry in our rusting cities; most churches either groveling to the cult of homodolatry and other godless fads, or else too busy lining their pockets to take a stand on anything. Meaningful toil and national purpose become the relics of a bygone age, with individual entrepreneurship and expression stifled – France being a prime example – by an ever-metastasizing and malignant government bureaucracy. We resemble the Romans in their last days: aimless, deracinated, corrupt, lazy, effeminate, unable to resist the barbarians or even string together coherent reasons as to why we should.
    Israel, next door to ISIS, is at least hard-knit with the bonds of racial and religious solidarity, welded under the perpetual threat of war. So far, ISIS has avoided outright war on the Jewish state, a rock against which it does not wish to dash itself. Yet.

    • Alec:

      I very much appreciate your postings, which are filled with beautiful and generally useful allusions. I am very reluctant to offer any criticism to opinions so heartfelt and well put. Clearly, you are an individual of some conscience, which does make me wonder what you could truly have in common with a group of persons proud to hold beliefs that are so inimical to those of Jesus. (Admittedly, maybe not so much of Paul?)

      May I just offer two very brief additions or addendums to your postings.

      First, I believe you should look into the motivations of ISIL vis a vis Israel. Because of sometimes obsessive antisemitism to a man the WN crowd have no comprehension of why ISIL has little interest in both Israel and the Israeli-Palestinian paradigm.

      Second, I think you should be wary in quoting Orwell. I have immense admiration for Orwell and believe 1984 to be one of the most prescient and brilliant works of the 20th century. But it is too easy to use history as a literal roadmap in lieu of analyzing what are often guidelines and markers. The threat today is different that the totalitarian threat Orwell recognized. Of course there are similarities, but will not authoritarian or totalitarian threats always have similarities?

      I must assert in the strongest possible terms, without offering unecessary insult, that Orwell could never offer moral, ethical or intellectual succor to your colleagues herein. The thought presents an absurd proposition.

  19. In America and Europe, with immigration having loosened the ties of kinship, and a long peace the appetite for vigilance, we fumble – despite the bombast of our leaders – and we fail to articulate or imagine what holy banner it is that we raise against this latest, but ancient, threat. Is it the image of Caitlyn Jenner or the Kardashians? Oprah Winfrey? Some vague commitment to giving money to Africa, and gay sex? The Superbowl? Our wishy-washiness is our undoing.
    The fact is that post-modern, decadent Western society has absolutely nothing to offer young Muslim youth that compares to the atavistic Islamic fantasy set forth by ISIS.
    In the 1959 movie Ben Hur, the Roman adversary to Judah Ben Hur, Messala, famously declares:
    “Sextus, you ask how to fight an idea. Well I’ll tell you how… with another idea!”
    Once, we did cherish a supreme and all-conquering idea which sustained us and gave us the spiritual courage to face the last Islamic invasion over a thousand years ago. That idea still exists, although like Peter in the courtyard we may continue in our denial.
    That idea is Christ.
    Outside Notre Dame cathedral in Paris is a wonderful bronze statue of Charlemagne on horseback, flanked by two ax-wielding thanes on foot: “Charlemagne et ses Leudes”. The great king, bold and austere, raises aloft a Cross-topped staff. Until we return to the Truth of which he was a champion, we are doomed to see our weak idols topple before the ISIS onslaught.
    Over a half century ago, while I was still a child, I recall hearing a number of old people offer the following explanation for the great disasters that had befallen Russia: “Men have forgotten God; that’s why all this has happened.” Since then I have spent well-nigh 50 years working on the history of our revolution; in the process I have read hundreds of books, collected hundreds of personal testimonies, and have already contributed eight volumes of my own toward the effort of clearing away the rubble left by that upheaval. But if I were asked today to formulate as concisely as possible the main cause of the ruinous revolution that swallowed up some 60 million of our people, I could not put it more accurately than to repeat: “Men have forgotten God; that’s why all this has happened.”
    – Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

  20. @Richard Bird …

    I remain sceptical, too…

    We must not forget that he is IN FAVOUR of legal immigration.

    Yes, Mr. Trump has said nothing about slowing the rate of legal immigration down, and, whenever he would lift a moratorium on Islamick immigration, in they would flow again, legally, just as they are now…

    • OK, may I politely request a short pause.

      The comments on “legal immigration” throw me for a loop. Are WS/WN opposed to legal immigration? Could you please explain the WN/WS policy on legal immigration, including asylum? It would also be helpful for me if you utilized as one of your examples Christian Syrians fleeing almost certain death.

      Thank you.

  21. @Richard

    You kidding? Virtually every Jew in the media condemned Trump today, including the “conservative” ones like Jonah Goldberg and Ben Shapiro. Wouldn’t be surprised if the pricks were probably bashing Trump the other day for not immediately declaring Jerusalem the undivided capital of Israel too.

    • Rich:

      Let us presume you are correct. Indeed, “virtually every Jew in the media” criticized or attacked Trump for his comments. Why do you choose to also leave out that, “virtually every Christian in the media” went after Trump? Of course, we know why you acted as you have, and you are thus exposed for what you are. Out of common courtesy I will not elaborate further.

      You are free to express the opinion of the uneducated who also have certain “motivations”, but you really fail to grasp the situation and various elements. It is not your fault you have no training or knowledge in Constitutional law beyond what you may have picked up while sitting at the table. If you did have knowledge of the law you would understand why educated and/or thoughtful persons find Trump’s statement very troubling.

      Btw, I’ll give you a report from the real world by advising you that Trump has had considerable support in the Jewish community. Your view of Jews as representing some great monolithic liberal think tank is horribly misguided.

  22. Richard, That’s a misreading. Jews believe there are good Muslims and bad Muslims. Muslims are bad if they threaten Israel. Otherwise, they’re good (when they threaten white countries). Anti-Muslim Jewish neocons — anti in the context of Israel only — are support Muslim immigration. Bomb the world, invite the world.

  23. “Careful there, looks like Trump is going to import Cossacks.” Captain, you say that, like it’s a bad thing….


    Plus, the uniforms are/were pretty snazzy. Let’s get back to gentelmen wearing REAL uniforms, rather than some camoflauge pajamas.

    And the only negative comment on this entire board? ….jewspittle.

    Trump gets better and better.

    “I can’t be bought.’- Trump to Jewish Republicans, 2015

  24. So I remain skeptical on Trump. I think he will put Whites back to sleep, while the great replacement continues.

    I agree. But there need to be major public voices at least getting a less politically correct and less sanitized message out to the general public. They need to hear it from someone, even if that someone is just using it as political leverage to win an election.

    Nationalism is gaining momentum across the globe. When I say Nationalism, I mean in the context of Nationalism vs Globalism and unchecked diversity. More and more people are realizing that “we’re all one race” propaganda is only relevant and binding at a global level, not as a building block for a national identity and peaceful and productive nations. Inside of a nation, multiculturalism and unchecked diversity are pure death.

  25. It is amazing that something so obvious could be controversial but that is what our enemies are about. Ideology over results. Anything that would produce results is opposed by our enemies. No matter what.

    George Bush should have proposed the very same thing Trump is but he was too busy screaming about how our “freedums” were under attack by Iraqi’s I guess…

    I got a big laugh when Mika on morning Joe told Trump that she was scared of him – she’s not scared of the throat cutters from the Middle East though.

  26. @Mr. Griffin…

    ‘A plan that singles out Muslims and denies them entry to the U.S. based on their religion is deeply offensive and runs contrary to our nation’s deepest values,” the Anti-Defamation League said in a statement Monday evening…’

    Sir, I OFT find the ADL offensive; and, no, they speak neither for me nor my family.

    Further, it is clear that the ADL knows nothing of Judaism, as the Holy Scripture abounds with testimony as to how Jews did NOT associate with others, and regarded race mixing (of any kind)as anathema.

    • Junius:

      Could you provide some additional views based on Immigration Law prior to 1964. Also, does this not exclude the Cuban Adjustment Act? Why would you do that?

      Interesting comment on the ADL and such. I am sympathetic to your feelings, but also point out you are deliberately looking for and utilizing a (liberal) Jewish organization’s political view to the exclusion of ALL other organizations. You have, let’s say 100 major groups and organizations going after Trump. Of those 100 you decide to only identify a (liberal) Jewish organization. When presented to the jury of rational public opinion how do you believe your actions would be analyzed.

      Next, your “exclusionary” point about Judaism is well-taken. But again, let’s go before the court of rational public opinion.

      You have a group of Jews who are acting upon post-Enlightenment ideas and principles. They recognize the matters you allude to in Scripture are at least 2600 yrs old. At least. The matters are also specific to a relatively small group of people, a group of tribes. Monotheistic people in a Near Eastern world hostile to their beliefs. And a group of tribes who after leaving their homeland because of famine, etc., had to somewhat fight their way out of Egypt, and absolutely had to fight their way back into their Homeland. And, as you know from Joshua, Judges, Kings, Chronicles, etc., the fighting was vicious. Vicious to get in, vicious to stay in.

      Back to today. The Jewish group you criticize are the product of post Enlightenment thought. Fully assimilated Jews who put America first. So thoroughly assimilated they adopt the position(s) you attack and criticize.

      On the other hand, Junius, suppose I could transport you to parts of Brooklyn or the Catskills where various super Orthodox and Hasids live. There you will hear people, Jewish people, that spout the beliefs to which you allude. Stuff like justifying racism against Blacks because of some 2000+ year old Rabbinical commentary on Noah’s sons and grandsons. Exegesis which, by the way, makes no sense to me.

      If you are put amongst the Jews who think as you do, you will be very unhappy and I expect you would write very, very nasty commentary about them.

      I certainly do not hate you, Junius. I don’t even dislike you. I haven’t even looked at the spreadsheet to see who you are. But I hope you realize that because of your antisemitism there will never be circumstances involving Jews that satisfy you.

  27. The only kind of immigration in which I am in favour, is a legal immigration that fulfills the pre-1964 statues.

    May Allah bless Muslims and their amazing culture, and may those blessings occur on some other soil, where I would not begrudge them any of their practices, and where my fellow Southerners would not have to wonder whether they need to bring an AR-15 to a family night out at the local buffet!

  28. @LEW…

    ‘Richard, That’s a misreading. Jews believe there are good Muslims and bad Muslims. Muslims are bad if they threaten Israel. Otherwise, they’re good (when they threaten white countries). Anti-Muslim Jewish neocons — anti in the context of Israel only — are support Muslim immigration. Bomb the world, invite the world.’

    Unfortunately, there is a lot of truth to this statement.

    It’s the duality of I don’t give a rat’s ass for anyone else but myself.

  29. Pardon my cartoon history but Columbus set sail to find a way to China or India that avoided jew and Muslim middlemen.

    The foundation of America as a concept is a Hail Mary pass followed by an end run around Turks, Hebes, Arabs…

    • Come on, Captain. That’s just a dumb statement. Other than being part of some pithy sort of funny comment on history, that is.

  30. I’ll remind you all that neo-con newspapers all say bomb, bomb the Middle East and they are “anti-racist” (anti-White) too.

    In Europe the Jews finance multiracial outfits like the EDL, which are both “anti-racist” (anti-White) and anti-Islam.

    Pamela Gellar is another psycho neocon Jewess, that is anti-Islam for White countries, but also wrote an article about NUKING European cities in revenge for history.

    I am really surprised nationalists are ignorant of this pattern. There is a whole world outside America, you have not been paying attention to, where the same anti-Islam/anti-White pattern repeats over and over.

  31. I think that Georgia could be given over to the blacks as their continental home on the North American landmass. A mega-concentration camp. You could stay around your pets Warspite.

  32. The black population is the source of most of the negative stats on education, obesity, crime, property values…

    How could removal do anything but improve the general conditions?

    • I like the way you toss in obesity, Captain. Nice touch.

      Do you actually have extrapolated crime statistics assuming you back out African-Americans? I’m asking this quite seriously. I would like to know the numbers.

      I once saw this sort of thing for Albanians in Switzerland, but that was a while ago.

  33. Junius Daniel // December 8, 2015 at 10:54 am //

    “@Richard Bird …

    I remain sceptical, too…

    We must not forget that he is IN FAVOUR of legal immigration.”

    Correct. People never listen to what politicians say. They only listen to what they want to hear. Only when Trump talks about safe zones for *Whites*, will I take him seriously. Until then I’ll view him as a dog whistling conservative.

  34. Only when Trump talks about safe zones for *Whites*, will I take him seriously.

    Why are many pro-Whites waiting on someone to come along and save everyone? The idea of “safe zones” for Whites can be a reality right now if people would just put more emphasis on real world connections and networking, and spend less time on virtual jousting.

    What I don’t understand from some pro-White websites is the inclination of allowing anti-Whites a voice. Giving anti-Whites space to disrupt, and oxygen to breath, in a pro-White nation would be unfathomable. Donald Trump giving anti-Donald voices room to disrupt his rallies is something he’s smart enough to avoid. Pro-White websites should be no different. If we want to hear the anti-White spin and have their memes regurgitated and repeated ad nauseam, we’d turn on the TV or visit mainstream media websites.

      • I must tell you this, BG. It is no compliment when I state the logic you have demonstrated with that statement parallels what I tend to hear from flustered blacks. If something comes up with no effective retort, it becomes “all Whites, blah, blah, blah”. Or some permutation thereof.

        Beyond the above, your statement is ludicrous and belied by the facts. But why allow facts to get in the way of a Big Lie, old chap.

        And with limited respect, it says little about you that you censor my remarks regardless of situations where your marks may breach the BGG. I have been scrupulous in adhering to those guidelines.

        • Warspite,

          “Beyond the above, your statement is ludicrous and belied by the facts. But why allow facts to get in the way of a Big Lie, old chap.”

          Feel free to share those facts with us at any time, Warspite.

          That’s why I have kept you around here. I’m giving you a chance to make your case. I’ve only blocked your comments when they have crossed the line into insults. If you have a substantial argument to make, then let’s hear it. Otherwise, I am going to block the “you’re a kook” and “you’re a moron” stuff, which just poisons the comments and creates useless flame wars.

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