Trump Calls For Moratorium on Muslim Immigrants

By Hunter Wallace

In addition to the Trump database, this should help Trump peel off a lot of the Carson/Cruz vote while sending the Left into a new fit of PC rage that will generate free publicity through Iowa:

“Donald Trump said Monday as president he would halt all Muslim immigration to the United States.

The Republican presidential frontrunner announced in a press release he wants a “total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country’s representatives can figure out what is going on.” This includes tourists planning to visit the United States. …”

That’s great.

We need to stop the damage the US government is already doing to places like Minneapolis-St. Paul and Middle Tennessee with the refugee reettlement program. It was revealed today that ISIS is targeting the refugee program to funnel terrorists into the US.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Warspite provides a useful illustration of the Jewish position on almost everything.

    He provides nothing that couldn’t be summarized, condensed and quoted from the very large pool of anti-White outlets who give us material to work with daily, even hourly.

    • “He provides nothing that couldn’t be summarized, condensed and quoted from the very large pool of anti-White outlets who give us material to work with daily, even hourly.”


      I would say though that having Warspite around as a dissenting Jewish voice provides a useful illustration to new readers of the Jewish position on a lot of these issues. I know that I immediately discounted all the conspiracy stuff, much of which continues to manifest here (i.e., false flags, crisis actors), when I was first exposed to the issue.

    • You know, Celestial. It makes no sense to me why a man of your inherent abilities would find common cause with individuals who offer far, far more admiration for Nazism and the horribly eugenics based policies of the Nazi regime, than ever display even a word of criticism.

      Let me get parochial. I am absolutely not such an elitist as to assert connections with MTSU rather than Vanderbilt offers some overarching and relevant intellectual worth. I can’t. I have kids connected to Stanford, Chicago & the dreaded Ivy Leagues who referenced where I studied as their, “safe schools”.

      I sincerely do not “get” your presence and allegiance to White Supremacy and White Nationalism. It just seems so unlikely that someone with your mind would be amongst these folks. I realize and fully respect that you are entitled to your privacy, but if you have the time I would appreciate insight into your thoughts and motivations. It’s clear that words such as “nigger” or “kike” roll very reluctantly from your pen, and I do not believe you would use such terms in a conversation. Yet, here you are.

      It reminds me of when Speer was first interrogated. It reads as such an odd experience. Did you knowingly use slave labor, esp Jewish slave labor? Yes. Were you aware of the conditions, treatment and executions of the slave laborers? Yes. Did you know about the systematic extermination of European Jews? Yes. Are you antisemitic? No. Were you ever antisemitic? No. Then, why?

      Yes, why indeed? Speer was a really, really smart guy who was part of the Holocaust despite no animosity towards Jews. These things are sometimes so, so hard to understand.

      For whatever reason I have always pictured you as a sort of Speer character. Not Mr. Ryan, not Brad, just you.

  2. Celestial Time // December 8, 2015 at 3:19 pm //

    “Why are many pro-Whites waiting on someone to come along and save everyone? The idea of “safe zones” for Whites can be a reality right now if people would just put more emphasis on real world connections and networking, and spend less time on virtual jousting.”

    I would like this guy to use the word White. Whites may as well be the invisible people, because everyone in politics is afraid to name us, unless they are anti-White.

    “What I don’t understand from some pro-White websites is the inclination of allowing anti-Whites a voice. Giving anti-Whites space to disrupt, and oxygen to breath, in a pro-White nation would be unfathomable.”

    Its a conservative tradition in the newspaper business. To make themselves look balanced and respectable, they give their enemies half the newspaper space. The left by comparison never give the enemy quarter. That’s why they have always won, until a few Pro Whites were taught to fight back.

  3. Celestial Time // December 8, 2015 at 3:44 pm //

    “He provides nothing that couldn’t be summarized, condensed and quoted from the very large pool of anti-White outlets who give us material to work with daily, even hourly.

    There’s reading about things and experiencing things for ones self.

    • BG has referenced “making my case”. I’m not sure to what case he refers, but I believe at least some of his concerns can be addressed in the response to my 1790 Hypothetical. Except that no one has chosen to take a swing at said hypothetical.

      Separately, the extent of Trump’s present predicament can be gauged by perusing the OD blog, and likely similar blogs. It is the mantra of the WS/WN crowd that every mainstream and near mainstream outlet, person, organization, etc., is “anti-White”. Without trying to address what antiwhite (“AW”) means, I hope all herein can agree that whatever you believe is an extreme minority. A minority held in general derision. This is not a matter of whether whatever you believe is right or wrong, so please bear with me.

      Using the WS/WN crowd as a political compass, I fear Trump is kaput. Whether or not that is fair is not something part of this semi-analysis. The fact the only group(s) I can identify giving Trump pretty universal kudos is the pro-White (“PW”) crowd is likely the sound of taps being played for Trump.

      By the thinking of the PW crowd you folks are in an extreme minority of no power or influence. The fact Trump has such a thumbs-up, “you go girl” reception here makes me think he’s toast. I’m not happy about this, but it’s certainly not your fault. He needs to take personal responsibility for his actions. Consider yourselves the potential canary in the coal mine. And maybe Trump can still figure out how to pull a rabbit out of the hat.

  4. It’s been a tough call as to who has been/is now the worst cuckservative traitor. I’ve always favored #*&$&*# Rand Paul, but Speaker of the House and Jack Kemp styled, losing GOP Vice President Paul Ryan has always been a close second. Now I think he’s out cucked the Randster. Paul Ryan is doubling down on the propaganda campaign that “we” can not restrict mass Muslim immigration because:

    That’s not who we are!

    One sign that someone is a terrible cuckservative traitor is when the Congressional staff offices in Washington and in State offices no longer take comments from constituents. I got in to heated arguments with Rand Paul’s staff over Rand Paul taking the George Soros, Al Sharpton, BlackLivesMatter mob side in Ferguson MO then the staff offices stopped accepting calls.

    I’ve tried for over a week to get through to Speaker of the House Rep Paul Ryan’s office in Washington and in Wisconsin. This @*#$*&@ A** does not accept calls it’s always after hours!

    • Hmmm. I didn’t know George Soros had been in Ferguson.

      Scores or hundreds of abettor groups to the Ferguson BS, and you choose to pull out a Jewish name. I wonder why that might be?

      Probably coincidence. I bet you didn’t even know Soros was Jewish.

  5. I think that making the whole of GA a Negro “safe zone”, with their adoring Jewish patrons, as “helpers” and guidance counselors, is an excellent idea! White Advocates are so thoughtful, intelligent, and caring! This arrangement will work out beautifully!

    • Denises has a typically provocative idea. But what of the 5.5m or so white people. Suppose they don’t want to leave Georgia? And where would you ask they go? Louisiana? Mississippi? Alabama? South Carolina? Why would people leave Georgia for those relative backwaters? Should we trade Emory for Samford or Presbyterian, and Georgia Tech for the engineering and science programs at Southern Miss or Univ of South Alabama?

      How about as step one all of the whiners who dream of the Jim Crow South step up and accept responsibility for the perpetuation of our peculiar institution? Then explain about the fundamental indecency of putting people into bondage based on skin color. And then finish with a heartfelt and detailed apology for over 100 years of trying to systematically deny black people civil rights, decent education and healthcare, etc., etc.

      I can assure you I’m more Southern than most (not all) of you poseurs. I’ve come to accept the above. And why not, since it’s all true. I’m not 15 yrs old anymore. I have enough education and experience to recognize the horribly sinful conduct that Southerners once defended.

      The problem with you Supremacists, WN, neo-Nazi sympathizes, etc., is you collectively fail to comprehend you can be men enough to admit all of the above as the absolute truth, without that meaning you endorse those horrors as justification for heinous conduct in 2015. This remains a gaping moral and ethical flaw in your types that will always drive a wedge between your movements and Christianity.

  6. The black population in the south? It obviously depresses education scores. health index scores and in many if not all cases house prices.

    I’m not going to bother to prove this.

    • I’m not doubting the veracity of your overall conclusion, Kaptain. I was just curious if you had specifics.

  7. Warpite is a wonderful textbook case of the virulent Anti-White prejudice of the enemy. At this point, I’m not really sure if they are are more concerned with themselves and what’s best for them or filled with such Anti-White hate they are willing to kill themselves too. When I see deluded Jews like Barbara “Spectre” bringing Muslims into Europe and see Hollyweird bombing their multimillion dollar movies with black s just to spite us, I think Hitler hatred and fear of White Power has made them lose any and all perspective and made them into dishonorable suicide bombers who are willing to kill themselves to get at us.

    • “Hitler hatred” linked to “WP”? You know, Darth, that implies you and others in the Supremacist movement fall within the realm of “Hitler lover”. You ought to clarify yourself.

  8. Warspite you clearly hate white people. Everything you say and do oozes with hate for white folks. Are you that self-unaware?

    • Captain. Define “white”. Define “black”. I mean you, not one of the local mini-Rosenbergs.

      Uh oh. Didn’t mean to toss out an obviously Hebrew name.

  9. What’s funny about Warspite’s last post is that I really don’t trust that Trump would follow through on the deportations.

    All he’d end up doing is depose some nationalist Arab or Persian leader when Bibi calls. Most of us here on the OD site can see this happening with some ease.

    What is wrong with Warspite?

  10. Let me get parochial.

    Only if you allow me to wax poetic and get medieval on your ass from time to time. I’ll do anything to break the monotony.

    I realize and fully respect that you are entitled to your privacy, but if you have the time I would appreciate insight into your thoughts and motivations.

    Open-ended questions have always bothered me since I was a teenager. Probably because I learned very early in my life about the difference between people simply fishing for leverage and people who were genuinely inquisitive and looking to understand a different point of view. What you are asking me to do is like asking me to explain why I love my wife and children. Where do I start? Is there a right or wrong answer? Why should I even need to explain it? Are there any reasons I could give where you would relate and begin to love my family with the same passion as you love your family? You won’t fully comprehend why, because it’s not your family.

    If you want certain specifics, then you need to be more specific. I’m like John Travolta’s character in that movie Phenomenon, where the psychologist was trying to give him an IQ test: “Specifics, Bob.”

    For the record, I’ve rarely labeled myself as a White Nationalist. I’m White, that’s for sure. I believe Nationalism is the only thing that can restore any kind of real balance to the world. I’m pro-White. Technically, I guess you could say having those views automatically makes me a White Nationalist. I’m fine with the label and the current stigma that comes with it if someone wants to attach it to me. I don’t care anymore.

    And I’ve never called myself a Supremacist. No matter what you believe, I don’t view the world in terms of supreme vs inferior people. I don’t allow my neighbors to walk into my house whenever they want or treat them in the same manner as I do my own family. That doesn’t mean I believe I’m superior or that they are inferior. If I’m lumped in with actual Supremacists, then I have to say, like the White Nationalist label and stigma, I just don’t care anymore. It’s better than being surrounded by anti-Whites.

    • Quoting from at least two Travolta films? I like it!

      I know, or at least I’ve seen demonstrated, how it’s possible to carry on communications herein through referencing popular culture materiel beyond the knowledge of the Haters. Let’s see if your first passes by.

      These Haters! Stick “posting” in lieu “picture” in rod’s best. He was still a face back then. And in this situation the story ain’t so pretty, yes??

      I appreciate your thoughts.

  11. At least there is place where those of us who see mass immigration as destruction of our culture can talk about ideas and strategy, minus the trolls that seem to always show up. When I was in college back in the late 1970’s, there was nothing. The mainstream media was just three networks putting out the same elitist bullshit.

    A lot of us got sold on Reagan, he turned out to be a front for the establishment, at least in my book. They could have to a stop to mass immigration from Mexico in the mid 80’s, but they were too busy running up the national debt and obsessing about the damn Contras to worry about the future of their own country.

  12. @Mr. Griffin…

    ‘5.) Fifth, the North’s retarded ideas about integration never worked in Atlanta, as you have already conceded, but instead have burdened the region’s growth by driving Whites out of the city to distant suburbs which is an incredibly wasteful living arrangement.’

    Not just Atlanta, Sir, but, too many Eastern North Carolinian towns to mention, in which such has occurred.

    The Yankee government has succeeded in ruining a lot of our town centres – by subsidizing the world’s greatest field hands to a life of indolence, ennui, crime, and incarceration in our towns.

    Yet, it has not workt… for we are NOT integrated!

  13. Did anyone just hear President Obama call out Mr. Trump for being ‘unconstitional’?

    Incredible, from a native Kenyan, raised much in Moslem Malaysia, who, himself, refers to the constitution as, ‘a very flawed document’, and who winks at quite a bit of it!

  14. @ Mr. Griffin…

    ‘I would say though that having Warspite around as a dissenting Jewish voice provides a useful illustration to new readers of the Jewish position on a lot of these issues.’

    Yes, Sir – I know you appreciate it’s value.

    For me, however, the irony is overwhelming, as Warspite tries to combat the central notion, held by many here, that Jews are, by their blood, profoundly adversarial to ‘White Society’ … and yet, in spite of his obvious erudition and nose for nuance, conducts his defence in such a manner as to absolutely confirm his critick’s essential position..

    • Junius,

      I will say that you have similarly provided a useful contrast to Warspite here. As you know, I don’t believe all Jews are like Warspite, although far too many share his mentality.

      • Brad is dead-on about one thing. I am not at all like other Jews. First of all, very few Jews would believe you people actually exist in America. Second, upon recognizing you, very few Jews would engage in any sort of communications with you Haters. Third, even fewer Jews would extend you any courtesies. Fourth, any Jew willing to communicate with the Haiters crowd and extend them courtesy, might fear your numbers are more than a score or two.

        Are all of life’s answers really in the movies? How about if we also toss in TV? Denises would consequently reference mirror mirror as a bit of an explanation.

        • Warspite,

          “Fourth, any Jew willing to communicate with the Haiters crowd and extend them courtesy, might fear your numbers are more than a score or two.”

          I don’t hate either you or Don.

          Disagree, yes. Otherwise, I am completely indifferent to both of you. You seem to be just as animated in these discussions as some of the WN commentators. If they are “haters,” what are you?

          • I suspect that in common with Don I mostly feel sorry for you folks. In many cases, or at least with some people, I am sympathetic as to why they feel a certain way. I mean, Brad, I hardly need tell a savant like yourself why “Jews” were at least “double” over represented amongst 1917 Bolsheviks.

            Btw, the fact you are unable to make out any differences between Don (a traditional liberal gentile) and a mostly Jewish moderate to conservative Republican should offer you insight into the WS/WN “no difference” problem. Note my use of the word, “should”.

  15. Dear Mr. Griffin,

    Many many heartfelt thanks for your comment and kind acknowledgement, Sir.

    As well, let me thank you for having the courage to confront the macrocosmick ethnick realities facing The South, whilst maintaining the intellectual and moral acumen to treat people as individuals, and with a courteousness that our culture mandates.

    Sadly, Warspite is definitely more emblematick of Southern Jewish culture today, than Junius Daniel, the latter who, is well aware that he is a 19th century Southerners, of Jewish blood, unhappily misplacet into the early 21st century.

    I stand with you in your efforts to preserve and revive our traditional culture, in the face of a massive multi-directional assault on us, that began with the Yankee courts, not long after WWII.

    Sir, I have lived in both cultures : raised in the Old South and inhabiting the new.

    That so, I can say this :

    I much prefer to be a ‘disenfranchiset minority, in a White Southern Society dominated by Dr, Hills and Brad Griffins,, than ‘a franchiset equal’, in the multicutural Yankee paradise, supervised and bullied, in the name of ‘tolerance’, by Hollywood and the SPLC..

    The descriptives aside, I know which one possesses the better reality, for all involved.

  16. My understanding is that a president can exclude any aliens he considers a problem. Émigrés have few “rights” really. Once embedded into visas and jobs and green card situations it changes but…he’s got a lot of wiggle room. Only recently Saudis were allowed back into US universities.

  17. Jack Ryan
    ‘I got in to heated arguments with Rand Paul’s staff over Rand Paul taking the George Soros, Al Sharpton, BlackLivesMatter mob side in Ferguson MO then the staff offices stopped accepting calls.’

    ‘Hmmm. I didn’t know George Soros had been in Ferguson.
    Scores or hundreds of abettor groups to the Ferguson BS, and you choose to pull out a Jewish name. I wonder why that might be?’

    Because Soros is the main bag man and chief agitator.

    Mr. Soros spurred the Ferguson protest movement through years of funding and mobilizing groups across the U.S., according to interviews with key players and financial records reviewed by The Washington Times.

    In all, Mr. Soros gave at least $33 million in one year to support already-established groups that emboldened the grass-roots, on-the-ground activists in Ferguson, according to the most recent tax filings of his nonprofit Open Society Foundations.

    The financial tether from Mr. Soros to the activist groups gave rise to a combustible protest movement that transformed a one-day criminal event in Missouri into a 24-hour-a-day national cause celebre.

  18. Captain John: A muslim man wants to bring a muslim wife; deny that and what would a court do? Overrule it. And I’m not even talking about the 9th circuit. Any court would do that. But, you’ll say, just overrule the courts. And here is where Trump et al are creating an unforced error.

    Trump blasted something out of his backside without thinking, which actually is a disqualifier for the Presidency. He has revealed himself to be a Bush-style double talker on foreign policy.

    Bush started off talking about a humble foreign policy and no nation building, then after 9-11 (a dubious event) went on to the same stupid nation building he decried, and ISIS is just one horrific consequence of that blunder.

    Trump has been going around today asking “we don’t know they hate us”?

    Excuse me? No. That isn’t even worthy of a reply. We know why they hate us. In fact, trump called out Saudi Arabia on Morning Joe for funding ISIS, he called out Turkey for funding ISIS (all true), is that not grounds for being hated? To stand with and shield those bringing terror to Syria, Libya, Iraq, Palestine, Yemen, Lebanon, Iran, Afghanistan (remember that Tim Osman aka Osama bin Laden was our guy there as well).

    Trump further says we should shut down the internet for some.

    Excuse me? I don’t like the sound of that.

    Should we also round up all firearms owned by Muslims? I don’t like the sound of that either.

    Again, neither Trump nor anyone else here or elsewhere is answering cogently what would happen if jihadis just decide en masse to not self report as Muslims? They could call themselves Atheists or Christians and waltz right in?

    Trump was doing far better when he wanted to reject all refugees. Now he is twisted up saying that we don’t let enough Christian Syrians in, then in the very next breath reaffirms that we shouldn’t let any refugees in because they can lie (as to my point).

    Trump is galvanizing opposition to himself and will not have enough strength to win the election in November.

    We need better; perhaps we can get better from Trump. Perhaps there is someone he respects who can take him aside in a private conversation and get him back on track to winning the election and building the wall. Perhaps not.

    I could go on and on, that’s how bad this was.

    • Uh oh, Captain. Methinks thoust art in big time trouble. Afterthought has not only written thoughtfully, he (or she) knows what the Ninth Circuit means. He’s right, too. The Fourth Circuit would strike down any such effort, not to mention the Ninth. The fact the case would likely arise in the D.C. Circuit pretty much says it all.

      If such a scenario did get to the Su Ct, it’s 9-0. No question. The decision would be out within days. No member of the federal judiciary on any level will allow themselves to become part of Korematsu II. Even Brad Gryphon might understand this statement within the context of that 1944 decision being 6-3.

      It’s very difficult to present legal issues before persons of limited education such as Brad. Let me correct that. Limited education in a certain area, and not willing to concede ignorance. Roger Taney should be regarded as one of the greatest Chief Justices of all time. He wrote a civil liberties decision during the Civil War that still stands as a masterpiece. But because he penned a decision holding that because of a man’s color he was mere personalty, he is (rightfully) held in derision by the general public. The fact that two of his colleagues (one of whom Taney towered over intellectually) saw things with clarity, fully justifies Taney’s unfortunate treatment in history.,

  19. I would be happy scooping up arms from Muslims and Blacks and Indios.

    profiling dune monkeys? Sounds fucking good.

    Admittedly he does pose a risk starting new ground wars in Asia against Muzz front groups.

    Nothing much else troubles me. Most Muslim men are married to two or three women. I’d open up a bigamy investigation on such aliens. There.

  20. @Warspite…

    ‘I certainly do not hate you, Junius. I don’t even dislike you. I haven’t even looked at the spreadsheet to see who you are. But I hope you realize that because of your antisemitism there will never be circumstances involving Jews that satisfy you.’

    Warspite – though I know I am a culture shock for you, and that you are mildly aghast to read my thoughts, I know you don’t dislike me, nor, for that matter, do I dislike you.

    We are bound by blood, and, as such, I may criticize you in full view, but, I will never renounce you.

    Still. I strenuously dislike that you live in The South and yet are virulently anti-Southern – that you protagonize the very things which are making a misery for Southerners of every race and creed.

    It feels unseemly, to put it in the most civil terms I can find.

    I dislike how you so oft treat those who disagree with you with such disdain & disrespect.

    To me that’s not only unSouthern, it’s truly anti-semetick, as it represents our blood in a very unfavourable light.

    Further, though I share with you a deep sadness & disbelief at the paranoick exaggerations of those who believe we have no right to exist, and who make jokes of those sufferings our people have undergone, I cannot help but cringe at how you sincerely wish to convince those who blame us for everything wrong in the world, and yet : do it in such a way as to confirm a lot of it.

    As to my being ‘anti-semitick’, only leftists consider me that, because, for them, to dare to criticize the culture of which my blood makes me part, is tatamount to heresy, and, thus, I must be an anti-semite.’

    I dislike where Jewish culture is, today, as, as well, where the general culture of this entire country is.

    It is my strongest conviction that Jews who do not respect the traditional cultures where they live, ought immigrate to Israel, where their advocations will gain a legitimate context.

    As a North Carolinian, of Jewish blood,I feel not only a sense of belonging and history here, but, a sincere obligation to my neighbours to be respectful of the gloriously imperfect human heritage that we Tarheels share, and a gratitude for the many kindnesses which they have shown me and mine. blood irrespective.

    • Junius:

      May I respectfully suggest what I see as the fundamental flaw in your reasoning.

      You state something along the lines of Jews who do not accept the culture/values of where they live ought to…. I will presume you are stating “anyone” who does not accept, etc., ought to move on, since any other interpretation would indicate your reserving special treatment for Jews as opposed to any other ethnic or religious group.

      In my view, I do accept the culture and values of the South. Far moreso than your colleagues. Why is it presumed Southern culture consists of people with bad teeth, bad educations and lots of guns calling blacks, “niggers”? I reject that entirely, and have since I gained enough education to put together independent thought. The brand of White Supremacy, White Nationalist, soft on Adolf beliefs I see bandied about here are not Southern. They are ignorant and stupid, not noble and honorable. They are the views and values of those who are bitter and marginalized. That the South is still saddled with these human moral detritus ignores their numbers in Indiana, Eastern Washington, Nevada, or wherever else.

      These people represent everything worst about the South, and I think it unfair to use their existence to blight the 13 or so states still laying claim to a certain heritage. Why would you give any credence to people wanting to have a veritable circle jerk around their phony versions of Nathaniel Forrest, but who have never cracked open Faulkner? For the most part these are people sprung out of the South’s bilge pumps.

      As if more evidence is needed of the dishonor brought upon the South by these yahoos, look at what they write about Jews. Given your background you are well-aware that antisemitism has little writ in the Southern History the girls present claim to honor. Anti-Catholicism was a potent force. Anti-Jewish feelings, not so much. But that’s not what these people are about. They are simply maniacal and disaffected racists who are trying to put a false veneer of “Southern” on generally neo Nazi beliefs.

      I know the South. My family have been in parts of the South for five or more generations. To the extent some of these loons represent the South it is representation of our very worst aspects. I hold these WS/WN crowd in precisely the same Southern stead as some of the criminals I could meet tomorrow in any number of local housing projects. As Brad can affirm for you, many of the aforementioned have been in the South as long or longer as his proud forebears. And looking back, what’s the big difference between the poor sharecroppers of Brad’s past and the past Freedman of a local Atlanta felon?

  21. Junius

    “For me, however, the irony is overwhelming, as Warspite tries to combat the central notion, held by many here, that Jews are, by their blood, profoundly adversarial to ‘White Society’ … and yet, in spite of his obvious erudition and nose for nuance, conducts his defence in such a manner as to absolutely confirm his critick’s essential position.”

    His paranoia is perfectly balanced between muslims and white people so he’s stuck like a turtle on its back.

  22. Afterthought

    “We need better; perhaps we can get better from Trump.”

    Forget leaders.

    If you change the ground people naturally inclined to be leaders will appear.

    Focus on changing the ground.

    Apart from being the best use of time it’s fun.

  23. What Trump threw out today is no different than Romney’s self-deportation scheme. A jihadist won’t self identify as Muslim. Period. He has shown himself to be an erratic leader that cannot be trusted. Trump “is not doing well”.

  24. Anon: I agree, one could argue that Trump car jacked an organic resistance to white genocide and is now showing that he isn’t safe behind the wheel. He won’t get 270 votes in the Electoral College against a Clinton machine election.

    No matter, Partition will again rise to the top after Trump’s flame out.

  25. @Warspite…

    ‘Brad is dead-on about one thing. I am not at all like other Jews. First of all, very few Jews would believe you people actually exist in America. Second, upon recognizing you, very few Jews would engage in any sort of communications with you Haters. Third, even fewer Jews would extend you any courtesies. Fourth, any Jew willing to communicate with the Haiters crowd and extend them courtesy, might fear your numbers are more than a score or two.’

    I already acknowledged your courage, openly, for, being outnumbered and fencing with those antithetical here, instead of running away, like most, of any blood, would do.

    I have also acknowledged your acumen.

    You are right that humans live in denial, and that those with our blood are a prime case of it.

    So, yes – your politicks are typical, for the day, but, your personality not.

    I do respect your chutzpah, but, again, your deep abiding disrespect and scorn for the very society that has mothered us is profoundly distasteful to me.

    Honour is important to me, hence, loyalty and gratitude to God, family, blood, and neighbours, are paramount, in the march of a man’s character.

    I remind you that many mainstream Jews have long been aghast when ultra-orthodox Jews offer criticism of modern day Jewish culture, and remind you of exactly that, in response to your notion that I could find no Jewish counterparts.

    Godless humanism is a diabolick thing to me, and, of all the Jews who have ever existed, I not only have a lot of company, in this respect, – I may even be in the majority.

    I remind you of the many profoundly religious Jews who vomit at the notion of integration and gay marriage, or of the many Jews who proudly served the Confederacy – including 4 members of that great man, President Jefferson Davis’s cabinet.

    Try to have some respect for someone else other than yourself, and all those you mirror your ideas back to you.

    After all, that is the very thing for which you claim to decry White Nationalists, here at this site.

    ???? ????

  26. @Anon…

    I read your analysis of Warspite’s Weltanschauung, and thought it interesting, though, for now, i have nothing to add.

    Thank you.

  27. @Richard Bird…

    I read your comment, (in the conversation about DNA testing and human development, somewhere, earlier today, about Jews being sneaky.

    My opinion is this :

    Some Jews are marked by an unusual ability to think outside of the box, and a driving desire to pry around every obstacle.

    This is why those with our blood have made outstanding contributions to civilization in science, medicine, art, finance, and business.

    On the other hand, that very same quality can make us a toxin in the political arena.

    I wonder if Putin, and the Russian parliament, has not got it right : that Jewish contributions are very much welcome in Russian life, but, are prohibited from the political process, more specifically, from holding office.

    Every tool has it’s best uses.

  28. Hunter Wallace // December 9, 2015 at 2:39 am //
    “If they are “haters,” what are you?”

    Anyone who uses the word “hate” a lot, is a hater. Anti-Whites are big on projection.

  29. Junius Daniel // December 9, 2015 at 2:54 am //

    “I read your comment, (in the conversation about DNA testing and human development, somewhere, earlier today, about Jews being sneaky.”

    For the record, I am more interested in the gene that makes one anti-White, for the simple reason, I don’t think White anti-Whites should be allowed prey on Whites either.

    • Did someone actually reference an AW gene?!? How can there be an AW gene when no one is able to define “White”? Other than, that is, “someone who does not agree with you”.

  30. Junius Daniel // December 9, 2015 at 2:54 am //

    “Some Jews are marked by an unusual ability to think outside of the box, and a driving desire to pry around every obstacle.”

    Is that a polite way of saying, they can hold opposing positions depending on the argument they are having at the time? One position that is good for them and one that is bad for Whites?

    Well am an open box thinker too. I believe Whites should have countries of our own, to prevent White Genocide. However I also strongly support the Open Borders for Israel movement, because without Diversity, Israel will not survive.

  31. Why would any-one want to “integrate” with Negroes? HAHAHA!!! I think Whites would move anywhere to get away from Negroes. This is proven again and again.

    FYI – no one is entitled for health care, decent housing, and a good education. Et cetera, et cetera. Those things must be CREATED by people. Whites, overall, create the most desirable things. Why do Whites owe any-one else anyrhing? The answer is “We DON’T.”

    All sorts of templates are available on how to do or make just about anything, Negroes, and other non-Whites must create things on their own. Negroes, especially, have a 100% consistent record of destroying everything Whites make. So they must GO.

    • But, Denises. No “negoes”, no Elvis! Of course, you seem like a Colonel Tom gal yourself. Shame he wasn’t a Hebrew, cause the Haiti-deportees here could have such a field day with that.

      Would chafe their butts if they knew about Elvis Aaron & Jews, or the E and blacks. He just didn’t have it in him to be that way.

  32. @WarSpite
    In your opinion we are “racist, Nazi, KKK, WeeNies, HuWhite Supreeeemacists”. You are just saying that because we are White. Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.

    • Richard:

      I have asked you not to address me pending your address of the 1790 Hypothetical.

      Why are so many brave white men so very afraid of one Jew? Is it your knowledge that the hand of International Jewry awaits to snap down and break your necks, like eager rats seeking rotting cheese from a trap? Or, are ya just all yeller?!?

  33. Warspite // December 9, 2015 at 4:19 am //
    “Did someone actually reference an AW gene?!? How can there be an AW gene when no one is able to define “White”?”

    Anti-White WarSpite is saying Whites do not exist AGAIN.

    This is a common Dehumanization tactic anti-Whites use against White people. Dehumanization is one of the 8 stages of genocide.

    WarSpite wants White Genocide.

  34. How to spot an anti-White:
    1) They deny that race exists; race is just Social construct.
    2) They blame everything on White people who they say don’t exist.
    3) They wish for GENOCIDE via mass foreign race immigration and FORCED assimilation.
    4) They try to justify White GENOCIDE see point number two.
    5) They say that any White people that object to their own GENOCIDE should not be allowed to speak because they’re EVIL
    Anti-racist is a >codeword< for anti-White

  35. It had been written by biographer Elaine Dundy that Elvis had a great great great maternal grandmother who was a jew.

    A smidgen of chosen DNA if true. Probably not.

    Who is Elaine Dundy?

    Wiki: She was born Elaine Rita Brimberg in New York City, of Polish and Latvian descent. Her Polish-born Jewish father, Samuel Brimberg, was an office furniture manufacturer and a violent bully.[1] Her mother was the daughter of a multimillionaire Jewish manufacturer and inventor

    ‘Shake those hips and sing Hava Nagila, the King is one of us! Or… is he?

    If it was only so simple. One theory states that Elvis had a Jewish maternal great-great-great-grandmother, which would make him Jewish in the Halachical sense. The other theory states that that great- (let’s skip a few greats) grandmother was a myth, a figment of the imagination of a delusional relative who lied to a biographer.

    Alas, it is the second theory that is true. However, Elvis definitely showed some reverence for the chosen people. As a child, he was a shabbos goy for a rabbi neighbor. As an adult, he donated to Jewish charities. He even wore a Chai necklace (sometimes paired with a cross), saying “I don’t want to miss out on going to heaven on a technicality.” (Of course, if he really was Jewish, he’d know that our concept of heaven quite differs from the Christian one. But can’t blame a guy for trying.)

    And you can’t blame us for wanting Elvis on our team. We certainly would prefer him to that OTHER Jew known as “The King”, right?

    Verdict: Sadly, not a Jew.’

  36. @Warspite…

    ‘In my view, I do accept the culture and values of the South. Far moreso than your colleagues. Why is it presumed Southern culture consists of people with bad teeth, bad educations and lots of guns calling blacks, “niggers”? I reject that entirely…’

    Saying you accept something, and then rejecting it is double-talk.

    Just like many. of every type of blood living in cities ‘geographically Southern’, you cherry-pick our culture to fit into your progressive, Northern, views.

    The traditional Southron semantick for this is ‘scalawag’.

    In your case, though, it may be more appropriate to say, ‘scalawag in denial.’
    as there is still enough honour, somewhere inside you, to recognize that, in so doing, your soul is wretching.

    • Junius:

      You misquote me entirely. I do not think Southerners consist of the words you quote. What I wrote is my weariness with WS/WN presenting the worst aspects of Southern culture, and solely the worst aspects. The tiresome display of the very worst of the South not only presents a false image I deeply resent, it acts as confirmation to non-Southerners of their pre existing prejudices,

      Kentucky produced men like Brandeis and John Marshal Harlan, and I deeply resent when racists justify their thinking or actions on being Southerners. They are the same foolish white trash directly responsible for the ease with which the CSA flag was stripped from the South.

      • Warspite,

        “Kentucky produced men like Brandeis and John Marshal Harlan, and I deeply resent when racists justify their thinking or actions on being Southerners. They are the same foolish white trash directly responsible for the ease with which the CSA flag was stripped from the South.”

        I was under the impression that Kentucky was a great Jim Crow state. It also refused to give up slavery in spite of clinging to the Union. As for the Confederacy, I don’t recall it being “anti-racist” either.

      • John Marshall Harlan had some good decisions like Pace v. Alabama which upheld the constitutionality of anti-miscegenation laws and Wong Kim Ark on Chinese anchor babies. It would be interesting to hear what Harlan would have to say about Trump’s plan on birthright citizenship. Brandeis also supported eugenic sterilization laws in Buck v. Bell.

        • I’m doing this right off the top of my head, BG. I know this sort of thing is akin to magic to your comrades.

          Pace brings nothing to mind. Wong, of course, is an entirely different story. Harlan really thought little of Asians. He called them, I think even in his Plessy v Ferguson dissent, “Chinamen”. He had zippo of good to say regarding Asians. But, Brad, you are writing about someone who served in the Civil War. Do you expect him to fit within all the late 20th century ideas of virtuous thought.

          Again, I’m not going to take the time to look this up, but wasn’t Harlan’s position in Wong in a dissent? And if you read the case, which I have a few times, I doubt you’d come down on Harlan’s side.

          • I shall review the case. I have read all of Harlan’s cases, but it has been a good while for most. Plus he was on the Court for some 30 yrs. And you seem to be cherry picking cases. I’ve warned you away from such superficial analysis.

            Along with Plessy, I strongly suggest you review in a thoughtful manner Harlan’s dissent in The Civil Rights Cases. After due consideration, read it again. Ditto the Plessy dissent.

            Glory Be! I received an email on BG’s economics analysis from my academic comrade at a certain Pac-12 school. Hmmm, interesting. Yes, I see. Indeed, most interesting. The info is: wait. Before I write anything I need to ask them a pregunta. Plus, I need to make sure I at least generally understand some of these terms!

            The question I am emailing to beautiful Tuscon is not substantive in manner. Just something procedural.

            Tell me you’re not on pins and needles, BG? Come on, admit it. Honesty is the best policy. If you persist in this false nonchalance I’m going to call you on it & never pass on the comments. Just admit you want to know. It will not make you any less of a man to grovel a bit to a Jew. I’m sure you’ve done worse things.

  37. @Miss Denise…

    ‘If Jews were like Jewnius, all would be well. But they’re not.’

    M’am, I know enough from our exchanges, before you knew I shared Warspite’s blood, to know that you are a caring person, and that your keen sense of justice is what propels a lot of your vitriol.

    I ask you to please not contort my name.

    It’s not right. nor does it befit a lady – particularly one who is thoughtful enough to be a Copperhead.

    Still, that said, I knew it was hard for you to offer this kindness, and, to that end, I thank you.

    Merry Christmas!

  38. @RichardBird…

    ‘“Some Jews are marked by an unusual ability to think outside of the box, and a driving desire to pry around every obstacle.”

    Is that a polite way of saying, Junius Daniel, that they can hold opposing positions depending on the argument they are having at the time? One position that is good for them and one that is bad for Whites?

    No, Mr. Bird, it is not, or, at least, that was not what I was trying to address. In my opinion, your comment refers to the traditional notion of what is sauce for the goose, ain’t sauce for the gander, and, as such, it’s a whole ‘nuther ball o’ wax, than what I was addressing.

    ‘Well am an open box thinker too.’

    Yes, I know you are, as it takes a lot of courage to openly protagonize the philosophies that you do, in the face of a culture that, while claiming to be tolerant, is it’s steadily nearing it’s antithesis.

    ‘I believe Whites should have countries of our own, to prevent White Genocide.’

    I agree with that, though, I will note, in this country, given it’s traditions – both socially and legally, such is extremely likely to occur.

    On the other hand, Mr. Bird, you might could move to a place like the Northeastern New York hill country, where, they celebrate tales of runaway slaves and yet, are 99.9 white!

    ‘However I also strongly support the Open Borders for Israel movement, because without Diversity, Israel will not survive.’

    I do not support open borders for anybody.

    Further, I wish Israel well, though, being a North Carolinian, I wish for a foreign policy that truly reflects the interest of my fellow Southrons, and not Israel’s security interests.

    All the best to you and yours, on this holiday season!

  39. @Warspite…


    May I respectfully suggest what I see as the fundamental flaw in your reasoning.’

    Warspite, I take it respectfully, as I am sure I have flaws in my thinking.

    Age, has made me only too well aware of my imperfect humanity, and that only The Lord does not have flaws.

    Still, I ask you to ponder this :

    It is a flaw to live in a culture with an adversarial mindset toward the majority of those who graciously permit us in their midst, and, who, on the whole, have treated our culture with greater respect and deference than any other in the history of the diaspora.

    It is a flaw of ingratitude to live in Georgia, yet, embrace the government, and social philosophies of Georgia’s most embittered enemy – the government in Washington.

    It is a flaw to decry those who decry you as adversarial, and yet be adversarial to them.

    It is a flaw to reproach people for a lack of fundamental human decency respectfulness, and yet : be so frequently indecent & disrespectful of them when so doing.

    It is a flaw to criticize many around us, for being ‘bacco chewing, gun-totin’ & nigger-hating white trash scum’, and yet, when someone criticizes the culture of those with our blood, label them as unconstructive hate-mongerers, incapable of rational thought.

    It is a flaw to cherry-pick people, places or things, and use that process to force them reconstruct themselves, and their culture, to your particular precepts.

    It is a flaw to say you are in favour of freedom of the libertarian expressionist ideals in the Constitution, and yet : demand that people stop their threatening rhetorick – or else what? : you’ll report them…

    These, Warspite are flaws.

    I hope you’ll see them, because, you can rest assured, everyone else, here, will.

    Have a nice day and try to be nice, even if they are not nice to you.


    Because if you truly believe in Southern values, you’ll intuitively recognize down-home hospitality, and how important that is.

    • Junius:

      I do indeed respect your opinions. Your efforts to remain courteous are more than laudable.

      My concern about the philosophy that underlies your beliefs is the extent to which it relies on anachronism and myth. We will have to agree to disagree on the latter.

      No one trained in Law could take seriously the fact that, e.g., the Republic almost certainly did not take Jefferson Davis to trial because of the significant chance of losing, as more than an academic jumping off point. Not only is the Constitution a “living document” that changes, it must change. While there are absolutely immutable principles, the ability to amend- to change, is built into the document.

      Regardless of whether or not I believe the Constitution is the most perfect document ever written by men, I’m not blind or stupid. Blacks, at least those in bondage, are no more 3/5 of a man than we can take a time out while the US issues Letters of Marque and sets up Prize Courts. The fact many to all of your colleagues want to read the 13th, 14th and 15th Anendments out of the Constitution. If they don’t like the aforementioned Amendments they will just move the goalposts and argue they are illegal. But they will accept the 2nd & 3rd Amendments, the amendment process and even Amendments after the 13th-15th.

      Years ago I had the interesting experience of dealing with “tax protesters”, etc., in Wisconsin. What people here muse is the same flawed, fractured & disaffected stuff. There is nothing new under the Sun here.

      Regarding inappropriate use of language, I believe a review would demonstrate any language to which you object is responsive. Almost always responsive to BG not enforcing his guidelines. That is a weakish defense, but it’s hard to take BG or your complaints too seriously when BG refuses to ban, e.g., Sam for his Holocaust denial trash. It is not a 1st Amendment issue, and Sam clearly violated the BGG.

      Nonetheless, I have to agree with what you are thinking. The sins and foolishness of others seems a poor excuse for imitating that conduct.

      • Warspite,

        “The fact many to all of your colleagues want to read the 13th, 14th and 15th Anendments out of the Constitution.”

        Since the Reconstruction amendments were imposed on the defeated South at gunpoint, why are they legitimate?

        • BG, that question is so wrong in nature from so many angles and perspectives I hardly know where to begin. But I will, as soon as you show some stones and suspend those who have consistently chosen to breach your guidelines.

  40. The Jew Mayor of St Petersburg, FL – an American City, in a country CREATED BY WHITE CHRISTIANS – just banned White American Citizen Donald Trump FROM St Jewisburg, on behald of Muslim Jihadi racial alien invaders. Jews, FYI, all over the American TV “News” agitating for thousands of American troops, and all the attendant funding, to “fight ISIS in Syria”.


    • The mayor of St. Petersburg ought to worry about running his own city, not national politics. What an ass!

      Of course, every WS/WN has to immediately decide it’s a Jewish thing, not a stupid thing. Do you people really wonder why the entire outside world sees you as neo Nazis? Do you not get that you are completely incapable of stopping yourselves, and believe virtually anything if it can be linked to Jews?

      You nabobs have no idea how many times you have been made fools of by those who monitor you by their laughingly misidentifying all sorts of people as Jews. I mean, keep at it, it’s funny & all, but it makes you look incredibly pathetic.

  41. Warspite: The BGG is a failure because it is a fraudulently presented set of rules. It applies to some and not others. Nowhere can I find a written version of the Gs. In my case I find that BG edits my comments. This reveals BG’s apparent lack of experience in editing relationship.

    Ordinarily, writer and editor are in mutual agreement to the relationship. I’ve had editors over the years (primarily in the NYC press – NYTimes, Village Voice, etc. – and only for paid assignments) and that process never changed.

    In short, you’re a shitty editor, Brad. And I think that has everything to do with your politics/beliefs.

  42. Warspite
    ‘They are the same foolish white trash directly responsible for the ease with which the CSA flag was stripped from the South.’

    Why aren’t you following the BG guidelines you chide everyone else for violating?

    According to you it is unseemly to employ offensive words such as negro, muzzi, jew, beaners etc., but ‘white trash’ is perfectly acceptable.

    Another manifestation of jew hypocrisy.

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