By Hunter Wallace
As many expected, the National Front failed to capture a single region in France after the “mainstream” parties – the Socialists and Conservatives – teamed to block Le Pen:
“France’s far-right National Front (FN) has failed to win a single region in the second round of municipal elections, preliminary results show.
They indicate that the party has been beaten into third place, despite leading in six of 13 regions in the first round of voting.
Nicolas Sarkozy’s centre-right Republicans are set to win most seats ahead of the ruling Socialists.
Acknowledging defeat, FN leader Marine Le Pen pledged to keep fighting. …”
In 2016, the same story will play out in the United States: the fake Right will team up with the Left to stop Trump by voting for Hillary Clinton in the general election.
This may even occur in the primaries.
This sort of thing confirms Socialist opinion that Fascism is simply a talking horse in most cases for establishment “conservatives”.
The rise of right wing populism simply delivers power to the center right in the French context and most likely to the jewed out center left in the American context.
Democracy and its mechanisms are highly suspect and do look illegitimate when this gamesmanship thwarts popular will.
getting close to the tipping point in France – is the US closer or further away?
I pray you’re wrong, Hunter, sir. That woman makes Prez? Utter and total collapse of this nation, and within her first term. Put that down as my best prediction.
Act 1 of Houelebecq’s Submission.
Act 2 will be blocking the FN by voting for Islamist parties if necessary.
Michel Hollebecque predicted just this outcome in his latest book Submission. The between-the-lines message to LePen in Hollebecque’s book is that France is finished unless revolutionary violence is used to seize power. As John points out, the other side clearly has no problem thwarting the popular with dirty tactics.
“Acknowledging defeat, FN leader Marine Le Pen pledged to keep fighting”
But she didn’t acknowledge it had been a fair fight.
A fair-minded Aryan may think to himself: Fair enough, the jewstream parties (Libcucks+Cuckservatives) have a right to team together to block the Anti-Replacement Front.
But the Jew Front doesn’t really represent the voters. The voters don’t realize that the headquarters of the two main parties they vote for are under Jewish anti-White control. The Jewish direction decides who is allowed to run as a candidate for the phony right and the phony left. So, it isn’t a legitimate system at all. No candidate who openly opposes race-replacement will ever be chosen by the Jewish direction, even though most voters oppose race-replacement.
In Sunday’s French elections, the judeo-socialists had given orders to the socialist lists in 3 different electoral regions (out of a dozen) to get out of the race to make sure that the cuckservative list could finish first (the first list past the post gets a proportion of the seats in the regional assembly, plus a bonus of 25%) and the FN list would remain in second place. Libcuck voters were instructed by the state television to vote for the cuckservatives. It isn’t clear to me how the leaders of the socialist list were persuaded to get out of the race: intimidation ? promise of a compensation ? natural loyalty to their Jewish masters ? The leader of each list was obviously in an ideal position to destroy his own list. But one of the three socialist leaders (Masseret) refused to get out of the race, and most of his comrades on his list maintained their presence as well. His list got 16% of the vote yesterday, even though the socialist government had instructed the voters not to vote for his list.
The other obvious factor explaining election results in Western countries :
TV is in the hands of the Jews, and pro-White discourse is not allowed on Jewish TV. A proportion of the voters are either politically stupid, ultra-conformist, or do not have enough time to think about political matters. It means that their vote completely depends on what the electrical jew in their living-room tells them to do. They won’t start voting differently until we take control of government and the TV. In the current system, it’s not people choosing what kind of government and TV they want, it’s the government and TV deciding how people are going to vote.
The issues caused by immigration aren’t going to be solved or improved without nationalists in power. The Establishment is engaging in log rolling. At some point the problems are going to precipitate a crisis so great that they will be swept away in either an election or a revolution. The Establishment is digging its own grave.
There was some talk of the left and right forming common electoral lists against the Front National in preparation for the second round of voting. They decided against it to prevent public disgust from politics. It would have made it too obvious that the phony left and the phony right were part of the same anti-White system. Instead, the Socialist Party simply decided to pull out of the race in the three regions where the Front National had the best chances of coming first.
But even so, the French telavivision keeps saying there are 3 main groups: the right, the left, and the people-eating fascistic Front National. The idea of a TV-guided left-right coalition used as a common front against the Front National helps confirm the fact that the real opposition is not between left and right, but between Jews and Whites.
See. I told you the claims that jews were smart was another Big Lie. They are not even MARGINALLY INTELLIGENT. Their fake degrees are cheap cardboard junk they give to each other like those fake awards. This SCAM is now OVER, rat boys.
Like JFK said,”Those who make Peaceful Revolution Impossible, make Violent Revolution Inevitable.”
I never thought that they’d even allow Trump to be on the ballot. I figured him for another Ross Perot. They want Hillary in there, and that’s probably what they’ll get.
Take heart :
Just a few years ago, the National Front, in France, was seen as a comick lunatick fringe which neither the French Establishment, nor the overwhelming majority of the voters took seriously.
Now, we are disappointed it did not sweep the elections.
Do not worry : the socialists in France will continue to help grow the National Front.
Leftism, Bolshevism, socialism, or what you wish to call it, is quickly turning into it’s own best enema…
Anon: we are getting closer to the tipping point in all white nations despite the recent snap-back of the “Overton Window” from Trump’s lack of discipline.
Why? Race is real, white genocide is real, and a program is conceivable that could rally enough whites to push it through the electoral obstacles. But such a program will not resemble a right-wing Christmas list – it has to be a UNITY government!
People have to feel safe, feel that their rights and interests will be respected. And that requires a lot of Trust building efforts, not just pointing out how bad the other side is.
Slinging racial epithets, glorifying fascism destroys trust – for a long time.
There are always options.
One option is to go ex-pat, like so many bright, principled British people who couldn’t take what happened to not so merry old England and ended up in Australia, Canada or writing for National Review before the Neo Con purges.
I note with great joy that nationalists in France and Russia are now on the same team. In my grandfather’s time in Czarist Russia the Russian nobility spoke French socially. France never went for the foolish Cold war the USA vs Soviet/Russia divide – by the 1960s this divide was a totally waste as evidenced that the Juden became strongly anti Russia/anti Soviet.
Nationalists in France should be flying back and forth to good places in Russia, getting teaching jobs, being international the same way the Jews have always been.
“In 2016, the same story will play out in the United States: the fake Right will team up with the Left to stop Trump by voting for Hillary Clinton in the general election.”
We’ll see.
Fascism is just another word for Unity.
I’d also call it a Binding.
“Junius Daniel // December 14, 2015 at 3:02 pm //
Take heart :
Just a few years ago, the National Front, in France, was seen as a comick lunatick fringe which neither the French Establishment, nor the overwhelming majority of the voters took seriously.
Now, we are disappointed it did not sweep the elections.
Do not worry : the socialists in France will continue to help grow the National Front.
Leftism, Bolshevism, socialism, or what you wish to call it, is quickly turning into it’s own best enema…”
Precisely. Barring some calculated event, The Don is the next POTUS. Same with Le Pen in France the following year. I’d estimate that Ms. Merkel will have already inhaled bullets by then.
The slimy Jews behind this really aren’t as smart as many of us believe. Just visit their Hollywood sets, where everything on screen appears so elaborate and is in fact very flimsy and temporary. So goes their politics. This last century or three has no doubt been their longest running charade.
Trump is at 41% in the latest Monmouth University poll.
In the first round of voting, National Front and League du Sud won a combined total 41.67% of the vote in Provence. In the 2nd round, Marion Le Pen won 45.22%. A non-negligible number of socialists and minor party leftists voted National Front in the second round. The same is true in every region where the National Front won more than 31% of the vote in the first round (Burgundy, Alsace, Languedoc, Calais).
Trump is harder to stop than Buchanan was. Marine is harder to stop than Jean-Marie was. Why? Invade-the-world/invite-the-world has been an unmitigated disaster. Hollywood, mainstream media and academia can slap all the lipstick they want onto that pig, but a growing number of people will see right through it. The rotten establishment is collapsing.
(The rotten establishment would collapse faster if rightists would wage economic warfare – boycott Hollywood, etc. – but I don’t have too much hope the conference room snarksters will ever muster the will power to take this easy and obvious step. Gotta watch Star Wars! Those Knights of Ren, so fascist! And those Knights of Stimpy!)
Here are our three possible futures, from least likely to most likely:
1. The establishment radically changes direction to prevent eventual nationalist victory at the polls. We win.
2. The establishment does not radically change direction, causing an eventual nationalist victory at the polls. We win.
3. The establishment discards all semblance of democracy and resorts to naked force to prevent a nationalist takeover. This is the one scenario in which we clearly lose. The power of modern military is truly awesome when ruthlessly applied, and senior officers are mostly soulless social climbers without an iota of patriotism – Wesley Clark is a perfect sample of the type. The left is already seriously contemplating this scenario. A Colorado ACLU activist has called for mass shooting of Trump supporters, a leftist in France has called for the mass rape of National Front women, and socialist politician Manual Valls has bluntly threatened civil war in the event of National Front electoral victory.
Latest general election poll: Clinton 50 trump 40.
A couple of things: this NBC poll was conducted Dec 6 to 9, so it may not reflect the full debacle of trumps unforced error.
Second, clinton at 50 with 10% unaccounted for is pretty damning. She can give back a few states Obama won and still win. Obama got 51% against Romney if I recall, in a near landslide.
Third, Trump’s is showing astonish weakness against a terribly flawed candidate. Chris Buckley has a piece on Drudge that articulates this beautifully.
Does that mean that it is over for Trump? Almost. He could start to reintroduce himself at the debate, saying that while his intentions are good, his plan was not and that he appreciates the criticism, constructive and otherwise. That he endorses other plans that do not contravene the principles of equality before the law and freedom of conscience. That he intends to win the primary and then the general election and that he understands that the Presidency is an office of high honor and trust, perhaps the highest, and that he intends to earn that trust over the course if the next 12 months. He could then conclude his opening remarks by saying, I am neither a fascist nor authoritarian, but a patriotic businessman. He understands the differences between the arena of business and the arena of politics and that he hopes to strike the optimum balance between the two.
But in order to do this he would have to abandon the Pickup Artist school of politics and show a strength of character heretofore unseen.
I’m not holding my breath.
Have you listened to more than 30 seconds of Clinton speak these days?
No way is she getting elected.
She’s got the most unpleasant voice I’ve ever heard.
“He could start to reintroduce himself at the debate, saying that while his intentions are good, his plan was not and that he appreciates the criticism, constructive and otherwise. That he endorses other plans that do not contravene the principles of equality before the law and freedom of conscience. That he intends to win the primary and then the general election and that he understands that the Presidency is an office of high honor and trust, perhaps the highest, and that he intends to earn that trust over the course if the next 12 months. He could then conclude his opening remarks by saying, I am neither a fascist nor authoritarian, but a patriotic businessman. He understands the differences between the arena of business and the arena of politics and that he hopes to strike the optimum balance between the two.”
Well, you’re right, Afterthought, that that would constitute abandonment of the Pickup Artist school of politics.
If Trump is as flawed a candidate as you think, it proves my point. People are noticing the horrible consequences of invade/invite, and plan to vote accordingly – even if the candidate is flawed. Hence, PUA Trump is on course to be a major party candidate – better than gentleman Pat Buchanan achieved.
But is Trump really a flawed candidate for the existing electorate? He hasn’t even started concentrating on Clinton or spending. Most people are not upper-middle class WASP nice guys. Trumps style seems to have appeal:
https://app.bingpulse.com/msnbcdayside/daypulse https://archive.is/Ry0D2 https://twitter.com/Maryland4Trump/status/674326987066970114
Did Trump’s comments about Muslims go too far?
70% of Whites say no
89% of Hispanics say no
97% of Blacks say no
88% of “other” say no
This is what happens when the WASP elite ceases to defend their working/middle class co-ethnics. Replacement immigration also replaces the old norms, and WASP commoners defend themselves in a cruder manner than WASP elitists would have done.
I think Trump should double down and promise a complete immigration moratorium,in addition to Operation Wetback 2.0, followed by a return to pre-1965 style quotas and a Mitchel Palmer style deportation of ISIS and Al-Qaeda sympathizers. Their is nothing even slightly fascistic or demagogic about any of this. Eisenhower, Reed, Johnson and Palmer were all perfectly democratic Christian gentlemen.
The Republican candidate will not likely be Trump, but, barring some unforeseen disaster, Senator Cruz.
Cruz has shown he can vie with Trump, on his own, and now, suddenly he is picking up the help of the entire Republican establishment.
As to the candidacy of Miss Hillary ; I think this is an election cycle even the ever persuasive Barack Obama or Bill Clinton could win for the Democrats.
The country has swung right, and how much that has occurred will not be completely clear until the morning after election day.
Yet, even if this year were not unfavourable to the Left, there still remains the fact that many progressives detest Miss hillary, and will NOT vote for her.
Further, even those in the uncommitted center, are wary of her inconsistency and whence she acquires her funding.
She will be running, no matter how her campaign strategists frame it, as a 3rd term of Obama – cradle to grave welfare, open borders; and the continued importation of Moslems, her solution to your security problems querying Silicon Valley on ways to read your minds,and grabbing your guns – at which point there will be a war in this country.
America is not going to elect this, neither this person nor this fate – not in 2016, and certainly not with Miss Hillary’s personality and record.
When the votes are counted, she will not exceed 48%.
@Mr. Bahn…
I’m glad you see reason to take heart.
I agree that Ms. Merkel will soon be gone, if not in a hail of bullets, then, most assuredly in a parliamentary debacle.
Chancellor Merkel has, for better or worse, awakened the shadow of Adolf Hitler from the German soil, and, I intuit, his ghost will pursue her, just as the Soviets hounded him.
Mr. Bahn, I noticet this in my younger life : that, whenever I became overweening in my designs, and tried to impose my will, I usually succeeded for a time – before a vicious slap-back would occur; and this brings me to the issue of Jewish culture – it is at the high water mark in it’s approaching 6 millenium history.
History shows us that peaks, though they can be dizzying for those peaking, the bottom soon enough drops out.
Just look at German in 1941 – and then look at it in 1945.
Perhaps an extreme example, but, things can change unpredictably quickly, just as fringe parties, such as Le Pen’s party, have become mainstream.
“lthough the conservative-socialist alliance succeeded in denying the Front National control of any regions in the second round of voting today, support for the party increased by over 800,000 votes, and it has won 356 regional councillor seats. In 2010, the party won 117 such seats.”
“France is finished unless revolutionary violence is used to seize power.”
Same idea in America? And WE HAVE GUNS.
The Saxon is awake, ladies and gents. And the vast majority of gun owners…. are WHITE.
“Hammer your plowshares into swords and your pruning hooks into spears. Train even your weaklings to be warriors.” Joel 3:10
Just sayin’…
“… the fake Right will team up with the Left …”
“Both parties now feed at the same K Street and Wall Street troughs. Both have oligarchs contributing tens of millions to parties and politicians who do their bidding.” – Patrick J. Buchanan
The danger is that brainwashed Whites will be distracted by bread and circuses until the 1804ing truly begins.
“In 2016, the same story will play out in the United States: the fake Right will team up with the Left to stop Trump by voting for Hillary Clinton in the general election.”
That may be right, and if it happens, it’ll be the end of the GOP and its cuckservative elite for good. A Hillary Presidency might not be a fatal outcome, unless the Russian decide it’s time to nuke us.
One can only hope he is as fascistically Hitlerian as his critics suggest.
The suspicion with any right winger though (including Reagan and Thatcher) is that they are just dog whistling and will end up being a front for crony capitalism (Jews).
Germany was never in an Autarky. Always weak in materiel.
They needed Baku. They needed Dneipro.
Amazingly they could have just dug holes in Libya for the oil.
“Fight in order to defend our name, for ourselves and our loved ones, our wives and children. To defend our land and win honor. They have come to take for themselves the lands of our men. They seek out destruction. Let us make sure there are no cowards among us, for it is God’s wish that we defend ourselves.”
William Marshal
That should be Trump’s rhetorical model in the debate.
The LA school district just shut down on an email threatening a bomb. This wouldn’t be happening if we’d ejected the Muzzies.
Headline at the ABC News website says it all:
“How Hillary Clinton Says the US Can Stop Domestic Terrorism”
Not even one primary election has yet taken place, and Clinton’s playing catch-up with Trump.
Just now, while I was at the ABC News site, a little video box in which Clinton was giving an address popped onscreen. I couldn’t tell whether it was a live feed, but she sounded as if she were rehearsing her opening statement for a high-school debate competition: ISIS has “three dimensions” or whatever. I think she did use the phrase “radical jihadism,” so Trump has effectively destroyed the Democrats’ unwillingness to mention Islam. The woman is a catastrophic failure of personality formation. The only ad Trump will have to run against her in the general election will be one of Marla Maples, reminding everyone what a great boyfriend Trump was.
Captain John Charity Spring MA // December 15, 2015 at 5:20 pm //
“One can only hope he is as fascistically Hitlerian as his critics suggest.
The suspicion with any right winger though (including Reagan and Thatcher) is that they are just dog whistling and will end up being a front for crony capitalism (Jews).”
He’s riding an energy flow that was created by us and will be there fpr someone else if he screws us over or is murdered. While he does right by us we’ll help him, but if he screws us over we’ll punish him. Politicians are not our saviors they are all whores. Treat appropriately.
each and every day, there are fewer Whites in France (and England, and Germany, and America, etc.)and more and more hostile ethno-invasives. If White Nationalists could not win an election in France NOW – and, thanks to an alliance of Cucks and Reds – they did not win, then they NEVER will. This also holds for America. The only difference is that (many) Whites in America have NOT given up their guns to the globalist JewState. So they, at least in theory, have a chance at long-term survival. Whites in Western Europe are now the walking dead
@Haxo Angmark: “… more and more hostile ethno-invasives …” Rats and reptiles – has the Good Lord made them all?
About last week’s French elections:
They changed the vote system in 1999 specifically because of the Front National. Until then, there was a system of proportional representation with only one voting round and no 25% bonus to the first list. (source: French wiki)
Also, they changed the electoral regions just this year. Without that change, Louis Aliot, who is Marine Le Pen’s partner, would have been elected in his region (Languedoc-Roussillon), where he finished first with 40,4% of the vote. That would have been enough to give him 51% of the seats in the regional assembly, thanks to the 25% bonus.
In the two regions where the Socialist Party committed suicide before the 2nd round, there have been predictable claims by some people in the fake left that the fake right should remember they got elected thanks to the sacrifice of the fake left: it means that the fake right has a moral duty to take account of left-wing preferences. Actually, the fake right won’t even consider the opinion of its own voters, especially on the race-replacement matter!
Off topic: The Front National keeps being compared to the Islamic State by the French jewsmedia. In exasperation, Marine Le Pen tweeted 3 pictures of gruesome killings by the Islamic State with the comment: “This is Daesh!”. And now, the jew government wants to sue her for disseminating pictures of violence!
Marine Le Pen Could Face Five Years in Prison
The FN got 35% of the 18-24 vote – in other words roughly half of the white youth vote.
That’s where it will come from – the kids who went through diverse schools and want revenge – particularly on the white adult SJWs who betrayed them.
Ms. Le Pen is no Joan of Ark. Her friendliness to the disease makes her an unsuitable choice for the elimination that needs occur. Here and in Europe, its the last tango in Paris.