2015: The Deadliest Year In Baltimore History

Many decades ago, the United States ceased to be a serious country, and nowhere in 2015 was this more true than in Baltimore – which after Ferguson carried the banner of the “Black Lives Matter” movement – and suffered the bloodiest year in its entire history on account of black people shooting each other:

“Blood was shed in Baltimore at an unprecedented pace in 2015, with mostly young, black men shot to death in a near-daily crush of violence.

On a per-capita basis, the year was the deadliest ever in the city. The year’s tally of 344 homicides was second only to the record 353 in 1993, when Baltimore had about 100,000 more residents.

The killings were on pace with recent years in the early months of 2015 but skyrocketed after the unrest and rioting of late April. In five of the next eight months, killings topped 30 or 40 a month.

Nearly 90 percent of the year’s homicides were the result of shootings, renewing calls for new gun laws. Counting nonfatal shootings, gun violence was up more than 75 percent compared to last year, with more than 900 people shot.

More than 90 percent of the homicide victims this year were boys or men, more than 90 percent were black, and more than half were between the ages of 18 and 30 — reflecting an urban reality that residents and civil rights activists say is devoid of legitimate job opportunities and caught up in the often-violent drug trade. …”

Baltimore in 2015 was the epitome of Black Run America: it has a black mayor, a black chief of police, a black chief prosecutor, a majority black City Council, and it is represented in the US Congress by Elijah Cummings, a black member of the Congressional Black Caucus, and in the Maryland state legislature by numerous black state representatives and state senators. Also at the federal level, Barack Obama is the first black president, and Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch, the last two Attorney Generals have been black as well.

Even the Baltimore police officer who is now on trial for allegedly giving Freddie Gray a “rough ride” out of racism is black. In Baltimore, four out of six police commanders are also black, over half of active duty police officers are black and non-White, as well as over half of police captains. With the exception of Martin O’Malley from 2000 to 2008, Baltimore has been under the rule of a black mayor since 1988.

So what is the greatest problem facing Baltimore at the outset of 2016? Obviously, it is white supremacy and a society crippled by structural racism, particularly in law enforcement, which has no respect for the value of black lives. This in a city which has been desegregated by the Civil Rights Act of 1964 for half a century now.

In the mainstream media, the narrative is always angelic black civil rights protesters clashing with evil White racists like Bull Connor in Birmingham in 1963, with civil rights martyrs like Michael Brown and Freddie Grey reprising the role of saint Emmett Till. The narrative barely acknowledges that we are now living through an entirely different epoch of American history that began in 1965.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Well it certainly would be a shame if the black population killed itself off. Think of all the welfare workers and ER doctors that would be laid off if these criminal communities were to die off. We would have to suffer years of budget surpluses from all the tax money saved from the reduction of these communities. It might mean reducing the size of the government, ending government programs and lowering taxes on working Whites.
    What a shame that might be for someone, somewhere…

  2. “The road to hell…” the old man wrung his jaw, “…is paved with good intentions.”

    And it was: The fiasco called “civil rights” was never really designed to work, but appeasement to buy time and yeppers, votes for the Dopeycrats. Now, an age later, the truth is leaking out about the whole farce: Give the blacks everything they want and….it ain’t done jack doodly.

    Worse, their “kutcher” is Chernobyl minus the RBMK reactor. Dope, guns, hoes, and that life for blacks is cheaper than dirt. Black lives matter? Only when it’s time to play “whitey dun dis to us!” again and again and again and again.

    Farewell, Baldymutt. Perhaps the anthro or archo crowd 10,000 years from now can make sense of it, as we sure can’t.

  3. it makes sense, alright. The Jews are using the Black-run urban hellsites as a training ground for the ethno-sturmtruppen they intend to turn loose on the Whites. Just the other day, a Jew named Kaplan – married to a bigwig Jewess @ NationalPervRadio – was mugged on the DC subway by several “urban ‘youts” whose targeting skills still need improvement; several teeth knocked out, broken jaw. Just before the attack, he texted his wife re some “unruly kids”. Poetic justice, really

  4. “… an entirely different epoch of American history …” The dark roosters are ruling the roost and, Glory Be, the economic hens ain’t laying and the black egg-heads ain’t hatching but the bastards are swarming all over the educational henhouse.
    “Another telling statistic is the $15,483 in taxpayer funds that the Baltimore City Public Schools (BCPS) spend, on average, for each K-12 student in their jurisdiction. This figure is almost 50% higher than the national average …”

  5. HW wrote:

    In the mainstream media, the narrative is always angelic black civil rights protesters clashing with evil White racists like Bull Connor in Birmingham in 1963, with civil rights martyrs like Michael Brown and Freddie Grey reprising the role of saint Emmett Till. The narrative barely acknowledges that we are now living through an entirely different epoch of American history that began in 1965

    I respond:

    That’s basically a function of the blue team political party being unable to get out of the past and live in the present, trying to re-live its own glory days over and over again, just like Al Bundy constantly talked about his four touchdown game in high school, all the while he was a middle aged shoe salesman. Likewise, the red team political party is stuck on 1980 and 1980’s problems.

    What we usually have in modern politics is an argument over whether we should solve 1980’s problems or 1964’s problems. This year, however, Donald Trump is coming along and implicitly suggesting that we should be thinking about solving 2016’s problems.

  6. It’s ironic really. The anti-white media and Jewish hate groups like the SPLC have been trying to start a race war for the last few years but all they’ve achieved so far is getting black people to kill each other.

  7. Note what has happened to South Africa since the 1980s: we cannot allow America to turn into the “Rainbow Nation”.

  8. Absolutley beautiful!
    Too bad it was not 1000x that. I look forward to a much larger toll next year, and same for all the once prosperous cities run by faggot leftist trash.

    Death to the Cultural Marxists and their nigger pets!

  9. “Civil Rights” was never about racial reconciliation and mutual respect. It has always been about stirring up racial animosities and hatreds. That’s why we’ve been stuck in 1965 for 50 years.

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