Ted Cruz is going to need the greatest ground game in history to catch up with Trump in Nevada:
“The Republican side seems set for less suspense when that party holds caucuses on Tuesday, February 23. The poll finds businessman Donald Trump holding a wide lead, topping the field with the support of 45% of those likely to caucus. Florida Sen. Marco Rubio and Texas Sen. Ted Cruz are closely matched in the race for second place, with Rubio at 19% and Cruz at 17%. Retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson (7%), Ohio Gov. John Kasich (5%) and former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush (1%) lag well behind those three.”
¡Jeb! is currently in last place at 1 percent!
Note: We’ve probably seen the last of ¡Jeb! after South Carolina (Feb 20) and Nevada (Feb 23). If these numbers hold up, it could be the tipping point in the race.
What about the Latino vote??? BAHA
Hopefully Jeb stays in to divide the establishment vote and continue to embarass his family and the GOP elites while providing a foil for Trump.
I think he will stay in until Florida.
Will Yeb! lose in FL? THAT would be BEAUTIFUL!!!!
He doesn’t have a chance down here. Or anywhere else for that matter.
It would be the Mona Lisa of modern American politics.
No, it would be ¡Espectáculo!
…and provide some entertainment with his nerd antics!
I hope they all stay in. Anything to dilute the faux-con vote.
New Monmouth poll of SC: Trump 35, Cruz 19, Rubio 17
According to Belief.net evangelicals make up about 20% of the population of Nevada and just a bit over 36% in South Carolina.
The kenyan bastard’s comments are the best thing to happen Trump’s campaign.
Cruz campaign caught lying again?
Haley: Anyone but Donald Trump
Can I assume this will mean that she will endorse Hillary?
Coulter reacts …
Ann Coulter
3h3 hours ago
Nikki Haley endorses Rubio. Bc the 1 thing she is determined to do is replace those awful sons of the Confederacy with Bangledeshi migrants
If this holds up, Cruz will long rue that smart-alecky play his campaign made for the Carson votes on the night of the Iowa caucuses …
Only thing I have heard from anyone evangelicals source is Dreher’s advice for a candidate to call for an evangelical justice. Not that that would be an improvement but more like another hand in the till
RobRoySimmons • 2 hours ago
‘Only thing I have heard from anyone evangelicals source is Dreher’s advice for a candidate to call for an evangelical justice.’
He’ll find that tithing and servitude to Israel is mandated by the constitution.
LOL. Like sheep without a shepherd….
LOL @ “¡Jeb! is currently in last place at 1 percent!”
What a fucking dweeb.
That headline should read “Yuge” not “Huge” Mr. Wallace.
Nationally, argues Philip Bump, at the Washington Post, Trump has picked up the supporters of the Republicans who have quit the contest:
“A new poll from Quinnipiac University shows how the field has evolved since December, back when there were 14 Republicans to ask about, not six. Trump jumped from 28 percent support to 39 percent, essentially absorbing the equivalent support of those eight candidates who dropped out. (Those eight totaled 12 percent of support in December.)”
Article is at https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2016/02/17/donald-trump-is-now-the-republican-partys-establishment-lane-candidate/
(“Donald Trump is now the Republican Party’s establishment-lane candidate”)
NBC just made up a poll that supposedly covers the whole country and it shows Cruz ahead of Trump, remember this is NBC
Here is the first poll to dissent on recent polls, though, it does verify a trend found in Bush campaign insider polls…
Bush campaign insiders? HAHAHAHAHA!!!!
Yes, M’am – now that you bring it up, it does sound kinda funny…
If my theory about the election being fake is correct, and I hope it’s not., Jeb will creep on up to second or third place by the time South Carolina or Nevada have concluded voting. Rubio and Cruz are too obviously clowns and Kasich and Dr Carson are nonentities. Jeb@#%! Is the only thing left that can credibly beat Trump and believably loose to Clinton.
Trump behind Cruz, 28-26, in national poll: http://www.cnbc.com/2016/02/17/trump-falls-to-second-nationally-nbcwsj-poll.html (“Trump falls to second in national GOP race: NBC/WSJ poll”)
If the dates posted at Real Clear Politics are correct, this is the first national GOP poll conducted entirely since this past Saturday’s debate. Trump led Cruz 33-20 in the January version of the same poll.
If this poll is accurate then it’s another valid case to abolish all forms of democracy. Why should people be allowed to vote when all it takes is Sheldon Adelson’s shekels to shift polls?
I heard on CNN that very conservatives are heavily oversampled. Interesting poll, but let’s wait and see if it is an outlier.
Conservative Treehouse dismisses this as an “agenda poll”:
“Remember, an ‘agenda poll’ is not created to show a statistical snapshot of the presidential race. … Agenda Polls are manufactured to create media talking points, to create media narratives.
“[In the NBC news story about this poll], the Wall Street Journal, owned by Rupert Murdoch who is promoting Marco Rubio 24/7 in all his executive media decision-making, is merely trying to diminish candidate Donald Trump. They are trying to blunt momentum and block the inevitability factor, that’s all. Period.
“This poll is not data from a valid polling organization, it’s from a PR firm. NBC/WSJ take the PR firm data and sell it as if they themselves, the media, conducted the poll. They didn’t.”
Here’s the link: http://theconservativetreehouse.com/2016/02/17/three-strikes-third-time-this-campaign-season-nbcwsj-caught-promoting-agenda-polls/
The Hebes are really behind Twink Pool Boy Rubio. Again and again………….
At http://on.msnbc.com/1orrCih Trump says, “I have never done well in the Wall Street Journal poll. I think somebody at Wall Street Journal doesn’t like me ….”
Amen to that
The poll is crap. Trump is the frontrunner.
Take Rupert Murdoch’s WSJ poll with a grain of salt.
Reuters U.S. News ?@ReutersUS 35m35 minutes ago
Donald Trump leads Republican field nationally by more than 20 points: Reuters/Ipsos poll http://reut.rs/24b7iCb
Some really early Rock & Roll: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H8sLAFNOApU
A Trumpnado is about to hit Nevada.