Live Thread: Tenth Republican Debate

On the eve of the last Republican debate before Super Tuesday, the cucks are neocohens are in meltdown mode:

Charles C.W. Cooke:

“Incidentally, when I say “everything,” I really do mean everything. Tomorrow night, as they stand on either side of Trump, Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz must find their resolve and all-but-machine-gun the man to the floor. …”

Tom Nichols:

“More to the point, after four years of thrashing around in the Oval Office like the ignorant boor he is, voters will no longer be able distinguish between the words “Trump,” “Republican,” “conservative,” and “buffoon.” He will obliterate Republicans further down the ticket in 2016 and 2020, smear conservatism as nothing more than his own brand of narcissism, and destroy decades of hard work, including Ronald Reagan’s legacy. …

It is precisely to protect the viability of the conservative movement that I will stand aside and accept that, if all else fails, Hillary must beat The Donald.”

Ben Domenech:

“This may seem unpresidential in the scheme of things. But it is not the case in this cycle. Going after Trump on Trump’s term will require behaving in a way that any traditionally minded person will find appalling – but it would make for must see TV. Take the flamethrower to him. Interrupt him constantly. Belittle him. Insult him. Play on his very obvious insecurities. Give him a nickname – just start calling him “Marla”, without any explanation, and pretend you don’t even realize it. Don’t let him talk. Bash him for hiring foreign workers. Bash him for loving Planned Parenthood. Bash him for his obsession with Megyn Kelly. Make note of his stubby fingers and small hands – we all know what that means. When he responds with ever-increasing insults and shushing, tell him to go get his shinebox. …”

Erick Erickson:

“Those of us who have long affiliated with the Republican Party would be wise to publicly disassociate ourselves with a very dangerous mix of nationalism and tribalism. That combination has, historically, never ended well and Republicans should be willing to reject it.

It is time for Republicans to give serious consideration to an exit strategy from their own party if Trump is successfully able to take it over. Not doing so will be destructive to Republicans down to the local level. Guilt by association with Trump will have serious repercussions for all Republican elected officials and public figures. …”

Jonah Goldberg:

Josh Hammer:

“Metaphorically speaking, the moment is now for Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio to unleash their inner William Tecumseh Shermans on Donald Trump. We are rapidly approaching the point of no return in the insane phenomenon that is the bloviating non-conservative narcissist Trump’s hostile takeover of the Republican Party apparatus. The undermining of said structural apparatus would be simply devastating for the conservative movement, and quite possibly usher in the end of the two-party system as we know it.”

Ben Shapiro:

“Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) has one option if he wants to win the Republican nomination. Tomorrow night, during a debate with Donald Trump, Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL), Ohio Governor John Kasich, and Dr. Ben Carson, Cruz must clock Trump as hard as he can with his best rhetorical punch. He can’t be lawyerly. He can’t be civil. He has to get in the mud with Trump and pulverize him. …”

Robert Kagan:

“When the plague descended on Thebes, Oedipus sent his brother-in-law to the Delphic oracle to discover the cause. Little did he realize that the crime for which Thebes was being punished was his own. Today’s Republican Party is our Oedipus. A plague has descended on the party in the form of the most successful demagogue-charlatan in the history of U.S. politics. The party searches desperately for the cause and the remedy without realizing that, like Oedipus, it is the party itself that brought on this plague. It is the party’s own political crimes that are being punished in a bit of cosmic justice fit for a Greek tragedy.

Let’s be clear: Trump is no fluke. Nor is he hijacking the Republican Party or the conservative movement, if there is such a thing. He is, rather, the party’s creation, its Frankenstein monster, brought to life by the party, fed by the party and now made strong enough to destroy its maker. …

So what to do now? The Republicans’ creation will soon be let loose on the land, leaving to others the job the party failed to carry out. For this former Republican, and perhaps for others, the only choice will be to vote for Hillary Clinton. The party cannot be saved, but the country still can be.”

Note: Robert Kagan, who is vowing to vote for Hillary Clinton, was one of the biggest cheerleaders and architects of the Iraq War.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. The GOP establishment has decided to wage a cuckservative jihad against Trump.
    Donald Trump rejects ‘Dope’ Mitt Romney’s ironic tax attack

    ‘Romney’s biting attack hinted at clear signs of alarm in the Republican establishment at the billionaire’s tightening grip on the party’s presidential race.

    “We have good reason to believe that there’s a bombshell in Donald Trump’s taxes,” Romney told Fox News, and also called on the top anti-Trump contenders Sens. Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio to disclose their tax information as well.

    “Either he’s not anywhere near as wealthy as he says he is, or he hasn’t been paying taxes we would expect him to pay or perhaps he hasn’t been giving money to vets or to the disabled like he’s been telling us he’s been doing,” Romney added.”

    • Ironically, I think Trump defended Romney when he was similarly attacked in 2012.

      Why do so many hate Trump? Foreign policy? It’s remarkable.

      • The Jews see him in the light of Hitler / Aryan awakening.

        They aren’t totally right, they aren’t totally wrong.

        • I just discovered Trump has called for auditing the Fed. I dunno why I missed that before. And Trump wants higher interest rates, or so it appears.

          Trump gets better and better. He clearly actually cares for the US.

          I have reservations about the guy, but I have reservations about every politician. Trump is saying the right things.

          It is not popular to call for auditing the Fed, that I’m aware of. I think he must actually care for Americans. Trump must be crazy enough to actually want to save America.

    • Romney might have been POTUS if he’d have shown as much interest in going after Barack Obama and Candy Crowley.

  2. This morning, as I was driving on a neighborhood street, I saw, ahead of me, what appeared to be an animal, at the edge of the parking lane to my right. As I got closer to it, I was shocked to see it was a large, black bird–a vulture of some kind, I guess–with red coloring on its head. It was pecking at the remains of a dead animal that had apparently been struck by a car.

    A vulture, in a formerly-civilized area of the city where the Constitution was drafted.

    Burn it all down …

  3. Race and identity politics are the Cuckservatives weak spot, they never opposed the left and still don’t for their toxic race politics. So I think Trump could clean their clocks if they so much as try the race card against Trump as Goldberg suggests

    We literally at that moment in history where we can disqualify the whole leftist project against whites Anti-racism is nothing but anti-white

    • ‘Race and identity politics are the Cuckservatives weak spot, they never opposed the left and still don’t for their toxic race politics.’

      Good point.

    • Mr. Trump I ask one thing, protect me from the Left’s identity politics

      If the left heard that they would double down on the Identity politics as I want them to

  4. Nothing quite like the smell of Cooked Cuck to put a little pep in your step for the rest of the day. The emotional breakdowns of these rats and professional do-nothing pundits, while they watch their cushy world slowly being picked apart and trampled on, is all the entertainment I really need.

    It’s only when I can witness these people squirm and suffer and begin to feel the pain for what they’ve done to this country that I can honestly say, Goddamn I Love America!

    • They are having a fantasy about Cruz and Robio taking on the Donald and obliterating him in the same way they love movies like inglorious bastards. They dream of things they themselves are too pussy to do.

      They would never be able to say this BS to Trump’s face – his mere presence would cause fear in them like it has Cruz and Roboto in all the other debates.

      Unlike Trump, these other candidates operate on scripts and are not able to operate impromptu in the way Trump does.

      • Mr. Wallace, here’s another one for you:

        From Marc Antonio Wright (today at NatRev):

        “Donald Trump’s hostile takeover of the Republican party is underway.”


        Yes. Because going through the Democratic process and winning is “hostile.”

        Marc Antonio Wright:

        “Will conservatives resist the takeover of their party by a clown who — as a Hillary supporter told me three days ago, cackling with delight — is a lifelong Democrat?”


        Actually, Marc, I think you’re making that up. That said, were Romney’s socialized medicine in Mass. and George Bush’s waste of trillions of dollars and thousands of lives examples of “principled conservative values”? They were Republican, yes. But were they truly “conservative”? Huh, Marc?

        Marc Antonio Wright:

        “They [Rubio and Cruz] should pound him on his four bankruptcies…”


        Because that tactic wasn’t tried in every debate so far?

        Marc Antonio Wright:

        “Donald Trump must be shown to be a loser.”


        Good luck. He could buy the magazine you work for with his pocket change and fire everyone on staff.

  5. Re: Jonah Jewberg’s “tweet”:

    Donald Trump could kick both Cuban asses without even breaking a sweat.

    Re: Charles Cooke:

    Why do the chafe marks on his knees match the carpet pattern in Rich Lowry’s office?

  6. Meanwhile, Mehican Presidente, Vicente Fox, is giving an assist to Donald Trump today. So, thank you, Vicente. Thank you, Mitt Romney. Thank you, Obama. And thank you, Pope Franky.

    DT takes your feckless sputterings and adds a couple points to his total, each and every time.

  7. Remember in Braveheart when Longshanks said he would not send his son to meet with Wallace because his son would inspire the enemy to take over the whole country?

    Tom Nichols is Longshanks son in real time. The man is so overbearing and grotesque that he inspires us to take over the whole country.

  8. Calculated or coincidence, the immigration issue has been brilliantly played by the Golden Don. The establishment hid behind the pc facade of this issue for the past 30 years. Now when faced with taking on the Hillary machine who do they field? Two Cuban immigrants with non-white names and a the bumbling silver spooned brother of the most hated president of the USA who also happens to be married to an illegal immigrant. Immigration was never to be a campaign issue when the candidates are compromised. It’s almost as if the party loaded their own weapon with all chambers full for a game of Russian roulette to lose the election…then enter Trump.

  9. West Virginia: Trump +20

    Virginia: Trump +14

    Florida: Trump +16

    Georgia: Trump +26

    Alabama: Trump +17

  10. One thing I have noticed about Latinos is there passive, aggressive duality. Latinos are aggressive to those who they feel stronger than and can dominate without a fight. But once met with an opponent or adversary who is willing to assert himself in his own defense and shows his willingness to fight, those very same Latinos lose all of their strength and become weaklings. Trump is the kind of guy who gains strength from telling the truth and fighting for what is right. Right makes might and no one is righter or mightier than Trump.

  11. Trump is proof that the Jewish question is not a litmus test. He’s there saying ‘I don’t want your money’ to Jewish groups then later then he’s saying ‘take the oil’ (from Iraq and Libya) and ‘if Israel attacks Iran we’ll support them.’

    White Nationalists have drilled the single jewish cause into people’s minds for a long time. Now we see the effect. These white nationalists are easily fooled by a guy who feigns opposition to organized Jewry but still supports American imperialism.

    Congratulations to Trump for destroying the establishment Republicans, but I do not trust him on the interventionist question. He’ll have until the general election to prove me wrong.

    • Of course you can’t trust him. You can’t trust any of them.

      His own daughter is Jewish. Trump is likely very pro-Israel. But he’s less pro-war than are the Neocons. Trump supported the war against Serbia. He sounds like a Democrat on foreign policy.

      I could support Sanders if Sanders weren’t so insanely pro-immigration. Sanders’s $15 minimum wage would keep out a lot of immigrants. Sanders has spoken against open-borders. He understands the impact. And yes, I know he’s Jewish.

      When you get down to it, Trump is the best option.

    • Trump is merely providing lip service regarding Israel – to keep them at bay long enough to win the presidency. It’s a strategy.

    • i don’t want to sound like i’ve totally given up on trump. there’s a
      chance that he’s saying what he needs to say to appeal to people in his
      party and that when it comes time to govern he’ll govern as a paleocon,
      not as a hawk

      • He criticises how the Dems and Republicans remove stabilising dictators. What he’ll do in the present, no one knows. But he inclines towards getting out of the ME mess.

        Also, Trump seems to want order whereas Likud seems to want chaos. And Trump is willing to work with Russia etc.

  12. Ross Douthat, a columnist for the New York Times who editorializes for the Republican Establishment, fired off a (since-deleted) tweet Wednesday that declared, “Good news guys I’ve figured out how the Trump campaign ends[.]” Douthat added a link to a two-minute YouTube video that shows the brutal assassination attempt of a fictional presidential candidate.

    The clip (below) is from the film “The Dead Zone,” where the assassination attempt is portrayed as a heroic and selfless act to stop a George Wallace-esque demagogue well on his way to the Oval Office.

  13. Trump needs to unleash his inner Buchanan.

    Remain calm, composed and Presidential, and make foreign policy the centerpiece of the debate.

    Expose these neocon bastards for all the horror and misery their foreign policy has caused over the past quarter century – the rise of ISIS, the ethnic cleansing of Middle Eastern Christians, the migrant invasion of Europe, and the Rotherham horror.

    These neocon bastards claim to be Republican, but they supported every evil foreign policy blunder committed by Bill Clinton or Barack Obama.

    They destroyed Yugoslavia, Iraq, Libya, Syria and Yemen.

    They made a mockery of our cold war freedom rhetoric when they helped the oligarchs plunder Russia.

    They are willing to risk nuclear war with Russia in order to protect Al-Qaeda! They endanger the entire planet. They protect the terrorists who did 9/11

    There is a war in Syria, and we are on the wrong side. We should be allied with Russia, against Al-Qaeda and ISIS.

    Single out Rubio. Make him the whipping boy for all the sins of the neocons.

  14. Wasn’t John Derbyshire praising Ben Shapiro on VDARE this week?
    Why does VDARE waste its limited funds on that Iraq war supporting, neocon defending writer?

    • Derbyshire likes to write, lol. Sometimes he’s really good though.

      Ben Shapiro is a Cruz supporter, if I remember correctly. He’s on twitter. He’s declared he’ll support Rubio over Trump.

    • I’m betting Trump knows exactly who Fred Leuchter is and has read “The Lechter Report” many, many times. Let’s not forget Trump is German and is probably well aware of the false villainy leveled against it.

  15. Don should have these Neo-con comments logged. It’s borderline incitement.

    Everyone of them is advocating a machine gun, pistol, rifle, flamethrower.

    That’s pre planned narrative building.

    • These Jew bastards and their jock sniffers are trying to use neurolinguistic programming to trigger some unhinged glory seeker to assassinate DT.

      • They have throwaway assassins at the ready. The programming is against us to believe it was a “radicalized” lone gunman.

        • I believe that to be correct. They have assassins, and they have fall goys.

          Or Trump could kill over with symptoms “consistent with a heart attack,” and the powers that be will be as interested in an autopsy was they were for Scalia.

          • Don’t mess with the powers-that-be!

            Trump is a germophobe. He flies back home every night, according to one anti-Trump troll. So, hopefully Trump will be safe.

  16. Could someone hack the email group these Neo-cons are in?

    The circular must have the same Talking Points.

  17. Time to form the National Populist Party. The NPP. Gather all the Trump supporters and the disaffected of the Republican and Democratic parties. The initial task is to crush the Communists and collectivists who call themselves Democrats. And bring the Plutocrats to heal. The brass ring is there for the taking.

  18. I just read that the Rubio camp has presented a PowerPoint presentation on how he could win with a contested convention.

    These fellas really seem to have a death wish. And I’m not talking merely about a political death, but the actual kind.

  19. Okay, I just returned from today’s NatRev “We’ve gotta stop Trump” meltdown, and here is my report:

    Every single comment critical of Israel, wars for Israel, and Israel-first crap is swiftly deleted – presumably by a guy with a funny looking nose. You can tell that they were about Israel because the neocon replies are left standing.

    Every comment in favor of DT is branded as @troll or @spam. I have no idea what any of that is supposed to mean, but I bet it’s awesome.

    • Their attempts at intellectualspeak sicken me. I’ve always hated sophists.

      The true tradition of the West would be here at this website, or similar.

    • Cruz was unsuccessful in his attempt. Everyone knows that Trump is why border control has taken prominence in this election cycle.

      • I know Rubio supporters who switched to Trump upon learning Rubio was one of the Gang of Eight. Voters are oblivious. They never have complete information.

        What do you know of Kasich? I know very little. Kasich appears pretty good right now, because no one knows anything about him.

  20. Why doesn’t Trump just lay out his plan for paying for the “wall”? It’s actually a pretty good one.

  21. So, Pool Boy is going to talk over Trump all night. Rubio who can’t manage his own finances is trying to school Trump on making money?

    • Yes. Rubio is trying the strategy recommended to him by the cucks at Nation Review. And Trump continues cutting his dick off and making him eat it.

  22. Since when does anyone care about the “living” Constitution? Is Rubio even eligible for the presidency?

    Trump is best on trade. That’s his strong point. No one else can touch Trump on trade. No one else even understands trade as well as Trump.

    And actually foreign policy. I want to see Trump nail the others on foreign policy too.

  23. What is it they say about wrassling with a pig, you both get dirty but the pig likes it?

    Trump is just enjoying this level of discourse!

  24. When did it become mandatory for border state debates to feature mexican media? Do we get to question mexican candidates ?

  25. Now both Cruz and Rubio understand that Trump has done his oppo research as well, so that whenever they came at him, he’s going to be barreling right back at them.

  26. Would a voter care about Trump hiring illegals in the past if he wants to build a wall and deport them tomorrow?

    Everything but the kitchen sink won’t work here because Trump is alone in his hard line against the flood. If any other candidate had his position, we might have had to make a choice. There is only one choice here.

    • Agree. The cucks have to split their vote among the other 4 but we only have 1 candidate who is even passable, so he gets all our votes. The best strategy to takedown Trump would be for Rubio and Kasich to drop out and endorse Cruz, but that’s not likely to happen between now and Tuesday and I’m lovin’ it.

  27. Rubio looks like a child talking about all kinds of stuff he read in books at the library. Trying to be aggressive. Looks silly.

  28. Trump attacked for saying he will not let people die on the streets. I think he will score points with the public on this issue.

  29. Just raise taxes… Cut corporate income tax to 0, raise capital gains tax, raise personal income tax, implement a border adjusted VAT if needed.

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