#FeelTheBern Flames Out In South Carolina

A few weeks ago, I tried to tell our SJW friends:

She promised them $125 billion of gibsmedat, portrayed Sanders as a single issue candidate disloyal to Barack Obama, and used her surrogates to disingenuously attack Bernie Sanders over his participation in the Civil Rights Movement. In the end though, Sanders pandered to the black block vote and alienated the White working class voters who were indispensable to winning the primary.

For what? 86 percent of the blacks voted for Hillary Clinton which is why she won every county in South Carolina in a nearly 50 point landslide. 160,000 fewer voters showed up in the South Carolina Democratic Primary in 2016 than in 2008. The electorate went from 55 percent black to 62 percent black.

Where did all the missing White voters go?

Note: Where did they go in New Hampshire and Nevada?

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Bernie was certainly underestimated by Hillary, I’m still seeing her win the Democrat primary. It’s going to be Hillary vs Donald, and it will be probably very tied. As you wrote some weeks ago about Trump, the general election is not yet in the bag. Remember that Bush re-election, Obama election and re-election all came off as unexpected if not surprise. We shall see.

    • I was surprised about Bush’s reelection – he had already shown himself to be among the worst Presidents ever, but not Obama 2008, a turd could have beat the GOP nominee in 2008, the Dems knew that, so ran a dream candidate.

      In 2012, the GOP ran a man who ceded 47% of the electorate to Obama and whose path to victory was winning 51 of the remaining 53% of the vote. No surprise there.

      Trump could surprise some folks by bringing in new voters, and not losing as badly with non whites as Romney. The economy could take a dive as well. Hillary is an incredibly flawed candidate, more so than Trump.

      • Trump will get the nomination. The later states where he is leading are winner-take-all. Rubio and Cruz, however, will not win the majority of delegates in 8 states. Trump has already won the majority in 2.

  2. This has been part of Trump’s plan all along. Imagine if he goes left on economics in the general. Could be a landslide victory.

    • “Hillary’s history of deceit, lies and current FBI investigation mean nothing to these people.”

      Or it was a positive? Gave her some”street cred”?

    • SJWs lead sheltered lives in gated, walled enclaves. To them, Blacks are political cudgels for beating other Whites they hate, over the head. Their hatred of the White working class, especially Southerners, exceeds any love they have for Blacks. Besides they have the money to escape the consequences of their actions, unlike their victims.

      • Many of them are female too. And they seem to want government to protect them.

        I remember an article years ago saying the wealthy in the South tended more to align with other Southerners. I doubt that’s as true today, we hear frequently about “country club Republicans”; but I took pride in that.

    • It’s difficult to conceptualise racial differences if we’re not allowed to mention them. And they train themselves to be blind to race.

      The only sure-fire solution is to send each of them to public schools in the South for a year. That should cure anyone of SJW disease.

    • Black vote controls Democratic statewide primaries in how many states? Its not just the South. There is no future in the Democratic Party for whites who are not super wealthy.

  3. All Trump has to do is reassure and not rile up the other side and base enthusiasm will carry him home.

    Can he do that?

    If he starts saying things like we will ship all blacks back to Africa, that may excite the bomb throwers, but it will also result in historic black turnout.

  4. If Clinton gets elected, it will be because of the White electorate. Which still matters in spite of Hispanic hype. A great many non Whites, for whatever reason, are ineligible or unable to vote. Or couldn’t care less. Bernie Sanders is a Jew. That alone makes his bid for President pointless. Not even radical Leftist Whites will elect a Jew to higher office. Always a mayor or Senator. Never a governor or President.

    • Pipe dreams. South will forever be a part of union. Its too stupid for secession. So all the alabamans,Missipiites, Georgites relax over a cup of jule mint tea. Your asses belong to the union

      • More than likely, the Union® will secede from all of us. One day, it just won’t be there. That’s what certain states are preparing for. The inevitable collapse.

  5. The Democratic voters are making fools of themselves. I agree with Hunter, I wouldn’t vote for Sanders but he’s right on some things and at least he’s discussing real issues. Meanwhile, Hilary is mopping the floor with him either because people think she’s “owed” the presidency, she’s a woman, or she’s better at anti-racist dog whistling.

  6. We should put together a little study on the differences between the average Sanders supporter and the average Clinton supporter. I know what I see as the main difference happens to be, but I’d still like to see a thorough analysis.

    • Sanders and Trump are both more-anti-war and anti-TPP, anti-Wall Street, anti-corruption.

      And Sanders has several quotes arguing that open-borders drive down wages, is a right-wing thing.

      • I think I officially stopped caring what the Right or Left thought of me about 15 years ago. I just don’t feel complete unless Conservatives are calling me a liberal and the Liberals are calling me a racist and conservative. The truth is that I’m both, and if I wanted to “blend in” with either crowd I could do it with no problem. I choose to be a rebel instead.

      • We didn’t ruin their lives, our elites did. And, our elites have ruined our lives, too. So we all should be flooding their palaces, estates, compounds, and bunkers en masse. We need to stop accepting responsibility for what these monsters do.

    • Steve Sailer had the best explanation for the show before us:

      “In theory, Bernie Sanders’ platform of Free Stuff ought to appeal to black Democratic voters in South Carolina today. But in black politics, in both America and Africa, 19th Century European socialist logic doesn’t have much emotional appeal. It’s too abstract and impersonal.

      Instead, black politics is mostly about the Big Man Gets Paid (and, in these enlightened times, the Big Woman Gets Paid.)

      Hillary simply has a longer track record than Bernie of seeing that local Big Men and Big Women get their cut.”

      To put it more plainly, when Hillary promises $125 billion dollars for African-americans, the average black understands that means their local ‘big man” will get maybe $55,000 and they’ll skim off $48,000. The remaining $7,000 will be distributed to the “community”.

  7. Hopefully those young Bernie supporters are taking note. The Democratic Party is impenetrable while the Republican Party is being taken over by ordinary people at the presidential level.

  8. Wouldn’t it be something if Hildebeast breezed through the rest of the primaries, into the convention and out with the nomination. Just at that point Obama unleashes DOJ on her and she’s indicted. Well, I can dream but I doubt if he’s forgotten about Bill’s “racist” remarks.

  9. CNN exit polling had black women at 39% of yesterday’s electorate, casting 89% of their votes for HRC.

    Democrats cast 362k votes yesterday, half the Republican total of one week ago.

    HRC’s black firewall is holding, blacks in Clark County, Nevada helped deliver Nevada for her. It’s why she’s going to win the nomination.

  10. The problem is that black voters make it impossible to elect an ideologically seasoned person in the Democratic Party. They vote for their race when the option is available. If the option is not available, they want a female. They do not want a White male and I think this settles the question on whether they consider Jews White. A female of course will be more easily pushed around. They don’t mind a Black male, they actually prefer a Black Male, but they do mind a White Male.

    So in the Democrats, you can’t get a solid class conscious candidate anymore, you get affirmative action candidates who are chosen by their last name, race and sex.

    On the other hand, I find the Republicans to be even more wrong ideologically. Trickle down economics directly contradicts my viewpoint that the government should do whatever it takes to make jobs and provide housing for people.

  11. The problem is that black voters make it impossible to elect an ideologically seasoned person in the Democratic Party in the areas they predominate. They vote for their race when the option is available. If the option is not available, they want a female. They do not want a White male and I think this settles the question on whether they consider Jews White. A female of course will be more easily pushed around. They don’t mind a Black male, they actually prefer a Black Male, but they do mind a White Male. So in the Democrats, you can’t get a solid class conscious candidate anymore, you get affirmative action candidates who are chosen by their last name, race and sex.

    On the other hand, I find the Republicans to be even more
    wrong ideologically. Trickle down economics directly contradicts my
    viewpoint that the government should do whatever it takes to make jobs
    and provide housing for people.

    Sanders can still win overall, butonly in a come from behind victory and only if Superdelegates decide that it is unfair to tip the election.

    *If you think it is the fact that Sanders is Jewish, I’ll remind you that John Edwards did not get very far and John Kerry won the nomination when he faced no Black people and no women who were near front runner status.

  12. Bernie was never going to win. Clinton had the delegates from the beginning and the super delegates in her pocket all along. Bernie couldn’t even get the blackliesmatter (sic) vote.

  13. Two important questions here that the media should be asking (but obviously won’t) are “if Sanders, a quasi-socialist liberal, can’t win much more of the black vote than Bob Dole, then how can any republican ever?” And “should they even try?”

  14. Trump in the 40s with 4 candidates remaining – he can get 10% by merely watching three of those four drop out. This is triggering the endorsements. It’s over.

  15. I have been telling my longtime friends (socialists) for a long time that Bernie Sanders has a serious Southron negro problem. They were aghast at my statements, but, now, I note, they are not answering the phones or their Facebook pages, as gloomy are they…

    • Interesting. So does this mean that you value certain ideology so much, that you push it on your friends to an extent that some would like to no longer be associated with you?

      • If you mean by ‘push’, that I express what my opinions are, yes. If you mean that I have litmus test for my friends, no – I don’t. I always put affection in front of philosophy.

        Is there any idealogy that you are not prepared to abide?

        • I’m skeptical of ideologies in general, when they seek generalization. Abide? All philosophical discussions of ideologies are legitimate.
          Things might get difficult when one casts them from theory into practice.

          • Right – so then, there are things you won’t abide – perspectives that’ push’ their way onto your relationships.

          • I like philosophizing, particularly views that are out of the ordinary.

            But I don’t really act out things…
            My friends might become shocked by some things I say. Sometimes they seem to fail to understand the value of playing with possibilities: “What if…”
            I dislike people who don’t want to go “there” (to controversial opinions). So I do hope that they see my sayings as reflections of the moment.

          • Philosophizing, M’am, is your ‘actin’ out’. You are a very long person – BUT… can you become wide? Is there anything, outside of yourself and your immediate famnily, for which you would make a stand? – a physical blood fight?; or, if not exactly that, one which riskt the shedding of it?

          • That came accross incorrectly. I don’t “dislike people who don’t want to go ..”; rather I dislike it, when people don’t want to go towards controversial opinions. Some of these people are my friends.

      • M’am – I accept all as they are. That said, I do try to remind, ‘push’, my fellow Tarheels that agreeing to go along with evil & submission to tyranny are SINS – it only exceeded by treachery to those who have loved you, or, worse yet, turning away from The Lord.

  16. Cucks will be cucks.

    Russell Moore ?@drmoore
    The frontrunner for the party founded by Abraham Lincoln this morning refused, four times, to disavow support by white supremacist groups.

    Russell Moore ?@drmoore
    The KKK is the worst, most violent and virulent domestic terrorist organization the US has ever faced. This isn’t hard.

    Russell Moore ?@drmoore
    How the church helps black men succeed in America: http://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2016/02/soul-mates-black-church-marriage/470760/?utm_source=SFTwitter

  17. You know what I just realized. The reason poor Black people do not really understand class issues is because they are not as a whole really part of the proletariat, they are more part of the peasantry.

    The proletariat is the class that is indispensable to labor. If you have a business, the proletariat would involve those workers who essentially are key performers but have no stake in ownership. The peasantry would be the unemployed or self-employed.

    Let’s be honest here, most companies wouldn’t go under if they fired their black employees. Since Blacks as a whole aren’t really proletariat, they alter the message of the Democratic party, which used to be more class conscious.

    I would be in favor of some gentrification of the Democratic party.

  18. Bernie Sanders always just looks absolutely insane in pictures. Why would anyone want some crazy old jewish socialist to be the next president of the United States? Then again why would anyone elect a negro for that? Uh yes clearly African Americans are well known for their leadership and management abilities.

    • (I’m forced to respond to a comment you made at amren(article about:teacher abused by students wins 125k settlement) here since your moderator has chosen to protect the delicate sensibilities of you race realists and won’t let me comment at amren)

      You said:

      The early morning hours are a good time to get things done if you’re white and living in a black area, as the typical black day begins at around noon.

      The idiocy at amren is stunning.

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