About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. The character that attacked Trump earlier today outside Dayton, Ohio has been released on nominal bond. This is an actor who fought with cops and secret service agents in an attempt to get to Trump.

  2. If they put as much energy into getting Bernie nominated as they did into trying to stump the Trump, he wouldn’t be getting his ass kicked by Hillary.

  3. I have watched the Left breed these violent thugs since my days in college during the Vietnam War protests. The Democrats are the home base for these trouble makers. They should be the ones condemned for political violence and not Trump or the Right.

    • Amen. As a fellow ‘gerontes’ (old guy) I agree. It’s been the Jews, and the MISFITS- the people who were the leeches on society, back in the day, who readily embraced the hippie mantra [tune in-turn-on-drop out] and then expected US to care for them for the rest of their damned lives… Who are to blame.

      Always the Yid, though. ALWAYS. Read E. Michael Jones’ massive tome, ‘The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit and its impact on World History’ to SEE this as FACT.

  4. “If I had but one bullet and were faced by both an murderer and a traitor, I would let the traitor have it a murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague.”

  5. I would suggest that HW and company get ready for a big secession push towards the end of this year. If Trump, the representative of ethnic Southerners (ironic that he’s a NYer though), is assassinated or denied the presidency due to illegal means by SJWs, they might just be able to repeat Crimea in the US.

    In fact, that’s exactly what happened in Ukraine: the ethnic representative of Crimea was illegally removed from power by “the other” and Crimean Russians were humilated by having their language demoted by “the other”. Afterwards, Crimeans decided they didn’t want to be Ukrainians anymore. That happened once the system had been delegitimized. Crimeans responded by creating a new system.

    In order for secession to work here, there needs to be a catalyzing moment. That could come this year. Take advantage of it. When Southerners learn that 1. they are on the verge of imminent oppression by “the other” 2. democracy is an illusion and they will be cheated every time 3. they have no power in the current system 4. they were cheated (humans naturally detest cheaters)…….they’ll want to create a new system where none of that is possible.

  6. From Dr. Michael Hill of the League of the South…

    ‘The League of the South stands squarely against the rise of the
    Neo-Bolsheviks. The original Bolsheviks–mainly Jewish Communists in Russia in the early 20th century–were the world’s greatest mass murderers. And they are back in the guise of the numerous leftist organizations active in the streets of America in 2016. While the ranks of the Neo-Bolsheviks include blacks, Mexicans, Muslims, and other “minorities,” one things has not changed: the Jewish presence at the top. These leftists are the enemies of our civilization.’

    AGREED, but, you omitted what is arguably the most detrimental of this entire Bolshevik constituency : a group which, in old terms, is called, ‘THE SCALAWAG’ …, or, in new … ‘THE ANTI-WHITE WHITE’.

      • Klar, Meine Gnadige Dame, aber die Zusammenarbeit, von denen der nicht Jude sind, Der Ewige Jude geht nirgendwohin, niemals – und, deshalb, hat keinen Einfluss, was auch immer.

        Alles beste, Dein Junius

  7. Anyone heard about this story yet? Early AM hours Saturday morning someone broke into a small chapel on Northwestern University Campus about 10 miles north of where the Chicago Riots had just taken place and spray painted desecrations all over the church with racist homophobic slurs and the word “Trump” Here are the two students arrested but something isn’t quite right. Look at the last names of the two suspects: Anthony Morales & Matthew Kafker. They may just be two frat boys who were drunk and pissed at the rioters. But they may be the rioters themselves faking a hate crime.



  8. Just got back from the TRUMP rally in Bloomington Illinois. Had trouble getting the software on my printer to print my ticket and left an hour late and the aircraft hanger had already filled to capacity and only room was outside the event along the airport fence. They said the secret service had drastically limited the number allowed in for security reasons. About 500 Beatniks with body piercings showed up to protest. The protesters did not contain the large numbers of blacks we saw at the Chicago riots, and none of that crap took place, lots of State police as well. The pro Trump crowd had lots of ordinary whites, families, grannies, etc in contrast to the professional disrupters who looked like the kind of bums who spent their lives following around the Grateful Dead. There were a few black fellows making a living selling Trump souvenirs who thought the anti Trump hysteria was all a hullabaloo. A lot of people outside had sound feeds of the event and Trump repeated the parable about the nice lady and the snake. Finally you could see him from a distance walk up his 757, wave and off to the next event. Really big, imposing looking Alpha Male going up those airline steps. Also real Secret Service guys in suits driving Black Mercury Grand Marquis just like in the movies. Many in the crowd were pissed at local factory closings, Mitsubishi shut down the once model “Diamond Star” facility to make cars in Indonesia and others were laid off from Caterpillar in Peoria and Decatur, once strong towns with the latter especially going the way of Flint Michigan. One of Decatur’s big historical employers just decided to move headquarters to Chicago because the carpetbagger executives who they brought in didn’t like being away from the bright lights big city. Sort of like what such people did to Boeings Seattle Headquarters. Boeing of course is in the sneaky process of moving the 737 production to China. An insane threat to national security allowing our aerospace industry to offshore. The treason is boundless.

    • The Hebes and their Golem are taking this country apart piece by piece. I will attempt to attend a Trump Bund Rally whenever he swings round…..thanks for the write up.

      • Which region of the country do you live in, Denise? I know Trump’s going to be touring the rustbelt states quite a bit in the next few days…

        • I’m in the Northeast. I live in rural area. I can and will travel. Where ever he goes, I’ll have to drive. He goes to cities – not boonies.

  9. Until this election, I had never really grasped the clear vision or the total disgust that Jesse Helms had for Communism even though I voted for him.

    Truly, Sanders and Clinton are the prince and princess of thugs…

      • Did Jew also hear? Breitbart canned Shapiro! There is a God. He says (sure…. HE says…) it was in solidarity with this lying shiksa Jew, Fields. But in any event, the faggot kike is GONE from Breitbart…..

  10. Someone posted this elsewhere:

    Obama passed a law in 2012, bill H.R.347 Unlawful to protest in the restricted areas including locations where individuals under Secret Service protection are temporarily located, and certain large special events like a presidential inauguration or campaign events. A person who knowingly, and with intent to impede or disrupt the orderly conduct of Government business or official functions, engages in disorderly or disruptive conduct in, or within such proximity to, any restricted building or grounds when, or so that, such conduct, in fact, impedes or disrupts the orderly conduct of Government business or official functions. Penalty, a fine under this title or imprisonment for not more than 10 years, or both. This law was nicknamed, Obama’s removal of the first amendment.

    Sounds like it only works for Democrats…

  11. Ha ha ha.

    Glenn Beck ?@glennbeck 3h3 hours ago

    .@benshapiro wishing you the best. Ur always welcome at @theblaze ! Join me on radio this soon?

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