Live Thread: Wisconsin Republican Primary


Montgomery Blair Sibley is sitting on the DC Madam phone records. We learned on Friday evening on the Rachel Maddow Show that he resets his 72 hour dead man switch every morning. Thus, the 72 hour countdown clock wasn’t necessarily going to end on Monday. Also, Sibley’s case was added to the Supreme Court docket, which made it plausible that he could release the phone records without having to violate the lower court order. In any case, the Supreme Court adding Sibley’s case to the docket torpedoed any chance that the truth would come out before Wisconsin.

Cruz wins Wisconsin.

Note: Even if Cruz wins Wisconsin, I expect the truth will come out down the road, likely before the May primaries. It will hurt him in a number of states further down the calendar – Indiana, Nebraska, Montana, South Dakota, California, New Mexico – which will make up for Wisconsin.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Follow the money.

    This explains why there was such an unprecedented assault against Trump in Wi.
    Donor class buys the opposition to Trump. The talk show hosts who as a unit savaged Trump daily work for iHeartMedia.

    -snip- And now perhaps you understand why it was Erick Erickson who started the “Never Trump”, or #NeverTrump, campaign. As the old cliché is oft repeated ” follow the money”.

    It’s not just Erick Erickson getting paid either. Ben Shapiro is being paid, Mark Levin is being paid, Glenn Beck is being paid, Rush Limbaugh is being paid, iHeartMedia is being paid, the Beasely Group is being paid, Hugh Hewitt is being paid, Michael Medved is being paid. The entire Salem Media Communications enterprise (broadcast radio and web-based content) is making hundreds of thousands off of these political payments for punditry.

    Heck, it’s absolutely easier to say who’s NOT being paid – Almost all of the radio media and almost all of the larger web-content providers are getting paid by political operatives as above.

    Notice how not a single radio network will allow the question to be asked on air. Notice also how not a single radio host will deny on air. It’s not accidental folks. -snip-

    Our Principles PAC activities in Wisconsin (March / April):

    ** ?$2 million spent on broadcast and cable TV advertising statewide with issue specific television ads run in individual markets

    ** Radio ads

    ** Billboard advertising

    ** Digital advertising

    ** Millions of emails sent to Wisconsin voters

    ** Over 1,000,000 voter contacts in Wisconsin, including 383,000 pieces of mail and nearly 262,000 Trump voter guides.

    ?** Experienced field staff making calls or engaging in direct interaction with convention attendees advocating for a slate of “not-Trump” delegates

    Moving forward, Our Principles PAC is organizing delegates and deploying a number of tactics with a goal of depriving Trump of as many delegates as possible in upcoming contests. OPP will focus on delegate wins, not individual state wins.

    In addition, OPP will focus on states/districts electing unbound delegates to ensure those delegates are not supporting Trump on a first ballot and tracking candidates running for delegate in upcoming conventions to ensure that even if delegates are bound to Trump on early ballots, they move away on subsequent ballots (link).

    • Last night, Sam, I had a conversation with a friend—a conversation to which I alluded in my reply below, to Nikolai. Near the end of it, my friend remarked that, no matter what happens, Trump will always be able to say that every vote he got was a vote for him; Cruz, on the other hand, is so lacking in dignity that he’s untroubled to know that many of the votes he’s gained are intended merely as Trump-stoppers.

    • Levin has now denied this and has gone all-out “Never Trump.”

      One good thing about this political season and what has occurred and been revealed over the past months is that I’ll be saving precious time no longer listening to creeps like Levin, Limbaugh (stale), the neocon lineup at Salem, watching Fox, etc, etc.

  2. The funniest story today is that several well-known creeps are calling Ted Cruz “antisemitic” for his New York values quip! Antisemitic? Haha! How much more does he have to grovel and kow-tow to please his masters?!


  3. Erick Erickson @EWErickson
    If I were Vladimir Putin, I’d be propping up a candidate like Trump to destabilize the West, including using social media trolls.

    Mike Cernovich Retweeted Erick Erickson

    If you were Putin you wouldn’t be a cuck. Ergo you have no idea what it means to think like Putin or any other man.

    • I am weary of the neocon anti-Russia frenzy. They’re still sore, I guess, that Putin bombed their “moderate Syrian rebels” (aka al-Qaeda) and more or less closed ISIS’ supply line to NATO-ally Turkey.

  4. After reading about Party machinations in Colorado, North Dakota, Indiana and Louisiana I would suggest that what’s left of the GOP dispense with primaries and caucuses in 2020. They should have party hacks choose all delegates to the national convention, with input not from voters but from lobbyists and donors. That would suit them best.

  5. I’ve heard about Diebold machines being easily hacked but never gave it much credence until I saw this video.

    Still Report #774 – Diebold Voting Machine Hack on Fox News

  6. Sen. Scott Brown: I’ve NEVER Seen a Party ATTACK Their Leader Like the GOP Did to Trump in Wisconsin

    The GOP establishment and Ted Cruz spent millions on ads in Wisconsin to defeat GOP front-runner Donald Trump.

    In Wisconsin, I know Wisconsin, I’ve been to Wisconsin, I’m supporting Ron Johnson. I have never seen the so-called establishment, the conservatives, the members of our party attacking the leader of our party in such a vicious, malicious way. I’ve never seen it, Neil…

    …Neil, it’s unheard of to see what, he had to go through, you know what the left’s coming from. You know what the DSCC and Hillary Clinton and everybody is coming from but you don’t expect this from your colleagues and from the right. You just don’t.

    • I don’t think that their rabid hatred of Trump is because of his personality, his style, or anything like that. Or even because he’s not one of their club.

      It’s his stand on the issues and his opposition to the corrupt regime (both sides) in the capital.

      Since my concerns are largely the same as Trump’s, I see this as an attack on me and my interests. And I am coming to think that any time they do promote something I consider important, they’re just lying frauds.

      No confidence.

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