Live Thread: Wisconsin Republican Primary


Montgomery Blair Sibley is sitting on the DC Madam phone records. We learned on Friday evening on the Rachel Maddow Show that he resets his 72 hour dead man switch every morning. Thus, the 72 hour countdown clock wasn’t necessarily going to end on Monday. Also, Sibley’s case was added to the Supreme Court docket, which made it plausible that he could release the phone records without having to violate the lower court order. In any case, the Supreme Court adding Sibley’s case to the docket torpedoed any chance that the truth would come out before Wisconsin.

Cruz wins Wisconsin.

Note: Even if Cruz wins Wisconsin, I expect the truth will come out down the road, likely before the May primaries. It will hurt him in a number of states further down the calendar – Indiana, Nebraska, Montana, South Dakota, California, New Mexico – which will make up for Wisconsin.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


    • Pure untermenschen. Perhaps we can ship off the Detroit Negroes into Wisconsin. A bit of enrichment would do wonders to wipe out their cuckoldry.

  1. My wife and I are still making Trump calls for the campaign. More favorable responses the last few days. Might not be enough, I don’t know. The media barrage from every conceivable angle in this state is unbelievable. Every GOP radio host is viciously attacking Trump as are liberals.

    Mark Belling is a huge influence. Been in the area since 1987. Charlies Sykes aslo has been here forever. Damn!

    Anti-Trump ads abound.

    I put up several Trump signs in various locales.

    Today I checked–all are gone. Some replaced by Kasich’s. No Cruz signs in my area, however.

    Limbaugh and Levin are doing their part to screw Trump. Huge listenership around here.

    Fifty religious leaders have endorsed Cruz.

    Gawd I hate cuckservatives.

    New York can’t come soon enough.

    I will not quit until the polls close.

    • Eases the coming blow. It’s amazing how these Cuckold’s can fight when it actually threatens them.

      • The think is – the IDIOT Cucks on the ground, the voters, have infinitely more to fear from their White hating Cuck leadership, than they do Trump,

    • Just as I thought. There is no groundswell of support for Cruz in Wisconsin. His win will be manufactured by the corporate media.

      • Very few signs for president candidates in my neck of the woods. Odd. Lots for State Supreme Court and school board.

        • It’s like that, every election cycle, here in Texas. As a kid back in the 70’s, I saw yard signs for Bush Jr, when he was running for state offices. But nothing for President, until the actual general election began. There are still signs up from the county elections. But no Trump, Cruz, Clinton, etc. Signs.

    • That Ford announcement had to have had some impact, and Cruz just looks like an oily incompetent.

    • Sam, the exit polling for Trump is looking really good. Particularly for non-loaded questions that imply a Trump vote.

  2. In Superior, Wisconsin, (a white, working class small city, and a historical democratic stronghold) there were very long lines to see Trump yesterday. They could have filled the airport hangar over several times with just the people that left when it was obvious they weren’t getting in. Still more waiting patiently and never got in. Trump drawing this level of support in a primarily white, blue collar, historically democrat/union/labor stronghold is a good sign, in my view.

  3. The early exit polling looks good for Trump. Cruz is a sleazy looking Cuban politician, and outside of Milwaukee, Wisconsin is pretty White.

  4. We will see how the Crossover Voter strategy fares against the entire weight of the Global Establishment.

    If Trump cannot get Crossovers during the Primary, it undermines his claim that he will do so in the General.

    The Global Establishment that was set up in the wake of Hitler’s Gamble is not going to lessen up the pressure, it will increase the pressure as Trump gets closer to November.

    We/Trump have to hope that this pressure is counterproductive by illustrating to people that the Global Elite don’t care about them, don’t share their values.

    What is sad and something I never expected was that rank and file white Christians are falling for this con. Aren’t they keenly aware that the New World Order wants them and their religion DEAD? Or perhaps they see that as a desirable part of God’s plan?

    Cruz is an obvious charlatan con-man who isn’t even from this country, but when you don’t have the cognitive capacity to detect a con, you will be as sheep to the wolves. Unfortunately, we need those people and need to figure out how to unplug them from their vile shepherds.

    • If you read Whitaker’s blog it should come as no surprise to you.

      The Cucks buy up the White Church vote by the block, so they don’t have to
      deal with NASCAR voters. The Democrats do the same with the Black vote. Buy the Churches and hand out how to vote cards.

  5. The Republican elites are really our number 1 enemy at this point. Cruz ia their man til they deny Trump the nomination and try to throw both out to bring back a “fresh face” proven loser like Romney or Jeb. I hope they do this so the people ditch the GOP for good.

    • Cruz has been the fake “anti-establishment” Establishment candidate all along; calculated to fool the White base, once Trump had been shoved aside, into participating in the System one last time. So he will be the nominee, not a re-tread. I doubt that they’ll fool enough of us though…and in any case the Judeo-neoConz and Cucks will be equally comfortable with Mrs. Clinton: like them, she’s open-borders, free trade, big Israel, big war, big debt

  6. I hate the GOP more than the Democrats. At least they support their constituencies. The GOP views us as a “certain demographic” of “low-information voters, ” who are “losers” and are “morally indefensible” and whose communities “deserve to die.” If that’s not downright hostility I don’t know what is. The “news” network (Fox), the pundits (Will, Noonan et al), the think tanks, the mags (National Review), the odious pol operatives (Rove, Wilson), the hacks, the donors (Republican Jewish Coalition), and most radio talk shows all hate us even as they depend on our votes. I say– if it’s not Donald J. Trump, let the GOP die and take its place in history next to the Whigs. It will be a slightly difficult time for a while but the political vacuum will be filled. Don’t vote Republican. We don’t need two PC Democrat parties.

  7. I understand that the Supreme Court has saved Cruz. He is the scariest bastard out there. The American (haha!) version of Iranian fanatics. He thinks he’s a messiah. He guarantees/ promises more and bigger wars.

  8. Exit polls show >60% of GOP voters in Ed Gein Land favor path to citizenship for foreign invaders.

    Evangelicals (“We’d better support Israel or Jesus will get us”) there strongly go for the Cuban Messiah.

    • Who is really an antichrist. Just sayin.’

      Get Stephen Sizer’s book on ‘Christian Zionism’ and see what TRUTH is all about! From –

      “”Stephen Sizer’s Christian Zionism : Road Map to Armageddon? is essential reading for any western evangelical trying to understand the religious dimensions of American support for Israel. Sizer writes as an insider within the church, not as a critic watching from afar. And he shows with exacting clarity how evangelical eschatology has now embedded itself in a modern political ideology. One quick read of this book will change anyone’s perspective on the Middle East permanently.” Professor Gary M. Burge, Professor of New Testament, Wheaton College & Graduate School, Wheaton (author of Whose Land, Whose Promise? What Christians Are Not Being Told About Israel and the Palestinians).

      “Stephen Sizer’s work on Christian Zionism is the most important and comprehensive on the subject to date, and should be read by all students of the Middle East and by Christians concerned about a just resolution to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. Christian Zionism raises vital theological and political challenges that must be addressed head-on by Christians in the West, particularly evangelicals. The impact of this terribly misguided movement is increasingly putting Christians in the Middle East at risk, and it seems a far cry from the witness and message of Jesus Christ.” Professor Don Wagner, North Park University, Chicago (author of Anxious for Armageddon & Dying in the Land of Promise).

      “I think your book is fantastic… I’m grateful for your advocacy of the Church as the Bride… This is a large book, as well it should be, since it addresses a large issue. At stake in the argument is the very definition of the identity of the Church. Some theologies, that make Israel central to the purposes of God and to the processes of history, reduce the Church to the status of concubine while Israel becomes the Bride. Sizer’s work provides a timely reminder that, according to the New Testament, God’s people is to be identified on the basis of grace, not of race.” Professor Gilbert Bilezikian, Professor Emeritus, Wheaton College and founding leader of Willow Creek Community Church, South Barrington, Illinois, (author of The Liberated Gospel, Beyond Sex Roles, Christianity 101 and Community 101)

      “There is admirable depth and careful perspective in Stephen Sizer’s comprehensive survey of the political, exegetical and moral implications of Christian Zionism. If the apocalyptic ones, darkly suggested by the cover design, remain the hidden future, the logic for them is well clarified… Readers who can match the author’s capacity for incisive documentation and his rigorous way with complexity are rewarded with a masterly presentation with which to wrestle… His commendable labours will well equip his readers to address them. Meanwhile, perhaps we have to say that Armageddon also is sub judice.” The Right Revd Kenneth Cragg, retired Assistant Bishop in Jerusalem (author of The Call of the Minaret; The Arab Christian; Mohammed and the Christian; Readings in the Qur’an; The House of Islam; Islam among the Spires; Troubled by Truth; The Dome and the Rock.)

      “Stephen Sizer’s Christian Zionism: Road-map to Armageddon? provides a detailed and thoughtful critique of the framework Hagee and many others enthusiastically embrace. Sizer is vicar of Christ Church in Surrey, England, and chair of the International Bible Society in the United Kingdom. His book explores the historical development, theological underpinnings, and political implications of Christian Zionism, a movement that began in Britain in the 19th century… Americans have been inundated with images and information on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict for decades. Numerous and often conflicting images and impressions leave many with a kind of “detailed ignorance.” Far too few have a coherent framework for understanding and interpreting events in ways that can lead to constructive advocacy, either as concerned citizens or people of faith. The books by Carter and Sizer offer helpful guidance for those who seek to understand the multiple and often convoluted political and religious dynamics that often thwart hopes for a more peaceful future in the Middle East.” Dr. Charles Kimball, Professor of Comparative Religion, Wake Forest University Department of Religion and Divinity School (author of When Religion Becomes Evil)

      • I’ll never forget the meeting Cruz had with mid eastern Christians. He told them that they needed to support “Israel and the Jews” since they have no better friend (!) or he would turn his back on their plight. They booed him. He walked off the stage. (Why would citizens of Syria and Egypt pledge allegiance to a foreign country?) Then and there I wrote him off. I find him absolutely the worst of all candidates in either party.

        Thank you for your book recommendation! These ridiculous Evangelicals drive me nuts.



    Today Paypal, which had been intent on constructing a new facility in Charlotte – and which would have brought 400 high quality clerical jobs to folks in Mecklenburg County, shut down the project, they citing our Governor McCrory’s unwillingness to back off our bill that requires people potty as their birth certificates indicate that The Good Lord
    intended them to.

    My wife and I have used Paypal with some frequency, over the last decade, and have been very satisfied by the service.

    Friends, North Carolina is a very very welcoming state for any business- for we offer a hard working and well-educated work-force that comes without unions or high taxes, and which gives companies access to our great life here – our first rate roads, out unsurpasst natural beauty, our beautiful seasons – with mild winters, and our God-fearing decent and hospitable culture that is second to none, for it’s respectfulness to other humans, even humans we don’t want here, such as Moslems.

    My wife and I both feel that this Yankee attitude of coming in and twisting folks’s arm to change our culture is NOT what we are going to abide.

    For that reason, I am going to Paypal, right after writing
    this post, and shut down our account, for good; or until we hear that Paypal is prepared to be a guest with proper respect for it’s Southern hosts…

    I hope y’all will consider following our example.

    North Carolina needs y’all’s help.

    May God bless all y’all, on this divine Spring day.

      • Mr. Davis,

        I understand your frustration, but, an even stronger central government is not a good answer – no matter under what political auspices it might come.

        As you know, Mr. Davis, too many decades we, Southerners, have been content to pray that the normal legal process, elections, would do the trick for us, but, alas, the blessings that come with the voting process in a Constitutional Republick, seem no longer to suffice.

        We, citizens, of each state, must simply stand up respectfully, and in full accordance with our laws, encourage our local politicians to govern as they campaign, and we must not allow consumeristick bullying to force us or them to cowtow to those alien to us.

        We can expect no one else to do it for us.

        That’s really all there is to it.

        Have a good night!

        • I am the last person who wants a central government. However, we have one and I don’t see it going anywhere anytime soon. I think Southerners, who have a admirable distrust for central power, didn’t really understand that even if they eschewed central power there are those who would take power to further their interests. We need to take that power to further our interests.

          • Then, I guess we are in agreement, Mr, Davis. We may only differ on methodology.

            I believe the way we can take back our own power is by either resisting financial coercion or passing laws, and when those laws are rejected by high courts, we ought nullify those verdicts – much as Chief Justice Roy Moore did, in Alabama recently, or by our legislatures.

            We can do what we need to do, and do it peacefully. Doing things peacefully and legally is much more formidable, and long lasting than attempting to do things with violence.

            In the end, it comes back to the constant weeding that is required in the neverending culture wars.

            Good night!

          • I’m all for resisting financial coercion and nullifying Federal courts. When it comes to the Federal courts, expect for the Feds to throw people in jail for noncompliance (e.g. Kim Davis.) To better resist financial coercion, we need to have a self sustaining economy. We shouldn’t rely on outside capital to fund our industries. If we rejected American consumerism and began to save our own money, we could capitalize our own industries.

            As far as what can be done outside of politics, what I would like to see happen is for Southern clergymen to openly declare the Federal government and the big corporations and financial institutions as our spiritual enemy.

          • I completely agree with you, Mr. Davis. There will be passing dilemmas, such as you mention,but, the time has come to do what you say.

            As to your wishes for clergymen, it is beginning. Millions of NC biblethumpers have organized and are pressing our leaders to stand fast. Our pastors and deacons are leading that fight. If you mean the clergy who have starpower, however, The Reverend Franklin Graham has been rather publick and forthright about his condemnation of this country.

      • As a Roman Catholic, I’ve come to that Conclusion long time ago. We all have to return to the Old Order of Throne and Altar. The Bavarian Monarchy lasted 800 years until Woodrow Wilson ended it. Monarchy is a Warrior institution and we are in a racial war, a war of survival. One can have a Republic with a Monarch, Sparta and Tudor England were Republics. America is a Novus Ordo and Modern Republicanism was about getting rid of kings which was the first step in globalization. Europeans have to return to the Old Order, i.e. the Natural Order. Here is “The Classical definition of a republic”

      • Thank you, Sir. Your leadership has been a blessing and I thank you for persisting with it. Please let PayPal know why you are distancing yourself from them.

    • Big business is definitely not our friend as a group. They feel perfectly safe taking the most progressive positions possible on social issues so as not to be boycotted/protested by the freak fringe and their media friends. They know traditional people don’t tend to boycott/protest and even if they did it wouldn’t get media or it would and the media would paint them as extremists. So, I think your idea is about all you can do to fight the good fight.

      • You’re right, Patrick. Big business – or, at least, that part of it which is willing to co-opt itself out for Yankee Government Inc. and, thus, be a foil for their purposes – much as ‘civick groups & unions were uset by the Soviet government to keep the people in line.

        And I agree with your implication that, they will get what they want, if we do not take action in the market.

        We must defends Dixie with a skillful use of combined arms – market strategies (boycotts etc…) a zillion calls to our legislators, Civick advocacy Groups, such as the The Moral Majority or The League of The South, and civil disobedience – both individual & collective.

        We can bring a lot of peaceful fire to bear on our opponents, and, in the process, (I surmise) liberate ourselves. Many of the people who are against us, but, who live in Dixie, would begin to voluntarily leave, the closer we get to moulding our society as we wish, and that would, also, help us.

        But, this natural process has to begin with each of us, daily, taking a little time to do the wrangling.

        Let’s stop complaining, and do things that count. Time is short.

        Thank you for your thoughts, Patrick.

    • Surely, Mr. W., you’re wondering—as I am wondering—whether Sibley will prove to be a mere attention-seeker. If the information he has promised to release turns out to be inconsequential, will you be shocked?

      • In light of what happened last time, I don’t think Sibley is lying and I doubt he would defy a court order to release documents that no one will care about or have any impact.

        • Okay. Not having given any attention to the “D.C. Madam”—a phrase that barely rang a bell for me when it returned to the news a week or so ago–I’d not heard of Sibley until, again, a week or so ago. That means, unfortunately, that I don’t know what you mean when you speak of “what happened last time,” but I trust your judgment.

  10. Once again, the only salvage of the night is the fact that the other front runner can’t put away her challenger, a Bolshevik Jew, making Trump’s inability to put away a Cuban-Canadian snake handler seem not so devastating.

    Have we ever had a campaign where both front runners were so weak? I’m thinking Ford v Carter 1976, which was before my birth.

    I could rifle off my previous criticisms of Trump, because they are so enduring and unchanging, but there is no point. This isn’t about Trump and never was, it is about the mitotic division of the United States in to pro-white and anti-white daughter cells which marches on regardless of electoral shenanigans.

    As yet to be determined is the congressional district breakdown, if Trump can grind out a few delegates, we may look back on Wisconsin as the difference between 1237 and under.

    • My gut feeling for the last month is Trump has gone off the boil. He has no answer to the racist charge, other than I’m not racist.

      Remember when he came out swinging, devastating all who stood before him? Where is that Trump now? We need that at least.

      • He can’t keep facing the one-two from both the left and the center left. The media are uniquely hostile too.

      • He’s probably tired, burned out, and has lost some perspective and focus. He’s also probably asking himself why he even bothered, since people are largely stupid.

      • What is he supposed to say?

        The media would pounce on him like a chicken on a bug no matter how he crafted an answer. He doesn’t want to get that KKK David Duke stuff again.

  11. Apropos of the cuckservatives, of whom this evening’s goings-on have put me in mind …

    In the final days of the wrangling over Obamacare, Limbaugh said something like–and I’m completely paraphrasing, from memory:

    “Just think about the amazingness of our Constitution. All these years after its passage, it’s still protecting us.”

    I remember thinking, “So–is it your view, Rush, that this legislation won’t pass, because the Constitution is protecting us?”

    • My guess is that Wisconsin was won by the corporate media. They probably saturated the airwaves with anti-Trump ads. This is the effect of democracy in action. Here we have the wealthy telling the common folk how to vote.

      • no. Trump has been his own worst enemy since Day 1: pointless feud with Megyn, insane remark about Carly’s “face”, expressing contempt for his own voters with the “5th Ave.” remark, waffling re H1b’s, allowing himself to be ambushed by Jew MSM over the David Duke thing, then groveling to Zion @ AIPAC, etc., etc. Be satisfied that he has exacerbated the existential split in the Republiscam pty between Judeo-globalist, open borders neo-conz and implicit WN’s. That will suffice for our purposes. Remember, we were never going to vote our way out of the Judeo-globalist, open-borders deathtrap. That’ll require politics by…other means

        • I think going after Scott Walker was also a mistake. Scott has actually done some good in his state. He should have focused his attacks on Cruz.

        • I see the Megyn feud as something a little more sinister. She would be the point guard for attacking Bill Clinton when Hillary is facing Cruz/Bush/Rubio…she was just activated early.

        • I wanted to return to this comment.

          Nah. The problem is that the GOP fielded 4 n 20 candidates. Kasich is Ohio for example. Those voters didn’t factor in the Negyn Jelly feud nor did they worry about Fiorina. Wisconsin is the home base of a butthurt Walker. I have to assume that Rubio was expected to win Florida.

          These candidates were put in place to trip up a campaign like Trump.

  12. The Gateway Pundit claims they’ve had DC Madam records since 8am. They didn’t explain how they got them so quickly or where they got them from. Gateway is often linked to by Matt Drudge, so they might have more credibility than a National Enquirer. From their website. The headline:

    DEVELOPING: We Have the DC Madam’s Phone Records — Pages and Pages of Phone Records

    From the “update” in their story:

    UPDATE: Tuesday April 5, 2016

    We have the DC Madam’s phone records.

    Pages and pages of phone records.

    We are deciding how to present this evidence.

    Please pass this on to Ted Cruz and his supporters.

    Weird they’re telling their readers to pass it on to Team Cruz though.

    • Interesting. I guess Sibley pulled the trigger once the Supreme Court let the lower court decision stand.

    • Wait a minute. Maybe they mean the records that were released to the public years ago. The records Sibley’s been threatening to release are something different, namely, a list of names, phone numbers, and Social Security numbers—some such thing.

      • I don’t see why Gateway would want the Cruz campaign to know about records that are not relevant to them. But you are correct: The NEW records are supposed to have a lot more information than just phone records, so maybe Gateway is looking at the old stuff and assuming it is new?

        • That’s what I’m wondering. At some webpage, I encountered a report that distinguished the old info from the new; but in other reports, I’ve encountered what seems to be confusion about the distinction. I’m not sure Gateway Pundit isn’t confused.

          PS The distinction was something like this: The old info consisted of, maybe, 15,000 records, of which 10,000 were released at the time of the D.C. Madam case. From those, I think, the identity of that politician, Vitter, was somehow determined. I suppose Sibley could release the balance of those, but what he’s now suggesting is more important is additional info, which was long ago put under a gag order. That’s a list of 815 names, with, I think, phone numbers and Social Security numbers. It was given to him, as the D.C. Madam’s lawyer, by Verizon, in response to a subpoena.

  13. Sadly, I had a gut feeling that the cowards in Cheeseheadland would be the traitors they have shown themselves to be, primarily because they are ethically very similar to Minnesota, which (as you know) voted for RUBIO!?!?!?

    Many of the ‘voters’ (read, hysterical hormonal WOMYN) are ‘afraid’ of what a Donald Trump Presidency means. Let me say this, both as a man, and a pastor.

    Gents, if you are married, YOU NEED TO LEAD YOUR WIFE FOR THE GOOD OF THE COUNTRY. DO NOT LET HER VOTE with her ovaries. I read an article that was posted over at DS, originally posted at ‘The Right Stuff.’ It clearly showed that women (and liberals) have undersized AMYGDALAE, which prevents them from THINKING RATIONALLY.

    “…the amygdala responds to emotional threats as well as physical ones, and that leftists are more likely than rightists to have an overreaction to emotional stimuli.

    MRI analysis indicates that Liberal amygdala development is diminished. This reduces the ability of the structure to handle specific stimuli, and this results in an amygdala which is easily overwhelmed by specific emotional stimuli and less able to route it into productive action instead of panic.

    This is why so often in debates leftists revert to “ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?!”, instead of actually engaging in logic. It takes less to set off a leftist than it does a rightist. Their amygdalae are less able to handle emotional shocks.”-

    I remember HW posting a graphic of the USA, that showed if only WHITE MEN were able to vote in the last TWO elections, OBAMA NEVER WOULD HAVE WON.

    Understand this next statement, ladies. FOR THE FUTURE OF THE WHITE RACE, WE NEED TO OVERTURN THE XIXth Amendment.


    I want to rub the shit about Cruz the ADULTEROUS BASTARD in EVERY EVAN-JELLY-GOO, and REPUBLITARD’s race, for their BETRAYAL to this nation, tonight.

    God damn America for her cucking populace.
    God Damn the JEWS, for a variety of reasons.

    Ballots have failed. Now it’s bullets, as Mike Huckabee so prophetically said would be our only alternative.

    Joel 3:10- “Beat your plowshares into swords, and your pruninghooks into spears: let the weak say, I am strong.”

    “If the jews are not stopped, the whole world will die.”
    -Lee Kwan Yew (LKY) d. March 23, 2015. First Prime Minister of Singapore…

    “Live in peace with your enemies, but only with your Personal Enemies, and NOT the ENEMIES OF GOD.” – St. Theosodius of the Kiev Caves Lavra

    “He who is not angry, whereas he has cause to be, sins. For unreasonable patience is the hotbed of many vices, it fosters negligence, and incites not only the wicked but the good to do wrong.” – St. John Chrysostom

    “Now are they (Jews) enemies of yours, for the Gospel’s sake…” – St. Paul, Rom. 11:28

    “Thy kingdom come ON EARTH, as it IS (present reality) in Heaven.” – J.C.
    Making America great again (white Again) IS the Gospel, make no mistake… because the alternative is clearly satanic to the core, and aided by the Christ-killers, like SOROS.

    “Choose ye THIS DAY, whom ye shall serve.” – Book of Joshua

    • As I’ve been surveying the cultural rot around me and looking at states with better demographics, I keep looking at places like Wisconsin (outside Milwaukee and Madison), Iowa, Minnesota, etc. Lilly white places still for the most part outside of a major city or two, but their politics really turn me off. While my political and cultural leanings are more in line with the South, not to mention the weather, I can’t stand the demographics of the south. Not sure where to go – so I’ll probably just stay in my mostly lilly white ever more progressive suburb in St. Louis. At least here I know the areas to avoid.

  14. U christian faggot simpletons crying in your drinks tonight?

    Better to elect a jew in jew’s clothing, than a neoconservative in nationalist’s clothing.


          • this is the case. Wisc ensures that Trump will be at least 100 delegates short of the nomination on first ballot. Cruz will then win on 3rd or 4th, setting up a (another) GoldmanSachs vs. GoldmanSachs fake-election. Which, when a large % of Trump’s implicit WN voters sit it out, Mrs. Clinton should win easily. Which, since we are deep into worse-is-better territory, is from a hardRight viewpoint the desirable outcome

          • That all depends on how many niggers, Moslems and mestizos she can let in our borders and eventually legalize during her reign of terror.

            We don’t have much time.

          • Agreed. If it’s Cruz instead of Trump I vote straight Democratic to get rid of the creeps. I know they’ll try to scare us with SCOTUS nominations, but that will no longer work with me since I remember Souter, Roberts, Kennedy, O’Connor.

            Snowden said it was Trump vs Goldman Sachs. With Cruz it’s Goldman Sachs vs Goldman Sachs just as you said.

          • My conservative calculations have Trump at 1203, 34 delegates short. I always had him with 0 from Wisconsin.

          • Cruz is going to be easy enough to demolish by Clinton. He’s got a worse voice than her.

  15. Some electoral math type people have claimed that Trump needs to split women 45 to 55 with HRC in order to win. That seems to be a bridge too far. Not that any Republican has a better chance than Trump, they are all cannon fodder. Barring a “black swan”, it will be HRC for 8, followed by her Hispanic VP for 8 more.

    Not saying I’m not rooting for Trump (being in the game has its own advantages) and black swans can happen, just trying to be systematic.

    • There are no white candidates left. It’s that simple. At least white male candidates anyway.

  16. Oh well, it’s not like we didn’t know this was coming. Was hoping Trump would do better. The deck was stacked against him. Pretty hard to win when the entire GOP establishment and the media said he was a bigger threat than ISIS. Absolutely vicious. Like hundreds of hyenas and jackals taking down a lion.

    I even heard a Hillary Clinton spot with her saying, ‘Trump wants to criminalize abortion and punish the women who have them.’ Of course that is not what he said. But it doesn’t matter.

    Wisconsin and Minnesota are hopelessly cucked.

    Looking at the exit polls I’m left shaking my head. Immigration is low on the list of priorities and most favor amnesty. What the?

    I’m wondering if a koranimal bombing attack in the State Capitol wiping out a hundred people would make a difference. Nah. there would be prayer vigils, candle lightings and appeals to show more love to the Muslims.

    ‘They’d fit in just fine if we weren’t so mean and racist.’ I’m totally serious.

    Trump was thrown off a cliff by the Evangelical Cucktians. Not a surprise.

    At least in the South the church people have some racial awareness and sense of identity. Here… nothing. I swear, in my area there are more churches than people.

    Lots of cheeseheads are actually fearful of a Trump Presidency.

    He’s just too mean and arrogant. Poor Megyn, Rosie, Michelle Fields and Fiorina. He is a brute. A big orange faced, know nothing, who isn’t even a good businessman. Just a fraud, phony and blowhard.


    • Verbatim what Trump said about abortion that got him in trouble:

      Matthews: “Should abortion be punished?”
      Trump: “There has to be some form of punishment,”

      Matthews: “For the woman?”
      Trump: “Yes.”

      That’s not a cheap shot, it’s just what the man said. I am not against abortion in many cases. I would definitely be opposed to criminalizing abortion; in most cases it should be made easier, as should birth control and sterilization and any future genetic engineering that can fix defects.

      Even the dreamers who think there is a chance in hell that abortion would EVER be criminalized have always made it crystal clear that the woman would not be criminalized only the person providing the abortion. Trump took a dormant political issue and activated it to his own detriment. Why? He can’t shut up. He can’t be disciplined. He’s a petty and vindictive man who doesn’t want to “back down” or “look weak” following that phony Pick Up Artist doctrine.

      “Should abortion be criminalized?”
      “I’m only here to build a wall and deport illegals. Nothing else will change.”

      I still think he gets the nomination, but someone has to take him to the woodshed and knock some sense into him ASAP. I think Newt Gingrich tried recently after the wife thing, it hasn’t seemed to have the desired effect.

      • “I’m only here to build a wall and deport illegals. Nothing else will change.”

        Perfect, Afterthought.

        • In his mind Trump is thinking “pay Shanequa to abort Trayvon and pay Emily to have Brad.”

      • Matthews drew Trump into a very long exchange. Then Chris dropped this line on him.

        MATTHEWS: ‘If you say abortion is a crime or abortion is murder, you have to deal with it under law. Should abortion be punished?’

        There are two parts to the question.

        1) If abortion is a crime etc. IF… but we know it’s not. It’s legal. It’s a hypothetical question. )

        2) You have to deal with it under the law.

        The obvious answer is YES, of course you have to deal with it, if it is law.

        Trump can’t say he wants to send illegals back for not obeying our laws and then say it’s ok however to allow violators of abortion laws to be excused form any sort of punishment.

        That would be hypocritical and unfair.

        It was a trap. But Trump was being consistent.

        He’s not a slippery, conniving lawyer. He doesn’t measure and parse each word.

        He should have said, ‘Eff off Chris, you phony Boston Catholic retard. You talk a big game but don’t follow your church’s teachings, anyway. You’re just trying to screw me over you drunken, cuck.

        End of interview.

  17. As far as the DC madame goes? Doesn’t matter (if) he did women, girls, boys or trannies.

    He will pull a Jimmy Swaggart, shed crocodile tears and ask for prayers.

    He has repented and his mother prays for him several hours a day.

    He’s trying hard to be a good husband and father. Damn you Donald Trump and Roger Stone.

    He will gain more sympathy votes.

    • He’s running against an opponent who has committed adultery in a nation where premarital sex and adultery is common place. How does this hurt him? It will drive away the Christians? They vote as they are told.

  18. As far as the crossover vote from blue collar workers–didn’t pull in many. Only 5-6% from what I’ve read.

    • That may be because of the competitiveness of Bernie Sanders making the Democratic ballot interesting. But we may just have to face the fact that Trump has alienated 70% of the electorate ALREADY. He’s not Presidential. He makes people nervous with his unbelievably radical off-the-cuff policy statements, not to mention his reflexive putdowns and such.

      Even if he stumbles over the finish line and gets the nomination, he will be buried in the general election.

      Had he listened to the advice during the Ban Kebab fiasco to walk it back and start being more disciplined (aka Shut Up and Build the Wall), he could have salvaged things, but it’s just him, that’s who he is. He’s too old to change.

      For God’s sake, when even Netanyahu is saying “nah bra, we don’t have a problem with Muslims” you know stepped in it!

      • The abortion stuff, that’s the problem spot. It’s only a concern regarding white birthrates…I wondered if he was getting cold feet when he answered the hypothetical.

  19. I’d like to see some widespread coverage of Cruz’s bizarre Dominionist religious sect, which proclaimed him a/the messiah in 2013. If his religion informs his politics we should know what it is.

  20. Bill Mitchell?@mitchellvii
    ‘How much did it hurt to lose Wisconsin? Somewhere between not much and who cares.’

    He’s right. It’s a minor lost battle in a large war that Trump is winning with several favorable skirmishes up ahead for him.

    But, I am till pissed at this cucked state.

  21. Bill Mitchell ?@mitchellvii
    Cruzers are like the roast pig bragging about the great apple in their mouth before oven door closes. NY BABY!

  22. Tough night for the OD Trumpenfaggots,
    So smarten up and #FeelTheBern you maggots

    Captain John Charity’s tender butthole is bruised,
    And Jaye Ellis creams himself to flattery from stray jooz

    There ain’t no voting outta this freakshow
    Light a match, vote Sanders and let it blow

    Trump is a tool, created by ZOG
    To keep whitey on the leash like a good little dog

    Pull yer heads outta yer asses, you shit-for-brains masses

    Trump ain’t no Stalin, he ain’t building a wall
    He’s just setting up suckers like you for a heartbreaking fall
    Use your head for once, Reb
    Quit the Jeeboo and niggerball

    Dixie ain’t risin’ again, so get off Trumps dick
    Grow a spine, and consider alternative politics

    The South is full of niggers, so fuck your Deo Vindice
    Stonelifter once challenged me to a fight and then ran away
    Tamer Of Savages converted to Islam
    And Rudel peeled potatos in Vietnam

    This shit is longer Fr. John The Fake Priest’s medicated ranting
    So I’m cutting it off, no more wishes I’m granting


    • What the, vote for Mr. “White people don’t know what poverty is like,” social justice Bernie Sanders? No thanks. I’ll be sitting it out if Trump doesn’t make it.

      • I hadn’t realized that. Thank you for telling me. Now it’s set to public, so you can freely satisfy your obsession:)

        • i love you chris. Great to see you socking up to these Trumpenfaggots like that fake conman priest faggot Fr John. Most of these assoles are lonely, timid, pencil dicked, always frusturated. LOL they are already shitting on their pants.

          • LOL! Yet you seem to think it’s worth the both of your time to keep us in check. Makes sense. Hey, does your welfare checks arrive on the 15th or the 1st?

  23. I send my very, very best to our Christian Southern kinsmen who through off the shackles of corrupt, bought and sold Evangelical leaders, Christian Zionists and did so well this year.

    Sadly, Judeo X’tians in Wisconsin tonight are very happy to take the 30 pieces of silver.

    Lick them boots.

  24. Far too much emphasis has been put on this election cycle and the win/lose mentality of Trump defying all odds and getting into the White house. Living vicariously through a cult of personality is not a substitute for community outreach and regional networking. Watching Trump from the sidelines gives you hope and it gives you inspiration, but it does not give you magical, lasting results just because you sat on the sidelines, wore the team’s jersey and cheered on their victory.

    What if Trump doesn’t get to the White House? What if Trump does get to the White House? In either scenario, will racialists be prepared to continue waking the masses from their slumber and be in a position to offer them an intelligent, viable and healthy alternative? Do we have anything even remotely resembling an infrastructure and support system to counter any attempts at subversion? The Tea Party mentality when it started to take off was almost exactly like what we’ve seen with Trump’s campaign. It didn’t take long at all for it to be infiltrated and steered toward a direction that allowed someone like Glenn Beck to be one of its mouthpieces. It happened then, it will happen again.

    Don’t get me wrong, I definitely believe Trump and the lines of division that his campaign has so vividly brought to the surface is something to support and follow. But I also believe that it’s nothing more than a vehicle that still needs someone navigating and steering momentum toward something more than just realigned mass consumerism and the amorphous American Dream that seems to never ever be defined in racialist terms. Donald Trump is still supporting the Great Melting Pot mentality when you break everything down. You should always keep that in mind.

    • What is his support inside the GOP? 30%-40%? I do not know.

      Whatever it is if he wins and wants to get anything done, he has to make deals with those that are against him now, which means huuuge compromises are coming. Would be better if he ran third party.

      • I agree. I can see him vacillating between various positions and calling out the “racists” as being the ultimate evil in the world. One of the first positions/points where his hand will be forced is the issue of race. They’ll give him something, but they’ll expect something in return.

        It doesn’t matter if we’re talking about Democrats or Republicans, they all worship at the alter of The Great Melting Pot. The string-pullers will give up ground on just about every economic and social issue where there is disagreement. But they all converge on the point of Race.

  25. Trump is going to win all 95 delegates in NY which will negate the loss in WI and put Trump on path to the 1237. The “New York Values” comment by Cruz will be harped on by Trump and Trump will win something like 60%+ of the vote.

    • How’s the NY York Conservative Jewish media (NY Post) treating Trump?

      My take is that since Trump is so well known in New York City it’s harder for these new smears that Trump and his supporters are all Nazis to take over.

  26. Trump apparently did well in rural Wisconsin and snagged 2 congressional districts 6 delegates.

    Good write up over at Conservative Treehouse

    This could be the low point in the campaign for Trump and if he was wise, he would use it to retune and recharge his campaign. Money matters. Free media has now turned negative. He needs an actual ground game, donations, and most importantly, discipline.

    As I said during the Ban Kebab debacle, I could knock on 10,000 doors for Trump only to have HIM undermine me with some stupid, undisciplined comment. How many chances does this guy think he has? The party has a point not to nominate someone for President who is manifestly UnPresidential!

    (Hey Ted, be careful or I’ll spill the beans on your wife!)

    It’s getting late in the day for such shenanigans.

    • Look, people harp on everything he says. Who cares if he said ‘I’ll spill the beans on your wife?’

      He tweeted that after Liz Mair used photos of his wife in Utard insinuating she is too low rent or immoral or loose to be First Lady.

      Media and feminists said nothing.

      Trump tweets photo of his wife next to a photo of Ted’s less than attractive wife and all hell breaks loose.

      Ted made a snippy remark about Trump effing rats or something weird as hell and no one cares.

  27. Considering that Trump came in third in Minnesota his second place in We -is- cuck-son is not too bad. The entire region is irredeemable.

  28. Afterthought linked to this article.

    .-snip- Last night Team Cruz won 36 and Team Trump won 6. So, after last night:

    Donald Trump 758 delegates

    Ted Cruz 505 delegates

    Trump ahead by 253 delegates

    There are 769 Delegates remaining in the upcoming primary states. In order to get to the magic number of 1237:

    Donald Trump needs 479 to clinch. (758 current + 479 need = 1237 goal)

    Ted Cruz needs 732 to clinch. (505 current + 732 need = 1237 goal).

    There are only 769 Delegates remaining.

    The Next Contest is New York on Tuesday April 19th with a whopping 95 delegates (winner take all if single candidate 50% +1 vote).

    If Donald Trump can win New York (all CD’s) with 50% of the vote, it will mean:

    ? A) Trump will lead with 853 delegates (only needing 384 of the remaining 674)


    ? B) Ted Cruz will be mathematically knocked out of the race to 1,237. Cruz would still need 732 and there are only 674 remaining after New York.

    So you can see how New York is infinitely more important than Wisconsin was.

    Hence, the Ted Cruz team needing to sell the Wisconsin win as an opportunity to try and “reset the race”. They are positioning to try their hardest to keep Trump under 50% of the vote in New York. The media has been working diligently to help Team Cruz with the psychology of the 2016 election in that regard.

    But Ted Cruz has a problem:

    • I have him at 743 on path to 1239, without counting New Jersey.

      While Trump could win there, it is an open primary winner take all, and dems could be brought in to torpedo Trump especially if their race is over.

      If it is 1239, then rural Wisconsin, which is on our side of the Partition line on my partition map by the way, rural Wisconsin put him over the top last night!

  29. Don’t understand why Trump did so much worse in Wisconsin than here in Illinois.

    Maybe Conservative Inc and bought and sold Evangelical Christian “leaders” had more time to organize in Wisconsin.

    Might be that the Black crime plague is so much more prevalent in metro Chicago, but Milwaukee and Racine are bad – plus Madison WI in Lefty lunacy where Illinois State capital is basically deserted.

    It’s worse for Leftist/BlackLiesMatter trouble if your state capital is also the home of the largest state University like Madison WI – Leftists, BLM like to hang out in state capitals/college campuses where there are “students’ with nothing much to do and state power.

    • Negro and Mestizo crime is rampant in Milwaukee. I has just been ranked as the 5th most dangerous city in the USA. Approximately 7,000 car thefts last year. That’s 20 a day.

      People here are cowardly cucks. They are more worried about ‘White Pirvilege’ than anything else. End of story.

      • In such terrible, cowardly times – seek out those with courage.

        Did the WI bikers for Trump come through? I din’t read/hear about Antifa BlackLiesmatter mobs shutting down Trump events in Wi were the bikers a factor?

        • The rally I went to had protesters but I only saw a few cycles in the parking lots. May have been ordinary riders. Not many obvious biker types waiting in the lines.

    • I suspect the only reason he’s still running is to block Trump and the establishment have no plans for him after that. They will nominate the one they really want at the convention.

      • He could be a VP, or an assassinated top of the ticket. Have to win the Hispanics after all!

        Cruz is a puppet and it is sad to see more or less decent white folk falling for the con.

  30. Trump did a little worse than Buchanan in 1996. But that being said, the outcome was remarkably similar:

    Dole, Bob R 301,628 52.31

    Buchanan, Patrick J. R 194,733 33.77

    Forbes, Steve R 32,205 5.58

    Keyes, Alan R 18,028 3.13

    Alexander, Lamar R 11,213 1.94

    Establishment/Stop Trump = 52%
    Outsiders/Insurgents: 31-34%
    Forbes = Kasich
    Cruz probably lost 3% of the establishment vote but gained that 3% from the Keyes voters

    Wisconsin demographics havent changed that much in 20 years (unlike Minnesota)

  31. Peter’s Brimelow’s take on WI was that it wasn’t bad – all immigration restrictionist.

    Also the WI map shows an in state Red State of Whites in rural, small towns all going Trump.

    So it’s reality that Whites in WI rural small towns detest the big city elites/non Whites in the state capital and Milwaukee. This was the same for White Germans in small towns, rural areas regarding Red Berlin in the 1930s.

    Our side needs to play on this resentment – state capital elites, public teachers unions wasting everyone’s time and tax $ on trendy Left causes like White privilege , BlackLiesMatter, illegal immigration “sanctuary” movements bringing in union busting cheap labor.

    It’s just something that needs to be done.

    • I dunno. Why did the whitest states go for Cruz? UT, ID, ME, IA, etc How do you bring reality home to undisturbed places like Maine, Idaho, and Wisconsin?

      • The Whitest states have always been poor at racial politics. One needs to live in proximity to bad racial criminals, corrupt racial pols, threats of destroyed White education to deal or even think of unpleasant racial realities. When it’s out of sight it is out of mind with American Whites and then there are always nicer alternatives like White do gooder liberalism or race denying Constitutionalism, Libertarianism. Yep White Liberals in Vermont, White Latter Day Saints in Idaho – these folks are not going to be very much help to those of us terrorized by Black rapists, illegal alien invasions or the numerous anti White Jewish political, intellectual movements like Neo Conservatism, the Frankfort School etc.

  32. Ricky Vaughn Retweeted
    AdolfJoeBiden™ ?@Bidenshairplugs 3h3 hours ago

    The GOP made most southern states proportional to fuck with conservatives. If it wasn’t for that Donald Trump would already be the nominee.

    • A good point. But look at the next 6 contests which are all in the Northeast. Trump could sweep them all. But that would help the South while hurting “conservatives”.

    • Yes, that article is accurate and sickening.

      I realize many of you get offended when I call Christians Cucktians, but they are. I wouldn’t care if they stayed at home and kept their holier than thou noses out of politics. But they don’t. They will not rest until this country is turned into Juarez, Zimbabwe or Somalia. We are all God’s children, you know. Gotta keep fighting hatred and bigotry.

      Except for Israel. Jews must have their own pure state and we must defend the precious chosen ones.

      • Christians did not save Rome at the last minute, what makes anyone think they will save America? No, we need the Byzantine strategy to save Christians from themselves.

        My journey towards race realism began at Catholic Charities when me and my wife were asked to teach Somalis how to answer the phone and use ovens. We thought we were going to help at risk local (white) kids. Needless to say our relationship with the Catholic Church ended that day.

    • Ercuckson:

      ‘I expect that Paul Ryan and I will disagree on numerous things. But there are a few mitigating factors that lead me to endorse Paul Ryan for re-election and send him a check.

      First, conservatives just picked off John Boehner, deservedly so. Ryan, the replacement, is definitely a better Speaker than Boehner and, frankly, is a better Speaker than most anyone who would replace him.’

      Total dope! Ryan sold us out lock, stock and barrel in less than a month being the Speaker. The Omnibus was a total capitulation. But hey, he’s a real conservative, not a phony like Trump.

      • “Conservative” is, for me, rapidly joining “liberal” in the Unpleasant and Useless Word Dept. “Cuckservative” is more accurate, and so is to be preferred.

        • Welcome to the club. The Republican/Democrat, conservative/liberal schism is an illusion of separation. It’s a trap meant to keep you traveling along a predictable path that never gives you any real power to change the things you might want to change for the sake of your community and your family.

          I’m a Nationalist.

          Nationalist > Conservative
          Nationalist > Liberal

  33. Ted Cruz passed up his natural calling in favor of pursuing political power. He wants to rule. Watching him and listening to him I see a first-class televangelist.

  34. I believe a certain part of the anti-Trump vote in

    Wisconsin is because the South voted for him. They really hate Southerners. Anything the South for they’re against just because.

    • I can guarantee you nobody up here talked about the South or Southerners at all regarding the election.

  35. Sir, more and more the Trump Campaign reminds me of the Wehrmacht in Russia, in 1941 : brilliant, original, daring, and unbelievably successful – YET, not dresst for the coming winter…

    • That’s not an unreasonable view, Nikolai, but Trump himself seems to have recognized a problem. A CNN story makes clear that Paul Manafort, his “convention manager,” who, as far as I can tell, is either new to the campaign or has been given expanded duties, now answers directly to Trump, not to campaign manager Corey Lewandowski. (See “Trump convention manager: ‘Winning isn’t enough,’” at ) In a Washington Post opinion piece, Chris Cillizza, who, I’m pretty sure, is no Trump partisan, applauded the new role of Manafort and expressed the view that Lewandowski had simply had too wide a range of responsibilities. (See “Donald Trump made a change today that you should pay attention to,” April 7, at )

      Last night, a friend of mine and I discussed Trump’s tendency to violate the first rule of social interaction: Avoid putting the dignity of others into play. In the case of the alleged battery of reporter Michelle Fields, for instance, Trump should not first have said, almost reflexively, that Fields might have “made it up”; instead, he should simply have said, “Corey didn’t attack her, but we’ll be looking for photographs and video that will clarify what, if anything, happened.” Having said that, he would have come out on top when the video finally made clear that Fields had been unfair, if not libelous, when she suggested Lewandowski had “aggressively tried to pull [her]
      to the ground.” (See “Michelle Fields: In Her Own Words,” at ) As things happened, Trump provoked an unnecessary war, in which Fields went to the police and the campaign was accused of having lied about the incident. (“Sad!” as Trump would tweet.)

      How, my friend and I wondered, has Trump had such great success—how has he come to be known as master of “the deal”—when he seems not to know how to deal with people? Why do even his ex-wives never speak ill of him, my friend asked? Why does it indeed seem to be that Trump could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue, as he himself has said, and lose no support? In reply, I said to my friend that the answer seemed to be the following, which I’d just encountered at Twitter …

      • Thank you for your fascinating response, John.

        I think it is too late, John, for Mr. Trump to effectively counter Mr. Cruz’s ground game, vis-a-vis delagate realignment.

        Though Mr. Trump will look great in the coming northeastern states, his delegate additions will slow to a trickle, after that. I think his final tally will be 1,157 delegates, going into the GOP convention, and, thus, he will fall short on the first ballot.

        It seems to me that Senator Cruz has done all the work to plaster Mr. Trump on the ballots that ensue the first,

        Furthermore, he has lost who knows how many of his delegates to Cruz, already – in Louisiana, Arizona, and elsewhere.

        That said, Mr. Trump will be a 3rd party candidate. At this point, the November ballot is beginning to look like Cruz, Trump, Clinton, and a bevy of smaller party candidates, such as the Libertarian, Green, and Constitutional party candidates.

        The question in my mind is this : will someone launch a serious 4th party candidacy, such as, of Bernie Sanders, so that Miss Hillary will have her votes somewhat siphoned away?

        In that case, I think Mr. Trump would win, (because he has a lock on 25% of the electorate) but, in no other.

        How do you see it, John?

        • You’re welcome, Nikolai. With respect to electoral politics, I lack, unfortunately, the understanding possessed by you; several other Occidental Dissent commenters; or Mr. W., our host; thus I can only wonder whether the Manafort move or anything else Trump might do will prove too little, too late,
          as you think. I’m surprised you feel so strongly that Trump will mount a 3rd party run. I myself tend to think he’ll call it quits should he not obtain the Republican candidacy, but I confess I’m not sure why I say that. Maybe I think he would think such a run a waste of money.

          While most persons are focused on the above question, whether Trump will go 3rd party, you treat that as a certainty and move on to the question whether there will be a 4th party. Nobody else I’ve encountered has raised that possibility; but now that you’ve raised it, I’m wondering whether everyone else is missing something. A year or so ago, when a Hillary Clinton run for the candidacy was only a possibility that was being chattered about, I was of the view—which, oddly enough, is still my view—that Clinton as the Democrat candidate is out of the question. Miss Hillary, as you somewhat playfully term her, has always seemed to me to be a nullity, both personally and politically; but now, as I say, I’m wondering whether things will play out more strangely than I’d ever have guessed, even unto the emergence of a four-candidate race.

          Whatever happens, Trump, I think it fair to say, has created political agitation unlike anything in our lifetimes and possibly unlike anything in American or even world history. I can’t help wondering whether there are surprises and excitement yet to come.

          • Thank you for your thoughts, John.

            Obviously, nobody knows. This year is, as you mention, a year of ‘great political agitation’. Certainly it competes with 1968 – the year of convention riots, the looming Wallace 3rd party candidacy, and all the Nixon skullduggery, from negotiating and bribing Wallace behind the scenes, to trying to sabotage Muskie, and then the emergence of Hubert Humphrey, as iniquitous negroes burned New York and L.A.

            Those years had a anarchistick feeling in the air that I never thought I would smell the likes of, again, and yet : here we are.

            As to why I take it as a matter of fact that Mr. Trump will be on a 3rd party ticket is because he seems to be the kind of person who does not quit, until he gets what he wants. (After that he may cede it freely, BUT, until then, he won’t stop. Further, John, Mr. Trump, at least in publick, is a peevish man; and, already feeling like the GOP is ‘screwing’ him out of what he feels is rightfully his (Trump has a JP Morgan complex- everything for his, just ripe for the taking) he will have to run against their candidate, just to ‘show ’em’.

            In such a case, I don’t think that Mr. Trump would regard a solitary sous, as a ‘waste of wherewithal’.

            Here is where we get to the 4th major candidacy. Admittedly, this may only be the blood of my daddy’s folks speaking in my veisn, BUT, if you are Trump (or even the GOP) you have to know that a 3 party race, with Miss Hillary as the only left of center (as people perceive it) makes it likely, just as Bill Clinton was able to edge out Ross Perot and George Bush Sr. in 1992, that she will win the presidency by merely commanding 37% of the vote.

            If you are Mr. Trump, or, even, the Cruz/Kasich ticket, how could you pass up the opportunity to bankroll a Bernie Sanders/Beyonce Green party run?

            Mr. Sanders, and many of his followers, will be steamed when they realize that they could not overcome the fix. His emnity, as well as theirs, would make it most likely that they would accept the funds from anywhere (Sheldon Adelson, George Soros etc, etc) and make this run

            Thus, I see it a reasonable likelihood that the 5 candidates, in this primary season, will, in the oddest of odd twists, reprise the primary.

            In that case, would you care to assign a point spread, vis-a-vis the candidates?

            Surely, John, people are already rolling over this reality, at the Trump campaign, or in the closed halls of the GOP offshore islands meetings.

            Now, if there is a variance, on this theme, I would say it would only be with faces – not the fact that this November ballot will be the most singular, (4 major choices)in the history of Yankee presidential elections.

            Anyway, God bless you, and stay warm up there. It’s right chilly, down here!

          • I’ll take your advice. Not only is it chilly here, too; we’re supposed to have snow tomorrow.

            It’s funny that Trump’s peevishness and the J.P. Morgan complex, as you call it, are traits that every good schoolboy learns to shun in himself. We could probably say there’s even a superstition, built up by millennia of Western literature, to the effect that a man who does not avoid such traits will “come a cropper”–but Trump is heedless, nay, oblivious, of all that.

            You make a convincing case for the four-candidate scenario. As for the point spread, I’ll simply agree that Trump would have the advantage there. Like just about everything in this contest so far, it would be both astonishing and, in a strange way, humorous.

            Yes–what a dreadful time that period around 1968 was. Trump’s emergence seems a kind of reaction to it, as if, after half a century of tension that that period produced, some deep, normal part of America is springing back into place.

            Well–God bless you, too, Nikolai. Good night.

          • Good to hear from you, John.

            Concerning ‘boyish traits’, I see that in all unusually talented and great men, there is something missing and stunted in their development. Because of this, they see things differently, act differently. The pop singer, George Michael, once said in Rolling Stone, ‘Genius is not what’s extra, but, what’s missing.’

            By the way, I thought your cosmick analysis of 1968 America being ‘transmuted over time, brilliant. I had not thought of that – a kind of delayed ping back – like a boomerang that gets stuck in a weird wind sheer, before it returns with vengeance.

            I can tell that, along these lines, I have always regarded the 1960s as a cancer – even when I was a young progressive. Why? Because I never thought degeneracy and sloth being sold as wisdom, was anything less than the most terminal snake oil. I’ve seen a lot of people ruin themselves, utterly, on drug abuse, partying, sex abuse, narcissistick individualism, ennui, and who knows what else. That period was so toxick, to my mind, that I have had to pick through the effects of it, in my personality, like the perilous minefield scene in ‘Kelly’s Heroes’, in order to find myself.

            I made it through, but, I am quite sure that, in retrospect, it was much more dangerous than it needed to be. The culture, over which the Yankee government has presided, has become toxick to all. We only vary in to what degree we manage to get through it, if, at all.

            Personally, I put television at the top of the list for harm done to The South, for we have voluntarily imbibed poison aimed to kill us, by the heavily controlled media – something which most of us were blithely unaware, back in the day.

            The computer has begun the rectifying process, because, now I can sit out on the cyber porch with those I choose as my neighbours – Southerners of strong and unconfused conscience, such as Mr, Griffin, or very fine Yankees such as yourself and Miss Denise.

            Though a person such as Mr. Zuckerberg seems the qunitessential modern Jew, in how he sees the world and envisions it to be, what he has, in fact, done, is empower Confederates to get back on the porch with each other, and to develop our own opinions, free of the diabolical middleman – the deadly national media.

            The South will get it’s freedom back because of this, and we will get the Constitution back, in the process. It’s coming. Today, I meet Southern Nationalists popping out of the woodwork, in my state – on Facebook, or at the local diner. Many of them are 20-35 group, and to see them coming so strongly up to the fire line, brimming with confidence, right racial and cultural thinking, makes my heart soar like a hawk! I am witnessing the rebirth of a nation – my nation … Dixie, and I can thank the Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, and Mark Zuckerbergs for that – they, in toto, probable NOT a drop of secesh blood betwixt ’em!

            God bless you, again, John. Thank you for the generosity & quality of your friendship. Good night.

          • That’s a great quote from George Michael, Nikolai. It does seem to touch exactly on the point we’re discussing here, re Trump.

            I’m glad you thought accurate my remark about the “delayed ping back,” as you’ve put it, that Trump seems to represent. As for your own remark, about the minefield of one’s own post-1968 identity, well, in reading that, I felt as if I were encountering my very own thoughts. What a strange half-century it’s been, even for those like Mr. W., our host, who’ve lived through only a part of it.

            Years ago, when the worldwide web was still fairly new, I really didn’t take seriously the view that the connections it makes possible would affect politics; but now, I’m beginning to wonder. The young Southern Nationalists you’re encountering do seem, in a way, to be part of the same ping-back Trump represents, and it’s interesting to consider how much of all of that is a result of the internet. The other day, the new Trump honcho, Manafort, characterized Trump as the first modern presidential candidate, because of the way Trump has used so-called social media. Now that I think about it, that’s almost an exact parallel of your observation, about the importance of the internet in all of this.

            Well, I guess that’s all I have to say for the moment. As usual, Mr. W. is keeping Occidental Dissent charged with interesting material, on the presidential campaign and other topics. While you and I are enjoying everything that is posted here, by him and the commenters, I hope you’ll know that I value your friendship just as you value mine.

          • I like reading your stuff. But consider this: if all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.
            Your opinions and outlook are not at all mainstream.

            You write “coming so strongly up to the fire line, brimming with confidence, right racial and cultural thinking, makes my heart soar like a hawk! I am witnessing the rebirth of a nation – my nation”
            Your opinions on Southern Nationalists being oh so strong, is either or rather the nail I mentioned initially.

            Try getting a grip, sir, because though your thoughts seem strong, your mapping of those thoughts to everything and grandeur and rebirth etc. is only wishful thinking – at best.

          • Dear Doesy,

            Thank you for your thoughts and your extremely polite refutation of my state of mind.

            I’m glad you like reading my stuff, and I’m oblig’d you took time out to let me know.

            As to my thoughts being ‘mainstream’, certainly I would agree with that, if you are speaking over 50 states. That said, if you are speaking of the rural south, I am less sure of your stance.

            Mr. Griffin, Mr Ellis – other Southerners of my ilk here, do y’all agree with Miss Doesy that I am projecting the rise of a new/olde southern nation, or is there something of a perception to it?

          • Look, I like your nationalist stance and sentiment; but all I’m saying is that if you surround yourself with like-minded people, then this will stance and sentiment will “vibrate” strongly with you. But it does not necessarily represent everyone’s view in the USA; not even everyone’s view in the South.

            Is it not possible to have freedom in a manner where southern culture, sentiment and lifestyle is POSSIBLE, without being DEMANDED?

            Because… you see… the wee problem with some overly nationalist stances is that is disqualifies itself, by being valid in theory alone, being… that to be made valid in practice, it would require ethnic cleansing, dictatorial rule and war.

            Put another way, here’s a question for you: would… “having the freedom to life one’s life as one desires”, be sufficient for you; or do you see it necessary for people to be forced to subscribe to someone’s opinions on southernism? (Should Sunday visits to church be made compulsory; and failure to do so become punishable? Should admittance of blacks to engineering programs be made punishable. Should a black of female president be forbidden? Should we censor certain opinions and writings [jewish writings]? etc.)

            So to repeat:
            Is it not possible to have freedom in a manner, where southern culture,
            sentiment and lifestyle is POSSIBLE, without being DEMANDED?

          • Thank you, Miss Doesy.

            Yes, M’am, I am aware the plenty of Southerners would rather stay in The Union and complain, or others, still, would prefer to live in a one world communist utopia.

            As to ‘ethnick cleansing’ and ‘nationalism’, M’am, your comment does not pertain to me. Never a moment in my life have I dreamed of a free South that goes around administering genetick tests; and for those who do not match a certain pedigree, they have their property seized, and are shipped out to Botswana or The Negev Desert.

            To me, if you are here, legally, and want to contribute in a law-abiding manner, I accept it – whether I like you or your group or not.

            M’am : to the questions you pose, and which you seem to feel might be thorny for me, they are not.

            I believe in the rule of law, the pre-1964 immigration policy and that same constitution – so, I believe, that covers much of what you discuss.

            But, yes – there would always be problems, and yes ; there would be certain common aspects to being ‘Southron’.

            What might some be?

            You must eat strawberries, right after you pick them, standing on your head, and, if you do not do this, then you will be reported to your local Sons of Confederate Veterans, who will forcible administer a Stars & Bars physick to you.

            That, if you are Jewish, you must verify you Southernness as your principal identification, by, annually, at the town hall, eating a BLT; and, in between bites, reciting ; ‘January 19 is the birthday of Robert E. Lee, NOT Martin Luther King.

            Now, more seriously, I think that the best answer to your last question comes from that infamous talk-show host – Michael Savage – he defining culture as ‘Borders, language, and culture’.

            It’s not perfect, but, it’s a start – particularly the border at the Mason-Dixon line.

            So, yes, Miss Doesy : lots of fatty fried food, Confederate flags, moonshine, bourbon, and peaches & cream – portraits of Jesus Chryst and Stonewall Jackson, Confederate history month, no infanticide or gay marriage, low taxes, active church life, and enough KKK, in every county to keep the SPLC and Black Lies Matter concentrated up north – and a shitload of bug repellant, as a tax credit for the summertime.

            That would be a start.

            The South will not stay in the Union – the Yankee government and culture will see to it. They are the Southron Secessionist’s greatest friend.

            Have a good night, and thank you for your interesting remarks.

          • @Brad Griffin

            Sir – when you get a moment – will you please chime in on whether you find anything of contemporary Southern reality in my writings, here?

            Thank you, as always.

          • Correction, M’am…

            ‘As to my thoughts being ‘NOT mainstream’, certainly I would agree with
            that, if you are speaking over 50 states. That said, if you are
            speaking of the rural south, I am less sure of your stance.

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