ADL Triggered By Trump’s Use of Controversial “America First” Slogan

Even though Trump’s foreign policy speech was aggressively pro-Israel and anti-Iran, the principle of “America First” was a bridge too far for the ADL:

“New York, NY, April 28, 2016 … The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) today urged presidential candidate Donald Trump to reconsider his use of the phrase “America First” as a slogan describing his approach to foreign affairs, citing its anti-Semitic use in the months before Pearl Harbor by a group of prominent Americans seeking to keep the nation out of World War II.

The most noteworthy leader of the “America First Committee” was Charles Lindbergh, who sympathized with the Nazis and whose rhetoric was characterized by anti-Semitism and offensive stereotypes, including assertions that Jews posed a threat to the U.S. because of their influence in motion pictures, radio, the press, and the government.

“The undercurrents of anti-Semitism and bigotry that characterized the America First movement – including the assumption that Jews who opposed the movement had their own agenda and were not acting in America’s best interest – is fortunately not a major concern today,” said Jonathan A. Greenblatt, ADL CEO. …”

CNN is running a story about how “America First” has ugly echoes from U.S. history.

The ADL has been at war with Trump for a few months now. It doesn’t seem to be having any impact on his campaign. Tellingly, he hasn’t apologized or groveled before either the SPLC, ADL, or their Mainstream Media allies. Their power and influence seems to be diminishing far more rapidly than most of us expected.

Yesterday, the SPLC ran a hit piece on A few years ago, heads might have rolled and we would have expected other mainstream conservative websites to join the digital lynch mob in a frenzy of virtue signaling. That’s not happening anymore thanks to the Trump effect. Now that the #TruCons are losing their heads at outlets like National Review, the Left is losing the ability to police the Right.

Note: It used to be enough to scream racist, invoke David Duke, and point and sputter. Evidently, that doesn’t even work in Rhode Island anymore.

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Jews First seems more like it, since Israel is just proxy for their domination of european countries and then, the planet. Pro-whites should be taking this slogan up as satire.


  2. As I said over at Daily Stormer:

    if these godless bastards (i.e., JEWS) [Heb. 12:8] are bringing up the image of Charles Lindbergh, one of the greatest HEROES of the American Nation, and her WHITE PEOPLE, then Trump is doing EVERYTHING RIGHT, and I would vote for him again and again, ESPECIALLY because irredeemable ALIENS such as this, find our cause to be reminiscent of the America that existed prior to WWII.

    Bravo, Donald Trump. Rout the Jews. Deport them all. God Bless America… and pass the ammunition.

  3. Some people never learned the lesson from the tale of the Boy Who Cried Wolf. Still though they had a long run of success at crying wolf. But people have finally grown indifferent to their incessant whining and indignation. If they keep at it it will only increase resentment.

  4. .

    Just read Lindbergh’s wartime diaries. VERY enlightening. Get it at the library or online.


  5. If it’s not a “major concern today” why even bring it up?
    “America First” = Another “Holocaust”.
    The “Holocaust” justifies White Genocide.

  6. We are pretty close to routing the Left from the top spot of today’s social dominance.
    Soon I expect some on the Right to actually question the Left’s claim to moral superiority and I mean actually openly question it.
    Hint; millions of people and not all of them White are actually waiting for someone on the Right to state the obvious and Trump is just and I mean just the beginning.
    Once the Left loses the “conservative intellectuals” it will be open season, like lemmings in a barrel and we have a loaded shotgun.

  7. The jew media is running stories constantly on the cable channels, all owned by the jews, about the KKK and White organizations and that these all are threats to the US, but never a story about the Black Panthers, the bloods and crips, RAZA, M13 gangs, all of the jew organizations like the SPLC ADL and the hundreds of jew groups in the US that are the real threat to our country. Remember the USS Liberty.

  8. “…rhetoric was characterized by anti-Semitism and offensive stereotypes, including assertions that Jews posed a threat to the U.S. because of their influence in motion pictures, radio, the press, and the government…”

    If only Jews had any influence in motion pictures, radio, the press, and the government they could combat this patently false rhetoric.

    Good of Trump, America First.

  9. Adolf Hitler, the greatest man who ever lived in the past 150 years, said many years ago that the Jews wished to destroy whites and all international borders. Of course the United States, which was suckled by a Jewish whore since 1776 through Kabbalistic Freemasonry and other sources proclaimed such speech nonsense. The entire United States government came after Charles Lindbergh and he even had FBI harrassement. Just a few years before that same FBI was trying to solve the kidnapping of his child. Lucky Lindy after 1941 was declared an enemy of the state and he died forgotten.

    The Jews worm their way into everything. Judah P. Benjamin was the second most powerful man in the Confederacy behind Jeff Davis. He was the one who helped strike the mention of Jesus Christ from the Confederate Constitution. Now think about this, a nation founded by 99% of the people professing Christ cannot mention him in their Constitution nor have a Christian loyalty oath as was also proposed? Preposterous. Of course today you even have SCV groups memorializing Jewish contributions, Stonewall said without Christ the Confederacy would be destroyed and he was right.

    What does this mean to all of us today? It means Jews cannot be trusted no matter if he’s a garbageman or a scientist he is influenced by demonic forces and an enemy of Christ. Now I believe a Jew can become a Christian and be saved just like everyone else, but the chance he will is slim and none. My 2 cents

  10. I cannot stand the vile Yankee abolitionist Ben Wade but this is a good quote. In the 1850s he had a heated exchange with Senator Benjamin and Benjamin replied,

    It is true that I am a Jew, and when my ancestors were receiving their Ten Commandments from the immediate Deity, amidst the thundering and lightnings of Mt. Sinai, the ancestors of my opponent were herding swine in the forests of Great Britain.

    This mirrors a similar quote from Benjamin Disraeli future PM of Great Britian in the 1830s

    Yes, I am a Jew, and when the ancestors of the right honourable gentleman were brutal savages in an unknown island, mine were priests in the temple of Solomon.

    Notice the similarities of the two quotes, which I believe Benjamin in his argument copied Disraeli but notice the context. The White Christian man is a savage and we are the people of God. THESE ARE OUR ENEMIES.

      • The Jews have to be separated into three groups, the Jews of Hispania, the Jews of Gaul/France and Italy and the Jews of Russia. The first two groups were Semitic, the third group were Khazars. The Jews of Gaul and Italy largely migrated to Germany, because of Charlemagne. In the 1300s, these Jews were almost all expelled from Western Europe, taking with them the Yiddish/German language into Eastern Europe where they intermarried with the Khazars and became one people.

        The Jews of Hispania were expelled and most went to Holland or the Ottoman Empire. The Jews who re entered England were Sephardic as were all the Jews who came to the USA originally the Ashkenazic Mongrels followed later.

        Either way, Sephardic Ashkenazic or Mizrahi they are all Edomites. The name Rothschild means Red Sheild meaning Esau the Red. Rothschilds, Warburgs are all of Edomite/Khazar lineage

        • Billy Ray- I’m a priest… With a doctorate… Who speaks four foreign languages.
          Understand this. Jews today ARE NOT SEMITES. They never WERE, since about AD 400…if then. The cursing of God and the Dispersion of Emperor Titus, destroyed the nation of Biblical Israel for their blasphemy and Deicide crimes. THERE MAY be some infinitesimal ancestry (possibly) among the Sephardim, but the vast majority (over 95%) of “Jews” today are the Neanderthalic (cf. Michael Bradley- Iceman Inheritance, Chosen Tribes from the Caucasus, etc.) and/or Khazarian (cf. NOBEL-prize winning author, and Jew, Arthur Koestler, – Thirteenth Tribe) ASHKENAZIS- and it has been PROVEN that they possess NO DNA that shows their ‘semitic’ ancestry! (Elhaik, DNA- Jews not Semites)

          So, don’t pontificate to me. I know this race, and I know the facts. Ever hear of Benjamin Freedman, and/or Schlomo Sand, as well?

          Jews are not Semites. HELL< they aren't even 'Jews.' St. John knew this, 2000 years ago. [Rev. 2:8,9]

          • The core of the Ashkenazim were in Western Europe long before the Khazarian Empire, Charlemagne brought them to Aachen from Italy. The Ashkenazics mongrelized with the Khazars in Russia when they were thrown out of Western Europe in the 1300s that is established history. The DNA tests I have seen on Sephardism show them to be Semitic with a heavy Italian/Hispania DNA contribution

            The only Jews who can speak of pure Semitic Ancestry are the Mizrahi’s from the Arab world, but the facts are this. After Rome set the Edomites as Kings and Nobility over the Jews in 37 BC I would say even today the vast majority of the leadership are Edomite by blood or by behavior. Christians are the children of Jacob/Israel. Just as YHWH rejected Esau who was Jacob’s elder brother as an idolator and murderer, he rejected the so-called Jews and gave the Birthright and Blessing through Christ to Christians

    • While my ancestors were building New Grange and Stone Henge…the Heebs were wandering around the deserts looking for a host to vampirize.

  11. have any of our OD readers gotten involved in local Trump campaigns?

    I have not been able to do so – I just get e-mails.

    Unfortunately, it’s just not realistic to expect many patriotic $ billionaires like Donald Trump to just show up, we need to build real local organizations, new young leaders, otherwise things will just fall back to the way they were. Donald Trump is great but he’s what? 75 years old?

    Let’s get active locally.

  12. America First should be the slogan for anyone running for President. That’s been the problem for years in America. Our elected officials have been focused on Globalism / New World Order / World Government instead of America. The ADL and others on the left want a Israel First foreign policy. The Christian Zionists would classify anyone with an “America First” foreign policy as the enemy of Zionism. Guess those folks have no care for America or Western Civilization. WPWW !

  13. The Juden…. shouting in pain, as he conducts rape, usery, nation wrecking, and mass murder of our people. Time to remove the snake’s head!

  14. Anglin: The fat Jewish terrorist Eli Lake is now saying that evil Nazis used the phrase “America First,” and thus Trump is the New Hitler for suggesting America be put first.

    Seriously. This Jew published an article in Jew Bloomberg making that exact argument.

    Lets take a look!

    Bloomberg: ‘Donald Trump has given up on winning historically literate voters. Consider the theme of his major foreign policy speech Wednesday: “America first.”

    This slogan is most associated with aviator Charles Lindbergh, who spent a great deal of time in the late 1930s gushing at how wonderful the Third Reich was. Before the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor, Lindbergh helped form “America First” committees that campaigned to keep the U.S. from fighting the Axis Powers. Lindbergh rose to become a demagogue and accused President Franklin Roosevelt of colluding with a Jewish lobby and Britain to drag America into World War II.’

  15. The way the term Dark Enlightenment is used is all wrong. This is better.

    Dark Enlightenment or Dark Illumination is like a Diamond bullet to the head.

    Classic Enlightenment is the product of health, well-being, and optimism applied to reason that is all theory.

    Most Libertarians and Liberals are into such utopianism. They have a set of beliefs that seem so true, and they think society will be redeemed with application of such a perfect formula. People who know life only through health and happiness don’t know the full measure of life. It is only when a person grows sick and skirts with death that he comes to feel the weight of the full weight of life.

    Enlightenment is Pursuit of Happiness. Dark Enlightenment or Illumination is the Passage from Horror.

    Dark Enlightenment or Illumination comes from an unexpected place. From a moment of crisis, despair, loss, chaos, and disorientation. All suddenly seem cruel, horrible, absurd, and meaningless. Everything you held dear either crumbles like a house of cards or is revealed as empty. Your assumptions turn into dust. You are about to give up and throw in the towel… but then, you are struck with a realization, a diamond bullet, in the pit of hell. And this sudden illumination within the heart of darkness makes more sense, has more truth, and offers more depth than a 1000 pages of theory premised on idealism and optimism. (Michael Corleone was hit with a diamond bullet when his father was shot. It was then that he realized that he was his father’s son and a Sicilian above all the boy scout stuff about red, white, and blue.)

    To be red-pilled means to see that PC is phony. Red Pill makes you realize that the light of Enlightenment isn’t real/natural but artificial. Red Pill turns off the switch, and you find yourself in utter darkness because you’d grown accustomed to the false light masquerading as natural light. Red Pilling is only the beginning of the journey.

    It is only when you’re hit with the diamond bullet in the head that you begin to see the glow within the darkness and move toward the place where the glow grows bigger and brighter. Toward the natural light, the true light of the sun at the end of the tunnel. The light sought by Plato.

    Red Pill is the first step. But to go all the way, we need the Diamond Bullet. The final climb from the hole where the light was all artificial. To the real light.

  16. Jews employing a double edged sword here.

    1. How do they feel that Hitler just won a major party nomination in the US, despite their efforts?

    2. How will they feel when Hitler wins the general election?

    3. How will they feel when Trump isn’t Hitler incarnate and they blew their wad on a non-Hitler, opening the door for an actual Hitler in the near future?

    We’ve passed Peak Jew.

    • Everything changes once a person of prominence starts talking publicly, openly and truthfully about Jew influence and power. We are getting very close.

    • Trump repeats a weaponized meme and the anti-White Screamers go away:

      In your opinion I’m a “naziwantstokillsixmillionjews”. You’re just saying that because I’m White. Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.

    • No. We are approaching Peak Jew. The summit. It’s gonna be a long hard slog. We have to keep climbing though. They are exposing themselves on a daily basis now. Trump is wonderfully useful to clue in all his supporters.

      • That is why I thank YHWH for the internet because as these Jews and their demonic allies get out of hand,we blast their photos and personal information worldwide. Its getting good.

        I started trolling them hard on Twitter in 2015 when I nominated Charles Manson and Dylann Roof for President and Vice President. Rage everywhere

  17. I am very tired of US foreign policy being conducted for the benefit of Israel and de facto US immigration policy ceded to Mexico and central America.

    • I think a lot of people are. SAY it. I hung outside of my polling station, when I voted, and said it a lot.

        • Jimmy Carter, a true Christian with a love of America. We don’t have enough of that in our leaders any more.

          • At the risk of being attacked by others, I’ll say here that Jimmy Carter is the one who has been warning us that we are no longer a democracy, but an oligarchy. None of the worst problems facing us today can be blamed on President Carter. He is under-appreciated and rather unfairly criticized.

          • The Jews destroyed the reputation of Jimmy Carter. Regean is remember fondly as he allowed the Jew Greenspan to let the Jews basically loot America. LBJ is remembered fondly for opening the gates and several other pro-Jew moves, like keeping his mouth shut over the bombing of the USS Liberty. He also obviously had a hand in the death of JFK. The Jew media is writing our history for us.

      • According to Buchanan, John F. Kennedy, his elder brother Joseph Kennedy Jr,, Gerald Ford, Sargent Shriver , Herbert Hoover and Alice Roosevelt (Teddy’s daughter) were in the 1940-1941 America First movement.

  18. I’ve never believed that the broad American public was so wild and crazy for Jews. WHEN did that happen? “New York values”/New Yorkers being a pain in the ass used to be all about imperious, demanding Jews. Archie Bunker on his preferred law firm Rabinowitz, Rabinowitz & Rabinowitz “Seven savage Jews who won’t leave a scrap on your bones.”

    All of a sudden everyone in the US was in love with the Jews and Israel, willing to let Americans be terrorized forever so that Jews could keep on stealing land from the indigenous people of the middle east.

    I don’t believe it. More like we are all politically correct defensive about them because they will be utterly vicious if they have it in for you.

  19. Most normal Humans have no idea what the All Demons League even is. That’s the over-arching problem.

  20. What seems to have been overlooked by all commentators is this passage:

    Not one dollar can be wasted. Not one single dollar can we waste. We’re
    also going to have to change our trade, immigration and economic
    policies to make our economy strong again. And to put Americans first

    This would be a good time to raise foreign aid in the context of America First. Can we stop feeding Africa now? Please?

  21. God forbid some Americans would be hesitant to send their sons to die and put the country at risk for another European scuffle after the absolute bloodbath of WWI.

    For a group that claims to fight anti-semitism- they sure do a good job of promoting it–To use the panic button over a presidential candidate making “America First” policy seems to confirm every “canard” put out their about Jews, Israel and foreign policy. You would think they would be smarter than that, but perhaps they are so drunk with power they don’t care.

  22. Make ADL by changing it to Israel First.


    Time to retire all the labels.

    It’s not about free markets vs socialism.

    It’s not about Dems vs Repubs.

    It’s not about Liberals vs Conservatives.

    It’s not about Progressives vs Libertarians.

    It’s not about radicals vs reactionaries.

    It’s not about justice vs liberty.

    It’s not about big government vs small government.

    It’s not about elitists vs populists.

    It is REALLY about anti-white vs pro-white.

    That’s it.

    Call one side ‘anti-whites’. Call the other side ‘pro-whites’.

    Maybe just ‘antites’ and ‘proites’ is enough.

    All other labels are obfuscations.

    Sure, there are whites in the anti-white camp, and there are non-whites in the pro-white camp. But the basic trajectory of anti-white camp is to destroy white civilization while that of the pro-white camp is to save it.

  23. LOL @ Rabbi Fuchsman barking about how evil patriotism is. Except Jewish supremacism, of course.

    The irony of a jewish private organization telling a presidential candidate that he must repudiate the idea that jews wield power is lost on the corpulent rebbe.

  24. This diversity jazz makes little sense.

    If identity is purely cultural and if race is just a myth….

    then we don’t need immigration to have diversity.

    All we need to do is send white Americans to other nations to learn the culture and come back to America. Presto, we have diversity.

    So, if it’s good for America to have 10,000 Muslims, just send 10,000 white Americans to Muslim countries and learn and culture and come back. It’s as good as having 10,000 Muslims because, after all, identity is all about culture and never about race(which is just a ‘myth’).

    And we don’t need actual black Africans to have African diversity in the West. Just send 10,000 whites to some black African country. Make the whites learn the culture and come back. It should be as good as having 10,000 black Africans since identity is all about culture and NOTHING else.

    Do we need Chinese in America? Okay. Just send 10,000 whites to China, learn the culture, and come back. It will be as good as having Chinese since identity is just about culture.

    But of course, the PC lords won’t accept this.

    The cult of diversity is contradictory. On the one hand, it says race is just a social construct, not real. All that matters is culture.

    But if that is so, why do we need REAL black Africans in Sweden in order for Sweden to be diverse? Why aren’t white people who studied and adopted black African culture good enough? It’s all about culture, right?

    Cult of Diversity says race doesn’t matter and only culture matters, but we are told we must have actual immigration of other races to make a society truly diverse.

    But why, if indeed race is just a social construct?

    If all races are the same, what is the difference between a black African with black African culture AND white American who adopted black African culture? It should be just about culture.

    If identity is all about culture, even a racially homogeneous society is diverse because different people study different cultures.

    Take a Polish university. Suppose all students are Polish.

    Some Polish students learn Russian culture, some learn French culture, some learn Chinese culture, some learn Italian culture, some learn Muslim culture, some learn African culture, and etc. So, all those Poles learn and even master different cultures.

    If identity is all about culture, then even an all-Polish society is diverse cuz different students master different cultures.

  25. ADL is the enforcement arm of Congregation B’nai Br’ith, a gang of Jew holocaust fetishists who, among an infinite list of other scams, pocketed net $40 million during the Madoff ponzi. And the more Trump sucks up to the Jews, the more they are going to attack him. I really fear there will be suicides among the OccDiss peanut gallery when/if Trump gets to the WH, and betrays us on every issue. We. Are. Not. Going.To. Vote. Ourselves. Out. Of. An. Open-Borders. Judeo-Globalist. DeathTrap. That’s going to require the lead ballot

  26. The AFC’s motivation in being opposed to American entry into WWII pre-Pearl was mostly based on traditional neutralitarianism that had been American fare from Washington’s farewell address to that time. Charles Lindbergh, while he did cite Jews, never said that it was entirely the doings of the Jews, that the Jews, FDR personally and the British had disparate reasons for wanting to drag us into the war. And even at that, just mentioning Jews got Lindbergh kicked out of AFC leadership.

  27. Of course “America First” is anti-Semitic because Jews believe that the goyim exist to serve them. For us to put our interests first is contrary to their interests and Jews define anything against their interest as anti-Semitic.

    • Semitism defined by Merriam Websters as Programs or Policies to benefit the Jewish People. All of humanity must be Pro-Semitism and if they are not they are Anti Semites which is short for Anti Semitism. Why should everyone be for policies to benefit solely Jews against their own interests?

      I loved it when the Liberal Puerto Rican CNN reporter Rick Sanchez called bs on the Jews. Today he is persona non grata

        • Yes the Jews declared him radioactive and any news organization who hires him I am sure gets a big fat threatening letter from the ADL or SPLC

  28. Who defines conservatism?

    In the end, big media decide who will be the face of conservatism. Buckley was made by the media that gave him a show on PBS and put him often on TV. Had big media favored someone else, the face of conservatism would have been different.

    Now, the new ‘golden boy’ of conservatism favored by big media is… Milo Yiannopoulos, the greek-jewish interracial homo!!

    He’s getting favored coverage all over.

    He is the new Buckley or Butt*uckley.

  29. I was happy to see the nod to John Quincy Adams and Washington in Trump’s speech. What would be welcome is a little more Washington. We have strong foreign entanglements with two odious Mideastern governments that I would like to jettison. Also, a supposed ally which constantly meddles in our internal affairs, deliberately subverts our rule of law, profits from this activity and from trade deals, and sends their people on a mission of Reconquista needs to experience a new kind of “reset.”

    • Report on Breitbart that Germany is now reconsidering its automatic and slavish support of Israel because of that country’s actions in the West Bank and the apparent unlikelihood of a two-state solution.

  30. I say let’s no longer call them Jews but let us call them Edomites which by bloodline or by disposition describes the Jews. Remember the story of Issac and Rebekah.and their sons. Esau and Jacob., Esau also called Edom was covered with red hair almost orangutan like . He was Jacob’s twin brother older by a minute or two.

    From childhood, Issac loved Esau because he was a skilled hunter but Rebekah loved Jacob because Jacob sought God. Esau however didn’t care for God his family or the people that were with them and sought his own glory and as many idolatrous whores as he could find. Paul called him Godless Hebrews 12:16. For this reason one day at the point of starvation, Esau gave Jacob his birthright, which meant the leadership of the family when their father died. Some years later when Issac became blind, Rebekah helped Jacob scam Issac and steal the blessing which was to have been Esau’s thus he received a double portion, the Birthright and the Blessing, For this Jacob had to flee from Caanan to Syria so that Esau wouldn’t murder him.

    The rest is history. Years later Esau made a temporary peace with Jacob (ISRAEL) as long as they lived but then Jacob and his family went to Egypt. Some generations later,Esau’s descedants the Edomites who then lived in Southern Jordan opposed Israel during the time of Moses by not allowing the Israelites to cross through their territory. Israel and Judah both were opposed by Esau and his allies Moab and Amman also in Jordan today. After Israel went into the dispersion and Judah was taken captive, Edom, fleeing the Arabs crossed the Jordan into Southern Palestine and established a new Edom there, called by the Greeks Idumea.

    When the Judahites or Jews returned from Babylon they inhabited the land that had belonged to Israel ie Galiliee and the area around Jersualem. In 126 BC the Maccabees finally conquered Idumea and forced them to convert or die, Josephus records this. The Idumeans briefly became an oppressed minority until the Romans came along and using a little Roman-style Affirmative Action, placed the Edomite/Idumeans as rulers over the people of the entire region that had once been Israel. Herod the Great was an Edomite his nobles were all Edomites..

  31. Flash forward a few years. The Edomite Jew Nobility and the Jewish Priestly Class who were controlled by them were the most brutal opponents of Jesus Christ as being a Son of David he was the true King and for the fact he wished to purge all the perverted Babylonian idolatry and Edomite idolatry from Palestine. All this perverted Idolatry is today what we know as the Talmud Midrash and Kabbalah. The Star of David was the symbol used by these evil people.

    By the time Rome destroyed Judea and the Temple in AD 70 Edomites and Jews were seen as the same people and by that time had largely became so but notice something interesting. By the 1600s a Sephardic Jew named Sabbati Zevi emerges and after his group the Sabbateans fell apart after Zevi became a Moslem they were reunited under the teachings of Jacob Frank, an Ashkenazic Jew from Ukraine. Frank taught that filth was true Godliness and thus they engaged in pedophilia, incest, necrophilia, and one trademark was that these Frankist Jews pimped the prettiest Jewish girls out to Gentile Nobles in able to gain favor. Later these same Jews invented the international Opium Trade.

    An interesting member of Frank’s society was a man named Moses Dobruska, who changed his name to Junius Frey and became a member of the Jacobins in France in 1792.

    I will draw you a picture. A Christian is part of the family of Jacob, all the promises God gave to Jacob are given to use through Christ, we are the true Israelites. So if we are according to Scripture the Children of Jacob of the family of Abraham through Christ, then what does that make the so-called Jews? Obviously that makes them the children of Esau.

    Should be no coincidence there are so many Jewish surnames with Red In them thats the name of their Daddy.

  32. ADL Bnai Brith Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, AIPAC, all these so called Jewish Organizations are in effect Edomites trying to destroy Jacob which is why they attack White Christians. We are the true children of Jacob/Israel we are the inheriters of the blessings, they resent this fact and want us gone. If the true sons of Jacob actually woke up and realized they have the power to throw off the Edomite slavemasters, they could throw them off in months, Yet they wont use that real power. Absolute stupidity

  33. Exemption Requirements – 501(c)(3) Organizations
    To be tax-exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, an organization must be organized and operated exclusively for exempt purposes set forth in section 501(c)(3), and none of its earnings may inure to any private shareholder or individual. In addition, it may not be an action organization, i.e., it may not attempt to influence legislation as a substantial part of its activities and it may not participate in any campaign activity for or against political candidates.
    Organizations described in section 501(c)(3) are commonly referred to as charitable organizations. Organizations described in section 501(c)(3), other than testing for public safety organizations, are eligible to receive tax-deductible contributions in accordance with Code section 170.
    The organization must not be organized or operated for the benefit of private interests, and no part of a section 501(c)(3) organization’s net earnings may inure to the benefit of any private shareholder or individual. If the organization engages in an excess benefit transaction with a person having substantial influence over the organization, an excise tax may be imposed on the person and any organization managers agreeing to the transaction.
    Section 501(c)(3) organizations are restricted in how much political and legislative (lobbying) activities they may conduct. For a detailed discussion, see Political and Lobbying Activities. For more information about lobbying activities by charities, see the article Lobbying Issues; for more information about political activities of charities, see the FY-2002 CPE topic Election Year Issues.

  34. As an American of Jewish ethnicity, I am thrilled to see the weakening of the stranglehold that Establishment Jewish organizations have enjoyed over American political discourse for so long.

    To he** with ADL and all of them. America first, indeed!!

  35. I like seeing the America First Committee mentioned again, what would have really been cool if Lucky Lindy had showed up at a Trump rally.

  36. The ADL, like many other left wing organizations, has betrayed its own constituency in favor of a broader agenda that is not in their own interests. This is the same as Feminist or Gay Groups that find themselves supporting Islamist Agendas that would execute them in very unpleasant ways.

    The ADL must stop stretching to find things “On the right” to complain about and instead take a hard honest look at the very real threats to their left.

  37. The Jews are splitting over those that prioritize or believe in a Strong America to fight for their country and those that believe in pushing their agenda’s in the social sphere over carrying out Israel’s interests. In the wake of Donald Trump the Warhawks are moving left and coalescing with the Liberal Democratic branch. Those that are left prioritize Israel first and understand that certain things must be done to keep America in position to carry out their countries interests. Appeasements must begin to be made to us in order to continue to sustain this system. The good news is that the border wall, deporting illegal aliens and halting Muslim immigration, this environment as a whole puts us in better position to Secede.

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