About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Mike Cernovich ?@Cernovich
    Obama and Hillary supported remain.

    Trump supported #Brexit.
    Are you ready for November?
    Get hyped!

    Mike Cernovich ?@Cernovich
    Liberals are more outaged by #Brexit than they were about 1,300 young girls being raped in Rotherham. You are evil. Fuck you!

    • This is the first time the English have ever really gotten to vote on anything. Like EVER!

      It’s glorious.

      Hail Victory!

  2. I was right on Scotland vs. England.

    Scotland is like the Northeast or Upper Midwest of the UK. It will be a double victory if Scotland holds a new referendum to secede from the “racist” and “anti-immigrant” UK.

    • They take too much pleasure trolling the English to ever leave really. We will see if they have the stones to try it again.

      • That’s twice I’ve had to call you on your anti-Scott H8.
        Don’t make me come out there, and dunk you off Dana Point!

        • The Scots have a lot of explaining to do.

          They have been living off of free shit the English provide them. Make no mistake about that. Now they can’t have their cake and eat it too.

      • If my memory serves me correctly I believe the Black Nobility (if you don’t know what I mean by that, please research it (Black Nobility killed off White Nobility, the true monarchies of Europe – origins Venice (there’s a Catholic Church connection also)) got kicked out of most European countries centuries ago and Scotland was one of only two countries, I believe, that gave them refuge.

    • Hunter the Scots are not equivalent to Yanks, they’re equivalent to us. They lost a war to remain a separate nation from England and have a long history of living in clans in the mountains. They’re Europe’s Appalachia. As you’ve stated their church is the problem.

    • What happens when the White People vote “NO” to being harnessed with muds?

      Where will it all end?

      We are about to find out.

      Hail Victory!!!

      Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
      Church of Jesus Christ Christian / Aryan Nations of Missouri

  3. Is this absolutely binding– the UK is out– or can the govt ignore it or the courts strike it down or Brussels declare it invalid?

    • Good question.
      We have laws dealing with immigration and the apprehension of criminals that Obama has totally ignored. Government agencies were told not to enforce the laws. No repercussions.

  4. This is absolutely great news!!! I do fear for the English because the demons in the City of London and the Transylvanians in Buckingham Palace will seek revenge.

      • The Queen expressed to the previous Deputy Prime Minister that she was in favor of Brexit, and recently she asked people to explain why Britain should remain in the EU at a dinner party.

  5. It’s rare that the world’s most powerful globalists lose. I was expecting a rigged vote like we saw in Austria. Let’s hope it’s the start of a trend.

    Great Britain has many problems besides its EU membership. This brexit victory won’t mean much if the euro skeptic leaders don’t address them.

      • ((( the world’s most powerful globalists ))) – Oh, them?

        They failed to kill God at Calvary, even though they thought they had succeeded. They are the universe’s sorer-est losers.
        But they MUST be kept down, in order not to unleash their Lord and Master from the pit, every generation. As the last sixty/hundred years has shown.

    • The vote wasn’t close enough to rig. In Austria it was a simple matter of forging a few hundred thousand if memory serves could have been less. You’re not going to rig over a million votes.

    • Gee–less than a year after Angela Merkel throws open Europe’s gates, Islamists kill tens of persons in the EU capital, and suddenly everyone wants to leave the organization. Talk about an overreaction.

  6. This only gets better…

    The UK’s vote to leave the EU has sparked demands from far-right parties for referendums in other member states.

    France’s National Front leader Marine Le Pen tweeted “Victory for freedom” and said the French must now also have the right to choose.

    Dutch anti-immigration politician, Geert Wilders, said the Netherlands now deserved a “Nexit” vote.

    • That’s the price she paid for selling out her people and her nation, I suppose. She was on the wrong side of things and paid dearly.

      • Ronnie–I’m going to forgive you only this one time for not appreciating a wisecrack. Obviously, I meant, sardonically, that it’s sad for us, that we didn’t get to witness her disappointment.

        • It would have been priceless. I am up late this evening watching CNN and MSNBC just to gloat.

          This is a day that changed history. We don’t get many good days like this. The PM of the U.K. just resigned in front of the world due to a revolutionary movement that gathered support from the majority.

          What sparked this, in my opinion, was the wreck less immigration policy in the UK. It backfired on them, and Cameron will be leaving office.

        • Wicked sense of humour.

          I await the man’s trial. It could end up like Hitler after the Beer Hall Putsch.

          • He’s become a meme:

            “Death to traitors, freedom for Britain”

            The Rothschilds weren’t expecting that!

          • I would write something – but I won’t because blah blah. I think any-one could guess what I REALLY think about Mair, Cox, and the Demon Jews.

          • Oh, I know, Denise, I know. Perhaps there was a deal, a doctor, a secret bank deposit, and a long bake on the French Riviera. If I’m wrong, who cares?

            Am I the only one that thinks we shouldn’t be celebrating the Brexit vote quite yet? There is no way, no freaking way, the (real) controllers are going to let 150 years of planning and conquest go to waste with one stinking vote. Perhaps their “winds of change” are simply blowing in a different direction. For now. Time will tell. Don’t get too giddy.

    • The Brexit vote, in the wake of the Jo Cox assassination, is a YUGE rebuke to those in the Alt-Right who condemn direct political violence.

        • mega-dittoes. [Wonder how Dalton is taking this, his ((( compatriot ))) Cameron being defeated and all…. OY!]

          • He’s also said that there won’t be a repeat referendum…. at least for now. So, yes, I’ll give him some slack – We WON’T let the screen door hit him in the butt, as he leaves…. there.

          • He gave the idea legitimacy without endorsing it. I can’t fault him for it. He’s going to be vilified by the media and historians for allowing the English to speak.

          • I’m a Jacob Rees-Mogg man, and he along with many other Brexit conservatives wrote to Cameron asking him to stay on till the next Parliament. He chose not to, but he has a catalytic Prime Minister:

            1) Scottish referendum – we won
            2) Brexit – we won
            3) Staying out of war in Syria despite False Flag gas attack – we won
            4) Overall governance – we won

            The next man, Boris Johnson, may not be as skilled.

            Importantly: Conservatives + UKIP is a majority for a long time to come. Time to start reversing the demographics.

          • Once Cameron is out I do wonder what his private views on race are. The man lives in Swinbrook in Oxfordshire a place most notorious for the Mitford sisters. A group of very pretty fascist English aristocrats. Oswald Mosley’s wife is buried there and the local pub is sorta dedicated to the girls.

          • Cameron is a Kike. A Zionist. His residence simply signifies vicious Hebe EVIL and parasitism, EXPEL THE KIKES.

          • He lives in fascist central village UK, believe me. He’s playing Chamberlain’s game.

          • Not really. He reluctantly agreed to it, in order to take the wind out of UKIP’s sails at the last election.

          • Why would I be in favor of Cameron? I hate globalism! And as I have told you before, I have no affinity toward Jewish culture in any form. Your Christian Identity beliefs prevents you from seeing that.

          • And your penchant for attributing a protestant heresy to me, prevents you from being a serious debater with me.

          • All the words and language you use in talking about the Adamic white man is identical to the Christian Identity lingo. I know British Israelism/Christian Identity when I see it. I believed in BI myself thirty years ago when I belonged to the Herbert Armstrong cult. So if I attribute a Protestant heresy to youyou

      • Excuse me!? The Scots are both duped, and contrary, contrariness being in the nature of the Celt (Denise, shame!) The Scots ALWAYS do exactly the opposite of the English….. because they are…. English!

        Give them time. If England has to subdue them again, it would be nothing new….But leave the Scot H8 out!

        • I know …………..but I’ve had personal dealings WITH Scots who have excoriated ME for my waaaycism. They need to be poisoned by Diversity for awhile. Scotland is only minimally Vibrant right now.

  7. After this historic event, the former states of the Confederate States of America should demand an apology from the US Government for not honoring their secession 150+ years ago. The South was Right!

  8. Britain declares her own Independence Day – June 23
    Cameron steps down as PM
    and Donald Trump lands in the UK (Scotland)

    All on the same day? Romans 8:28
    The will of the king is in the Lord’s hand.

    The Saxon has AWOKEN!

  9. The Brexit vote, in the wake of the assassination of Saint Jo Cox, is a huge rebuke to those in Alt-Right and NRx who piously condemn direct political action.

    Lots of hand-wringing and earnest virtue-signaling in certain Alt-Right and NRx circles lately, claming that direct action and political violence are uniquely detrimental to Rightist/Nationalist aims.

    They have been proved wrong yet again.

  10. This is only a test. Any lasting positive aspects of this vote will be determined by how other Nationalist movements react and use it to their advantage.

    I can see Austria, Hungary, Netherlands and France(a long shot) following the UK out the door. But if you want to deliver a death blow to the EU in a way that won’t take another decade or two, Germany will have to fall.

    • The Greeks dishonored themselves, they had the most to gain from leaving, but couldn’t get past left-right horse blinker politics.

      Same with Ireland, decimated by the Euro.

      There has been talk of trading a reunification of Ireland for rejoining the Commonwealth. That’s a good idea.

      • True enough, but Jew bankers and the leading globalists used a lot of economic blackmail against Greece, too.

  11. English/British patriotism has always appealed to me – unfortunately so much of this patriotism was misused in to terrible English/British slanders and hatreds of Germans in the 20th century. Let’s hope the 21 century is better. Here’s one of my favorite patriotic references:

    “”England expects that every man will do his duty” was a signal sent by Vice Admiral Horatio Nelson, 1st Viscount Nelson, from his flagship HMS Victory as the Battle of Trafalgar was about to commence on 21 October 1805. Trafalgar was a decisive naval engagement of the Napoleonic Wars. It gave the United Kingdom control of the seas, removing all possibility of a French invasion and conquest of Britain. Although there was much confusion surrounding the wording of the signal in the aftermath of the battle, the significance of the victory and Nelson’s death during the battle led to the phrase becoming embedded in the English psyche, and it has been regularly quoted, paraphrased and referenced up to the modern day.[1]”

    • sane whiteguy: “English/British patriotism has always appealed to me – unfortunately so much of this patriotism was misused in to terrible English/British slanders and hatreds of Germans in the 20th century.”

      That’s true.

      And it’s not just the Germans. I never liked this quote from Horatio Nelson:

      “There are three things, young gentlemen, which you are constantly to bear in mind. Firstly, you must always implicitly obey orders, without attempting to form any opinion of your own respecting their propriety. Secondly, you must consider every man your enemy who speaks ill of your king; and thirdly, you must hate a Frenchman, as you do the devil.”

      We shouldn’t hate the French. We shouldn’t hate the Germans. And they shouldn’t hate us. We are white first, brothers under different flags, and we should remember it.

      The people who school us in hating and despising each other, like proud French-basher (((Jonah Goldberg))), are not our friends.

      The people who have heeded that instruction and promoted needless mutual slaughter are not good examples to follow.

    • She/it is despicable but representative of her breed in that her hate for whites is off the charts.

  12. Yes.

    To all doomsayers, “all is lost” perverts and jew monomaniacs, victory is possible, for our cousins across the pond and us in America.

    Sac up.
    Be a man.
    Stop crying like a woman.

  13. Sally Kohn ?@sallykohn
    ‘Okay, xenophobic exclusionary nationalism. You won a few fights today. But you will lose in the long run.’

    Sally Kohn ?@sallykohn
    ‘Leave vs Remain is really about Has Been vs Become – those clinging to an exclusionary vision of the past railing against a pluralist future’

    Sally Kohn ?@sallykohn
    Republicans: We hate that Obama used executive authority to help immigrants but can’t wait for Trump to use it to hurt them!

  14. Do we have a mole inside the Labour Party?

    I’m speaking here of Labour Leader Jeremy Corbyn.

    The man has been lambasted by the Jews as an anti-Semite (he succeeded a Jew, Ed Miliband).
    He follows the religion of the Brahmins.
    He damned the EU with faint praise, saying that he was “not a big fan” and rated it a “7 out of 10”.
    He protected his ally Ken Livingston who famously praised Hitler recently.


  15. Ezra Klein @ezraklein
    “I have about 3,000 friends on Facebook — and all but three were voting ‘Remain.’”

    Ezra Klein ?@ezraklein
    “Imagine a world where Boris Johnson and Donald Trump are making the most important political decisions?”

    • So, so many of (((them))) are out there trying to whip up hatred of Trump and Russia. They’ve succeeded in getting me to hate Israel.

      • I’m not on twitter anymore, but I copy and paste quotes from other people Like Ricky Vaughn, Hunter and many others.

  16. German President Gauck: “The Elite are Not the Problem, the Population is the Problem”
    Andrew Anglin
    ‘This is an incredible statement from German President Joachim Gauck.
    In a recent interview, he said that the elite are not the problem – the problem is the population.

    And that is where we are at right now.

    These people who rule over us view us as the problem because we refuse to go along with their insane agendas.

    That is why Brexit happened. It is why Donald Trump happened.

    The purpose of a government is not to force the people against their will to do things which are against their own interests.

    • I wish that ALL these f*cking cucks would move to The Sudan, Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen and other hellholes to bring THEM the blessings of diversity that they constantly blather on about.

  17. Excellent news. Good thing they kept their own currency. I will make sure to buy British. That’s where most of my ancestors came from. Maybe in the future I will be able to visit the homeland of my ancestors and actually have the peace of mind of knowing that things are getting better, rather than worse.

  18. Twitter is BRUTAL!!!! The Kikenvermin Jew DEVIL Spawn of Satan are having a Global Meltdown. HAHAHA!!!

          • Yeah, I never expect any reasonable and rational responses to question I ask of the entity known as DenisetheCelt; but I still like to place a few question landmines in the road from time to time just to keep her/him/it off balance.

            I’m a “racist” in almost all aspects of my life, except when it comes to Truth.

          • Breitbart has a few yid writers who who aren’t attacking Trump but they are the exception to the rule.

            However, when Lewandowski and the Trump campaign were in huge danger of being derailed by the blatant lies of Michelle Fields, her boy friend Jamie Weinstein and the jew from the Wapo, Ben Terris hatched a story to blow it all up.

            Slippery Ben Shapiro joined the attack as did Larry Solov the Breitbart News Ceo and President.

            Several stories were written defending Fields, trashing thug Lewandowski and bully Trump.

            Joel Pollack who had contributed to the scam was asked repeatedly by those of us in the comment section to set the record straight after it became evident it was all a ruse but he refused.

            What is really irksome is how so many of these yids still spread the lies knowing it’s all BS.

            Clyde Haberman ?@ClydeHaberman Jun 23
            No pride & nothing matters to these guys besides ratings: CNN hires Trump aide who manhandled reporter.

    • They are. Nothing but snark directed at Trump.

      Clyde Haberman ?@ClydeHaberman
      ‘Trump today on Brexit: “I said this was going to happen.” Two weeks ago, he didn’t even know what “Brexit” referred to.’

  19. The immigration blitz from the continent will hopefully cease. There’ll be bluebirds over the white cliffs of Dover, tomorrow, just you wait and see…instead of immigrant invaders coming into pillage and plunder.


  20. Wow. Did not know so many *US* SWPLs would be virtue-signaling Remain. It’s all over my Facebook, Twitter. smh

  21. Finally dawning on me that the two-party system, both Britain and US, is a false flag operation.

    If you can break through it somehow, for example with a referendum or a Billionaire, you can win.

  22. we won a battle this week. And English/British nationalists have won very few battles since….. 1890!

    Please use this and other threads to post positive, inspiring English/British nationalism.

    Here’s one of my favorites

    Brutal Attack

    Tell England I love Her

  23. This musician Citizen Steve has some great English folk/rock nationalist songs – please support him

  24. More evidence that Jeremy Corbyn (Labour Leader) is one of us.


    Corbyn and SInn Fein leader Gerry Adams


    Who is responsible for anti-Semitism in the Labour party?


    He just fired a rebel who lead the charge to bomb Syria. The Uniparty is targeting Corbyn, it may lead to more whites leaving the Labour party for pro-white parties.

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