Somali Norwegian Goes On Knife Rampage In London

Here in the United States, we went to bed last night without knowing what to make of this.

As the hours ticked by, it seemed increasingly unlikely that the suspect was White. When this usually happens, the media will run with it if there is even the slightest suggestion that the suspect in question is a dreaded “White male,” so the longer we wait for police to identify the suspect the less likely that is to be the case. Just a few weeks ago, MSNBC was salivating for hours at the possibility that the Munich shooter Ali Sonboly was a rightwing Neo-Nazi terrorist because of the type of boots he was wearing.

It turns out that the suspect here was a 19-year-old Somalian with a Norwegian passport who had been living in the UK since 2002:

“This is the moment a mentally ill Norwegian of Somali origin was pinned to the ground after he murdered an American woman and injured five pedestrians on a knife rampage in Russell Square last night.

His victim, a US citizen in her 60s, said ‘he’s still here’ as she used her final words to warn others their lives were also in danger, a witness told MailOnline today.

She died in a pool of blood as she was cradled by a family of Spanish tourists, as the 19-year-old silently stabbed pedestrians in the back, side and arms who were left ‘screaming and covered in blood’.

Police were called at 10.30pm last night and Chanel Britton, 19, of Barnsley, who was staying in one of Russell Square’s many hotels, captured the moment up to eight officers searched him after being Tasered to the ground.

The teenager, a Somali who came to Britain from Norway aged five, was arrested on suspicion of murder and he spent the night in hospital before being moved to a south London police station.

A witness, who used towels bought on an earlier shopping trip to stem the flow of blood, told MailOnline: ‘I was just trying to console her. The victim said something about: ‘He’s still here, he’s still here’ – after that she was not lucid. That’s when I saw someone. He was meandering about. He was very disturbed’.”

ISIS is already celebrating waking up to such good news.

The police are blaming mental illness and framing the attack as another Ali Sonboly. For a Somalian to hold a Norwegian passport, it seems safe to assume this was another case of refugee violence. If the mental illness theory of the case holds, it will illustrate that not only does Europe import Muslim terrorists, it also imports mentally ill Muslim spree killers and petty criminals who are ruining its tourism industry.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Islam is the broom of the Jew. From the descriptions of the tourists, they are reaping what they’ve sown.

  2. Hunter – the Kike Retard Paulie Shore Curtis is spamming your site with it’s nonsense. Oven it, please.

  3. Judging by the nationalities of the victims, it’s possible that the targeted group was Jewish. Anyone know if the victims were part of a tour group?

    • I’d assume it’s sudden onset of schizophrenia. Common among nignogs around that age.

      • I’ve heard it explained that the reason many Muslims in western countries go berserk is that they can’t handle the choices and chaos they are confronted with when they begin to understand the world around them. They are not only overwhelmed but disgusted.

  4. It’s unfortunate but it looks like we’re going to be off fighting the Muslims before we’re allowed to get our house in order. By the time that’s done we’ll have no home left at all.

  5. Donald Trump better get on top of this and begin yelling to the rafters, if you want old ladies hacked up by Muslims, vote for Hillary, If you want Sharia Law vote for Hillary if you think the Pulse Nightclub shooting was a okay vote for Hillary as she supports the people who do these things and when I am President, she will be prosecuted

  6. “Somali Norwegian Goes On Knife Rampage In London”

    This makes me think of Paul Ryan. The phony fakes who support race replacement are respectable conservatives in the same way Somalis are Norwegian.

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