Foreign Policy: There Are No Successful Black Nations

Oh, Africa. Brave Africa. It was a laugh riot:

“In the wake of fresh deaths at the hands of police officers in the world’s greatest nation, we, the people of the black race, are once again the object of renewed worldwide attention.

Questions of injustice in the United States have been duly raised and protested. And, once again, the black cultural elites in America have seized various platforms to air their grievances and are mostly — and rightly — talking about racism, discrimination, racial profiling, and hate, among other issues. But one issue that has hardly been talked about is the core reason why black people have remained synonymous with the denigrating experience of racism. It is, I dare say, because of the worldwide indignity of the black race. …

Be assured, the indignity will continue. Black elites and activists across the world have adopted a culture of verbal tyranny in which they shut down any effort to reason or criticize us or black-majority nations by labeling such attempts as “racism” or “hate speech.” Thus, one can be certain that any suggestions that our race may indeed need to do something to remedy our situation will not be aired — not by the terrified people of other races. And anyone within our race who makes such a suggestion will be deemed weak and pandering or a sellout, as U.S. President Barack Obama has been repeatedly called. Thus, no one will talk about the painful fact that most African and Caribbean nations have either failed or are about to collapse. …”

Wow. Just wow.

It’s not every day that you are reading Foreign Policy and come across an article that says blacks have never created a stable, prosperous, enlightened, functioning First World nation, ever, anywhere, in all of history. We’ve documented here how the same people scattered from Congo to Belgium to Haiti to New Orleans to Detroit – separated by hundreds of years of history and thousands of miles across vast oceans – have nevertheless managed to reproduce the same squalor and misery everywhere they have settled.

Note: Barbados, the cultural hearth of slavery in the Caribbean, one of the few spots on earth where slavery, white supremacy and colonialism lasted the longest, is about as close as they have ever come.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


    • Looking at black history month reminds of a museum of great works of art created by atheists, what would be in there? a festivus tree from Seinfeld?

  1. Of historical interest, maybe, is the following scan, from the 1962 World Book Encyclopedia my parents purchased for my siblings and me. Partially visible there, on the right-hand page, are color photographs of natives in an equatorial forest and of sands in the Sahara. On the left, the entry–“Africa”–is introduced by a photograph of a scholarly-looking young black man in front of a then-modern building. “The Proud Face of a Ugandan Student Reflects Confidence in Africa’s Future,” saith the caption.

    From A to Z, literally, the editors of the encyclopedia do an estimable job of presenting information soberly but agreeably for the young, who seem to have been its intended users. In 1962, around the time my father, in our living room, placed his order with the World Book salesman, Stanley Ann Dunham had recently given birth to Barack Obama, whose father, as we know, rather resembled, in style, the young man in that picture …

  2. I remember growing up thinking that all the poor backwards countries needed to build themselves up and maybe technology would do the trick. It never occurred to me that stupid bored elitist pigs somewhere would decide the better solution is to migrate the poor ignorant masses north. That’s the best they could come up with and what they now call the global order.

  3. Not only have the black nations not created anything of note, but they apparently have a singular ability to destroy civilization created by somebody else, examples: Detroit and East St. Louis.

  4. Why couldn’t a Jew say it?? Why does the Jew, Foreign Policy web site have to hire a Nigerian black to criticize other blacks?? Another black spokesperson is being created.

  5. It was written by an African, obviously this can never be done by anyone else. If Africans really want to tackle their lot, then what was written was actually a good first step, to live in denial and believe the nonsense of the liberals that everyone is equal is not going to help them one bit.

  6. With Israel first/Jewish supremacists controlling America’s foreign policy and immigration policy America cannot take its long run as a successful nation for granted. Lately there have been a spate of articles by Israel first/jewish supremacists misrepresenting and denouncing an America First policy as ”isolationism”.

  7. Retarded Joe Biden sees white dispossession as a good thing.

    Unbelievably pathetic cuck.

    Joe Biden on Europeans becoming a minority – “That’s a source of our strength.”

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