“Shultz, the Republican elder statesman and veteran of the Nixon and Reagan administrations, had spent the preceding months assembling a far-reaching book of policy recommendations on matters domestic and foreign on behalf of the Hoover Institution at Stanford University. He commissioned a decorated group of experts—men and women with gaudy constellations of letters after their names, generals and ambassadors and national-security experts—to pen chapters outlining their vision for such topics as health-care reform, banking legislation, counterterrorism strategy, and the U.S. posture toward Asia. On Monday, the group summoned a group of reporters here for a special summit to unveil these policy ideas—grandly titled Blueprint for America—to the world.
“Hopefully,” said John Cogan, a Hoover economist who wrote the Blueprint chapter on entitlements, “these ideas will be picked up by some enterprising politician.”
Hope springs eternal for the Republican Party-in-exile. The vast apparatus of right-wing policy, built up over decades and seeded with millions of dollars to promote a conservative vision, has never seemed more quaintly irrelevant than it does today. Despite various attempts to allude to the world beyond this leafy campus, an air of unreality hung over the proceedings. …
The Blueprint calls for international free-trade agreements and a more liberal immigration system; it recommends reducing spending on Social Security and Medicare and promoting democracy and human rights abroad. Even as the Hoover scholars spoke, Trump was in Youngstown, Ohio, delivering an address on an altogether different vision of foreign policy—one in which America’s interests are paramount and relations with allies are transactional, in which immigrants and their children are subject to what he termed “extreme vetting.” …
And yet the intellectuals persist; what else can they do? Having formulated the Blueprint, there was nothing to do but release it, orphaned, into the world. …
Chief among the many disturbances to the Republican psyche prompted by Trump is the realization on the part of many of the party’s erstwhile mavens that their voters were not nearly as interested in their agenda as they previously believed. …
But in other quarters, there are heretical whispers. What if Trump has exposed something fundamental—the hollowness of the party’s old agenda, the troubling priorities of its most reliable voters? What if nobody wants the old-time religion of supply-side economics, or the neoconservatism that produced the Iraq war? Can there be any going back once that realization sets in? …”
For this, I am grateful.
Trump has made all of these old fogies and their ideas irrelevant. What must it feel like? The moment when you realize you don’t know shit? Of all of Trump’s accomplishments in this campaign, flushing the neocon parasites and polarizing the “base” against their disastrous foreign policy – to the point where they are now discrediting themselves by openly backing Hillary – has earned a spot near the top of my list.
According to (((Ben Shapiro))), the Alt-Right has literally taken over the Republican Party! That’s a wild exaggeration of course, but it is true that Trump has pulled us into a Mirror Universe where everything is the opposite of what it used to be.
“The alt-right, the online mini-movement that backs Trump while hurling anti-Semitic imprecations at everyone who might doubt his greatness, is characterized by a reverse nationalism, in which sometimes Russia, sometimes Hungary, sometimes the Hohenzollern monarchy becomes the object of perverted patriotism. Their own mongrel country and its flaccid Constitution receive only disdain. While the content of this ideology remains marginal in American life, its alienation from its own country comes ever closer to the center of politics. …
What to do?
In the years after 1968, many of those who had started in political life as liberals discovered that they had inherited an unexpected new political mission: to defend the institutions of American life against a radical critique of the country and its institutions. Not necessarily conservative in any ideological sense, they undertook a conservative role in politics: to defend an admittedly imperfect but still precious national experiment against the utopian fantasies of the left. That work helped establish conservatism in the broadest sense of that word as the dominant politics of the next generation.
We have entered another revolutionary moment. But this time, the attack on institutions that have served the country well and kept the peace of the democratic world is coming from a resentful right as well as a radical left. The unexpected origin of this new attack caught many Republican political leaders by surprise and left them soiled and humiliated as they tried to cope, accommodate, and ultimately survive a political insurrection few of them understand even now.
The work that preoccupied people of conservative temperament after 1968 is work that calls again after 2016: To defend this country’s institutions, alliances, conventions, and Constitution against all challengers—whether they base their challenge on a demand for economic equality or racial hierarchy. It’s possible that a Trump collapse will be so total as to discredit Trump’s candidacy entirely. Possible—but unlikely. George McGovern lost very badly in 1972, but his ideas shaped his party for decades after. So it may be for Trump and Trumpism.
When the verdict is delivered in November, the work does not stop. If anything, that work becomes more demanding and urgent. We of the center-right have learned something alarming about the susceptibility to extremism, not only of American democracy in general, but of our political coalition in particular. We’ve learned something painful about the dwindling relevance of the conservative doctrines of the past generation to the political needs of the present generation. We’ve learned something humbling about the character of many of our own friends and allies in submitting to a charlatan who never even bothered to pretend to be anything else. We’ve learned something ominous about the gathering power of tribalism in a society riven by rapid migration and slowing economic growth.
It’s our test now whether we can put this learning to timely and wise use to defend the American experiment against a dangerous and depressing insurgency by those people—and that party—who so long presented themselves as its most faithful champions. It’s time to take upon ourselves the mission of half a century ago: to mobilize the great conservative-minded American center to rescue the country from its ideological extremes.”
We’ve risen so far over the past year that (((David Frum))) is now writing in the pages of Commentary that fighting the Alt-Right has become the mission of international neoconnery moving forward! Feeling threatened much?
The worst, most notorious cabal of Jews out there are feeling pretty bummed out over Donald Trump. They are so desperate to defeat him that they are running Evan McMullin as the #NeverTrump candidate to sabotage him. That tells me that this is something I would like to see continue beyond November.
All these neocons are in the tank for Hillary:
“The Hillary Clinton campaign has recently been trumpeting endorsements from neoconservatives. The candidate’s embrace of figures such as Robert Kagan, Max Boot, and Eliot Cohen—all once regarded as anathema to the contemporary left—has engendered a wave of pushback from progressive critics. …
By building what Beutler calls a “permission structure” prominently featuring neoconservatives, Hillary need not make any explicit “offer” to confer upon them tangible benefit. (By the way, what form would an explicit “offer” even take? A press release announcing formal cooperation?) Rather, she provides neoconservatives with an opening to ingratiate themselves into power merely by welcoming them into her prospective governing coalition. Evidence that their catastrophic failures have been forgiven can be seen in the uncritical adulation showered on Kagan, Boot, Cohen, and similar operators by the liberal media, suggesting that their blemished reputations are undergoing undeserved rehabilitation.”
She’s even cut an ad that features a snake like (((Max Boot))) vouching for her on national security! That’s a clear choice. It’s also a clear accomplishment that the Left now owns such an albatross. A double win.
Shapiro’s mouth should be made wide shut.
The neocohens see in Trump their certain demise. They are fighting for their lives in what, I hope, is a losing battle for them.
I do not consider Supply Side Economics to be a neocon policy or idea. Protectionist trade policies accomplish two things, they protect inefficient “buggy whip” business and make those of us that want to purchase superior quality products made overseas pay a lot more for those products.
For example. My wife bought a BMW diesel powered sedan. There is no comparable car made in the US with superior quality and engineering, in fact there is no car like it made in the US at all. Yet, there was a heavy import tax on it that had to be paid. That is wrong.
The rest of the essay is very good, economics is obviously not the strong suit of the author.
Like the iPhone made in China? The flat screen television made in South Korea? How did China and South Korea go from where they were thirty years ago to where they are today?
Completely irrelevant. Corporatism by the US government is the underlying cause, not unfettered trade.
Really, you should stop discussing economics, you know almost nothing about the subject.
Looking around this house, I notice the flat screen television and the washing machine and dryer are both made by Samsung, which is the epitome of the intersection of South Korean corporatism and US trade laws.
Yeah, buggy whips! No, it’s more like virtually all the most advanced electronics and appliances within a ten mile radius of this house were made somewhere in East Asia. I’m sure this laptop and smartphone were made there too
What do we export to them? The corn growing across the street here in Northern Missouri?
Yeah–what kind of 21st Century person needs food?
Nothing wrong with corn, but when that is one of your chief products in the 21st century…
Fifty years ago, Robbie–just about to the day–I saw something astonishing: cornfields, extending to the horizon on each side of Interstate 80, in what must have been Indiana and Iowa, as I rode on a family trip to relatives in Nebraska. That was just as dazzling as the space program that was then under way …
This afternoon, in Indiana, the state I live in, I saw cornfields extending to the trees, which is usually the horizon and as far as one can see in this state. They are often on both sides of the road, unless the other field on one side is devoted to soy beans. The trips I have taken out west, not fifty but just a couple years ago was the last, I have observed that the fields in Iowa, Nebraska, and Kansas still extend on both sides of the interstate as far as human eye can see.
Besides needing to get out more, what is your point?
If you have anything further to say in this our exchange, Robbie, it will be the last word, for I tolerate no uncivilized reply. Rather than insult me, with a wisecrack about my supposedly needing to get out more, you need only have asked me to clarify my point if it was unclear to you.
For the record, I was responding to what I took to be a suggestion on your part that agriculture is unimpressive in modern times. I personally don’t find it unimpressive at all.
First, here is a tissue, go blow your nose and wipe away the tears, sunshine. All better now with the sniffells and the thin skin? Uncivilized reply, eh? Drama queen much? You probably need to readjust your bow tie and wipe off your Buddy Holly glasses, too.
Your post wasn’t unclear to me. I didn’t need you to clarify anything. I never said agriculture wasn’t important, I just don’t find agriculture all that impressive, and it’s not compared to a lot of other things. You must not have a high standard of what is impressive, looks like.
As far as my wisecrack, you obviously do need to get out more. My description of this afternoon and the state of cornfields out west is accurate. Did you think we don’t grow corn or something any more, or that there are not huge fields these days? Anyone from or in the midwest can testify to the truth of my post and descriptions.
I myself greatly disdain and cringe at the constant dropping of f-bombs during discourse and the outright heathen and crass vulgarity and crudity that has come to characterize so much of the white population. That being said, I am equally put off by the dispositions and attitudes of so many Tom Fleming type conservatives. As the saying goes, there is a time and place and occasion for everything, including cussing and even physical manhandling. Far too many conservative types, even aside from the ones who have been and are outright traitors and frauds, use this so called “good manners” as a mask for outright cowardice and disinclination for confrontation and stopping our enemies. We do not need to behave like we are in the middle of a funeral at all times and in all situations.
The Tom Fleming types were and are too damn wimpy and handicapped by what I’m talking about to properly confront and put in their place the left wing crazies and jews. It was “beneath their dignity” to tell the perverts and overbearing anti-whites off while throwing them out the doors and onto the concrete after a good thrashing. This handicap also prevented their informing the more rural population about things like the habits and history of queers and degenerates. Information like is contained, for example, in “Sugar Keynes” about John Keynes and his friends homosexual degeneracy wasn’t made readily available to people back in the 50s and 60s.
As it’s feeding the ant heaps of Asia.
Maybe plant some MJ
Supplement the family income
Yes but notice how sparsely populated these corn and soybean counties are? That’s because this economy requires very little labor and produces very few jobs. Producing electronics on the other hand provides large numbers of fulfilling jobs. Our company got bought out by GE and they stole all our jobs for Chinamen in Shanghai. Not just these drab assembly line work as Conservatism INC. tries to portray it to justify their capital treason, but tons of managerial jobs, manufacturing engineers, shipping and receiving, robot operators, machine repair, tons of female paper pushers, custodial, cafeteria workers, IT, etc. All of these means of support stolen by cretins and traitors. One fairly young dude died of diabetes as we were closing down over a 12 month period, I saw him looking worse and worse every day and suspect he gave up and basically committed suicide. Toss murder into the list of crimes these bastards need to pay for.
Okay–Nightowl, this is why I made my comment at the other recent Occidental Dissent post, headed “ISIS attacks Russia.” If you happen to have read it, you know what I said: Moral evaluation is useless.
That’s exactly what you’re engaging in: moral evaluation. You’re characterizing as “bastards” and “sociopathic elites” the persons who run these American companies that have large operations in other countries. Please complete for me–I’m serious, please complete for me the following sentence: “If I, Nightowl, were running one of those companies, then I, unlike the bastards and sociopathic elites who are currently running them, would keep the company’s operations here, in the U.S., because _________________ “
Oh I’m sure it’s all logical. But I really don’t care, if I had those people under my thumb they could go on and on pleading their case and it would make no difference. I’d tell them quite simply “this isn’t business, this is personal.” Like in National Treasure where Harvey Keitel tells Nicholas Cage at the end “somebodies got to go to jail” well somebodies got to pay for shipping the greatest industrial machine to Red China.
Well, then, suppose they just say, “I quit. If Nightowl wants to run this company or start his own company, then, fine, he can show all of us how to run a company without overseas operations. I’m quitting, because if I make a logical choice, Nightowl will hang or jail me.”
Piano wire?
Suspicious plane crashes?
If we feed the yellow man and the black man the 21st century is theirs.
My 1998 BMW Z3 was built where all X3, X5, and X6 vehicles are now built, in South Carolina. Boeing aircraft builds airliners in South Carolina. All Honda Goldwing motorcycles ever built are made in Ohio, right next to where Honda builds cars. Toyota builds trucks in Tennessee.
Yet, some airliners are built and shipped in from France.
I ordered a brand new iPad and it was sent from China to my home in five days.
Figure it out.
Products that are produced for about a year before changes must be built by flexible industries, with fast shipping.
Perhaps you’d do better by restraining shipping companies, than by taxing foreign made products to make them prohibitively expensive to purchase and therefore only available to the very wealthy, or not at all.
Again, you simply have no grasp upon economics, Mr. Wallace, stop digging deeper.
I think you are missing the point. We are asking why United States owned companies are not producing iphones and ipads. We used to make everything electronic.
The Apple shit all says “Designed in California” glossing over the fact the 99% of the workforce is in China. They don’t even bother to employ US warehouse and distribution, you get the thing shipped directly from Shanghai. As if at these ridiculously high prices they charge they couldn’t employ an American workforce and still make one hell of a profit?
I’ll take having a few cutting edge prototype goods being affordable only to the very wealthy if I can have a decent paying full time job with medical care that I don’t have to worry about some sociopathic elites stealing from me.
I agree. After all, we certainly don’t have any shortage of wealthy people here. I heard or read awhile back that we have over 14 million multimillionaires in the US alone. Hell, that is enough to float about any customer base you need.
I would rather be in charge of my own medical care, including what risks I am willing to take regarding how much insurance I need.
Besides, the maxim is true:
“Anything the government gives you is something the government can take away.”
It is true, true, true, to the bone.
As I commented above, and to Hunter’s credit, there are multiple good reasons to tariff, but just to bring back jobs isn’t good enough.
I also concede that the “it’s a tax on the consumer” argument is not a valid argument against tariffs because all taxes are taxes on the consumer, just not always at the point of consumption.
If we’re talking about eliminating income taxes and using tariffs instead, then I’m all for it. But that would give the gov incentive to slap us with all kinds of regulations to make domestic production more costly so that they could generate more tariff revenue. So we’d have to do something to stop that.
One of the few good things the Reagan admin did was make the Japanese build their fine cars in the USA.
The Japanese chose to build their plants in White areas of the US South.
Samsung makes all their shit that they sell in the United States in China too. Just because it’s a South Korean brand doesn’t mean it’s made in South Korea anymore.
How is it completely irrelevant? And are you saying we can’t or shouldn’t make iphones, laptops, tv’s, washing machines, etc? Which products are you classifying as buggy whips that should not be protected?
These are just honest questions.
You’ve completely misread my post, about 180º misread.
Your last post seemed to very much reinforce my interpretation. Again, are you saying we can’t or shouldn’t make iphones and ipads? You just keep talking about how we shouldn’t hinder these foreign owned industries in any way, shipping or otherwise.
Every article, post, etc, I have ever read or heard from people who talk like you are doing here is the same. There is always the strong implication, or even outright assertion, that for some unnamed or often disingenuous reason (comparative advantage, etc) why we can’t or shouldn’t. Then, when questioned or asked to elaborate in specific detail, we are always told how we just don’t understand economics. I think you can see how it gets a little tedious.
Economics is just another word for House Keeping. For the slick it’s a voodoo hex.
What was the point of all the workplace protection acts, child labor laws, overtime laws, etc. passed a century ago in response to “The Jungle” type working conditions if they thought it contained a loophole for companies to just substitute Chinese slave labor instead? Those laws were passed in the assumption that to export the factory to China would also be illegal. They live like slaves, in crowded conditions where you don’t have your own place. Limits the consumer economy when a whole extended family shares the same place. Not a whole lot of appliances, TVs, housing, etc. are going to need to be produced and sold in such a culture. Nor do they have to pay you much since you have no bills to pay and share the extended family compound (or even worse, are a prisoner in the company dorm!) Fuck these people, I work for a Chinese dual citizen peddling shoddy 3rd world goods on Ebay, they are either weak pathetic people, or scumbags, shysters, and vicious domineering assholes. I hate the Chinese and would kick them all out if I could.
The operative description in your post is “a century ago.” The interests of labor organizations back then actually coincided with those of the workers of this country. This did understand those laws to imply shipping jobs overseas to be illegal. And they were, for a time.
By out competing other countries. Simple.
We’ve had this argument before. I don’t deny that there are other good reasons to tariff, but just saying we’re going to tariff to bring back jobs isn’t good enough. Definitely good enough to win an election tho.
Out competing? How? By accepting overcrowded living conditions unacceptable to White Americans. Do you want to live in a company dorm? Do you want to live in a two bedroom apartment with your parents, grandparents, Uncles, cousins, siblings, and their squalling kids? Not me, I’d go nuts, I need to retreat to my “Fortress of Solitude” every night to maintain my sanity. I can’t even stand staying overnight with relatives any more while out of town, I have to go sleep in a motel. “Slumber Parties” in someone else’s house, on someone else’s couch just ain’t my idea of fun, let alone having someone snoring in the same room. I don’t know how these asians can live like this, I see where they get the idea of reincarnation with “bad karma” from, life as a Chinaman 65cent/hr wage slave in a 16 hour a day, 7 day a week factory must be awaiting Gacy and Dahmer.
Being willing to do the same work for less money or to be less demanding about working conditions absolutely helps them to gain a competitive advantage. Meanwhile barely literate people over here want $15/hr for an air conditioned job running a register that does the math for them. Oh, and they don’t want to work overtime during busy seasons.
There used to be a hoodlum in my hometown that went from job to job but at the time was working in the local grocery store. One day when my father and I were eating at the deli he took a break to sit with us and complained “I ain’t even had a day off this week.” After he left my father reminded me that it was just Wednesday. With workers like these it is no wonder that jobs are going overseas or to immigrants.
I suspect China also puts their prisoners to work more than we do.
Wait wait wait, there is an import tax on a diesel Beemer? That’s why this shit is backward. If there is a product you can’t get locally and need desire to import, there shouldnt be an import tax. The issue is free trade on easy to make/assemble stuff or necessities that might be critical during a crisis. Like steel.
Thurston Howell III agrees with you.
That’s a losing argument, Captain John: special pleading.
Generally these issues would be solved by plane accidents and crashes.
It s everybody against us straight Anglo males .
Jews of Left to Neo Con Right Muslims Mexicans and Morans BlackLiesmatter feminists homis and….
The Irish!
Everybody else against us
Did others notice straight Irish pols were the only White males allowed to speak at the Dem convention?
Under pressure from police organizations the Dems had to include speakers defending murdeted cops so they included an Hispanic woman cop
We re in for severe persecution
It is already here and now. You just have not felt it personally in ways others have.
The neocons’ fiendish deception of whites with constitutional cuckservatism is over. Neocons have discredited the Constitution and brought disrepute to American institutions by radically reinterpreting the constitution to justify destructive immigration policies of birthright citizenship for anchor babies, sanctuary cities, conferring the benefits of citizenship on illegal alien students and deceiving Americans on the the rationale for the American intervention in Iraq by claiming to bring democracy and American values to Iraq.
Can I be commandant of thecamp where we lodge Ben Shapiro? It will be fun ordering Bill Kristol to cane his booty if he is late to rollcall.
Hunter –
Many thanks for reading this stuff so others don’t have to. That Atlantic article (and the comments ) was absolutely hilarious. This ponderous group of high-minded, self-proclaimed “thinkers” lamenting that Trump is not a policy wonk and dismissing his ideas and his followers reminds me of the self-styled “intelligentsia” I knew during my sojourn in Europe. Lots of chiefs in search of Indians.
(((Frum))), although generally worthless, at least seems to grasp what animates Trump’s followers: ” . . . loyalty is owed not to the America that is, but to a false memory of
America as it was and a sinister vision of the purged and purified
America that could be, if only we can exclude enough people who don’t
truly belong.” What the alt-right sees as reality, though, (((Frum))) labels extreme, false, and anti-Semitic. And then, of course, the Jewish Canadian bravely volunteers to help ” rescue the country from its ideological extremes.”
You good folks do realize that the establishment is falling into “white conspiracy” theory? This is friggin troll bait if I have ever seen troll bait.
Can you explain? Almost all your post are so esoteric nobody can understand them. Perhaps they are very important, so why not start explaining what you mean?
The alt-right is explained in conspiracy theory terms by the idiots in the media.
It is an International White conspiracy I tell you
I am an International White, you can too
I am people of whiteness and so can you!
Hey (((Ben Shapiro))), can we non-Jewish whites at least just have things for our own people, or does your tribe have to stick its nose into everything we have, do, and make? I am so sick of their bullsh*t. The “chosen people” cannot allow their chosen racial host (us) to have anything that does not include them.
(((Ben Shapiro))) would answer your first clause with a resounding NO!
He would say “that is not what we as Americans are about” while saying nothing about Jewish ethnocentrism. Hypocrisy goes to the core of their racial/religious psyche.
Ben Shapiro and his duplicitous bretheren would rather not discuss this issue.
American Hank ?@_HankRearden
A classic: @StefanMolyneux uses Israel’s double standards on Islamic immig to box in open borders activist.
Something that I thought was bad may turn out to be good: the alt right cannot be objective about current affairs, specifically Paul Manafort.
On the surface this is very bad, not seeing the world clearly is the surest road to ruin. Thinking that truth telling might sap the morale of the troops is the fastest road to defeat.
However, the alt right is a dead end. It cannot navigate our civilization to anywhere good. The collective shell shock on November 8th may convince people that pick up artists failed, will to power failed, and that reality is stronger than rhetoric.
Right makes might. We know what makes a great civilization, we just need the power to enact it, which we can no longer get through the paradigm of the United States.
I tend to agree that the US is a dead end now.
So in other words these so called “conservatives” are proscribing the same globalist and social issues embraced by the Democratic party PLUS unlike the democrats, they plan to take your social security and medicare away leaving your retirement years to being a white haired bum on the streets. What a winning agenda!
Three cheers for our side! It’s about time that this alien, hostile (((culture ))) should be exposed. This culture hates our people, our religion, and our traditions. The god of this culture is money and their sacrament is shopping. They cannot abide Christian people thinking about the past, their ancestors and duties we have to our Savior.
They want us to stay on the treadmill of shopping for cheap goods.
Jews jumped from communism to American liberalism to conservatism. Now, it’s back to liberalism.
Meanwhile, Trump is pandering to blacks and Hispanics party of Lincoln style.
He’s pandering to Cucked-Americans because he is getting around 79% of the Republican vote and can’t win with that.
Trump’s only hope was a populist surge based on running some form of the Sailer Strategy. This latest move, appealing to cucks, makes about as much sense as what he did last week mixing supply side and populist economics. Besides being incoherent as a policy and suggesting a lack of principle, it’s bad tactics because those cucks will never support him. Meanwhile, the effect is to weaken his core message yet again, this time on implicit white civic nationalism and law and order. Trump has signaled he is moving away from deportations and it remains to be seen if the wall is next
No deportations means amnesty or de facto amnesty.
When he shows up at the NAACP or the wailing wall you get 5 pts to Griffindore!
Why should Trump show up there when he brings the leaders of the people of color to him?
The Blueprint calls for international free-trade agreements and a more liberal immigration system; it recommends reducing spending on Social Security and Medicare and promoting democracy and human rights abroad.
And they wonder why they’re in exile. The only people who approve of that agenda in whole are the people that wrote the blueprint.
Side note: William Kristol has been tutoring and mentoring Ben Shapiro since he was 18 or 19.
It means there is a direct line of Jewish intellectual mentoring, tutelage and descent from Trotsky to Shapiro.
Troysky > Irving Kristol > Bill Kristol > Ben Shapiro.
“And yet the intellectuals persist; what else can they do? Having formulated the Blueprint, there was nothing to do but release it, orphaned, into the world. …”
No! There’s always Egg McMuffin, he’ll run with it!
What’s there for the Judeo-Plutocratic elite to dislike? More immigration, legal and illegal, more “free trade” deals for Wall Street, and that old favorite of the contards, more wars in the Middle East with the option for one with Russia.