“A group of men chanting “Black Lives Matter” was accused of viciously beating up seven white victims in Akron early Sunday morning.
According to the police report, the attack happened around 12:30 a.m. in the area of Carroll and Goodkirk streets.
Police said seven white men were walking when they were approached by five black men and two white men, shouting, “Black lives matter.”
The suspects started hitting them with bottles, punching and kicking the victims. One victim fell to the ground and was kicked in the head several times before losing consciousness. The suspects then took the victims’ belongings before running off.
Both Akron police and University of Akron officers responded and located the suspects nearby. …”
Do you think the SPLC will write something about it? I doubt it because the victims of the mob violence were Whites and the perpetrators were not “rightwing extremists.” Just like Milwaukee, this is not “a story about race” that fits the Narrative. They’ve also doubled down on saying Black Lives Matter is not a hate group.
Akron, Ohio is where that black mob famously attacked a White family while screaming “this is our world” and “this is a black world” now a few years ago. Trump was there giving a speech just yesterday, but he probably wasn’t aware of this.
Note: I didn’t hear about it either until late last night.
Cleveland 19 News Cleveland, OH
I don’t know what it’s going to take to get Whitey to start fighting back but once it happens Sambo is in BIG trouble.
Thousands of people are reported missing each day in the USA. Most of them turn up to be safe and sound. Some are never found. I don’t think the world misses antagonistic anti-White Leftists when they go missing. It’s not really worth the effort to try to find them. Most people are too busy enjoying the peace and quiet to even care.
Just a thought.
What will it take?
Consensus on the end state and all alternatives discredited.
Two of these things are not like the others.
Ricky and Bobby Dolezal.
Systemic violence is not going to come about from the Right, decades of vanguardism has done squat to bring this about.
Systemic violence will per usual start from the Left, they will legitimize it, its what they do.
The Right could incite the Left to this violence, and I think they are prime targets for a pysyche campaign against them. If you have ever talked to a run of the mill leftard, they are little more than emotional machines easily triggered.
We need to find the two whites involved with these apes and burn them at the stake
They want us dead.
So did the two white guys also involved in the attack not realise that they are not black? Lol Could it be the Rachel Dolezal illness, or are they both just a pair of birdbrain cucks?
Are we sure they are White?
Wiggers are just as bad, if not worse because they should know better.
Wiggers or they could be the sons of white trash whores with half nigra sibilings. Lots of them in the worst slimy ghettoes
Always be armed and ready willing and able to fight with weapons besides guns.
White Americans put way too much faith in guns, guns, guns.
The target $12 T Ball bat is the most cost effective weapon in human history.
Carry it in a gym bag with a ball and glove.
Its rare that I travel armed. I cannot carry at work and I am unwilling to leave a weapon unsecured – as in a car.
If stuff hit the fan, that would change.
Always carry a small knife, box cutter, military pen, strong mace that can be used for a hand club.
Spend some time in the gym, and if you have enough time train in BJJ as well. Most fights end up in grappling, not so much fist fighting after the first few seconds.
If a person has to reach for something in a fight that unfolds quickly, the guard is let down and the focus is lost for that fraction of a second. Being good with your hands is more effective in that quick moment than a weapon.
I like having a bat, walking cane or even a tennis racket in my hand.
Here is a good example: http://www.inquisitr.com/2643245/did-he-die-guy-unknowingly-picks-fight-with-alleged-ex-mma-fighter-at-uhaul-truck-man-left-unconscious/ (scroll down on the link for the video)
Note that he got inside of the guard rather than wasting energy with a fist fight. If he had reached for a weapon the nigger would have punched him in the head. Instead the fight lasted less than ten seconds.
Chuck Lidell is an exception. The video below at the 2:00 minute mark shows extreme stand up skill against Wand Silva. Lidell keeps space, watch his foot work. Funny thing, he was actually a wrestler, his skill at staying just in range is amazing.
His punches are on target, always. Rarely shoots or grapples.
How about some better music?
Glob Elites don’t mind OPEN BORDERS because they have CLOSED CEILINGS that protect their Elysium from the diversified mongrel rabble below. Open the world horizontally, close off their domain vertically.
Black thugs matter.
Akron is a scary place, I remember the white couple getting attacked a few years ago. I wouldn’t go anywhere near that liberal pesthole without firearms.