About Hunter Wallace 12409 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


      • No. His eye is not what will be shot out. Thanks for taking precious time away from your sodomite activities, to comment!

        • What can I say Denise? They love me. They see my name and think ignorant Bumpkin Bubba Klan Member I let them think it and then sucker them in for the attack

          • Honestly, I have seen so may liberals, even “professional” newscasters get pounded in a debate with white racialists because they are captive to their unnatural ideology in that all liberals believe white racialists are ignorant and illiterate and too stupid to argue their point coherently. The number David Duke has beat in a debate is staggering. On the other hand I have seen more than a few Klan types get their a*s handed to them in a debate!

          • I knew you would respond with something along those lines. But just because someone engages in what you consider to be menial labor does not preclude that person from being literate or well-read, Sirrah.

          • Go bore someone else, you vicious thing. “A jig in a library.” — This being is dragged–his ancestors are dragged–into a civilization in which neither he nor they belong, and then you think you’re entitled to mock them for their inability to flourish in it. You’re just white scum.

          • African NIGGERS sold OTHER African NIGGERS to the HEBES. Run over to Afreaka and beg the NIGGERS to stop enslaving NIGGERS in September 2016. And enjoy the reams of BBC.

          • That was the result of the civil war,to drag them to a civilization they don’t belong,read the book,”Dutch seaborne empire” CR Boxer ,and see how the shipping companies through a propaganda campaign in the protestant church,made the slave trade a mission to bring the Africans to Christian morals and etiquette,the white man’s burden.
            To this day they are doing damage to us through the churches.

          • You are more concerned over a race which is NOT under genocidal attack rather than the one that is, the White Race, presumably the same race you belong to?

          • Why should the typical dumb black have any respect for the law? It is not his law but an alien races laws written for their temperament. Their own laws would probably be much more lenient for the misbehavior that seems normal for them. Like in the Boondocks with the “Nigga Moment” where it is seen as natural for blacks to just loose it and do something stupid. It’s these suburban liberal whites who are mystified that throwing money for “education” etc doesn’t turn the hood rats into latte drinking middle class white people.

          • I always suspected you were an anti-White, anti-American Marxist pansy but thank you for confirming it. I flushed you out into the light of day, you rat.

          • From Shakespeare, no doubt–or maybe the old MGM script department. Sometimes, it’s hard to tell …

          • WTF is WRONG with you? That FUCKING NIGGER didn’t have a right to BE their, and the FUCKING KIKES ran the slave trade.

        • Actually Denise its not Negroid DNA as much as it is SEMITIC ie JEWISH DNA. Jews lived in Sicily and the Italian Boot since about 700 BC. In fact in Sicily the Jewish/Semitic DNA Markers test about 25% of the time the Negro ones are like less than 2% and those mostly didnt come from full blooded Negroids but via mixed blood Egyptians

  1. So–is this your great contribution to Southern dignity, Mr. W.? You go to college, you get a history degree–and then this is it? “Lulz,” “LOL”–denying this being dignity simply because he got upset about your racism. I’m as much of a racist as you are; but if I caught myself–or got caught–indulging in this kind of mockery, of a being whose ancestors were dragged into this world in which he doesn’t belong, I’d know I merit a good dressing-down.

    Maybe you and your fellow Southern Nationalists should concentrate a little more on the quality of the whites who give you attention. Never will you see, on the internet, such illiteracy, belligerence, and nastiness as you see in the comments of websites like this one. Dixie has a long way to go–and a lot of alcohol to leave behind–before it will be a culture in any important sense of that word. This man, at least, in referring to the Bible, spoke of Jesus, not the Old Testament war stories that seem to be the Bible’s greatest attraction for Southrons.

  2. What happened? The Negroid showed up and flipped out over the shocking concept that some Whites do want to pursue our own racial interests?

    • When we adjourned for lunch and returned he was sitting there with a white female associate and eventually joined by a white male companion and they hugged and shook hands four or five different ways before he sat down.They were not at the morning sessions.

  3. Didn’t LOS cuck out? A lesson too many Whites refuse to learn: You can’t include negroes or any other non Whites in pro-White groups. Perhaps if our very racial survival was not at stake things would be different…maybe.

  4. Point to the negro and say to your people, “Don’t you want to be free from men like this?”

    A question makes people think of the answer already within their minds.

    Freedom is good

  5. I recommend an Amren style dress code requirement for attendance at a private organization event. The mouthy Black guy is in a T Shirt.

    It generally handles at least 90% of the problem when you/we require people to dress in collared shirt and some kind of jacket.

    Reds, Antifas, street Blacks generally can’t do a dress code.

    Also we want our people to dress appropriatly for things like church, weddings, funerals.

    • Its simple. A Negro preacher and library employee invaded a League of the South venue while we were at lunch and then after a speech got belligerent and his own library staff had to come get him.

  6. As soon as I saw him when I came back, I’d would have asked him to leave. If he doesn’t have a paying ticket, he doesn’t get in. There is no talking to these morons. Their minds are made up. In fact talking to them is a complete waste of time.

    • Yup. The big problem if this occurred in a public place. They can’t refuse any-one. If you are going to do something like this, you have to describe the meeting as a private party, or members only, etc.

  7. One more reason to have these meetings on private property. Each state could use a League building of its own I suppose, but I guess, well I would say “we” but since I’m not a member I’ll say “they”, are not there yet.
    Has anyone discussed having zones for the League so that each zone could have a building? That would be kind of a stairstep approach to each state having its own building someday. Maybe a good goal for now would be three zones like in this pic, with each zone having a central League building. You already have a building in AL to cover the center zone, so WV, VA, MD, NC, and SC might work together to get a building in central NC while TX, LA, AR, MO (and maybe OK) might work together to get a building in AR. Once there are buildings in NC and AR, then other states in those zones can use them as long as they like and build/buy their own state buildings whenever they are good and ready. Ideally the buildings acquired in NC and AR would just become the League buildings for those states as all other states in those zones would have built/bought their own buildings.
    An old repurposed church, fire station, furniture store, farm supply store or something like that might be picked up for quite a bargain and make a dandy League building.

  8. One more reason to have these meetings on private property. Each state could use a league building of its own I suppose, but I guess, well I would say “we” but since I’m not a member I’ll say “they”, are not yet at that point yet.

    Has anyone discussed having zones for the League so that each zone could have a building? That would be kind of a stairstep approach to each state having it’s own building someday. Maybe a good goal for now would be three zones like in this pic, with each zone having a central League building. Just looking at the map, NC and AR look like good states to put the next 2 buildings in. Then other states could split to build/buy their own buildings whenever they are good and ready.

    I bet an old church, fire station, furniture store or farm supply store could be picked up for a bargain and fixed up a bit to make a dandy League building, and as an added bonus, each new building would be an ideal location for a Confederate flag to fly.

  9. I love it when blacks bring up Jesus Christ AND how the message of Christ is lost on these frauds. When have you ever seen a black forgive and forget?? Christ along with calling whitey racist is just another tool to use to guilty whites into accepting and tolerating evil.

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