Sharing this here for Jack Ryan:
“A suspect in last week’s wave of gruesome church shootings in Shelbyville, Tennessee church buildings was arrested over the weekend. Muslim convert Wendell Buchanan was arrested Saturday afternoon shortly after he was seen driving by Horse Mountain Church of Christ on Horse Mountain Road, which was hit on at least three separate occasions by gunfire. Buchanan allegedly fired into two other churches — Philippi Methodist Church and Singleton United Methodist Church — the University of Tennessee Extension office and shot out several Charter Communications cable boxes during overnight hours Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. What the media is not reporting is the suspect is a Muslim convert.”
Who could have ever predicted that?

I’m so proud to have stood with my Southern brothers and sisters when we took to the streets of Middle Tennessee and took on Tyson Foods and 1 billion Islamic Jihadists….
No Jihad in Tennessee…..
(A clear majority of locals preferred the Somalians to me- Midwestern Anglo “Yankee” I hate that smear)
Well, at least I did my best. Much better than my cowardly kiss a*ss relatives.
Are you saying, sane, that it really seemed to you that most of the Southern whites you observed preferred the company of the blacks to being with you? You’re not joking?
Yes, I was joking.
I was treated great by my Southern brothers and sisters.
God bless the South.
Three year old article but important.
SHELBYVILLE, Tenn. – It has been nearly 20 years since Somalia last had a functioning government. Islamic jihadists now control most of the country-and sharia is the law of the land. Tens of thousands of Somali refugees have resettled in America in recent years to escape the chaos of their homeland, which is located in the Horn of Africa.
But the transition isn’t going smoothly in one small town. At first glance, Shelbyville is your typical sleepy southern hamlet. It’s nestled in middle Tennessee, where the walking horse is king. There’s Main St., the local sheriff, a movie theatre. It’s all very “Mayberry,” except for one big difference: the recent arrival of hundreds of Somali Muslims. Shelbyville is about an hour’s drive from Nashville, in the heart of the Bible Belt. Like many Americans, the citizens of Shelbyville knew little about Somalia other than the 1993 Black Hawk Down incident, in which 18 U.S. servicemen were killed while battling warlords and Islamic jihadists in the Somali capital of Mogadishu. So when hundreds of Somalis began turning up in the town–many of them dressed in traditional Islamic garb–locals quickly took notice. “They’ve had an impact here. Unfortunately, it’s not been a good impact,” said Brian Mosely, a reporter for the local Shelbyville Times-Gazette.
Mosely won an award from the Associated Press for a series of articles he wrote for the paper about Shelbyville’s Somalis. “I found that there was just an enormous culture clash going on here,” he said. “The Somalis were–according to a lot of the people I talked to here–were being very, very rude, inconsiderate, very demanding. Tthey would go into stores and haggle over prices. They would also demand to see a male salesperson, would not deal with women in stores”….
This is the real reason the Islamicists are placing Mosques in the South. They want Rufus and Topsy to convert to Islam so we have homegrown Jihad. Very simple folks. When you read about Mosque Construction in Backwoods Mississippi know this, its for CONVERSION of the DARKIES
They’ve been exploiting blacks as political weapons since 1850. Unfortunately, neither the blacks, or their white targets, have figured it out yet.
I didnt know Islam stretched back that far James, but the Jews have been exploiting the Negro issue and were a large part of the Abolitionist movement albeit secretly. Neither Southerners nor Yankees in 1860 understood the Jew Issue, the South even regarded Jews as full citizen White. Judah P Benjamin was what 2 heartbeats away from the Presidency if I can remember the succession system under the CSA Constitution.
Yep. Tennessee has been importing mooselimbs by the thousands for years. So, TN how’s that working out for you?
This is clearly the result of Donald Trump supporters sending mean tweets to journalists with jewish sounding last names. The solution is to ban all guns and import more brown moslems.
If you were cynical you could make a fucking fortune predicting the responses and actions.
Look at that pic.
It didn’t have to convert.
Wow. We were right on. Wonder if the (((media))) will call to ask how we could have known the future?
Haha, no.
I remember how I waited for the phone calls to come from the media after Chattanooga. They didn’t want to talk to me about that.
Of course, it’s all WT’s fault., Again. Blacks adopt Islam because it’s contrary to Christianity and therefore Whiteness. That’s why I think they adopt freaky names, instead of “William” or “Susan”, which don’t really fit them anyway. Anything to distance themselves from White civilisation.
Interesting thought, James Owen. I had just assumed it was because of their dramatic genetic differences from us; but perhaps it is also an intentional in-your-face to white folk. good point.
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The Negro cult The Black Hebrew Israelites are very hostile toward the Muslims although I do not like or support either, they confront the Muslims quite nastily. Islam in the Negro Community is the Jailhouse religion
Is this a genuine muz convert or just a nigger looking for new ways to double down on niggerdom?
Does it really matter? Because black lives don’t…matter, that is
Seems to be only your wingnut sites that are saying he was Muslim
You Cons are gullible.
And you probably don’t think that 90% of all of the media in the United States is not is owned by Jews? Talk about gullible.
I’m Jewish.
Please…say that shit to my face.
Are you a KKKatholic priest by any chance?
It’s best to have members of the tribe explain the facts of life about the power of the tribe:
Joel Stein LA Times
Who runs Hollywood Come on
And we do a good job, too…
That must piss off that asshole Bill Donohue…a man I’d like to punch in the mouth.
Who’s Bill Donohue?
Also, I question whether “the Powers that Be” in Hollywood are now doing a good job of producing intelligent, positive movies. Outsides of Marvel Comics super hero movies, name anything good in Hollywood now?
No musicals, no westerns, nothing funny – instead we get humorless feminist remakes of Ghostbusters.
lolz. “we”. your global elitist pals will ship you off to the camps just like they did in deutschland. throwing fellow members of their tribe under the bus is nothing new for them.
Try it.
This Jewish Marxist is ready for you…. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/8cae5cee6719d9fef704919491d8e4b6e7afe49e519dea29fd9fbe24e0b6cd43.png
Jews only talk tough when they are scared, That’s why in history they make up the vast majority of soldiers convicted for desertion and cowardice. Palestine is beating back the IDF simply with children with knives but of course the IDF responds by killing babies. Hows that working out for you?
When you get home, can you look for my socks? I left them under your sisterwife’s bed….
The Edomite reveals himself
Nah…I’m fully clothed, snapperhead.
No group of people more inbred on earth than the filthy Ashkenazic Edomite Devils in fact DNA says you are all the equivilent of about 6th Cousins. Thats why mental illness and cancer afflicts you. God is Just
Ashkenazic Edomite Devils….
I think my wife and and I saw them play one night at a thrash metal show.
You assume I’m a Zionist.
I’m not.
Israel doesn’t speak for me.
Doesn’t matter which IST you hide behind, its all the same thing in the end
Explain, Einstein….
This is your definition of bravery. Dead children
Sodomy and Usury. Thy work of the filthy Jew.
Nice try. I shower every day.
Wash your brain.
My granddaughter has a message for you. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/b7b2c847c6fa4db1ac75950e25621eb7f8e400048a433deab7b72a72b0a08cfa.jpg
Leave it to a filthy kike who enjoys the corruption of little girls.
Oh, my granddaughter is hardly a corrupted child. She’s very intelligent.
You should talk to my ex. She’s a KKKatholic anti-Semite. You and her and her equally vile husband would get along great.
What would you call Louis Wirths ethnic warfare on ethnic Irish, Polish, and Italians in Chicago back in the 40’s?
Am I missing something with the dots there, snapperhead?
Funny how the Jew is enabling the rise of Islam into the west. Nazi boy.
Or how about E Michael Jones giving an extensive overview of his book The Slaughter of Cities? You should love this one.
E. Michael Jones…
Some say Louis Wirth (Jew) admired the ethnic cleansing policies of Stalin, and birth control policies by Hitler. But what about the ethnic warfare against ethnic Catholic Poles in Chicago? Are you still there, Scooter?
What ethnic warfare in Chicago? Enlighten this 50% Dutch, 25% Russian and 25% Ukranian Jew.
I have mixed feelings on socialism. In some elements it works. In others its flawed
Oh… A Kike. Go to hell- or Israel. Same diff. Cute allusion to the co-opted RC cult- which your kind destroyed via Vat. II. More blood on your hands, Christ-killer.
Oh…you’re definitely a SSPXer, like my racist ex and her husband are.
People like you is why my wife is a proud ex-KKKatholic…
You sound like a jerk named Baran I once encountered online…you him?
No, not even that. And if your wife married you -and you were a Jew, she already Damned herself covenantally, by agreeing to have you be her spouse. She has no eternal future, and only if she divorces you, will she ever attain Heaven. So think of what you have done in damning your own wife. Truly, Jews have no souls.
Oh…she already left Catholicism when she was 15 🙂
Why would she divorce me? We’ve been together over 27 years and we lived together for 10 years before we made it legal. Shit…my Irish ex-Catholic wife acts more Jewish than me 😉
If anybody should be damned, it’s this POS…my racist KKKatholic ex….you can see the bigotry in her sneer…. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e2041db1573c077200454dccf4470ef8dd35059c9d629670ddddaffbbe0a00c2.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/0a53b0b6277b23703c422e62b12c8c5f0dfb48e82611ee05d26e27aa621b1e5e.jpg
Need I point out that it’s not a white person who has “converted” to pisslam?
As long as we let non-whites immigrate, this will continue. I no longer attend church, but back when I did usually carried a 1911. (I am still a Christian, just not in agreement with any church in my area).
I wonder when America is going to wake up to what is going on with non-white crime, much of the recent examples of it being non-white Muslims?
My white brothers and sisters, keep your head up whenever you are in a public place. You never know when a Jihadi,or just plain Negro, will show up to rob or kill you. Be safe.
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Alas the truth does not always set you free. A slave is still a slave even if he realizes he is a slave. Most of our people are awake, they know the score, but choose to do nothing. Awakening without activism profits us nothing, it just makes our dispossession and incremental extinction that much harder to bare
True Connor,
An aware slave is still a slave. I fell that many of the whites I know here in rural southern Indiana are waking up to black crime and Muslim immigrants being a problem. But they are generally clueless about the Jews. They are either going to churches that teach Zionism, or products of Fox News and Hollywood. I started reading David duke about three years ago. I think I am the only person in my family and small circle of friends doing so. Most people I that personally know are clueless concerning the jQ.
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The Black Supremacists are directly involved in Islamic Radicalism. Both are the enemy of America and White Nations. However we shouldn’t forget the Jewish Supremacists who work through Liberalism in welcoming the Islamic Terrorists into our White Nations. All in the name of destroying the White Race. The Jew State of Israel has a foundation on racial nationalism. However those same Jews promote the idea of “Multiculturalism” which results in more Islam in the West. We shouldn’t take a pick on which is the Biggest Enemy of our People! Both equally are the enemy! WPWW !
Good point, Brian Pierce. When the Alt-right let the 15th anniversary of 9/11 slide by without much talk of the Jewish subversion documented by AFP, Christopher Bollyn, and others -it seemed a bit strange to me. They ignored the hard science about controlled demolition of the Twin Towers (free fall descent in to their footprint, nano, and the Jewish connections. I gleaned that this was because they are so dialed into the Arabs-done-it narrative that they forgot the 1950’s Lavon Afair.
You are right that the Jews are currently European mankind’s greatest enemy.
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Do not post wild, impossible conspiracy theory lunacy here on OD.
The 9-11-01 Islamic mass slaughter of our people in our country is a straight forward brutal fact of life – it’s not something weird, conspiracy theory lunacy.
The Jewish contribution to the mass slaughter of our people by Saudi Arabian Islamists on 9-11-01 isn’t something weird. Jews in the USA and throughout the world work opening to destroy our immigration restriction policies. Jews overwhelmingly work for open borders immigration to the USA/the White West – it’s not a secret it’s what the Jews do.
We’ve documented the Jewish promotion of anti White, race replacement immigration to the USA/the West.
Jews were expelled from Spain in the 15th century and also target by the Catholic Inquisition for taking the Arab Muslim Moor side against Whites in Spain.
The Jews are doing the same here in the USA and throughout the West.
Don’t post any more lunacy conspiracy theory nonsense on OD.
Have a nice day.