(October 10th 2016 Update: “Birth of a Nation” tanked at the box office. The movie and the rapist actors, writer and director has lost it’s positive buzz and is now expected not to win any more awards).
We haven’t had many/any pro Southern movies coming out of Hollywood in a long time. What was the last movie that was fair, somewhat sympathetic to the South?
Gone with the Wind in 1939?
Walt Disney’s Song of the South 1946?
That’s not completely fair – Ted Turner did produce “God’s and Generals” in 2003, which was something of a follow up to the excellent movie “Gettysburg” also marketed by Ted Turner. I didn’t much care for “God’s and Generals” – too preachy, not realistic, lots of scenes of Southerners trying to sound PC, not in anyway racist etc. But since Ted Turner married Hanoi Jane Fonda, merged his Turner broadcasting empire with Gerald Levin’s Time Warner Inc – Ted Turner disappeared from the movie production world and we’ve been stuck with endless Hollywood movies inciting Blacks to hate and kill Southern White people.
Who runs Hollywood? C’mon Joel Stein LA Times
Today we’ve reached a new low with the mass release of the movie:
“Birth of a Nation” (BoaN).
This movie celebrates the life of Black slave turned revolutionary mass murderer Nat Turner. The movie contains many historical inaccuracies such as the depiction of evil White racists raping Nat Turner’s Black wife, which supposedly was one of the just causes for Nat Turner slave rebellion. This never happened.
With the Hollywood industry desperate to market PC, social justice warrior movies and give some Academy Awards to Black directors and actors, “Birth of a Nation” was wildly embraced at the Sundance Film Festival. The movie sold in a record-shattering $17.5 million acquisition by Fox Searchlight (more evidence that the Murdoch children are moving the Fox media empire in to typical Hollywood, anti White, anti Southern directions).
In a bizarre Stalinesque scene, Sundance Festival audiences reportedly gave the BoaN movie long standing ovations…before they actually viewed the movie!
Fortunately, we live in the age of the Internet. Thus, the carefully constructed propaganda/PR machine for this terrible hateful movie has been disrupted by some unpleasant facts and regular Americans are publicizing these facts through social media.
It turns out the 2 main Black writers, director and actors of this hateful movie Nate Parker and Jean Celestin were apparently involved in a rape of a White college student when they were student athletes at Penn State University. Both Parker and Celestin were prosecuted for this rape, with Celestin being found guilty. “The powers that be” managed to get the rape conviction reversed on some legal technicality. The rape victim was mercilessly harassed by supporters of the defendants and the powerful Penn State athletics community and she later committed suicide.
The sister of the rape victim has done a solid job of opposing this terrible, hateful movie and she took specific issue with Nate Parker and Jean Celestin exploiting the subject of rape in their movie. (Link)
What is to be done?
These hate White Southern people, hate YT porn movies are designed to incite hatred and violence. Don’t give in to their dark side.
Instead, just do what Jewish groups or the NAACP does when anyone insults Jewish people or Blacks, or produces any movie, musical song, book or anything they don’t like:
Put the word out – identify those responsible for producing and distributing this terrible movie – dox them.
I’m meeting this afternoon with the manager of the local movie theater showing this hate porn movie and expressing the community’s opposition – likening this to showing hard core porn movies to children.
So…. make the calls, write the e-mails/letters, do the meetings and get the word out.
We’re doing a much better job of this type of activism. Are we as good as the Jews at this?
But, we’re getting better, plus we’re still better at ice hockey.
“Yes, you’re definitely better at ice hockey.” — (((Ed Snider))), 1933-2016, founder and chairman of Comcast Spectacor, sports and entertainment company that owns the Philadelphia Flyers and “serves 300-plus clients at more than 400 properties including public assembly facilities throughout the United States and Canada.”
See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comcast_Spectacor
May I recommend “The Outlaw Josey Wales”, 1976. A Rambo-esque tale of a humble farmer turned gun slinger as a result of multiple Union atrocities. A story of revenge turned redemption, as the cool handed Josey Wales (played by Clint Eastwood) avenges his wife and children and his dead Confederate comrades at the hands of barbaric Union paramilitary forces while befriending and protecting a band of flawed, helpless characters on their way to starting a new life in the American Southwest.
Thanks. I might check it out.
Though I tend not to like Clint Eastwood movies. He just scowls the whole time.
Plus he’s liked by White Conservatives as sort of the only actor around at the time who wasn’t completely Lib Left and also doing Westerns were the leads weren’t gay.
Eastwood movies like Grand Torino are sometimes promoted on White Nationalist boards and blogs but the movie is terrible anti White where the Clint Eastwood character despises his White children and White grandchildren and embraces immigrants of Loatian Hmong!
Well Eastwood is married to a non white and has produced mixed race offspring so he is antiwhite as they come.
He isn’t married to a non-White now. As far as I can tell, most of his kids are White – but there are a couple of Mudschlings, and he seems like a right arsehole.
Well he was married to a non white and made a reality show about their life and their mixed race kids lives to promote to white teens. Sick
Ewww. Yuck
At least John Wayne wasn’t a flaming queer homosexual like most of Hollywood
At least queers don’t produce sick genetic refuse garbage like ‘Latrinas’ and Mestizos since they can’t reproduce. Not that I would prefer either.
I know a lot of older White guys younger Latina relationships that work great .
The children are White just with brown eyes.
Latrina garbage is disgusting and the entire South American continent and Mexico is a result of white guys with mayan pygmies.
Race traitors will be dealt with harshly in the future.
John Wayne married a Latina his song looks great
John Wayne was always a liberal
No, he wasn’t.
You might be interested in “The Reconstruction of Asa Carter,” an hour-long documentary at YouTube. Asa Carter was a Southern segregationist who supposedly penned George Wallace’s “segregation forever” speech. As “Forrest Carter,” he wrote “The Rebel Outlaw: Josey Wales,” the novel that was the basis of the Clint Eastwood movie. His life, I would say, is a very-unusual piece of American history.
Here’s the link:
Thanks. I’ll take a look at it.
This scene, like most of the film, is set during Reconstruction…
Jack Ryan, why do you guys consistently talk about a failed dream state Dixie which never seem to happen in the foreseeable future. You guys reallyy need to pull your head out of your ass. May be is it consider bcos u fags consider it a safe place for you to fuck with your Jew butt buddies and slurp every bit of what they give without any intervention from you guys most detested yankees. Also what abt the nigs do u slurpwhat they give it as well
This comment violates OD comment guidelines prohibiting vulgar and obscene language.
Please go hang out somewhere else – go play somewhere else, preferably in automobile traffic.
Go play with your friends. Since you probably don’t have any friends….
Go play with yourself.
You mean “Jeeewwwws”. Not “Jeeews”. Jeeeews”. Scum of the Earth. Demons. Jews.
My guess it’s going to be a carbon copy of Braveheart.
Fucking Mel Gibstein besmirching Good King Edward Longshanks so he can make it in Hollywood.
Lulz. I liked them movie as historical fiction, but I LOVE Good King Longshanks. He was an Ideal Sovereign.
Who is the intended audience for this verkakte movie, the coloreds? They only like dumb comedies with lots of other coloreds in them. No self respecting White will be interested in seeing it and there won’t be any overseas market for it either. But I guess Hymiewood has shekels to burn.
Schools, Universities and HR departments.
The 2003 Civil War movie “Cold Mountain” starring Jude Law and Nicole Kidman was pretty good. Not too much Semitic Correctness, if memory serves.
Larry does Netflix still offer DVD rentals?
The live streaming stuff is all new stuff I don t like
I cried during the movie, because it shows the HORRID effects of Jews Wars, on Humans.
Instead of begging Hollywood to make better movies, we need to do it.
Kind of like Country Music and Christian Music having its own cultural power centers.
Huge opportunity here for those with the talent.
Anyone see the video of the Houston demonstration by White Lives Matter, where the blonde white woman stood with the BLM scuzz and reminded the white men (wielding a Pepe poster) of the rape and torture of a white woman by the KKK after some meeting in I think St. Louis?
She was powerful. They had no rebuttal.
Until this, your, ‘movement’ is totally purged of scum, of rape apologists (gee anyone around wanting to accuse a white woman of ‘hallucinating’ sexual assault and violence) you are either a jew front or a bunch of delusional whingers.
Accept reality. America was in some ways a rapist nation. Most whites weren’t the rapists (most jews were), and many to most were the victims. Check out the latest expose the left has released about Trump.
Man up or die.
Oh stop it. Rape has ALWAYS occurred. There was a rape scandal, in the Twenties, I think, and it DID cause major damage to the Klan because White Men ARE honorable. SO FUCK OFF with you BS
When did a Nigger, Kike, Spic, Gook, or Sand Nigger, or ANY OTHER ORC ever worry or apologize of even care about rape? Most Mud Men think rape is fine and dandy, I sincerely pray that the Race Traitor CUNT Is raped to DEATH by her darling Nigs.
Now YOU apologize to every man on this site.
I fight for my people because they are NOT ‘Nigger, Kike, Spic, Gook or Sand Nigger.’ They have the shame the mud races lack. They don’t rationalize or champion relativist values.
I’ll never apologize for them, us.
Then WHY did you INSULT every-one on this site? I know know folks who post here. In 3D. Not ONE of them has EVER advocated for rape, or defended rapists.
You write admiringly of the SICK WHORE Mudshark GARBAGE, who should be in the First Line on the Day of the Rope, as she challenged and insulted the White Lives Matter group. WTF is THAT all about?
I can’t go to demos like that cuz there would be a riot……………
It’s jew think, Denise, to somehow attribute unimpeachable morality to ‘white DNA.’ I have a people, not some abstract, fantasist notion of amino acid peptide chains. That means values and ideals as well as biology.
To me, it’s no insult to hold my people up to our best. It’s honorable. I suspect this movie is based on a fantasy as well, or at the very least a grotesque distortion.
But to deny that America was in some fundamental way founded on a zero sum rugged capitalist exploitation (of whites every bit as much of blacks) is niggardly and cowardly.
I have absolutely nothing to apologize to those whom the shoe fits.
Why am I here?
For any lurkers who share my belief in what ‘white’ or specifically northwestern european means. And for posterity, so that our god knows not all of us crawled.
I should add here, that ‘man up’ is a response to what is a mostly male-occupied and dominated group. But I personally see a partial ‘rape nation’ as a function of the class system, not of some non-existent class of ‘men.’ Women equally orchestrate systemic rape. And I have no apologies to weak and corrupt women, either.
The old days of the South rape was a hanging offense, and more white men than blacks were lynched as a result. (Which is why things like ‘Birth of a Nation’ and the entire ‘muh black lynchings’ is historically laughable). It’s the spread of liberalism which caused rape to be categorized as a more minor crime than it was before.
Interestingly enough several states including Louisiana still have and implement the death penalty in certain child rape cases. Alabama has laws pending in legislature.
Once the Rapugees take over, courtesy of Clinton the LESBO “feminist” and her Rapey Porn Kiddie Sex Jew backers – rape for the goyim will be mandatory.
What we must understand though is the definition of Rape has changed as well. Forcible Brutal Rape is a very clear open and shut thing. FACT. However the FemoCommunists have added things such as Date Rape and the like which have just served to turn men into weaklings.
The rule in the Old South as it was in most places was that if a woman put herself in a bad situation and ravishment happened, that was not Rape however her male kin could seek satisfaction.
I am a firm believer and I have told women this that if you dress and act like a Prostitute, be prepared to be used like one. If a lady wants to be treated like a lady she must act like one.
You are 100% wrong about the rule in the Old South and I wonder about your motives here? Rape laws have certainly become more lax and there was never a muslim sharia law of a woman ‘putting herself in a bad situation it’s her own fault, she shall be stoned’ – especially with the feral niggers running all over the place, literally anything could end up a bad situation.
Honestly, your opinions are our wives, mothers, daughters and sisters are of no importance. How many women dress like prostitutes up there in Ohio? Because you sure like to pontificate on a place you do not live and have never lived but never on your own home state.
Marcus that was my understanding of the Antebellum law code. As I said before some things at that time fell under a law enforcement issue, such as forcible rape and others fell under the code duello. In other words if a family member was slighted then you sought satisfaction. You didn’t go to the law for a slight as under the Common Law and most law codes of the Antebellum Era up until the modern day the Law only deals with clear open and shut cases. This was why lynch law was necessary as under Common Law, if there is no proof then there is no crime.
My firm belief Marcus is that as we no longer have Code Duello, we cannot adequetely police the slights and other things that fall outside of the realm of law enforcement.
Date Rape and the like are not technically according to the ancient definition prosecutable rape, HOWEVER they would fall under the code duello and a man should have a right if his sister/cousin/aunt etc was slighted to handle the situation.
I hope you didn’t misunderstand my meaning.
Marcus do you wish for me to pontificate on what I see on a daily basis? Alright we can do that. For one thing the only reason I don’t talk much about where I actually live is that I have written about 90% of them off. As I have written them off I believe our only hope for survival lie in two places. Dixie and Eastern Europe/Russia. That is unless things change and nationalism takes off in Western Eur and in all of USA. I wont hold my breath.
I feel the most for the families and folks who came from where my family came from in Appalachia that make up about 40% of the population where I live give or take. You know what I see? I see families where only two generations ago back in the Hills there was a respect for tradition and the family.
After two generations in the North and the Deindustrialization what has happened to them? A large number of them are divorced, the children are usually shacked up with different children with different parents and even some of the 2nd and 3rd generation practice Miscgenation something which would have gotten them severe punishment only 50 years ago. A large portion of these folks are now hooked on heroin and pills.
The thing is even if they were to go back to their ancestral homes, the same pills, the same family dysfunction and everything else is still there. There is literally nowhere to run and nowhere to hide from it. I have had relatives in Kentucky die of drug overdoses or end up in prison because of them. Every week or two when the paper came in to my grandfather from down there, he still got his hometown paper till he died, we would read all the obituaries and see about the average age was about 48 or so by death. All from pills.
When my daddy was a boy, drugs were unknown but you know how they became known? The poor children who went up North got hooked on them, then brought them back to Appalachia and gave them to their cousins and soon a drug boom began. Factor in the War on Poverty and how that changed things, it was a perfect storm.
This is what I see on an almost daily basis, all it takes is one trip to
Wal-Mart to seriously get you to lose faith in our people. While I am not endorsing it, there was a movie made about the White Family of Boone County West Virginia, THE WILD AND WONDERFUL WHITES OF BOONE CO. WEST VIRGINIA. A minister I knew who was a bluegrass picker knew the entire family. While I didn’t like alot of the movie because it was more “Hillbilly” exploitation which is just another attack by Jew Hollywood on us, parts of it were true.
Dee Ray White, who was the Patriarch of the Family had been a Coal Miner but for various reasons as the mines closed and men were thrown out of work and onto relief, suddenly it became a lifestyle and two generations to three later, the family is FUBAR. I have seen this in my own family, plenty of families I know personally etc.
Am I saying they are the majority? Absolutely not the majority are still good honest folks. The problem is their number keeps growing while ours decreases.
Marcus I said my opinion was that if someone goes out on these ridiculous Slut Walks as they are doing in all of the major cities and someone gropes or sexually harrasses them then they brought it upon themselves.
180 years ago, when dresses reached the floor, this wasn’t a problem as provacitive clothing had largely fallen out with the ascension of Christianity in the Roman Period and was only seen inside the Brothels.
My statement had to do with the world of TODAY not the world of 150-200 years ago. I should have clarified that better than I did
But you WUUUUUUV “powerful” coal burner skank GARBAGE that insult ordinary Whites, with their Nigger Cocks standing behind ’em….. re: a 90 year old rape scandal. it’s so powerful!
Yuk yuk yuk…
If those men were so ‘ordinary’ in most white people’s estimation, where are the thousands and thousands of said regular white people who lined up all year at Trump’s rallies?
I’m not going to respond to any more of your histrionics and childishness.
1) You can’t HELP yourself, cuz you are a simple BITCH, after all.
2) What do you know about White people?
3) Run along and pop your pimples. Put on some eyeliner and lipstick.
4) You have a VERY bad attitude. You’ll never find a husband if you continue in your joyless, Marxist cant.
Someone definitely can’t help herself.
Keeping cool when someone else can’t is a guilty pleasure, yup.
G’night, Denise.
Run along. You are tired, sad thing.
PS – you owe EVERY ONE on this site an apology for your insults. You are a coward, with NO honor, because you refuse to retract and apologize for your CHILDISH remarks.
Marxism is PURE Jew.
Capitalism is pure Jew. The extremes of either are just two sides of the same jew shekel.
Marxism is PURE Jew. Marx the KIKE sucked up to Capitalists. They should have bashed his ugly Hebe skull in.
Marxists are TOTAL leeching dumbasses. Keep spewing your nonsensical cant, you TOOL.
Feminism IS JEW. It’s totally JEW, created to destroy normal relations between men and women.
GROW UP. Don’t you DARE pontificate OR insult any-one connected to this site, you noxious TWIT. Go mewl to the Sand Niggers, Nigger Niggers, and JEWS about the evils of “capitalism” Piss off you Marxist SLAG.
YOU are trying to walk back your drooling admiration of the “powerful” Mud Shark slag. You aren’t fooling ANY-ONE but yourself.
I don’t need to ‘walk back’ anything. When I pointed out that Celestial Whoever was doing a ‘great jew impression’ with his accusations towards you of ‘mental illness,’ I did so out of principle.
We’d run into each other before and I don’t particularly like you as a person or consider you a sober critic or thinker – a fact you illustrate in spades on this thread.
But some of us do have principle and powers of discernment. We are not all reactionary hysterics. It’s unclear to me what separates your thinking, or lack thereof, from the mud masses you feel so superior to.
I don’t like you, and I think you are a tiresome, clueless Marxist PARROT. You illustrate your noxious, tedious Jewdeology with every post. Run along to your Marxist Wymyn’s group. Invite the “powerful” Mud Shark as guest speaker. You are a BORE.
You certainly aren’t.
You and the oh so presidential Trump should do a show together.
Lulz. See – you idiot TWAT. You can’t stop replying. HAHAHA!!!
The dig at Trump right on schedule.
I don’t like pigs ‘digging’ at my ‘p****.’
Go figure. Or don’t bother, I don’t really expect slavs to.
I’m so hurt by your words.
Well said, Denise.
Thanks. ANY woman, in the West, who continues to delude herself about race ANY sexuality is literally opening the door to million of SAVAGES, who will do exactly what they want to ANY woman they want.
DERANGED Western “feminists” – a JEW plan for utter social destruction and misery and horror – have been living a pathologically childish, and suicidally vain “fool’s paradise” for decades. THAT is just about to end.
Rapes occur, yes, but most men in this movement are not rape apologists.
Check FBI stats for what race has a ‘rape culture.’
We don’t care about BLM scuzz and women or men who stand with them.
Rape has always been taken as seriously as murder in traditional white societies, it is only liberals who have pushed that it should be recategorized and the rapists ‘rehabilitated’ – same with pedos.
Marcus a woman couldn’t even report rape committed by her husband till like 25 years ago in many parts of the South and possibly the North. Your claim that there was some united stance in liberals on this issue just isn’t accurate. Plenty weren’t color-coded prior to the mid-90’s. Even the supposed monolith ‘feminists’ absolutely weren’t. I’m open to rational debate, if anyone’s a grown up enough to handle it.
ETA The law wouldn’t categorize forced sex by a husband ‘rape’ is my point. That’s just the beginning.
Tell it to the Sand Niggers Hillary the Lesbo Rape Lover is planning to import. I’m sure they’ll be FASCINATED.
Here is my response. If a man has a bitchy wife that won’t do what he says and he resorts to somewhat less than gentlemanly solutions well then that is between GOD and HIM AND HER. If a woman denies her husband sex, he has three choices. 1. Accept Celibacy 2. Cheat on her or 3. Fix her little red wagon. As choice 1 isn’t easy for most men and choice 2 is immoral then he has choice but 3
Enough with the rape talk, who continues to advocate these kind of things if they aren’t a fed? I’m seriously questioning the motives behind anyone who would talk like this, especially on a public forum?
Marcus I didn’t advocate rape though in retrospect my words might not have been well chosen. Again as I have said before and will say a TRILLION QUADRILLION times that White Nationalists have a gigantic problem with the fact that feminism has really created an issue with our women. The Southern US does not have this problem to the extent you see it in the NORTH EAST WEST or EUROPE. This problem is that a portion of our female population has literally in the past 100 years went feral.
The question is how do we address the problem? I expect the issue has to be resolved with civility kindness love and teaching in most cases, but in more difficult cases, it may need to be resolved by other more direct means. ALL Nationalists espouse traditionalism and a return of White men to their proper roles I believe that you believe that we all believe it. The question is with things in such a mess, how do we redeem these young nubile females whose minds have been warped by this perversion? We will need these girls to propogate our species after all.
Marcus none of us have all the answers God knows i wish one of us did but we don’t. I am really not a hateful person nor would I mistreat anyone, but after seeing everything slide into the crapper for the thirty years I have been cognizent to notice it.
It looks like the Clinton campaigns October surprise has just been executed. How convenient that this story breaks just 2 days before the debate:
Who doesn’t understand Trump’s Nature? So what? I don’t give a flying one about any of that crap. If it costs him the election, then all the White Cucks, and Female Soccer Bitches will get an irrevocable lesson in Racial Reality, when all the African and Arab “Syrian Rapugees” from every HOLE on Earth are imported to displace and kill them. And the Cucks and Vapid Clutch the Pearls “feminists” will DESERVE everything that happens.
Interestingly it also has a Bush connection. Of Course!
Quel surprise! The Bushbergsteins. Whoddah thunk it?
Hillary’s tweet concerning Trump’s locker room talk.
Hillary ClintonVerified account?@HillaryClinton
This is horrific. We cannot allow this man to become president.
Oh, the horror!
Yet, Hillary’s randy husband of cigar fame and stained dress in the Oval Office didn’t seem to upset her sensibilities while he was President.
She even had staffers cover up Bill’s many ‘Bimbo eruptions.’
And the lefties in the media defended him as well.
Who cares about what people do in private? It’s none of our business, they said.
Don’t insult weasels.
Well I met with the local movie theater manager to express my displeasure with them showing “Birth of a Nation”.
I hope others also did this.
It’s the simple, day to day things that count.
God bless our people.
God bless the South….
Give us Yankees a break – we’re not so bad.
How did the manager respond? I don’t think it will show in my very rural area, but if it does, I’ll raise Hell,.
The manager was defensive, polite and respectful.
She gave me contacts higher up as those responsible for this shameful movie being shown here.
I felt really good for standing up for decency in my neighborhood.
This is….
My neighborhood.
We’ve definitely had our issues – but well done.
I did my simple best
This is my neighborhood.
Obama was my Illinois state representative and my neighbor.
But, today I stated my case that this was MY NEIGHBORHOOD and I din’t want violent hateful porn movies being show here.
I did my best.
I hope others here do the same.
White flight is over. There is no place left to go.
Moon Man lights the way.
Generally when people protest films it only helps promote them, as people want to see what the fuss is about. But in this case, when it’s so deserved, as opposed to prudish controllingness, it’s an excellent way to advertise to more complacent whites that there is an alternative to accepting the narrative they’re forcing. If people watch it they process it with rejection as an option, which any self-respecting whites will do. And even some who aren’t might begin to rediscover their pride.
Slurp up to Jack, now. Try to regain your (no) credibility.
Denise you following me around this thread is pathetic.
I wasn’t ‘slurping’ up to you when I criticized Celestial for jew-informed attacks on you.
To the adults in the audience, as someone who worked in the film industry I can assure people that producers love controversy and often try to build it around film releases. But the tide has turned to such an extent that whites can use jewish propaganda to our benefit. Jews’ arrogance is part of their weakness. They literally believe that we’ll keep ‘slurping’ this shit without protest, or that when we don’t we look like ‘white supremacists.’ They’ve gone so far that their propaganda is now ours to use.
You need to apologize to EVERY-ONE on this site, for your obnoxious, slandering comments. You insulted every-one here. You should send a check to White Lives Matter
PS – I gave Jack genuine, heartfelt credit for his actions. No one needs your “advice” or “approval”
Hunter’s crew has been doing real world activism for AGES. So get over yourself.
Hunter’s crew has failed to engage anyone but their own very discreet group.
Perhaps Hunter doesn’t need you policing his site for him. It’s odd that women who posit ‘feminists’ as some ultimate enemy, or who simplify an impossible-to-define 50 year-long movement, often seem like worse castrators of men than the most extreme feminists. Like extreme capitalism and socialism/communism, the hardcore feminists of yesteryear (today’s are all nuts) and hardcore anti-feminists both smother and suffocate men – two sides of the same shekel.
More Marxist tripe. Filled with Anti White JEWSHIT. From an alleged “White Advocate”. You are FULL RETARD. Your blather means nothing – and you know it.
You are utterly useless. Neither Hunter, nor any-one else, needs you for ANYTHING
By the way – Trump’s comments are hilarious and TRUE.
I am on Twitter. I am Tweeting to Trump, and his Followers, to try to get Kathy Shelton to this Sunday’s debate.
Maybe you could give us tips on how to use Twitter.
Well, this is just another of the many anti-white movies Hollyjewed comes up with to encourage niggs to kill whites.
Just in time for the elections. I heard that it will be in contention for all the awards.
Truth we need to hear.
Of course, stuff like this happens because blacks are more muscular and more aggressive. Evolution made them so. Nature is ‘racist’ because it created racial differences.
If Alt Right really wants to make revolutionary change, white males must swallow their white male pride and admit that they are no match to Negroes physically. Besides, the cat is already out of the bag. EVERYONE KNOWS THIS already. I mean boys and girls can see it in sports, streets, malls, and schools. So many white kids get beat up by blacks.
Maybe white males are afraid to admit that blacks have a physical advantage over them because it might turn white girls onto Jungle Fever for the tougher Negroes, BUT all white girls already know that blacks are tougher and rougher. They see rap, sports, and violence all over. So, it is an OPEN SECRET.
Alt Right needs to point to this fact because it is the BEST JUSTIFICATION for racial separation. If you say ‘whites are smarter than blacks’, it doesn’t indicate that blacks are a threat to whites. It just turns blacks into objects of pity and sympathy who should be taken care of.
Only by pointing out that blacks are stronger and more aggressive will the Alt Right make an effective case that Racial Separation is the only moral course of action since whites deserve SAFE SPACE from black thuggery and savagery.
Alt Right needs to champion the notion of Racial Rights, i.e. every race has a right to live in safety, security, and pride. For whites to be safe from black thuggery, they must EXCLUDE blacks and have a world of their own. If whites INCLUDE blacks, it leads to black violence against whites, black bullying of whites, and black males whupping white males and destroying white male pride and taking white women who lose respect for wussified white boys. White boys will be excluded from sports because athletically superior blacks will dominate, and increasing numbers of white wombs will exclude white seed in favor of black seed as white males will be reduced to cucked-out white boys.
Only when Alt Right openly discusses physical differences among whites and blacks–and point out that blacks constitute an existential threat to the white race–will there be a truly profound change in the political and social discourse. It will be the biggest game-changer in the future of the West.
Also, it will change the dynamics of victimology. Whites will be characterized as the biological victims and biological slaves of stronger and more aggressive blacks who evolved to be master-warrior thugs in hot, dark, and dangerous Africa where only the stronger and fastest survived among lions, hyenas, elephants, and killer mosquitoes.
As the natural victims of black thugs, whites will gain the moral high ground.
Heil Hitler.
Beautiful picture. Thank you.
In some physical aspects whites are superior. Power weight lifting is dominated by whites as is Hockey and Hockey may be more physical than football.I seen all black football teams pound white teams for a while BUT if whites continue to be methodical and not be swayed by emotions I’ve seen all white football teams regroup and come back and demolish all black football teams. If a black term gets behind it panics and goes all emotional.Blacks are more emotional than whites whereas whites are more methodical and calculating.
Whites now dominate boxing you faggot
I see the positives of a movie like this.
We in Alt Right do not want co-existence and integration with blacks.
So, movies promoting love and peace are more dangerous than movies promoting hatred and antagonism. We want blacks to hate whites because it gives whites more reason to hate them back and call for a world of their own.
Better this movie than something like GUESS WHO’S COMING TO DINNER and THE HELP.
I would say people like MLK and Oprah were more damaging to whites than people like Malcolm X and Farrakhan. If all blacks were like X and Farrakhan, we would have had racial separation already. Black hate justifies white hate. But when blacks act ‘nice’ like Bill Cosby, it is a Trojan Horse trick. Look what happened to the Trojans because they fell for the peace offer from the Greeks.
The MLK cult and memes of Magic Negroes and neo-mammies like Oprah(who smile a lot) made white people drop their guard.
So, I welcome these anti-white movies. The more, the better. I hope Hollywood makes 20 anti-white movies that rile up Negroes into violent action. It will ‘redpill’ many more whites.
Also, a movie like this is identitarian. It says blacks shouldn’t accept and surrender to white culture but look back to Africa for heritage and identity. OKAY, fine by me.
Blacks in America should identify more with black Africans, and whites in America should identify more with white Europeans. Blacks and whites in America should not identify with one another as ‘fellow Americans’.
Also, even though Nat Turner’s rebellion was frightful and ugly, there is a moral lesson here. Slaves should rise up and attack the masters. This goes for slaves everywhere.
White Americans are now slaves. Not slaves in physical chains but in mental and emotional chains since media and academia go all out to chain white hearts and minds with paralyzing ‘white guilt’. It’s like having a ball and chain around one’s ankle in the psychological sense.
Imagine if white folks were taken as slaves to China and forced to serve Chinese massuhs. If a white Nat Turner rebelled and killed Chinese massuhs and their kids, would you object?
So, I have nothing against slave rebellion. I agree that blacks were right to rebel and rise up for their freedom(even though, to be sure, black slaves were materially better off than ‘free blacks’ in savage Africa).
Sure, Nat Turner did grisly things, but what did US do in WWII against Japan? Japan killed 3000 in Pearl Harbor, so US retaliated by killing 2 million, many of them civilians by massive firebombing and dropping 2 nukes that killed scores of women, children, and babies. Righteous Rage always leads to excess violence. Blacks are no different in this.
And consider Germany and Russia. Germany invaded Russia and killed millions of Slavs. USSR lost 20 million in WWII. So, how did the Soviets get revenge? They destroyed much of Germany and raped 3 million women.
If Japan had done to US what Germany did to Russia, I think Americans would have killed ALL Japanese… and maybe it woulda been justified.
Since blacks bitch endlessly about slavery and ‘racism’, I say let them hate white folks and let them seek a separate existence.
That will be good for whites since blacks are naturally tougher, stronger, and more aggressive, thereby a physical and sexual threat to whites. Black males are beating up white boys, and white girls are turned on by jungle fever because they grow up to rap music, football and basketball, and incidents of black males lording over weaker white males who act like toady dogs in front of blacks.
We need Safe Spaces for whites from blacks. Nationalism is about preserving one’s nation as a safe space from foreign invaders. And race-ism is about preserving one’s community as a safe space from dangerous races such as blacks who often beat up white guys and sexually conquer white girls.
Safe Space is one idea that the Right should lift from the Progs. The Right need to push for Racial Rights. Racial Rights says all races deserve a homeland(like Jews in Israel), and all races deserve to live in safety and security. Since blacks are naturally stronger, more aggressive, and more pathological, whites have a Moral Racial Right to demand SAFE SPACES away from blacks.
Sure, Progs will whine about ‘racism’, but progs use gentrification, stop-and-frisk, immigration, and section 8 to create safe spaces for themselves from black crime.
White progs supported Bill Clinton’s measure to lock up record numbers of blacks. White progs used gentrification to out-price blacks and push them out of city areas. White progs used Section 8 to massively relocate urban blacks to suburbs and small towns, thereby dumping the black problem on OTHER whites. Progs also use immigration to use smaller/docile Asians and Hispanics as buffer against black thugs.
So, in what they DO(as opposed to what they SAY), white progs are all about seeking safe spaces from black thugs.
I support black hate and rage since it justifies counter-hate and counter-rage among whites. The radicalization of the black community will lead to radicalization of white community. Also, when blacks get angry and attack whites, they won’t attack just conservatives but also Liberals and Jews. That means many white Progs will become ‘redpilled’ by the black fist, and they might see the light.
Did you get chased off “The Right Stuff”? YOU are a homo with Black Cock fetish. THAT is why you “support” this noxious fillum
Here be some Troof:
I’m all for what Nat Turner did. We need White Nat Turners. Let us have a white slave rebellion. White folks are soul-sensual slaves of Jews. Jews own the eyes, ears, hearts, and minds of white folks cuz Jews own the brain centers of the West: media, academia, government, advertising, entertainment.
Cuckery is psycho-sexual enslavement of the white race. White men are so browbeaten that they think it’s ‘progressive’ to invite black ‘bulls’ to fuc* their white wives or girlfriends.
Today, cucked white fathers tell their sons, “Son, I invite big black guys to fuc* your mother. If you don’t approve, you are ‘racist’. I want your sister to reject a white guy and use her womb to have a black kid. And one day, you will also get to invite a black bull to fuc* your wife and then tell your son about it.”
This is how cucked out white males think. They are mental slaves.
This is slavery. White males need to be angry. They need to be like Nat Turner. They need to get radical.
Sure, this movie is about blacks killing whites, and that is ugly. But whites are to blame because they brought over all these black savages from Africa. White slave-owners not only enslaved blacks but future white folks. Because those white capitalist plantation owners wanted cheap labor, they got all these non-white savages. Eventually, these savages were freed, and it turned out they are more muscular and have bigger dongs than whites. That led to biological slavery of whites. It led to jungle fever among white women who now go crazy about Negroes.
So, if blacks killed those idiot southern whites who traded in black slaves, I don’t give a shit. Those southern whites who brought slaves did great harm to future whites.
Now that whites are under mental slavery of Jews and biological slavery of blacks, they need to think in terms of slave rebellion. It is time for whites to become like Spartacus.
Also, we in Alt Right don’t believe in harmony and peace with Negroes. We want separation. For this to happen, we welcome increasing bitterness between the races, and a movie like this is most welcome. I wish Hollywood makes 100 movies like this every year. Blacks will come to hate more and cause more trouble, and then whites will become radicalized in turn.
May Jews who run Hollywood promote and spread black hate.
Rise of black hate is also good in this sense. Blacks don’t discriminate between white cons and white libs when they attack. So, a lot of angry blacks will attack urban white Libs who will be ‘redpilled’ by the black fist.
The huge reduction in black crime due to increased policing made the US more ‘liberal’ because urban ‘progressive’ gentry no longer had to worry about crime and black thuggery. They could pontificate about ‘social justice’ and virtue-signal.
But when blacks get angry and turn every city into something like Baltimore, even stupidass white Libs will wake up.
You are all biological slaves of the stronger and more aggressive Negroes who be whupping your ass, dominating sports, taking over schools, and humping your women.
Rebel and be white Nat Turners.
I’m no fan of nutty William Pierce, and I never read Turner Diaries, but he understood, as did Nat Turner, that it takes radical will to strike fear into the enemy.
Stop using ALL CAPS
It sounds like you are shouting, ranting and raving.
No most definitely NO we are not like Nat Turner or these terrible Black rapists that produced this terrible movie.
Shame on you.
Andrea is really a homo male, with a Negro fetish. JUST like Milo. It just got chased off TRS
Nat Turner who slaughtered white women and children is a Hero. I told everyone in 2008 the Negroes called Obama the revenge of Nat Turner. I had some of them attack me for saying it. Well I was right.
Hannity just played Trump’s audio recording. It’s funny as Hell. It’s TRUE. I can’t stand hypocrites. Male or female ones. Women have paraded in front of wealthy, powerful men, FOR EVER, in order to Get Gibs.
Someone on another site also said it was more funny than anything else.
What was Hannity’s reaction?
Sigh. There is an element of Clutching the Pearls. Every-one is expressing Mock Outrage. He is defending Trump, though. He’s had some regular Jew commentor, some fat Doug guy, and Jew Sekulow, the “conservative” Tea Party Jew lawyer. They are the MOST horrified and outraged.
The BEST part – because life is a tapestry of plush irony – if that the Negress who is “Formerly Bernie Sanders Racial Justice Something or Rather” had the BEST comments. She was totally down to earth, and said, and this is GREAT, “If Hillary Clinton is the Black Woman she says she is, why hasn’t she put Bill OUT?”, and then expanded on the topic.
WELL done.
Trump is about to make a Video Statement.
I’m trying to get a groundswell going on Twitter. to have Trump bring Kathy Shelton to his debate as his guest.
Kathy Shelton?
I googled the name.
Yeah, she would be a good guest.
Tweet to him.
Offended Ryan drops Trump from event.
“I am sickened by what I heard today. Women are to be championed and revered, not objectified. I hope Mr. Trump treats this situation with the seriousness it deserves and works to demonstrate to the country that he has greater respect for women than this clip suggests. In the meantime, he is no longer attending tomorrow’s event in Wisconsin,” Ryan stated in a press release.
This was supposed to be an event to unify factions.
But, Ryan threw gasoline on the fire instead of trying to put the flames out.
Let’s not forget that Ryan funded Sanctuary Cities for Obama and caved on everything in the Omnibus bill.
Major cuck Ryan also wants to flood us with more Muslims and wants amnesty.
He is not concerned about the brutal crimes committed by Muzzies and Latinos who fill our prisons but he is so offended by Trump’s lewd comments.
He also has been working behind the scenes for a run at the next Prez election in 2020.
Look at the Header pic on Nigger worshipping Jew Ryans’s Twitter feed
Yeah, that’s Ryan through and through.
I have called his offices in the past .
I will call again Monday telling him how much I hate his freakin’ guts.
The GOPe and also Priebus could not wait to stab Trump in the back.
Perfect October Surprise by the uniparty just in time to eff us over.
Good for you. Make those calls
Also try to confront Paul Ryan in person.
Ugh, what a politically-correct pandering faggot Pauline Ryan is. Too bad that mob of voodoo swamp-zombies didn’t start eating him, like a scene from Night of the Living Coons.
They will. It’s only a matter of time. And he’ll love it.
This kind of backstabbing, always done in the name of “principle”, is not new to the GOP. It was done to Joe McCarthy, Barry Goldwater, Richard Nixon and now Donald Trump. The GOP establishment can always be counted on to attack one of their own whenever he gets in trouble with our worst enemies.
Wish someone would do a remake of the original 1915 version of “The Birth of a Nation”. And do a pro-white version of Nat Turner and his murderous thugs:
“Since the commencement of 1830, I had been living with Mr. Joseph Travis, who was to me a kind master, and placed the greatest confidence in me; in fact, I had no cause to complain of his treatment to me…” The Confessions of Nat Turner
On Aug 21st 1831, Nat Turner and seven other slaves on the plantation killed Joseph Travis and his family while they slept. They set off on a campaign of brutal murders along the countryside, picking up slave recruits as they progressed from plantation to plantation. Turner and his fellow escapees moved through Southampton County toward Jerusalem, the county seat, where they were intent on seizing the armory…
In an article (3 years ago) over at Daily Mail it states that Bill Clinton told Gennifer Flowers that Hillary is bisexual.
“EXCLUSIVE: Two decades after her affair with Bill Clinton, Gennifer
Flowers reveals they’d be together now if it wasn’t for Chelsea and how
former president confided in her that Hillary was bisexual”
“Bisexual” always means queer.
Actually, a pretty good response.
Too bad Ryan chose to knife him in the back instead of just shutting up.
What should Trump do at the debate?
Blast Hillary for all her and Bill’s hypocrisy or humbly address the viewers with hat in hand?
Listen: Donald Trump Releases Statement Following Release of 2005 Lewd Audio
He needs to go medieval now. His back is to the wall.
What’s up with birth of nation? Your nation Dixie’s history is full of negros. why re you getting wold. you bedded and coddled all blacks.Jack Ryan and other southern nut cases are typical wussy pussiess who loves to take Jew and negro dicks up their asses also loves to bed all other mestizos but hate real white men especially if they are up Yankee areas.